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A Duchess Enraged

Page 13

by Alicia Quigley

  "Don't fuss with it," said Adam. "You look adorable, all rosy and wanton from my love-making. Come Allegra, there's nothing to be worried about."

  "Nothing except that two nights ago you lay with Lady Manning, and now, in her absence, you are attempting to lay with me," said Allegra sharply.

  Adam now looked distinctly annoyed. "Allegra, this is nonsense. Lady Manning has no bearing on your position as my wife."

  "But she has a bearing on my dignity. I will not have you coming from her bed to mine," said Allegra firmly. She turned to look at Adam and almost softened at the troubled look in his green eyes.

  "Allegra, you can't mean this. When you kissed me I could tell that you enjoyed it. Surely you want to be truly my wife, to have babes..."

  "I want to be able to respect you and myself as well, Adam, and I cannot believe myself able to do so in this situation."

  Adam now moved his arm and sat up next to her. His thigh rested again Allegra's, and she found it disturbing. She stood up, appalled to see that her breast was still protruding from her undergarments, and hastily buttoned her riding habit.

  "Now you are being missish," said Adam. "That is something I hadn't expected of you. Surely you don't mean to deny me your bed simply because I have had other women?"

  "Is this other woman then in the past?" asked Allegra.

  Adam flushed and looked away.

  "Of course not! I will not be treated so!" Allegra spoke very firmly.

  "Allegra, you are behaving foolishly," said Adam. "For you to even discuss Lady Manning with me is reprehensible; for you to make demands on me is even more vulgar."

  Allegra could take no more. She had come to think more highly of her husband over the past day or so, and now he was chastising her for being unwilling to share him with his mistress. Her anger rose.

  "I will not stay here to discuss this with you. Help me to mount my horse instantly!" she demanded. She marched over to her horse and stood by it.

  Adam began to laugh. "Allegra, surely you cannot think that I will let you run from me."

  "I am not running, my lord. I am going back to the house. Help me to mount!"

  Adam reached her side and stood looking down on her. "To help you mount, I must touch you."

  Allegra stamped her foot. "Help me to mount immediately," she said fiercely.

  Adam threw her into the saddle, watching her troubled eyes and the soft mouth now set in an extremely firm line. She no longer seemed so kissable. Allegra took the reins and turned her horse, heading back to Gravesmere House at a gallop.

  Chapter 11

  A Cat with Cream

  Adam followed her at a distance, pondering the vagaries of his wife. Her preoccupation with his mistress he could only feel was most inappropriate. Surely, as long as he did not publicly embarrass her, it was none of her business. But when he thought of Louisa, he was surprised that the warm rush of emotion he was used to feeling did not appear; instead, there was a strange sense of regret and even discomfort. He shook his head. Louisa was his love; Allegra his wife. He found his wife desirable because she was beautiful and he also needed to beget an heir with her, but surely Louisa was the woman he put above all others?

  That evening was strained. Allegra appeared at dinner much subdued. As always, she looked beautiful, but her eyes were puffy, as though she had been crying. Adam, likewise, had little to say. His thoughts apparently ran quite differently than the conversation, and more than once he answered a question from his mother seemingly at random. Emily teased the two for having worn themselves out on their afternoon's ride; this sally brought a blush from Allegra and a worried shake of his head from Adam. The Dowager subsided into silence, and the meal was completed in that state. Immediately afterwards Allegra fled upstairs, pleading a headache.

  Emily turned to her son with a worried expression. "What's the matter with Allegra?"

  Adam turned a bland face to her. "I believe she said she had a headache."

  "Don't be foolish, Adam," said Emily. "You and I are both aware that Allegra never has headaches unless she is unhappy about something. This is very distressing; I had hoped after yesterday that the two of you had come to some sort of an understanding. What did you do to upset her this afternoon?"

  "I did nothing to upset her, Mama," said Adam, anger creeping into his voice. "Why do you presume that this is my fault, when you are as aware as I am that Allegra is annoyingly flighty?"

  "Allegra is not flighty, Adam. She has high spirits and a great deal of pride, but she does become testy without cause. Now tell me what happened between you."

  Adam paced up and down the carpet. It had been trying enough to discuss Louisa with his wife that afternoon; it would be utterly insupportable to have to discuss her with his mother.

  "Nothing happened, Mother. She simply became annoyed with me for no reason. I cannot fathom the workings of her mind."

  "This is about that woman you brought back from the Continent, isn't it?"

  Adam gaped at her. Not only were Allegra and all London privy to his secret, but it seemed his mother was as well.

  "Mother! I cannot imagine what you are talking about."

  "Well really, Adam, did you think me a fool?" said Emily tartly. "I have known about her for ages. Did you think Reverend Fitch was blind or that your father and I were not informed of your doings? Your father found the whole thing quite amusing, and I did not mind while you were on the Continent, but I really had hoped you would have had the sense to leave her there."

  "Mother, I cannot discuss this with you," said Adam. "It isn't as though she has anything to do with you."

  "I should hope not," said Emily. "As though I would have anything to do with a low-born hussy of that sort. Women of Lady Manning's stamp are precisely the reason we married you to Allegra before you left. I suppose you fancy yourself in love with this woman?"

  Adam frowned at his mother. He was appalled by the turn of the conversation, but her attitude bore in on him the differences between Allegra and Louisa. Clearly, his mother was utterly unwilling to accept someone like Louisa; it now seemed faintly ludicrous to him that he had ever considered her to be suitable as a wife. Somehow he couldn't see her having tea with his mother and her friends. Louisa, despite her obvious charms, had none of the style or cultivated manners of his mother. Or Allegra, he admitted reluctantly.

  "Of course you do," continued Emily. "But you are too embarrassed to discuss this with me. People today have no stomach for bluntness. Well, I will be straightforward. Allegra is your wife, and she is beautiful, charming, and well bred. It is far more important to deal well with your wife than with a casual love. I suggest you consider well the value of each woman and make the rational decision. And now, Adam, I too am going to bed."

  Emily swept out of the room in a flurry of satin skirts, leaving Adam standing in the middle of the room, feeling rather foolish. He poured himself a brandy and flung himself into a chair. He had a great deal to think about.

  An hour later Allegra sat in her room, watching the candles burn down. She had dismissed her maid and undressed herself, but now found herself unable to sleep. She suffered from a combination of annoyance and embarrassment; annoyance that Adam would presume she would come so willingly to him, and embarrassment that she had spoken to him so frankly about a woman of whose very existence she was supposed to remain politely ignorant. He would doubtless consider her very forward now, if he had not done so already.

  What was it that had made her so contrary that afternoon? After all, it was not her place to worry about Adam's activities, as long as she was treated with respect. But somehow she could not feel she was respected as long as her husband expected her to share him without a murmur or complaint. She sighed. Why did it matter to her what Adam thought of her? Surely she had enough adulation from her many admirers? But somehow, that was not what she wanted. She wanted to be valued for herself, to be cherished by someone she could value in return.

  She jumped when there was a gentle
knock on her door. She was even further alarmed to realize that the sound came from the door connecting her room to Adam's. She stared at the door in trepidation. She could pretend to be asleep, she realized, but the situation would still have faced eventually. The knock came again.

  "Come in," said Allegra, with a quick glance in the mirror to make sure she looked tidy. A fearful face ringed with tumbled curls peered back at her.

  The door opened and Adam entered. He wore a dark silk robe that tied at the waist, and the sleek muscles of his chest were clearly visible at the vee of the neck. Allegra tore her eyes from his exposed skin and looked up at his face. She was relieved to see no anger in his green eyes. Instead, he looked almost nervous.

  "Adam," she said, her voice unexpectedly high. "What a surprise."

  Adam stood awkwardly by the door. He was taken aback by how lovely Allegra looked in her peignoir. Its simple lines showed very clearly her delicate curves, and she shone like a candle flame in the dim light. He found suddenly that his thoughts to be less organized than he had originally believed.

  "Good evening, Allegra," he said. "I came to see if you were feeling better."

  "What? Oh! My headache! Yes, my lord, I'm feeling better. I'm sorry if I worried you." Allegra pulled the bedclothes up to her chin.

  "Not at all." Adam shifted his weight uncomfortably. He was accustomed to knowing precisely what to do in a lady's bedroom. "I merely wished to be certain that you didn't wish for anything."

  "No, I'm quite content. But I thank you for your concern."

  The two of them looked at each other for a moment in silence. Adam took a step towards her.

  "Allegra, we could deal together much better than this," he said.

  "My lord, I am sorry if you think me very forward," said Allegra. "I didn't mean to offend you this afternoon. It is just that I..." her voice trailed off. She didn't know how to properly express her feelings, as she didn't quite know what they were.

  "You do not need to concern yourself with Lady Manning," said Adam. "I will take care of that."

  Allegra's eyes met his, surprise and a touch of hope dawning at the back of them. "How will you take care of it?

  dam sighed. "Really, Allegra, your interest in this matter is almost unseemly. I will tell Lady Manning that her services are no longer required."

  "Oh." Allegra bit her lip and Adam watched her, remembering the kisses they had shared that afternoon and felt himself grow immediately hard. He had to have her, he thought wildly. If he didn't, he would surely lose his mind.

  "You won't cast her off without any money, will you?"

  Adam started. While Allegra had been pondering, his mind had long since undressed her and spread her out on the satin coverlet, his hands stroking her body and seeking the warmth between her legs. "What?" he demanded impatiently.

  Allegra gave him a curious look. "I only meant that while I cannot like her, she doesn't deserve to be left penniless. Surely you will make certain that she's comfortable?"

  Adam laughed reluctantly. Only Allegra would demand that he cast off his mistress and then fret over whether or not she had been properly provided for. "She will want for nothing," he promised.

  "Good." Allegra smiled up at him sunnily. "Thank you, Adam. I know you think I'm very silly, but I couldn't be comfortable as long as she was a part of your life. I'll sleep much better now." She slid down under the lacy sheets and nestled into her pillow.

  "What are you doing?" demanded Adam.

  Allegra jumped. "Going to sleep. You've made my mind much easier now. Thank you again."

  "Going to sleep?" Adam roared the words in an outraged tone, forgetting his nervousness, and strode over to the bedside. "What the hell do you mean, you're going to sleep?"

  Allegra's eyes opened very wide, surprise and alarm reflected in them. "It's long after midnight, Adam. I promised to visit the foal again the morning. I thought I would sleep now."

  "You're not going anywhere in the morning until I say you can," Adam declared. "And you're not going to get much sleep tonight." He sat down on the bed and reached across, grabbing Allegra's wrist in his big hand. "Do you understand me?"

  "Adam, what's the matter? Did I do something wrong?" Allegra looked down at his hand in surprise, and he quickly relaxed his grip.

  "No, you're not doing anything wrong. As a matter of fact, everything looks just about right. But if you think I'm going to go back to my room and let you get your beauty rest, you're sadly mistaken."

  Allegra looked up into his face, understanding dawning in her eyes. "Oh, you you think that's wise, Adam? Just a few days ago we were at each other's throats. Shouldn't we...well, wait a little while?" Her voice trailed off at the expression of stark desire that came over his face.

  "No, I don't think that would be wise," he ground out. "I think I will be a raving madman if I have to wait for you much longer. Do you have any idea what you do to me?"

  Allegra blinked. "Well, I always feel quite strange when I'm around you. Almost as though I can't catch my breath and the ground is falling away from my feet. Is that what you mean?"

  "Something like that," muttered Adam, fighting back the urge to seize the neckline of her negligee and rip it open. "Here, let me show you."

  Before Allegra could say another word he snatched her up in his arms, pulling her from under the cover of the bedclothes and crushing her against his chest. She felt the hardness of his chest against her soft breasts, their skin separated only by two thin layers of linen and silk, and she let out a tiny sound.

  "This is what I was trying to say, Allegra," said Adam, and his lips closed over hers, not gently this time at all, but fiercely, demanding a response. For one wild moment Allegra felt panicked, as though she was drowning in the strange sensations Adam aroused in her, and then she capitulated, her body growing pliant, her hands sliding slowly up his body until her arms encircled his neck and she pulled him towards her. The lessons he had taught her that afternoon had been well learned, and she returned his kisses with an intensity that both charmed and alarmed him. Her bewitching passion was a marvelous surprise in an innocent woman, but he feared he would be swept away by it, and it was important that this first time bring her pleasure as well. He took a ragged breath.

  "Is something wrong?" asked Allegra, her eyes already heavy with passion. Overcome by unexplained needs, she pushed at his robe, slipping it off his shoulders and running a gentle fingertip over his bare skin.

  "No, nothing." Adam seized her hand and held it. Where she had touched him he felt a trail of fire. "But we have to slow down."

  Allegra pouted. "Why?"

  "You'll see." Adam scooped her up into his arms and deposited her against the embroidered pillows piled against the headboard of the bed. He stood up, pulling his robe off hastily, and then turned back to the bed. Allegra rested against the white linen like a sinful angel, her dainty gown hiked up past her knees, her tousled curls forming a halo around her piquant face. He could see through the delicate lace of her bodice that her nipples were already hard, and he drew a shuddering breath. Then he saw that she was watching him, her blue eyes full of interest and a touch of alarm.

  "You''re very beautiful, Adam," she murmured, her voice full of both invitation and apprehension.

  Adam paused a moment, letting her look her fill. He was accustomed to being admired by ladies, and proud of his body, knowing how much pleasure it could give and how he enjoyed receiving pleasure in return. Allegra's eyes roved over him, admiring his strong thighs, muscular arms, and broad shoulders, finally coming to rest on his impressive erection. They widened.

  "It's all right, darling. It will be marvelous," Adam promised, guessing her thoughts. "You'll see."

  Allegra licked her lips nervously. "If you say so," she murmured.

  Adam laughed and came down on the bed next to her, lounging easily on the satin coverlet. He grasped one delicate ankle in his hand and caressed the inside of it gently. Allegra shivered.

  "You're so wonderfully sensitive," said Adam. "All over, I imagine. Shall we find out?"

  Allegra hesitated a moment, and then nodded. Adam slid his hand up her calf to her knee, and then touched the hem of her gown. "This has to come off. Do you mind?"

  Allegra shook her head but didn't move, and Adam rose up on his knees in one swift motion, seizing her gown in both hands, and urging it up past her hips and over her head. Allegra gave a tiny gasp of surprise to find herself totally naked, but Adam grasped her wrists before she could move to cover herself.

  "I let you look at me," he said he in a slightly scolding tone. Allegra made a small protesting noise, but then fell back against the pillows again. Adam released her wrists slowly and sat back on his heels, gazing at his wife in surprised wonderment. She was absolutely perfect, he thought with a touch of awe. Her slender legs, the tender golden curls that nestled between them, the slight roundness of her belly, and her gently flaring hips took his breath away. He looked higher, to her startled blue eyes and slightly-parted lips, still wet from his kisses, and then to where her rounded breasts trembled with her hurried breathing. The ripe pink nipples were erect, drawing him like a magnet. He reached out gently and touched one, then circled it gently with his thumb.

  "Are you nervous?" he asked.

  "A little," admitted Allegra. It felt so strange to be naked in front of a man, yet somehow she wasn't totally uncomfortable, as though this was a natural state between herself and Adam. She shivered as a bolt of sensation and desire shot from his hand on her breast to the dampness between her legs.

  "What else do you feel?" He wondered why he was asking her the question. Usually his primary interest when he was in bed with a beautiful woman was bringing both of them the greatest possible pleasure, not discussing her feelings.

  Allegra shook her head as he raised his free hand to her breast and touched her other nipple, rolling them gently between his fingers. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out as she reveled in the pulsing need that suddenly surged through her.


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