Diamond B!tch

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Diamond B!tch Page 4

by Michelle Brown

  Reaching out I take his hand, this is a huge contrast to the Elis from earlier today, my mind is trying to process everything at once. Glancing over at the woman, Melissa, I shudder. I don’t know what happened to her to want to die.

  “Don’t worry about her. How about if I have someone take her body away, would that make this easier Amalia?” Elis questions.

  Jerking my head, I nod, but I don’t speak. It may not be much, this is one thing they can’t force me to do so, for now, I will keep my words to myself. Pulling out a phone from his pocket, Elis sends a message to someone. Turning back to me, he leads me to the small bed in the corner. What is with them and their beds? Motioning for me to move up the bed, I’m not surprised when he pulls out a set of cuffs clasping one cuff to my wrist and the other to the metal frame.

  “Why are you here Amalia?” he asks, running his hands through his hair.

  He almost seems concerned. I don’t understand why he would even care since he didn’t three years ago, hell even a few hours ago when he watched someone rape me. Glaring at him, I gather as much strength as I can slapping him with my free hand.

  “What the fuck! I didn’t want to hurt you but if that’s how it is then fine!” he scoffs.

  Laughing, I retort, “Didn’t want to hurt me? Look at me Elis, I’m cuffed to a bed after you watch someone rape me, which isn’t the first time he has today.”

  Shifting his eyes away, he hesitates, finding his words, “I didn’t know it was you until earlier. I can’t, I won’t let you go though. I need Rosalina to suffer for her father throwing me out of the family the way he did. She never cared what happened to me, for all she knows I could have died. You just happen to be the one to take her place.”

  Shaking my head, I look away from him, “You could let me go. You are choosing not to. No matter what you say, it makes you as bad as the rest of them.”

  “Kitten…” he starts.

  I interject before he can go any further, “Don’t call me that. I haven’t been your Kitten for years. You threw me to the side then. Now I want you to leave. I don’t need you here, it’s not like you are here to help me.”

  A knock on the door breaks the silence, a young man walks in. I’m guessing for the body as I see he is fighting the urge to heave as he walks to her. That makes two of us buddy. Turning away from Elis, I go back to looking at the wall. He lets out a sigh, giving me what I asked for, Elis walks out of the room. The silence is deafening. I think I would rather have the dead girl in here with me, at least that way I wouldn’t be alone.


  The quiet is starting to get to me. It’s getting darker outside, and no one has been back for me since they moved me back into my room. Closing my eyes, I try to get some sleep, but it’s impossible with the blinding lights they decide to turn on.

  My eyes have gotten used to the light when it goes off again, repeating over and over again for hours. I’m going crazy. There is no warmth in this prison. Only the bland white walls and cement floor are my company. The door opening brings me back to reality. I have been here for hours — awake, cold, and lonely— I’ll take it over being around these men any day. It’s Dmitri who walks in.

  The grin on his face tells me that I should be terrified. “Elis tells me you aren’t Rosalina.”

  Closing my eyes, I mask my face with the one I often wear — some call it my bitch face. Shrugging, I don’t make any move to stand. I should have known Elis would tell them. He is working with Ruslan which tells me he is a fucking traitor to my uncle.

  “Come here.”

  Leaning back against the headboard, I smile at his apparent delusions if he thinks I’d willingly walk to my death. A shrill sound of an alarm goes off halting his words. The man, who has been guarding the door, bursts in a worried look on his face as he speaks to Dmitri in Russian and running back out of the room. Dmitri marches over to me wrapping his large hand around my arm and pulling me to my feet.

  “What’s wrong? Did your wife find out about us and now she’s come to castrate you?” I muse, hoping that my father surprised me by coming for me.

  Dmitri pushes me to the middle of the room, holding me in place with his hand at my throat. Someone is here. I just don’t know whether it’s friend or foe. The man rushes back inside speaking animatedly to Dmitri. I can only catch bits of what he is saying though. I hear the words ona, and strelyat, which mean her and shoot in Russian. I can hear the panic in his voice. Whoever it is, came in guns blazing — I just hope I’m not caught in the crossfire.

  “Don’t let her get away,” Dmitri commands the man, shoving me towards him as he moves to the side of the small room.

  “Using a woman as a body shield is a sign of a weak man, you know,” I mutter, the man takes that moment to backhand me across the face.

  Grabbing my hair, he pulls me to my feet. I scream from the pain. I hope it draws the attention of whoever is here to me; let’s just hope they are here to save me. Minutes later, I can hear someone at the door.

  Whispering to the man behind me, “You know I’m going to kill you, right? The first chance I get I’m going to take that knife and drive it into your skull.”

  Tightening his hold, I feel the blade digging into my skin. The knob begins to turn, everyone holding their breath for what waits for us when it opens. The first set of eyes I meet belong to Rosalina. I’m shocked that she is here, here for me. I never expected she would be the one to come if anyone came at all. Giving her a slight smirk, I wait for her to take the hint that I need just a minute before she shoots the man behind me. I trust her skills, she is probably the only person I trust as much as myself. If you tell her that then, I’ll shoot you.

  “Polozhite pushki vniz. Polozhite pushki vniz,” the man screeches.

  I guess that meant to put the guns down because Rosalina places hers down. In the corner of my eye, I could see that Anthony came in with her and is confused by her doing what he asked.

  “Just do it. Trust me,” Rosalina says, as I read her lips.

  Looking towards the man that still has the knife at my throat, Rosalina holds up her hands waiting. I didn’t give them long to wait long. As soon as he gets overconfident with their guns on the floor, he lowers the blade. Acting as if I’m was going to make a run for it, I throw my head back hitting him across the nose. While he clutches his hand to the dripping mess on his face, the knife clatters to the floor. Dropping to my knees, I grabbed the knife and turned wielding the blade straight up under his chin.

  I barely have time to grasp what is happening before I hear a gunshot. A grunt from the other side of the room lets me know someone hit his target. Both Anthony and Rosalina walk over to Dmitri. I know they can aim better than that so there must be some reason he’s still alive.

  “Pozhaluysta, don-don’t,” Dmitri rasps out, trying to stop the blood oozing out of his side, I don’t feel the least bit sorry for him.

  Pressing his boot into Dmitri’s side, Anthony leans down. I have no clue what he’s doing, but I don’t say a word. Smiling wickedly, Anthony pats the snake’s face.

  “Amalia, did they tie you up? Beat you? Rape you?”

  I’ve noticed a change in him, wearily I reply, “Si.”

  That word alone has sealed his fate, even the Dmitri knows that.

  “Amor, you won’t want to see this. Take your prima, and find the others. I’ll be along shortly,” Anthony says looking between Rosalina and me.

  “Vamos,” she says, grabbing my hand pulling me along.

  Entering the hallway, we make our way towards the direction of the other room. I hear the cries of pain before we ever make it to the room. Rosalina rushes into the room, I see a man on the floor, blood surrounds his body like a halo. He isn’t the only dead body in the place; I count a total of four others, but none of them are Nico.

  “Senora, Sergio is dead,” Nico tells her motioning to one of the bodies.

  He is carrying a woman in his arms away from chains that are wrapped around a metal p
ole that goes from floor to ceiling. I’m standing by the door, shaking. My eyes haven’t left the spot on the floor where her blood fell. The stain is still there. The one who cleaned up didn’t do a good job. I won’t ever go back into that room.

  Turning back to Nico, Rosalina asks, “¿Quién es ese?” The sudden noise startling me.

  He doesn’t answer, I do instead still staring at the floor stain, “Su Nombre es Amy. She was here already when they brought me to… ¿dónde estamos?”

  Directing me to go to the vehicle with Nico and the other man standing who is next to the SUV, she goes off in search of Anthony. Handing me a backpack I open it to see clothes for me. Tugging on the yoga pants and the tee shirt I feel better now that I’m not naked.


  Walking out with Nico and Amy, I don’t speak. I don’t know what to say. I never expected anyone to save me. I haven’t really been saved. I left myself in that room, it seeped out of me like Melissa’s blood left her body — slowly dripping onto the cold floor, a stain on my soul that no one can wash away.

  Piling into the car, Amy sits in what I’m guessing was the dead man’s seat, the one Nico mentioned in that room. I’m on autopilot, my movements aren’t my own. No, Nico takes it upon himself to decide where I will be all on his own. Pulling me on top of his lap, I can feel his hand running up and down my back, pulling me into a memory. For a few minutes, I’m back in that room with Dmitri plunging into me, forcing me to enjoy the way he made my body feel.

  “Stop. Don’t touch me.”

  Dropping his hand, Nico whispers, “Princesa, it’s just me. No one will hurt you again when I’m around, entiendes?”

  Wiping the tear threatening to fall, I mutter to myself, “What happens when you leave me too?”

  We haven’t been driving long when the man driving parks next to a plane giving me the out I need to distance myself from everyone. When he turns off the car, I scramble off of Nico, walking as fast I can. I am halted by the hand on my arm. I expect for it to be Nico, but it’s not, the other guy is looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.

  “Senorita, you are not to blame for anything that happened in that place. You will get through this,” he reminds me.

  “What’s your name?” I question, wondering who he is.

  “Abraham,” he offers.

  I can see Nico coming closer to us, his face showing his displeasure at the way Abraham is holding onto my hand. “Listen, Abraham, thank you, but you don’t know what happened in there. You never will so save your sympathy for the person who asks for it.”

  Rosalina and Anthony are talking to a man next to the vehicle. Amy is leaving with the unknown man as they make their way over to us.

  Nico has just opened his mouth to speak when Rosalina cuts in, “Amalia, do you want to have Martin drop you off at your father’s home?”

  Before I can respond to her, Nico answers for me, “No, senorita. Ella va a ir conmigo.”

  Glancing back at me for confirmation, I just nod in acceptance. I won’t argue with Nico over this. Rosalina will just coddle me and tell me it isn’t my fault. We make our way to the plane since we have a long flight back home, their home —not mine, I don’t exactly have a home. Nico is acting like I’m his responsibility, fastening my belt for takeoff and telling me that I should stay away from Abraham, something about how he isn’t good enough for me.

  I don’t say a word. I have nothing to say, not to Nico and not to anyone else on this plane. As soon as the pilot turns off the seat belt light, I get up making my way to one of the bedrooms at the back of the plane. I can hear someone behind me. Nico, I’m sure.


  Sliding the yoga pants I was given down my legs, I don’t acknowledge Nico standing next to the door. I need a shower. I need to wash the filth off of me. When I inhale, I can smell both Dmitri and Elis, it’s like they are still here —almost as if they are embedded in my skin.

  “What? Are you going to watch me shower Rivera?” I question, his eyes tracking my movements.

  I have no underwear on, I don’t mind him seeing me. It’s not like he will hurt me the way they did. Pulling the shirt over my head, I hear his breathing pick up.

  Clearing his throat, Nico rasps, “I’ll be out here while you shower.”

  Turning the water as hot as I can manage, I step inside of the scalding stream. I feel the need to burn away every trace of Dmitri from my body —I don’t think my mind will ever be clean. I have been reliving each second of it this entire flight. The way Dmitri commanded my body, the life seeping out of that woman, and the way Elis stood by as they ripped apart my walls. My greatest fear has always been being alone. With the hours I spent cold, afraid, and alone it’s a wonder I didn’t go insane.

  Scrubbing as hard as I can, I wash and scrub until all that is left is the angry red skin. Dropping down, I bring my knees to my chest as the tears mix with the scalding water. I hear the door to the bathroom open, and it causes me to flinch and fight against the hands gripping my shoulders.

  “Princesa! Why are you torturing yourself with this?” Nico asks, turning the water to a reasonable level.

  Pushing him away with the little strength I have, I stand to grab a towel from the small rack and wrap it around myself. “Don’t. Just don’t, I can’t take the pity.”

  Drying as quickly as I can, I throw the clothes back on and make my way back to the chair I was sitting in. Not long after I sit, Nico slams the door shut, taking his seat next to me without a word. I can feel the tension, thick, and hanging in the air. I’m sure Anthony feels it too from the look he shoots our way.

  Getting off the plane in what I think is Germany, we are all left standing around waiting as the man I don’t know leaves. Rosalina is the one to finally break the silence, “Amalia, do you feel up to staying in Germany for our wedding or do you want to go straight home.”

  I don’t say a word, I don’t know what to say. Would I want to be at her wedding? Sure, I just can’t pretend to be alright that long.

  “Nico, take her to the house in Australia. Amalia knows where it is,” she commands.

  “Si, Jefa,” Nico nods his acceptance at her instructions.

  I know she can tell I don’t want to go there. That’s where Elis destroyed me for the first time. The last time was in that place, I never want to be there again. Before I can tell them I won’t stay there, Rosalina turns walking away.

  Wrapping my arms around myself, I board the plane taking the same seat I just left minutes ago. I just want to be alone. Nico didn’t get that message it seems since he takes the spot next to me even when there are six other options.

  “How did you find me?” I question Nico.

  Sighing, he looks at me, “We saw the video footage of two men coming in and taking you. They work for a man named Vassli Ruslan. I have contacts, and they lead us to where you were.”

  I have more questions than answers, but for now, this is enough to ease my mind a bit.


  I’ve been semi-hard ever since we saw her in that fucking Russian’s home. I don’t know what I was thinking; she had marks on her wrist and ankles from where she had been strapped down. She was naked and gorgeous, despite looking so beaten down. I wanted to make them all bleed, make them all pay for even looking at her. I wanted to destroy them for all the vile things they did to her.

  When she walked into this room, I followed behind like a puppy trailing after its owner. I wasn’t expecting her to strip in front of me though. It took every ounce of willpower not to devour her body, especially with her sultry voice asking if I’m going to watch her shower. Of course, I would if it was acceptable. I’m a man, and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Now I’m here sitting on the bed while she is just a mere twenty feet away and wet from a shower.

  I can hear something coming from the bathroom she is in. It sounds as if she is crying. Mustering as much bravado as I can, I open the door just enough to see her on the shower floor with her knees pu
lled to her chest. She needs me. No, she may not need me the same way I do her, but she needs someone to tell her this isn’t her fault. No matter what she thinks, all of this falls on Ruslan and his men.

  Gripping her shoulders, I try to pull her from the scalding water. “Princesa! Why are you torturing yourself with this?” I ask turning the water to a reasonable level.

  Pushing me away as best she can, Amalia stands to grab a towel from the small rack and wraps it around herself. “Don’t. Just don’t, I can’t take the pity.”

  Pity? I don’t pity her. If anything I am seething for the chance to kill those men all over again this time taking my time to make them suffer. Slamming the door shut, I take my seat next to her without a word. I know Ruslan got away. I will find him, and whether the Council likes it or not, I will murder him.


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