Diamond B!tch

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Diamond B!tch Page 5

by Michelle Brown


  I’m stuck on this plane with him for twenty hours. I’m so tired that I just want to sleep. Once the pilot turns off that seatbelt sign, I make my way to the room I showered in earlier. Laying down, I start humming to myself. My aunt would sing to me when I was a little girl and was scared. Ever since then, music has calmed me.

  Closing my eyes, I slowly start to fall asleep when I feel the bed shift. Memories of Dmitri invade my mind causing me to scream out until I realize it’s only Nico. Smoothing my hair with his hand, I hear him humming Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I don’t try to hide my tears anymore. Nico stays with me, humming in my ear as I fall asleep.

  Waking with a jolt, I see that the spot next to me is empty. He left me. Getting to my feet, I stretch and walk out of the small room to find Nico seated in the common area. He glances up at me, neither of us speaks. Sitting as far from him as I can, I look at the small clock resting on the bar. We only have about one hour left in flight. I don’t understand how I slept over fifteen hours.

  A cough breaks my trance, holding out a coffee cup is Nico. “Here.”

  Wrapping my hand around the hot mug, I bring it to my lips taking a tentative sip —black coffee— I should have known he wasn’t one for sugar and cream. Finishing the drink, I set the cup down on the small table in front of me, bringing my knees to my chest.

  “You don’t have to babysit me, you know. I’ll be alright,” my voice thick. I stare at the spot just beside his handsome face.

  I can hear his teeth grinding together, his hand is gripping the armrest so tightly that I’m surprised it doesn’t break. Nico says nothing. Instead, he sighs and picks up his phone.

  The ding of the seatbelt sign cuts into the silence like a knife, the tension so thick it’s suffocating. Nico powers down his phone, tossing it into the chair next to him and meeting my gaze.

  “I ordered some clothes for you. A few dresses and some underwear for you to wear until you feel like going out. I guessed on the size, but I think I got close.” He tells me, clearing his throat.

  I look like a fish I’m sure, I can’t find the words I want to say, so I settle for a whispered, “Thank you.”

  We are landing in the place I ran from, never intending to come back. It’s strange being here after what Elis did. I hope I never see him again, yet at the same time, I want to just so I can kill him. I’m on autopilot getting into the car, at least Nico seems to know the way. When we pull into the drive, I gasp, it looks exactly the same. The lawn is being cared for, it even looks like it has been repainted, the cream yellow and grey shutters are flawless. Tentatively, I slide out of the seat, my feet touching down on the paved driveway —acting on their own and taking me to the front door.

  Nico unlocks the door, directing me to remain behind him as he pulls out a gun from behind his back. He glances in every room —like they do on the movies— making sure we are alone. I can’t imagine anyone would ever come here. I walk into the living room as he walks down the hallway. Looking around, I think of all the times Elis and I cuddled on the couch, cooked dinner, made love, and the way he looked into my eyes as someone raped me. Screaming, I rake my hand along the TV stand, figurines and DVDs litter the floor, but it’s not enough. Nico’s strong arms wrap around my waist causing me to burst into tears. I know I need to be stronger than this, I just don’t think I can.

  I hear Nico whispering to me. “It’s alright Princesa. I’m here, and I won’t let anyone hurt you.”


  I wake up in a familiar room. The light from the hallway peeking in through the cracked door beckons me. The light snoring draws my attention to the couch where Nico is sprawled out with his feet over the edge. It wasn’t meant for someone of his size.

  Tiptoeing to the kitchen, I open the refrigerator looking for something to eat. Pulling out a bag of carrots, I turn and see Nico leaning on the counter in front of me. I let out a small gasp, dropping the package on the floor. I didn’t hear him wake up or walk into the room.

  “Sorry, I'm not used to having to announce myself. Let me make you something to eat.”

  His deep voice causing me to shiver, but not from fear. Nodding, I make my way around the island to sit in the stool. Nico is moving around the kitchen as if he was made for it. A few minutes later, he slides a plate across the island. An omelet. He made me an omelet. Cutting into it, I take a bite, moaning from the delicious taste.

  Clearing his throat, Nico begins to clear up the dishes. “Want to tell me what that was earlier?”

  Taking a sip from the water bottle he handed me, I look down at my hands, trying to think of how to tell him about Elis. “I lived here with my boyfriend a few years ago, he was also Rosalina’s boyfriend.” I let out a dry laugh, “He was also one of the men in Russia.”

  Glass shattering draws my attention, Nico is pacing the room. The glass was his plate meeting the wall. He’s mumbling to himself —I’ll kill him, he won’t ever come near you again.

  Slapping my hand down on the countertop, Nico turns to look at me, his eyes full of torment, “You won’t touch him. If anyone gets to kill him, it will be me. Entiendes?”

  Nico doesn’t answer. Instead, he walks away and slams the door behind him as he goes into the home gym. Placing my plate in the sink, I curl up on the couch, the scent of Nico calming me and easing me to sleep.

  The door closing wakes me causing me to freak out an roll onto the floor with a thud. “Ow, shit that hurt.”

  Nico can barely contain his laughter when he sees me on the floor, clutching my hip. “Estas Bien, Princesa?”

  Grabbing the edge of the coffee table, I use it to pull myself up. A whimper escapes me as I sit on the couch. Nico’s face turns serious as he walks into the kitchen and comes back with a bag of ice and water for my hip.

  “Why are you on the couch anyway? There is a bed in the other room,” he questions, raising my shirt enough to see my side.

  Wincing from the cold, I shrug, “I’m barely five foot two,” waving my hand in his direction, “You’re a freaking giant compared to me so, you should have the bed.”

  Shaking his head, Nico lifts me with ease carrying me to the room. Not that it isn’t hot, but I was serious about sleeping on the couch. He lays me on the edge of the bed and turns to walk out. “Wait.” Stopping, he looks over at me waiting for me to go on, “We can share the bed then. I promise I won’t take advantage of you.”

  Nodding, he walks out for a moment, coming back with a duffel bag, he goes into the attached bathroom. I can hear the shower turn on and a short while later he comes back and lays down next to me. The sound of his breathing is reassuring. I can’t sleep though. Not until I feel his arm wrap around my waist, do I feel safe enough to fall asleep.


  Waking up to the smell of breakfast cooking is unusual for me. For years, my daily routine has consisted of a cup of coffee and a yogurt. Nico must have woken up early. Pulling a clean shirt and pair of jeans from Rosalina’s drawer, I leave the room in search of food. When I enter the kitchen, I smile at Nico’s back. He is singing along to an Upon A Burning Body song that is playing on his phone.

  Without turning around, he asks, “Eggs and bacon?”

  “Sure,” I reply, pouring both of us coffee.

  I notice that there is a notebook with writing scrawled all over the page next to the stool. Glancing down, I see that Nico has outlined a month’s worth of training. It’s training for me; he hasn’t said a word about this to me. Nico coughs to get my attention, but I’m stuck on the words —running, self-defense, and shooting. Who am I, freaking G.I. Jane?

  “¿Que es esto?” I demand, shoving the notebook across the counter at him.

  Nico puts a plate of food in front of me, but he doesn’t answer. Instead, he sips his coffee. “You shouldn’t have been taken to begin with. At least this way, you will be able to have a fighting chance. I wouldn’t have to kill to save you again, Princesa.”

norting, I mumble, “You wouldn’t have to save me? No one even asked you to. I would have eventually gotten free.”

  Completely ignoring me, Nico drains his coffee and walks away to the gym. “Find me when you finish. We need to get started.”

  I hate being told what to do. Eating the food in front of me, I drink a second cup of coffee and leave to get a shower. I don’t lock the door; after being locked in a room for hours, I feel trapped and paranoid. Rinsing my hair, I scream when the curtain opens, and a hand grabs my wrist.

  Nico is standing there fuming. “I told you to meet me in the gym. This is the exact reason why. You couldn’t get away if I was someone meant to hurt you.”

  Rolling my eye, I turn off the water, "While I'm in the shower?"

  "Especially when you are in the shower. You are too vulnerable."

  "Okay, fine," I relent to his persistence. "Let me get dressed, and I'll meet you in the gym. Deal?"

  After I’ve gotten dressed in Rosalina’s workout clothes, I enter the gym to find Nico standing in the middle of the room holding a bamboo stick. Once I’m standing in front of him, Nico tells me that he is going to try to hit me with it. My job is to dodge it until he says to stop. Swinging it at my legs, I jump barely making it over the damn thing. I have no clue what this is going to do to help me, but I’ll try anything if it means I’m not a victim anymore. This is how the day goes on for hours. I’m running on the treadmill when he finally tells me we are done for the day. I’ve almost run three miles; I’m tired, sore and hungry.

  Once we have eaten dinner, Nico offers to watch a movie with me. It’s one of the few things that doesn’t remind me of Elis and Russia. Deciding to watch my favorite, Pride and Prejudice, I am curled up on the couch with him. I catch myself speaking the lines and force myself to stop. We continue watching the movie in silence, not once moving a limb.

  Nico has been staring at the same spot for over fifteen minutes. I know because I have been watching him since the movie ended. Touching his arm, I try to get his attention, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

  “Nico, hello? Nico, Earth to Nico,” I singsong.

  Whipping his head around to me, I pull my knees to my chest waiting for the news he has for me. That’s the same look my father had when my aunt and uncle died.

  “What… What’s wrong?” I ask my voice beginning to crack.

  Letting out a deep breath, Nico stands pacing the room, “Rosalina killed Elis back in Russia.”

  My mouth is in a permanent ‘O.’ I don’t know what to say or how I even feel. Closing my mouth, I feel the tears forming —I refuse to cry over him, Elis doesn’t deserve them. A broken sob escapes me anyway, these aren’t sad tears I realize but rather happy ones. He can’t hurt me anymore, not like he did in Russia. Looking up at Nico, I smile, practically grinning like a madman, I jump up and run into his arms. Nico is confused I’m sure when I burst into laughter; I feel lighter now. Hugging Nico close to me, I act on impulse crashing my lips to his.

  “Oh gosh! I’m sorry. Forget this ever happened. I never did that, say it. You never kissed me,” I demand, embarrassment causing my cheeks to heat.

  “You never kissed me,” Nico repeats, a strange look in his eyes.

  Turning away, I walk to the bedroom calling over my shoulder, “Goodnight.”


  I will never tell her, but I loathe these romance movies. Her favorite one especially. I don’t see how being an ass is considered romantic. I only watch them with her because I love to see her smile, she doesn’t do enough of that.

  The movie has ended, and I’ve been staring at the same spot for far too long for her not to notice. Touching my arm, she tries to get my attention, but I haven’t worked out how to tell her what I know.

  “Nico, hello? Nico, Earth to Nico,” Amalia singsongs.

  Whipping my head around to her, I see the look on her face that lets me know she can tell my news won’t be what she expects. “What… What’s wrong?” she asks, her voice beginning to crack.

  Letting out a deep breath, I stand, pacing the room, “Rosalina killed Elis back in Russia.”

  There; it’s done. Amalia deserved to know. That piece of shit holds her hostage in her memories.

  Her mouth is wide forming an ‘O.’ I don’t know what to do, or how she will take this. Closing her mouth, I see the tears forming, Elis doesn’t deserve them. Looking up at me, she smiles and my heart stops. Amalia jumps up and runs into my arms. I’m confused, I thought she was upset over this, but she isn’t. I just hope she doesn’t feel how hard being this close to her makes me. Hugging me close, Amalia surprises me by crashing her lips to mine. I don’t want her to stop. I want to devour her.

  “Oh gosh! I’m sorry. Forget this ever happened. I never did that, say it. You never kissed me,” Amalia demands, pulling away from me her cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

  “You never kissed me,” I repeat, a strange feeling overtaking me. I don’t want her ashamed, so I let her think I won’t remember this moment. The truth is it will forever remain playing on an endless loop in my mind.

  Turning away, she walks to the bedroom calling over her shoulder, “Goodnight.”

  Goodnight Princesa.

  I don’t know how she got under my skin so quickly, but I need to protect her anyway I can. I feel as if something terrible is lurking in the future. This is why I demanded she trains. As much as it kills me to have her so close and not taking her to bed, she needs to be able to defend herself somehow.


  This is our routine for next few weeks: breakfast, self-defense training, lunch, running, dinner and finally a movie. I’ve grown close to Nico in this short time, our nightly discussions over dinner have gotten beyond the typical small talk. I know that he became a contract killer when his mom was killed by someone his dad owed money to, and he was an only child. He, in turn, knows all about how my father is towards me. It makes me feel good that someone cares. Nico’s phone starts ringing, causing both of us to jump; we were deeply engrossed in a new self-defense show we recently found. Looking at his phone, I can tell whoever it is won’t be calling with good news.

  “¡Hola! Roman, cómo estás?” He answers, walking into the other room.

  Pausing the show, I wait. I hope nothing went wrong with Rosalina and Anthony’s wedding. I felt bad for not going, but I still don’t even want to leave the house. I’ve gotten better about sleeping. However, it could be the fact that Nico sleeps next to me, making me feel safer. Plus being able to defend myself better aids in my recovery.

  Ending his phone call, Nico sighs as he sits down next to me. “Your father wants you to go home. Soon, from what Roman says.”

  My father. The one who as far as I know, hasn’t called to check on me at all. Perhaps he has without me realizing, maybe he has been in touch with Rosalina or Nico and I didn’t know.

  “Does he know why?”

  Nico doesn’t meet my eyes. He is hiding something. In the past few weeks, I’ve picked up on his tells. I wait, but he doesn’t answer; instead, he stands grabbing his keys and walking out the door. I have no phone here and have not memorized anyone’s numbers since the early 2000’s. I won’t wait up for him and yet I can’t bring myself to finish our TV show without him. I’ve gotten close, too close to him. I shouldn’t have let it happen, but it did, and now I’m confused at my feelings. I’m not falling in love with Nico. That’s what I tell myself at least.

  Crawling into the bed, I lay there in the dark. I can’t sleep, I don’t hear his deep breathing, and I don’t feel the warmth of Nico's arms around me. Singing to myself, the way I’ve always done in the past to comfort myself, I begin to drift off.

  Waking up the next morning without Nico beside me shouldn’t hurt as much as it does. I get dressed and walk out expecting to find him cooking or drinking a cup of coffee, but he isn’t here. Grabbing a pen and a notebook, I write out a note in case he gets back before I do.

  Gone to town. I’ll be back with
lunch. -Amalia

  I look around one last time to be sure I have everything I need. Nico gave me a credit card last week in case I wanted to do any shopping on my own. I place it along with a set of house keys in the small purse I found in Rosalina’s closet. I need a phone of my own. That’s the reason for this outing, the only reason I’m finally leaving Rosalina’s home.

  It’s not far to walk into town thankfully since I don’t have a car of my own here, just a couple of blocks. I see the cell phone store ahead and make my way to it. I grab the simplest phone I see and make my way to the sales representative. I’m happy Rosalina had a few fake IDs left at the house when the employee asks for one to open an account. Handing him the plastic card, I wait, deciding on if I should go anywhere else while I wait for the card to go through.


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