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Diamond B!tch

Page 7

by Michelle Brown

  “Sit.” I am looking for a chair, but I don’t see any, hearing his chuckle I turn to face him. “On the desk.” Easing onto the desk, I wait for him to tell me why I’m here.

  “Tomorrow. We will marry tomorrow, then I will convince Hernando to give me control sooner,” he muses, stalking over to where I am sitting. Running his hand through my hair, Carlos grips the back of my head pulling me closer. “You got lucky tonight. I have word that Nicolas Rivera is looking for you. If this Nicolas comes for you, remember this moment when you try to run.”

  Sharp pain shoots down my leg, I look down and see a knife sticking out of my thigh. Carlos snatches the blade out causing my blood to gush from the wound all over the desk.

  “After you have cleaned up this mess, you can have the First Aid kit to stitch the wound.”


  Cleaning the blood away while trying not to bleed everywhere isn’t easy. I use the lower portion of my dress to stop the bleeding, while Carlos sits in his leather chair watching me. Asshole.

  “You know, I’m not a traditional man but because my mother raised me right…” Carlos says breaking the silence. “I will let you sleep alone. All that superstition about it being bad luck and all. I don’t think either of us wants to be messing with luck.”

  Standing in my torn dress and heels as blood trickles down my leg, I chose my words carefully, “Whatever you wish Carlos.”

  I can tell he wasn’t expecting me to agree, but I don’t want to be near him any more than necessary, and this will give me time to find a way out. Carlos moves to the cabinet behind his desk. Snapping his fingers, he calls me closer, handing me a small case —Carlos actually gave me the First Aid kit I need. He grabs my wrist pulling me along before I can open it.

  We stop in front of a door just down the hallway from his office, “This will be your room for the night. Can’t have you running away, can we?” Unlocking the door, that sadistic smile covers his face, “Oh Amalia… it’s soundproof, so don’t bother screaming. I will be back for you in the morning to fix yourself. We can’t have you not looking presentable in front of guests.”

  Shoving me inside, the door closes behind me leaving me in complete darkness. I give my eyes a few moments to adjust enough to make out the small mattress on the floor. Dropping down onto the mattress, I open the kit trying to find what I need. Thankfully, I know how to stitch from being part of my father’s cartel I’ve had a lot of practice as it was needed more than once.

  My stomach grumbles. I really should eat more when I can, it seems everyone wants to lock me in a room. I never thought I would get married, but I do know I want to at least plan it and chose my groom. Lying back on the thin mattress, I close my eyes and try to sleep. I lay here for hours thinking about Nico and our time together in Australia. The things he did for me even watching movies he doesn’t like. I couldn’t stand for Carlos to do anything to hurt Nico. I finally admit I do love Nico not that he will ever know since I’m getting married in less than twenty-four hours.

  Tossing and turning, I don’t get but maybe a few hours of sleep before the bright blinding lights flicker to life. The quiet swishing of the door opening draws my attention to the unnamed woman holding a small tray. She doesn’t come close to me, instead placing the tray on the floor. “Tu Nombre? I imagine you will be around often.”

  “Laura. I was his lover before you came around,” she replies, pulling open the door to leave.

  Somehow I don’t doubt she thinks of herself as more than a plaything. Walking with a slight limp, I make my way over to the tray. A banana, and a cup of coffee. Wow, so filling, I think rolling my eyes. I sit on the floor next to the tray and sip the lukewarm drink wondering if there is a way to make some kind of deal of my own with Carlos. Speak of the devil, he opens the door and takes in me sitting on the floor.

  “Amalia, if you want to sit on the floor like a dog, I can treat you like one.”

  I’m too tired to fight or argue with him, so I settle for telling him, “Fuck you.”

  “What would your father and mother say about you acting this way my dear?” Carlos questions, leaning against the door frame.

  Scoffing, I meet his gaze, “My father ‘sold’ me to you and my mother is dead. I don’t think they care much.”

  Tilting his head in acknowledgment at my response, he pushes off the frame and walks to me. Offering me his hand, I take it as he pulls me to my feet, “Now, let’s get you dressed. We do have a wedding today, you know.”

  Walking behind him, I contemplate bashing a heel against his head, but I don’t. I need to play this right even if it means I marry him. Stopping in front of his room, Carlos opens the door for me, letting me inside. I see a white gown laid on the bed for me. It’s gorgeous, the simple heart-line bodice and lace overlay are mesmerizing together. The door clicks closed behind me, leaving me in peace, finally. Deciding to shower first, I walk into the bathroom immediately turning it all the way hot. The water is scalding, hot enough to burn away my sins.

  Tapping on the door surprises me, it’s Laura. Shutting off the water I step out to dry myself. It must be time. I sit in front of the small vanity and let her style my hair into a fancy bun on top of my head while I apply my makeup. I know you are probably wondering why I would even go along with this. I have a plan, it will just take some time to work. I will take over my father’s business as my own personal fuck you to him. Until then, I will do my best not to die at Carlos’ hand. Stepping back, Laura wipes a tear from her face and rushes out the door. I slowly make my way over to the gown, if I had chosen my own, it would be very close to this. Slipping the material over my hips, I carefully zip it. A perfect fit.

  The knock on the door makes me jump, “Entrar.” Hernando Valentine. My father opens the door. Glaring, I turn to him and wait for him to speak.

  “Hija, it is time.”


  Nodding, I slip on the pale pink pumps that were left for me to wear. Drawing my shoulders back, I stand and walk to where my father is waiting. Oh, how sweet, he wants to walk me down the aisle at a wedding he blackmailed me into. Bypassing his arm entirely, I make my way down the stairs to my place beside Carlos. We aren’t having a huge ceremony. There is a man waiting to marry us just to the side of the room.

  “Can we at least do this outside in the garden?” I ask, waiting for the answer to be no.

  A small smile escapes Carlos’ lips, with a nod we are all making our way outside. I feel like I can finally breathe. I don’t get much time to bask in the sunlight before the man begins the ceremony. I wanted more, but I’m just going through the motions now. “Ow.” Trying to pull my hand back, Carlos applies pressure to the fingers he is holding.

  The man clears his throat, “Ma’am, do you take this man to be your husband of your own free will?”

  Meeting the hard glare of Carlos and then my father, I hold back what I really want to say. “I do.” I can feel the tension leave the atmosphere at my words.

  The preacher blesses our union and his final words send a chill down my spine. “You may now kiss the bride.”

  I’m not sure how far Carlos will take this since we haven’t kissed and I would rather eat grass.

  Pulling me close he whispers, “Smile and kiss me like you mean it, wife.” A quick peck is all I allow to happen, and I can tell I will pay for it later.

  “Ahem, I will go get this to the court now,” the man says holding what I think is the marriage license in his hand.

  My father follows him out of the house, sealing my fate. Once the door closes, Carlos sends Laura away, the look in his eyes is predatory. As I back away, I slip off the ridiculously high heels preparing to run away from him. Shaking his head, he silently tells me I won’t get away, but I can’t control my instinct to flee. Turning as quick as I can, I try to outrun him. I don’t make it far with the weight of this dress holding me down. Carlos grasps the fabric pulling me to the floor in one vicious tug, scrambling I fight back. I am met with visions of El
is, Dmitri, and Carlos all at once.

  The sharp pain of his fist has me grabbing at my side, ripping the dress he proceeds to force himself inside of me. I can feel him, he’s rough, violent and I’m scared that this will be my life if I can’t find a way out. Groaning, I feel Carlos pull away only enough to cover me in his come. Spit lands on my cheek, I feel used —disgusted at myself for not doing more.

  “You will wear nothing until I say otherwise. Don’t think about washing the come from your body. I want you to remember who owns you even if I have to mark every inch of you. Entiendes?” I don’t answer. My reward is a kick to my already tender side. “Dime que entiendes!”

  I whisper the words he wants to hear, “I understand.” Pulling what is left of my wedding gown from my body, I stand in front of Carlos naked and covered in him.


  I look towards the front door, and I see Laura staring at Carlos and me. She has tears in her eyes, and I’m not sure if it’s because he is now married or because of what he did to me. Carlos zips himself as if nothing has happened. Steeling my resolve, I wait for him to tell me what I am supposed to do now. The ringing of the doorbell snaps everyone to attention.

  “Laura, throw that in the trash,” Carlos commands, pointing to the tattered fabric. “Amalia, go sit by my desk and wait for me.”

  Sitting in the chair next to his desk, I wait. I hear multiple male voices coming closer. Trying my best to maintain a mask, I don’t speak when Carlos enters with two other men. The men stop talking when they notice me, but Carlos directs them to sit as he takes his spot in his chair. Motioning for them to continue, one of them begins discussing things I’m familiar with. Jewels, diamonds to be exact.

  Carlos must notice me paying attention. Breaking my trance, he turns to me, “Amalia, go pour us some drinks.” The word now is unspoken, but I don’t think he would hesitate to punish me in front of these men if I didn’t follow his directions.

  “She’s new. Trained her well already, I see.” I hear the silent one say. Fisting my hand, I continue walking to the table where the brandy is.

  Walking back over to the men and Carlos, I place his drink down and turn to the other two. I fight the temptation to pour the liquor on the asshole when Carlos calls my name. He must have read my intentions. Smiling coyly, I had the man the glass and make my way over to my chair when Carlos pulls me into his lap.

  “I do have her well trained,” he tells the man. Whispering in my ear, he warns, “Don’t ever try that again. Now tell me what you notice about these diamonds.”

  Looking down at the jewelry bag, I untie it and pour them into my hand. “These are really gorgeous for fake diamonds,” I muse.

  The man who has been speaking non-stop is angry. He knows what I have said is the truth. I can see it in his eyes. Outraged he slams his palm down on the desk, “Bullshit! Don’t listen to this bitch! She wouldn’t know what a real diamond looks like!”

  Before I can say a word, Carlos has a gun pointed at the man. “I will pretend that you didn’t just insinuate that I wouldn’t buy a real diamond for my wife.” Grabbing me by the back of the neck, Carlos seethes, “Are you sure? If not then I will punish you for it.”

  Nodding, I whisper, “Positive. I’ve known how to spot a fake since I was six.” Letting me go, he pulls the trigger, shooting the man in his kneecap. My eyes widen at his flesh and the blood pouring down his calf. The silent man hasn’t moved at all. “Take this shit, and get out of my house,” Carlos tells the men, throwing the jewels across the room.

  The quiet man pulls his friend up by the arm, turning to Carlos and me, he meets my eyes, “Senor Perez. Princesa. I hope to see you both again soon.”

  Princesa. Only Nico has ever called me that. It sends a surge of hope throughout my entire body. He will tell Nico where I am, and I will make it out of this place. I feel a slight smile breaking out on my face.

  Before I can tame it, I am being shoved head first on top of Carlos’ desk. “Do you know him? Are you planning to fuck him? Hmm? Have you already forgotten who owns you?”

  “No. I know who owns me.” I do know, and it isn’t him. It’s Nico, but I won’t say that aloud.

  I can hear Carlos unzipping himself again. I shudder against his body pressed against mine. Lifting his hand, Carlos sits back down in his chair, “Suck me. Show me that you are my bitch. That you don’t want anyone else to have you.”

  This man is insane if he thinks I want him. I slide down to my knees, taking him into my mouth; one day I will make you my bitch, I tell myself. Applying pressure to the back of my head, I gag, choking on him, tasting myself from earlier.

  Carlos’ groaning increases as he finally comes into my mouth. Before I even have a chance to move, he covers my nose and mouth forcing me to swallow. I want to vomit. Standing as soon as he uncovers my mouth, I grab the still full glass on his desk tossing back the brandy in one shot. Gasping from the burn and the warmth, I look over at his smug smile.

  “I can see this marriage is going to work out just fine.” His face takes on a grin big enough to make the Joker proud.


  It’s been a week since Hernando came into our lives and ruined everything. Refolding the letter Amalia handed me, I think about what she didn’t know. She’s right though, I’m not her Knight. I’m the motherfucking villain coming to steal away My Princess.

  I have a man working inside of Carlos’ business, Bennett, he has been a friend for years, and at times like these, I need someone with his skills. He is well known in the jewelry business, which makes him able to blend in well with the diamond cartel. He is a contract killer too, his methods are more subtle than mine though. A quick knock tells me that Bennett is here with an update.

  “You won’t like this,” he says getting to the point, handing me a folder.

  I open it and close it immediately. Amalia is standing next to a man with a preacher right there. A shiny band on her finger. I knew her father wanted her to marry one of his colleagues, but I never thought she would agree or how quickly they would.

  “Who is he? Will he be missed if I take his fucking head off for looking at her?!” I yell causing Bennett to flinch.

  Bennett clears his throat, holding his hands up as if he surrenders, “Name is Carlos Perez. He won’t be missed. Sources say he has a history of violence.”

  Picking up my gun, I contemplate barging in and taking what’s mine, “Leave. Tell me if he so much as puts a finger on her that she doesn’t want.”

  Bennett begins to speak, but I cut him off, my gun aimed at his forehead, “I said leave.”


  I have been waiting for the perfect moment to escape for weeks now. Laying on my back as Carlos pumps into me isn’t what I wanted for my life. I have stopped fighting back for the most part. I don’t want to die at his hands, not when I know if I just hold out, I can find a way to survive it all.

  Throwing a garment bag in across the bed, he snaps his fingers, “Get dressed. We have an event to attend tonight.”

  Rolling my eyes, I unzip the bag and take in the dress. It’s actually gorgeous. Deciding my hair would look best up in some way, I put my hair in a fishtail braid with tiny jewels woven throughout. The floor length black lace dress fits like a glove against my bronze skin. I notice in the mirror that the lace barely covers much, thank goodness for the mesh slip underneath.

  “You look amazing in that. I may have to cut off a hand or two tonight if anyone touches what’s mine.”

  I shudder as his hand trails up my exposed back. Carlos takes it as interest, I just don’t like his hands on me. Moving towards my mouth, I turn my head pretending to look at the time. He may take my body but the last lips to touch mine were Nico’s. I won’t willingly give that to anyone else —if Nico even still wants me.

  “Where are we going?” I ask trying to distract him from the fact I have once again diverted his lips.

  “Business. Charity function.”

  Grabbing my arm, we
make our way downstairs to where Laura is waiting with his car keys. As far as I know, he hasn’t been with her since our wedding. I know it hurts her feelings and I feel sorry that she has to watch him with someone else. Carlos doesn’t care who is around or where we are in the house when he fucks me, hell he doesn’t even allow me clothes unless he chooses.

  Making my way to the car, I am surprised when he opens the door for me. I slide in and sit, waiting to get this night over with. When we pull up to the valet outside of a hotel, I smile kindly at him, but it’s only for the cameras taking our picture.

  “Senor Perez, is this your wife? Senora, are you the Amalia Valentine?”

  Opening my mouth to speak, I’m cut off by Carlos, “Yes. This is my wife, Amalia Valentine-Perez.”

  Applying pressure to my waist, I walk with Carlos inside. I paint the smile on my face again as I am met with person, after person. My smile falters when I see Nico standing against the wall, glaring at Carlos’ hand on my waist. It’s as if he can feel my gaze on him. Looking up at me, I can feel the tension between us.


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