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HUNTER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 11)

Page 5

by Samantha Leal

  “Steel, Lynx and Stag,” he said as he lit a cigarette and sucked in on it deeply. “They’re on the table behind.”

  Paige looked over her shoulder and saw three more tattooed, muscle men all clad in leather and chains staring back at her.

  “And you all work together?” she asked quietly.

  Hunter nodded and took another drag.

  “Live, work, play… Die…” he said with a wry smile. “That is what a brotherhood is, isn’t it?”

  Paige’s heart began to do a little dance in her chest.

  He was clearly very committed to whatever this club was. And not only was that making him even hotter, it was making her want to ask more questions.

  “I like that,” she said. “It’s nice to have a family. Blood or not.”

  Hunter locked eyes with her and nodded slowly.

  “Sure is,” he said. “But I’m looking forward to finding some blood too…” he trailed off and Paige’s butterflies returned.

  Maybe he’s looking for a wife… she thought, but then she instantly wanted to scream at herself for even allowing it to enter her mind.

  “Well,” she said reluctantly, “I don’t think I’m going to get them out of here any time soon…” She looked across at Faith and Penny, both slamming down shots and roaring with laughter.

  “Let me walk you out,” Hunter said as he moved out of the booth and held out his hand to help her.

  “Bye guys!” Paige called to them, the booze from earlier still coursing through her and keeping her confidence boosted.

  “Byeeee!” Penny drawled. “I’ll call you first thing!”

  Paige laughed and shook her head.

  “Get home safe,” she said to her and Faith.

  Hunter gripped onto her hand and helped her through the crowd that was still remaining. The bar had gone from too packed to move to just busy enough, but after earlier, it felt good to have Hunter making sure she got out all right.

  They reached the front door and he kicked it open with the tip of his boot and pulled her out into the cool breeze. The exterior was also much quieter than it had been, but the shining Harley’s were all still parked and glinting in the moonlight.

  “I wish I could give you a ride myself,” he said with a slur. “But I can’t put you at risk any more than you’ve already been this evening.”

  Paige smiled and looked down at the floor shyly.

  Hunter held his fingers up to his lips and whistled so loudly it was ear piercing. From a dark alley behind them, some lights blared to life and an engine roared. A truck flew out of a side road and screeched to a halt beside them.

  “Resident driver,” Hunter grinned. “Climb in.”

  Paige looked at him and raised her eyebrows.

  “What do you mean? You’re coming with me?” she laughed.

  “I’m going to take you to your door,” he said as he pretended to tip his hat. “It’s all part of The Bleeding Bullet save your life and then get you home service.”

  Paige cracked up into laughter.

  “You’re funny,” she smiled giddily.

  Hunter helped her into the backseat of the car and closed the door behind her. When he climbed in the other side and patted the driver on the shoulder, the truck revved its engine and sped off into the night and back toward the right side of town.

  When they pulled onto Paige’s road, she felt the urge to invite him in with her for a nightcap, but she knew deep down, she couldn’t. She liked this guy. He was funny and charming, and completely unlike anyone else she had ever met. She didn’t want to push things too fast and she didn’t want to make any assumptions.

  “Here,” Hunter said as he took hold of her palm and pressed a pen into it. He turned his hand over and held it out flat in front of her and nodded at it.

  “What’s that for?” she asked with a smirk.

  “Write your number on it,” he said gruffly.

  Paige bit her lip and tried not to grin. She had never been asked to write her number down before. It was like going back in time to when her parents must have dated and it made her even more excited.

  “Don’t you have a cell phone?” she asked.

  “It’s back at the club,” he said with a wink. And then he took hold of her hand and began to press the nib into her skin.

  She watched him doing it and looked at each little detail of his face. He was so handsome and rugged, but in the half-light, he was soft and she could tell there was something behind his eyes. Something different and pure.

  When he’d finished and she looked down at her palm she was expecting to see a number, but instead he had scrawled…

  I’m calling you tomorrow.

  She grinned and pressed her palm to her lips and he reached down and squeezed her thigh.

  “It was good to meet you, Paige,” he said as he looked into her eyes and cupped her face. “Really fucking good.”

  She nodded and couldn’t break his gaze.

  “I really loved hanging out with you tonight,” she smiled. “Thank you for getting me home.”

  He held her there for a moment and she was so tense she almost couldn’t stand it. She wanted him to kiss her so badly, but the longing was almost as exquisite as any kiss could possibly be. And she was kind of relieved when he didn’t. He let go of her cheeks and pressed his forehead against hers.

  “Tomorrow,” he whispered, his breath sweet with liquor.

  “Tomorrow,” Paige returned.

  She reached down and opened the door and slid out onto the street. Hunter looked up at her with a smile and gave her the sexiest wink she had ever seen.

  “Goodnight,” she said as she closed the door and turned her back.

  She wanted to turn around and look at him, but she also wanted him to long for her just as much as she was already longing for him.

  It had been so unexpected, so random, and wonderful.

  It had been one of the best nights of her life.


  Her alarm clock rang out so loud it made her jump and cover her head with the thickest pillow she could find. She could sense the light blazing through the window, and the heat, but she didn’t want to move. Her mouth was as dry as the desert and her head was pounding. It was as if miners had been working on her skull overnight.

  “Oww,” she said as she reached up and rubbed her temples. “What the actual hell…”

  She rolled over and blinked as she tried to wake herself up. She had never felt this bad. Ever.

  In fact, she had never even had a hangover before, when she was younger, drinking didn’t seem to touch her the following day. So now she knew for sure that if this is what they felt like, she knew she would never be drinking again.

  “Jesus,” she said with a sigh as she rubbed her eyes and tried to shield them from the light. “What the hell happened…?”

  She kept her eyes closed but tried to piece together fragments of the night before. She remembered getting home from school and dolling herself up. She remembered Penny being hyper and coming to pick her up. She remembered going onto Main Street and discovering the new jazz bar and its adorable owner Faith. And then… Oh god… She remembered getting in a cab and heading to the other side of town.

  They’d gone to a fucking biker bar.

  She sat bolt upright in bed and held her head in her hands. She was going to have to open her eyes soon, but she still didn’t think she could face it.

  “Oh Paige,” she said. “I really hope you brought water to bed.”

  She groped around on the nightstand and to her relief, there was a cool bottle waiting there for her. She undid the cap and took a long, drawn out sip.

  And then as she turned and the searing pain flooded down her side, she remembered the rest.

  The crowd of people… the crush… the man.


  He had saved her, he really had. And damn was he hot.

  She slowly opened her eyes and she blinked until they adjusted to the light.

��Hunter,” she whispered to herself as a warm feeling flooded through her chest.

  She looked down at her hand and there it was. The evidence.

  I’m calling you tomorrow…

  She couldn’t help but smile. She had met someone. Someone new and exciting and totally different than anyone she had ever met before. But he was so different and frightening. How could she even consider taking it any further?

  She rubbed her forehead and felt her good mood vanish. She had really liked him. That she knew for sure. He had been funny and protective, charming and aloof all at the same time. He had been covered in big metal rings, chains and tattoos and he was so big and muscular he was one hell of a man. A real man. Maybe the first real man she had ever met. She felt her pussy twinge.

  Her skin was prickling hot with desire and she had to take another sip of water and she trailed the cool bottle across her forehead and chest.


  Even his name gave her shivers in all the right ways. She could tell what he was capable of. She could tell he was the kind of man that always got what he wanted. And now she was left wondering if he wanted her, or would he wake up with a crazy hangover and barely even remember her.

  She lay back down in bed and pouted. Her heart wished so badly for it to be the former, but her head was screaming for it to be the latter.

  “Men are just complications,” she said to herself. “You’ve always thought it and you know it would only turn your life upside down. And he’s not even suitable. I mean, Paige… you, with a lawless biker.”

  As she said the words aloud to herself she burst into laughter.

  What would he even see in her? She was sure it must have just been the drink talking. Even though she had looked smoking hot, her inner geek had surely shone out loud and proud.

  She reluctantly dangled her legs over the side of the bed and let her feet skim the floor.

  “Get your lazy ass up,” she said. “You’ve already ruined your day with this hangover, but you can’t be lax on your work commitments too.”

  She looked at the stack of books on her desk and groaned.

  “A long weekend ahead,” she said with an eye roll as she stood up and made her way into the bathroom to wash her face clean and to properly wake herself up.

  Downstairs, she put on the kettle and the radio and opened up the refrigerator. Her stomach growled and all she wanted to do was eat and take away the icky feeling that was thundering through her. She rooted through the shelves and pulled out a packet of bacon and two eggs. That would have to do.

  As she cracked the eggs into a pan and the bacon sizzled next to them, she made a big pot of coffee and poured some OJ into an iced glass. Everywhere seemed too bright and all she wanted to do was wear sunglasses, but she was aware of how ridiculous that would make her.

  “You’ve made your bed,” she told herself. “Now you’ve just got to lie in it.”

  She stacked the food onto a plate when it was ready and settled down at the center island. She sipped her coffee and was about to take her first bite when the doorbell rang.

  Her mouth sagged and her heart began to race.

  “Oh god,” she whispered as she ran her hands through her hair.

  I’m calling you tomorrow…

  She set her fork down and swallowed. Surely, it wouldn’t be him. Why would he turn up at that time of the morning? But who else could it be?

  Paige wrapped her nightgown around her tightly and tiptoed as quietly as she could toward the front door. Her heart was a hammer in her chest, beating away so fast she was sure that whoever was on the other side of the door could surely hear it.

  She crept closer and the banging came again. Whoever was there really wanted to be let it, and she felt herself on the verge of tears. She was so hungover, feeling so raw and sorry for herself. Who the hell wanted to come and make her feel even worse?

  “PAIGE?” Penny called through the letter box as she peaked through and caught sight of her there, half in fright and half about to cry. “Oh my god, are you okay?”

  Paige sighed and dropped her shoulders with relief.

  “I’m fine,” she said as she raced forward and unlocked the door.

  Penny flounced in wearing her shades and with two takeout coffees, one in each hand.

  “How the hell are you this spritely?” Paige asked her suspiciously. “I literally feel like the walking dead.”

  “Oh you’re such a lightweight,” Penny laughed as she marched through to the kitchen and set the cups down on the side. She saw Paige’s food at the same time, picked up the fork and stabbed a piece of bacon before scooping it into her mouth.

  “Umm, that’s good,” she said.

  “You can have it,” Paige said with disappointment. “I feel so bad I don’t think I can even try…”

  Penny shrugged and smiled and sat down in Paige’s chair and started to eat.

  “So,” she said between a mouth filled with scrambled eggs. “Oh my god, last night.”

  “I know,” Paige said with a sigh. “I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “It was awesome!” shrieked Penny. “I had the time of my life, didn’t you?” Her eyes were wide and excited.

  “Well, yeah, I mean it was pretty good.”

  “Pretty good? Are you insane?” Penny laughed. “The bars were fucking awesome and oh my god, the bikers! Can you even believe it? In our town? It’s like, insane. I don’t know how we didn’t know about any of it.”

  Paige nodded, she had to agree with her on that one. She didn’t understand how they could have been so sheltered, either.

  “Hunter,” Penny said with a knowing smile as she wagged the fork at Paige. “He digs you.”

  “He does?” Paige asked, not able to contain her smile.

  “Oh yes,” Penny said. “The rest of the guys, they said the minute we walked in, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. Then you both disappeared outside and when you came back in, he was all protective or something. And then, apparently, he never even speaks to women, but he was adamant he was getting you home safe. They even said he got their driver to take you. This is big stuff… Very big stuff…”

  Paige felt the butterflies return. She had no idea that anyone had even noticed how she and Hunter had been together. But it felt good to know they had.

  “I… well, I guess he was probably just drunk…” Paige offered, trying to find an explanation.

  “Nope,” Penny shook her head. “He’s into you. They all said it, and he even did when he came back after he got you home.”

  Paige’s heart skipped a beat.

  “He said that?” she whispered.

  Penny nodded with wide eyes.

  “He showed me your number on his hand, and said he was going to call you first thing. Why else do you think I hot footed it around here this morning? I want all the details, girl!” Penny was so excited, it was making Paige even more nervous.

  She couldn’t actually believe this was happening.

  “What else did he say?” she asked as she sat down on the chair next to Penny.

  “Just that he’s never met anyone like you before, and I told him I was pretty sure you’d never met anyone like him before either.” She stopped and chuckled. “It’s such a funny old world, it really is. I mean, who would ever put you two together, and yet, I can totally see it! I really can.”

  Paige rubbed the back of her neck and couldn’t help but smile. Maybe there was going to be something exceptional between them… But how could she be his type? She was a sweet and innocent teacher, and he was a criminal…

  “Wow,” was all she could manage.

  Penny wiggled her eyebrows and scooped another forkful of eggs into her mouth.

  “Wow, indeed,” Penny grinned.

  Paige looked out of the back window and felt herself drifting off into a daydream. She was aware of Penny’s voice behind her, rabbiting on about what a great night it had been and how much fun all of the bikers were. But Paige was in another
world. She was living a fantasy life of in the sunset with Hunter by her side.

  She pinched herself to make it stop.

  “So, are you going to go out with him?” Penny asked as she placed the fork down on the empty plate and pushed it away.

  Paige didn’t know what to say.

  “I don’t think so,” she said after a pause. “I just can’t really see it, can you?”

  Penny looked disappointed but she shrugged and gave her a sympathetic smile.

  “I guess only you know,” she said as she got to her feet and picked up her coffee.

  “I’m tired,” Paige said gently. “I think maybe I should go back to bed.”

  Penny nodded and made her way around the side of the island and gave Paige a big hug.

  “I’m glad I managed to coax you out of your shell, anyways,” Penny smiled. “It was fun, even if it was just for one night only.”

  Paige laughed. “The Paige from last night was certainly a limited edition.”

  “I’ll call you later,” Penny said as she made her way down the hallway and to the front door. “And if he calls you, just do me a favor and answer, okay? You might be glad you did.”

  Paige raised her eyebrows and mouthed, okay, okay.

  “See ya,” Penny said as she flung open the front door and the house flooded with bright light.

  “Bye,” Paige said as she closed it behind her and turned the key in the latch.

  It was only early but she was exhausted. Being out late at night had certainly done a number on her. She sighed and looked up at the clock on the wall. It was only ten a.m., but it felt as if she had been up for hours and hours, and had run a marathon.

  “I want a bath,” she declared as she grabbed her coffee and began to walk back up the stairs.

  In the bathroom, she ran the taps and drizzled in some scented bath foam. She closed the blinds and lit a candle before she sat on the floor and waited for the tub to fully fill. It had been a while since she had just locked herself away on a weekend alone, but this felt necessary, it felt like a part of her recovery after a wild night of partying way too hard.


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