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HUNTER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 11)

Page 14

by Samantha Leal

  "I'm on until eight, and then I have someplace to be."

  "You should be with me, I've got plenty of booze, a little 420 and more… if you’re into a little P&P?"


  "’Party and play’ babe, the only way to fly." He discreetly held up a little baggie of either cocaine or meth.

  Cass casually reached over to a bowl, picking up two walnuts with a showy flourish of her hand. She put her hand in front of the jerk's face and squeezed, crushing the nuts easily. He got the message.

  "Um, I guess I’ll go check out the Jacuzzi for a bit," He said back peddling away from the bar.

  "Good idea," Cass responded flatly, tossing the walnut shards into the trash. Who the hell ate walnuts in the tropics anyway?

  The fleeing jerk bumped into Jack Godwin, an alleged travel writer who asked way too many questions to be writing for Travel and Leisure. He was intelligent, and good-looking in a rough Sean Bean kind of way. But Cass had been watching him long enough to see through his travel writer facade.

  "Hey Cass, how's your night going?" Jack asked, smiling. He had brilliant green eyes with a penetrating gaze that never wavered. When he asked a question he heard your answer, but also seemed to know immediately whether you were hiding something else or not. "Can I get another house special?"

  The house special was a "Mai Tai" rip-off that contained enough sweet fruit juices to hide the rotgut liquor that gave it its punch.

  "No Problem Jack," Cass said, breaking the house rules by using a non-toxic brand of rum. This was Jack's third drink, but she'd seen him leave the other two, mostly intact, on empty tables. She surmised that Jack wanted to fit in with the drunks while staying sober and alert. Travel writer my ass, she thought. He’s probably some federal agent hunting crooks on the lam. This resort would be like flypaper for horny criminals.

  "So Cass, I hear you've been spending a lot of time with the locals?"

  "Yeah, I've made some friends," Cass replied, trying not to sound defensive at the prying question.

  "How are they feeling, you know about the resort and things in general? I've heard there's been trouble?"

  "Nothing I've noticed, but I'm too busy with my boyfriend to listen to the gossip."

  "So there is talk then?"

  Cass put down the glass she was washing, "Why is a travel writer so interested in local politics? I thought you just wrote about cheap buffets and places to get Seaweed Wraps?"

  "I'm just a big picture kind of guy I guess," He replied innocently.

  "Uh huh,"

  A nasal female voice cut off their witty banter, "Hi, can I have four shots of gold please? Bill it to cabana seven." She was Fawn, a pretty young girl with long brown hair and a great pair of natural tits. Cass could tell because she'd abandoned her bikini top three tequilas ago. She turned to Jack, "Hi I'm Fawn, you're really cute."

  "Thank you Fawn, it's nice to meet you too." Jack replied politely.

  "I'm in cabana seven with Hot Stuff Productions. I'm starring in a movie tomorrow."

  "How nice for you. What's the movie?"

  "First-Time Bukkake Babes #27, but we don't have enough dudes, so if a cute guy like you wanted to drop by I can get you in."

  "Oh I don't know. I've never been in a movie before. I'd probably forget all my lines."

  "Oh you don't have to remember anything, you just, well, you know… like the other guys… it'll be fun."

  Cass couldn't help eavesdropping. She could hear the uncertainty in Fawn's voice, like she was really trying to convince herself it would be fun.

  "Okay, I'll try to swing by, but no promises."

  "That's so cool, I'm really excited," Fawn replied grinning. She grabbed her tray of tequilas and bounced off towards the Jacuzzi.

  Jack gave her a little wave, "Good luck with that." He turned back to Cass, "Guess I'll see if I can find some great story for my blog."

  "That's so cool, I'm so excited!" Cass replied, mimicking Fawn.

  Jack Laughed, "Careful Cass, don't mock the afflicted." With that he slipped back into the crowd.

  "Travel writer my ass," Cass mumbled to herself. She glanced at the clock, smiled and immediately started cashing out. Her twelve-hour shift was over, and she had someplace to be.

  Another bartender took her post and Cass made a beeline for the staff exit. She knew escaping from Stalag-Sinz wasn't easy, with management always on the prowl, trying to shanghai staff into extra shifts. Cass took a practiced detour behind the VIP Cabanas. She'd almost made it when Eric, the resort manager, appeared, blocking her path.

  "Cass, where are you going?"

  "Uh, out of here? It's been twelve hours Eric, I'm done."

  "But it's our big night, the president of the island is making his speech in a few hours. I need everybody… including my best bartender." Eric was half pleading and half demanding.

  "Well, first of all, I told you three times, grand opening or not, I had plans later tonight, and second of all, he's a Prime Minister… not a President."

  "Oh it's the same thing."

  "No, the PM is appointed by the standing legislature whereas the president is elected by popular vote… and I'm still leaving, good night." She slipped past him before he got any more whining in. With Eric shaken off Cass continued towards the staff exit.

  She rounded the corner near cabana seven and paused. Fawn was in the Jacuzzi making out with some lucky college boy while a few other guests lounged on the nearby deck chairs. They seemed to be ignoring Fawn's little play-date. They were probably too jaded by wild group action and other kinky stuff to care about a college boy and a hick town girl. But Cass found it intriguing. She was a voyeur at heart. If she'd continued on her initial post military drinking and partying trajectory she might have actually have graduated to become a full blown sex and drug addled degenerate.

  What really got her attention was Fawn's demeanor. Without a crowd and cameras she was just a shy girl making out with a cute boy. Cass couldn't help thinking that after her descent into porn stardom Fawn might someday look back on this, fondly remembering the nights when she was just a regular girl.

  Cass watched as they kissed, awkwardly at first, before quickly falling into a rhythm. The lucky guy moved down, tasting Fawn's ample breasts. The new club was already living up to its name. He dabbed his tongue on her nipples, then began to suck on them alternately. Fawn cooed softly, loving the attention.

  Cass took a step back into the shadows so she could enjoy the show more discreetly. The couple were a little drunk, a little clumsy, but very cute. Although she couldn’t see it, she knew Fawn was stroking his cock beneath the water. It was probably rock hard already, she knew, getting a little turned on herself.

  The college boy hopped up, and sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi. Cass had been right; he was fully erect and ready to go. He had apparently lost his shorts a little earlier, assuming he had been wearing any to start with. Fawn pushed her head between his legs, kissing his inner thighs while stroking him. She slowly ran her tongue along his shaft, never breaking eye contact. She was definitely studying to be a star.

  College boy moaned, "Oh that feels so good."

  Fawn slipped his cock into her mouth, savoring every inch.

  Cass could tell college boy was fighting for control, holding back the urge to release already. Fawn continued sucking away until his entire cock was down her throat. Fawn clearly had a gift for oral sex. Practice does make perfect, she reasoned.

  The boy slid back into the water, coaxing Fawn to take his place. As she did, he spread her legs wide and kissed her inner thighs.

  "Oh, that's nice, yeah keep going," Fawn moaned.

  Cass fought the urge to laugh. She didn’t think College boy was really so much interested in pleasuring Fawn as he just wanted a time out to keep from shooting his wad during the first round. Having said that, he was still a pretty enthusiastic pussy eater from what she could tell.

  His tongue ran across her labia before he parted her lips and poked i
t inside.

  Fawn's legs stretched out, toes curled as he dug in. It wasn't gentle kissing; he was running his full tongue across her pussy, increasing the tempo with each lick.

  Good work, Cass thought. Some sorority girl must have given him a little coaching. He went at it with the energy of a thirsty dog drinking a bowl of water. When did I get so jaded, she laughed at her inner running commentary.

  Fawn bounced up and down in time to his licking, throwing her head back and moaning.

  After a while the college boy came up for air. He coaxed her to turn his back to her. She seemed a little confused, but with a little guidance she figured out the standing doggy style pose. He pressed his cock against her ass, ready to slip inside.

  "Hold on a second," Fawn said, breathe panting in her throat. She struggled to reach a little tray. Club SINZ was kind enough to leave trays of condoms within easy grasp.

  "Oh shit, really?" The college boy said, sounding disappointed, "I can just pull out, like you do in the pornos."

  "Nope, no glove, no love," Fawn replied.

  Good for you, Cass thought, stick to your guns girl.

  College boy was too excited to protest, so he clumsily slipped on the rubber. Then he slowly pushed his cock into her pussy. Fawn moaned in pleasure as he penetrated her fully. He pumped his thighs as she shook her hips in time, almost dancing in place.

  The tempo increased, as his breath became shorter. Fawn made little singsong panting sounds, then moaned uncontrollably.

  His thrusting stopped, muscles tensed.

  "Oh yes," Fawn moaned.

  Cass was happy to hear Fawn was having a real orgasm…’cause a girl can tell.

  College boy suddenly pulled out, yanking off the condom, pumping a load of cum across Fawn's ass.

  "Oh shit, yeah, that's it!" He yelled, smearing his cum across her ass.

  "Did you just cum on my back?" Fawn asked, sounding a little grossed out.

  "Oh yeah, just like in the movies. I figured you porno chicks were into that." And with that he slapped her ass and hopped out of the water. He wrapped the condom in a cocktail napkin and tossed it aside. "That was awesome, I have to go find my buddies. Man, they won't believe I banged a real porn chick." He gave her a kiss on the cheek, grabbed his swim trunks and sauntered off to brag about his conquest.

  Fawn sat alone on the edge of the Jacuzzi trying to wipe her back off with a towel.

  Cass felt bad for her. This was probably Fawn's first taste of how people in her business were perceived. She considered walking over and saying something to cheer her up, but remembered that she had someplace to be.

  Chapter 2

  Cass skipped the locker room, heading straight for the bike rack where her battered Vespa waited. She'd wasted precious time peeping on Fawn and the frat boy, and knew the manager was still on the prowl. She undid the chain, tossed it into the back compartment and hopped on. After three kicks the little engine finally kicked over. The Vespa was probably older than her twenty-five years, but bikes like it were precious commodities on Tortura. She pulled away just in time to see Eric walking to the exit gate.

  "So Eric, you're trying to head me off at the pass," She mumbled to herself.

  Thinking quickly she turned the Vespa and shot down a small construction path entrance, waving to the manager as she left the grounds. She'd made her escape.

  She bounced down the unpaved path, eventually coming to what passed for the main road. The sun had set and there were no streetlights, rendering the coast road pitch black. Cass had learned to be on the lookout out for the usual obstructions like donkey carts and stray cattle.

  She was rounding a corner when a pair of headlights suddenly blinded her. She cut to the right, barely avoiding an oncoming local bus. It was one of the rainbow painted antique vehicles that the island was famous for. It was strange to see because the local buses almost always stopped running at sunset. It was just too dangerous with the roads as narrow as they were.

  Her mind quickly went to the fact that in twenty minutes she would be in Talin's arms. He was the island's most revered Voodoo priest, a "Mambo" in the local parlance. Years ago Cass had written off religion as fairy tales for the gullible. While serving in Afghanistan she'd seen too much horror to believe any benevolent spirit watched over mankind. If there was a god, he was kind of an asshole she’d figured. Talin had changed all that, reawakening her spiritual beliefs and opening her heart to love. His soft words, affection and devotion pulling her back from the brink. Seeing her potential Talin had taken her under his wing, teaching her unbelievable things. When locals discovered she was Talon's protégé their respect for her had grown enormously. Somehow, despite all her running, she had discovered life and love on this tiny island, of all places.

  Chapter 3

  Colonel Hector Marcos knelt in prayer. He enjoyed the solitude of his private chapel, filled with candles, human skulls and a squawking chicken as it was. The centerpieces were a small collection of lovingly carved statues of skull faced, top-hatted deities. As a devout practitioner of Voodoo, the colonel had selected "The Barons" as his personal spirits. Baron Samedi- Lord of the Dead and Baron Krimenel- brutal enforcer of the spirit world. He would need their malevolent power for his plan to succeed. With practiced skill he decapitated the chicken in their honor. He followed up with an offering of fine cigars and vintage rum. The spirits would surly smile on his sacrifice. But his true offering was yet to come. Tonight there would be bloodshed and death carried out in their honor. What more could a spirit want?

  He rose to his feet, shirtless, his skin stained with the blood of his sacrifice. He left the small room he'd converted to a private chapel. His servant would clean up the feathers and blood, but knew better than to touch the rum or cigars. Stealing from the spirits carried severe penalties in this world as well as in the next.

  It annoyed Marcos that he could only afford one servant. He surveyed the home granted to him by the Prime Minister of Tortura. It was an opulent Chateau once belonging to a French Plantation owner. But Marcos had always found it too dark, too confining and most of all, too French for his tastes. Hadn't the frogs ever heard of the term "open concept?" He was convinced that the Prime Minister intentionally kept Marcos living in these humble circumstances, shutting him out of the island's highly profitable narcotics traffic and smuggling rackets – businesses that were essential to a military officer's financial security. He could barely afford to pay his one servant on his relatively meager salary and what he earned shaking down the local shop-owners and bordellos.

  For ten years he'd stood by the Prime Minister's side, watching as heads of state fawned over him. All Marcos got were condescending looks from foreign diplomats who assumed his uniform and medals were some self-aggrandizing costume. But he had earned his rank doing an officer's duty… tracking down dissidents and killing labor leaders. Any dirty deeds required to keep his boss in power fell to him. As the Prime Minister sipped champagne with the elite, Marcos was up to his elbows in blood.

  But over the years Marcos quietly built his own cadre of dedicated men, all eager for change. He'd also made a mental note of those who might present a threat to his new regime. A virtual Who's Who of Tortura's intellectuals, teachers and local officials would disappear shortly. Above all he would eliminate the Voodoo Priest Talin. Not only did the priest have too much influence over the population, he also possessed something Marcos wanted… voodoo's most powerful book of magic.

  An angelic female voice drifted through the air, singing a song Marcos knew by heart. He followed the voice up the stairs like a child drawn by the pied piper. Silently he crept through the master bedroom, peering through the half open bathroom door.

  His mistress Novia was lying in the bathtub singing in the melodious voice that enthralled thousands. They'd only been together for five years, but she'd already transformed his life. He'd done countless terrible things in his life, each brutal act chipping away a piece of his soul until he had at times felt that nothi
ng was left. But he felt Novia had given him back the soul he had traded for what until now had been a tiny bit of power.

  Like Marcos, Novia had clawed her way up from the gutter using her beauty and talent the way that he had used knives and bullets. Both suffered through degradation to rise above their lowly origins. There were nights when he woke up and heard her downstairs, crying softly. He knew the memories had come back to haunt her, just as they sometimes haunted him. Novia deserved to be a queen, and tonight he would give her that crown.

  "Are you enjoying my song?" She asked without looking up.

  "Of course, it's the one you sang the night we met." She had been the island's most beloved singer and dancer, performing for thousands. But that night he felt she sang only for him. It was the evening the spirits rescued him from darkness.

  She glanced up at him, "You have blood on your chest,"

  "I made sacrifice to the Baron's so they'll smile on us tonight."

  "Come here," She said smiling, "I will wash it off."

  He stripped off his clothes and approached the oversized tub, the one thing the French had done right. He closed his eyes as she gently ran a sponge across his chest… how many times had she washed blood off of him?

  The warm water on his chest and the sight of her lean dancer's body made his heart beat faster. She smiled knowing how much this excited him. Her hand moved the sponge lower until it was almost touching his erect cock.

  "I can't reach any lower if you stay out there."

  And he happily obliged her, quickly stripping out of his loose pants and climbing into the tub. He knelt down, leaning forward, pressing his lips against hers. Their tongues entwined as the sponge finally slid down to his erect cock. His body twitched at her touch just as it had their first night together. He ran his hands down her body, stroking her firm breast. Her nipples were already rock hard.


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