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Broken (Keeper of the Flame Book 4)

Page 6

by Lila Kane

  When I look up, James is trying to edge his way out of the room. “James.”

  He glances over, guilt all over his face.

  “What aren’t you telling us?”

  “It’s–it’s just a rumor. Stuff they were talking about around here when Kane was running things.”

  “What is it?”

  He hesitates. In an instant, Logan is in front of him, hands on his collar and hauling James nearly off his feet. “Tell us.”

  James coughs.

  “Logan, don’t hurt him.”

  He ignores me, jerking James even further off his feet. “Tell us now.”

  “Okay,” James says, grabbing for his collar. “It’s just a myth about the blue fire. A–a story that was going around.”


  “The one with the blue fire could–would have the same properties of all the paranormals, like Faye said. She’d be all-powerful.”

  The room feels like it’s shrinking all around me. All powerful.

  “What else?” Logan hisses.

  “She–I mean, someone could take her power if they knew what they were doing.”

  “How?” Cheyenne asks.

  “By–by killing her. And using magic to absorb her essence.” James shakes his head, wiggling in Logan’s grasp. “But it’s just a myth. I mean, no one’s ever seen anyone with blue fire before.”

  “Until now,” I whisper. My throat is raw. I can’t even lift my head anymore. “What if I don’t want this power? How can I get rid of it?”

  “You can’t,” James says. Logan growls at him and he tries again. “I mean, I mean–you’d probably have to–to–”

  “What?” Logan says.

  “Die, okay? If she wants to get rid of it, she has to die.”

  Chapter 6

  “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Logan says, kneeling in front of me in the chair. “Willow, listen. Once we do the spell, none of us will have powers anymore. Yours will be gone, too.”

  “Sure,” I mumble. “You’re right.”

  “Hey.” Logan touches my cheek. “Look at me, Willow.”

  I obediently look up and meet his eyes.

  “It’s going to be taken care of. I’ll call Morgan. We’ll have our four witches. We’ll deal with this.”

  “What if that’s not how it works?”

  Logan leans back on his heels without a response.

  Lifting my head, I seek out James. He’s still standing by the hallway that leads to the kitchen. “Why didn’t you say anything before?”

  “I told you. I thought it was a myth. No one’s ever seen a Keeper of the Flame with blue fire before.” He shakes his head. “No one’s seen a Keeper of the Flame before.”

  “But afterward? Last night? You didn’t say anything.”

  “I wasn’t sure–”

  “You’re an asshole,” Myra tells him, stepping in his direction. “You do realize Willow could have been danger, right? What if Kane knows about the blue fire, too? He could be after her.”

  James opens his mouth, then closes it again.

  “Say something,” she continues. “Willow can zap your ass right now. None of us trusts you but her, and you’re standing there playing dumb? Pick a side, at least, or else–”

  “Myra,” Ryan murmurs, taking her hand. He draws her back a few steps. “This isn’t helping.”

  Her eyes flash in his direction. “He’s the one not helping. This isn’t a game. People are getting hurt. It’s not the time to be waffling about which side you want to be on. It’s time to be strong.”

  “Or leave,” I say, standing.

  Cheyenne’s head whips in my direction. “What?”

  “You can leave. All of you. We can take down the spell at the border and you’re free to go. Myra, you don’t have to stay here. And Ryan–you’ve been here your whole life. You guys can go.” I look at Cheyenne, and appeal to her even when she folds her arms. “You, too. There’s a whole world out there. And Mom…”

  Faye shakes her head. “Don’t, Willow.”

  I lick my lips and continue, turning to Logan. “Maybe it’s time.”



  “Are you seriously saying this to me right now?” Logan asks.

  Cheyenne steps next to him. “Are you seriously saying this to us right now?”

  “Yeah,” Myra joins in. “You think we’re just going to walk away now?”

  I shove my hands in my hair, torn between frustration and amusement. They don’t understand. “I don’t mean walk away. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying, think about yourselves for once. You have a chance to go live your lives.”

  “That’s kind of insulting,” Cheyenne says.

  My mouth drops open. “I’m not trying to insult you! You’ve been here since you were a teenager. You’ve dealt with this your whole life. Don’t you want something different?”

  “I’m perfectly happy right where I am.”

  I turn around, appealing to the one person who might see where I’m coming from. Ryan. “Please tell me you understand.”

  “I understand.” He nods. “I do. But you’re not seeing our side of this. We weren’t just in this until we had a chance to leave. We’re in it for the long haul. Until it’s over. Why do you think your mom stayed here even when it meant sacrificing a life with you?”

  I swallow a lump in my throat. Faye touches my shoulder, and I almost break down right there.

  Myra smiles. “And besides, I have a business here. Shadow Hill is my home now.”

  James shrugs from where he stands. “I’m here, too. I’ll help.”

  My heart wrenches in my chest when I look at Logan. He keeps his distance a few feet away, his jaw hard.

  “You know my place is wherever you are,” he says, voice rough. “I wish you’d see that by now. I’ll call Morgan.”

  Before I can answer, he turns and leaves through the back door, heading straight for the gardens.

  I release a slow breath, feeling torn in two. “I just want you guys to be safe,” I say quietly.

  “And we want the same for you,” Faye says. “And the town.”

  Cheyenne touches my arm. “I think we’ve pretty much established by now none of us is leaving. So, let’s not talk about it again.”

  I give a short laugh. “I’m sorry.”

  Myra smiles at me. “You’re trying to take care of us. That’s so you, Willow. But really, you need to take care of yourself, too. Come on, eat some lunch.”

  I oblige, sitting at the counter. But my heart’s not in it. I want Logan in here with me. I want him to know him being here means everything to me. But I also don’t want him hurt.

  “Hey,” Myra says, setting a turkey wrap in front of me, “just give him a few minutes. It’ll be okay–you know Logan. Sometimes he needs space to get perspective.”

  I swallow and nod. Last time he needed space, we barely spoke for two days. And it killed me. But we both promised we wouldn’t do that to each other. That we’d communicate even if it was hard.

  Cheyenne joins me on the other side and takes one of Myra’s sandwiches. “So, what are you going to do about the store?”

  “Ryan helped me board up the windows, and when the sheriff came by, I told him I’d come in later today or tomorrow. It’ll give me time to think of a story, or…” She shrugs.

  “Influence him,” I say.

  “If we have to.”

  James walks over cautiously. “I can put a protection spell on the store so hopefully that can’t happen again.”

  Myra narrows her eyes at him, like she’s debating on whether or not to believe him. Finally, she says, “Thank you. That would help.”

  Ryan brushes her arm as he passes before taking a seat himself. “We’ll fix what’s broken. It won’t take long.”

  Myra’s smile for him is full of love. My heart twists again and I swivel in my seat. “I need to go talk to him.”

  Faye nods at me. “Good.
Do what you need to do. We all need to be together on this.”

  But it’s more than that, I think as I walk out the door. It’s bigger than all of us sticking together. It’s me and Logan being on the same page. Him knowing how much I love him. And for once, I understand my mom’s position. She sent me and my dad away so we wouldn’t have this kind of life.

  She did it because she loved us so much. And now…with the feelings I have for Logan, I’m willing to send him away because I’d rather have him safe.

  The sunshine is strong this afternoon, lighting the gardens and drawing out the roses. Logan isn’t on the benches, so I walk further into the bushes. It’s bright, so maybe he’s found some shade. Or maybe he’s still on his call and doesn’t want anyone to hear.

  A flicker of unease travels through me. He used to date Morgan. What if she comes here and she wants him back? What if she can fill that place for him that I can’t seem to fill? The part that’s 100 percent certain that no matter what, we should stay together.

  I’m scared for him. That’s why I want him to go. To be safe. Not because I don’t love him. Not because I don’t believe for a moment that he isn’t the one for me.

  This time, I’m prepared for the vision when it comes. The haze starts creeping over my eyesight and I brace my hand against one of the stone half walls to keep my balance. I steel myself for pain or screaming or murder, but instead I see myself.

  I’m standing in the stone remains of my ancestor Selena’s house. The sun shines on my hair, giving it caramel highlights. I smile at someone and turn the other direction. In the next memory, I’m sitting on the bed in Cheyenne’s room. My hair is wet but there’s hope on my face. Then I mouth the words, I love you.

  It hits me suddenly whose memories these are. Logan’s. Logan’s memories of me.

  The world spins around me as the visions fade away.


  Dizzy, I turn at the sound of his voice. I can feel his love from here. It still buzzes through me from the memories, and wraps me up in emotion so strong, I can barely choke out his name.


  He looks alarmed, and steps forward to take my arms. “Are you hurt? Did you have another vision?”

  I nod. “It was yours. Your memories.”

  He winces. “Bad ones?”

  “No! No. Good ones. Ones of me. I mean, at least I think they’re good.”

  “All of my memories of you are good,” he says.

  He starts to say something else, but his words cut off when I throw my arms around his neck. He catches me, with one hand pressed against the middle of my back. “Willow, what is it?”

  I realize there are tears streaming down my cheeks. “It’s you. You keep staying here even when you could go.”

  “I want to be with you.”

  “I know,” I whisper, my lips brushing his neck. My words are muffled, but I continue. “I couldn’t even tell you I loved you in the beginning, and you still stayed. And when I couldn’t remember who you were…”

  He makes a noise of disgust in his throat. “Don’t remind me. Those were the worst weeks of my life.”

  “But you still waited for me. Even after I healed Myra. I thought you’d go then.”

  “God, Willow,” Logan says, easing back to see my face. “That’s not what everyone does. I know your mom wasn’t there for you, but she had her reasons. That doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt, and maybe it wasn’t the best choice–”

  “No, it was! I understand why she wanted me and my dad to be as far from here as possible. That’s why I want you–”

  “Dammit, Willow, I’m not leaving,” he growls, body tensing.

  “I know. Logan.” I set my hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at me. The sun beats down and he squints against the light. “I know you’re not leaving. That’s not how you operate, and I love you for it. I…I’m used to doing things on my own and taking care of myself, and it’s hard to be a team. But…”

  “We are,” he says.

  I pull him into the shade of the tall hedges so he doesn’t have to squint.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I…it’s a hard adjustment for me, but I’m willing to do it. Because I love you. And I’m sorry for suggesting you leave because I know that’s not an option for you.”

  “It’s not,” he agrees.

  “Good.” I take my first real breath. A long, steadying one that makes me feel like things are under control again. “Thank you for understanding. And please try to keep understanding. And being patient with me if I forget sometimes that not everyone leaves. That we’re in this together no matter what.”

  He nods, smiling. He brushes my hair off my cheek. “I will. And actually…I have something that might help you remember.”


  He reaches in his pocket, and my heart clenches when he pulls out a small, velvet box.

  “Oh my God,” I whisper. I give a tentative smile, realizing it must be some other kind of jewelry, or just something he wants to show me.

  But then he opens the box and the jewel sparkles. He says, “Marry me, Willow.”

  The world freezes around me. All I can feel is a cool breeze on my cheeks and my heart thumping out of control.

  “This means we’re in this together. Forever,” Logan says.

  “I…” I lean against the stone wall, my legs unable to hold me up. “Logan.”

  “I believe the word you’re looking for is ‘yes’.” When I don’t repeat the word, he closes the box. “Or ‘no.’”

  “No, not ‘no,’ just–” I press a hand to my chest. “I can’t believe this. I am…shocked. I’m pretty sure I’d make a terrible wife.”

  “Right,” he scoffs. “Like I’d ask you to marry me if I thought this was going to be terrible. In fact, yes, I would. I’d ask you regardless because I know you’re the one for me. Good or bad. Even if parts of it are terrible, you’re mine. You belong to me. And Willow, I swear, I belong to you. This is right. Both of us.”

  “I know.” My hand shakes when I reach out for him. “I know. You’re right. I’m sorry again. Shit, I keep screwing this up. You’re the one for me, Logan. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He crushes me against him, lips brushing my cheek in a kiss, then touching my ear when he whispers, “Your heart is racing.”

  “I’m nervous,” I say back. And my voice shakes when I say it, proving what I just told him. “Sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing. I like that you’re nervous. I like that you’re believing in us even though it scares the shit out of you.”

  “It does. It scares the shit out of me. I’m not used to–to this. Being around people for longer than a few months. Having them stick around for longer than a few months.”

  “Trust me. I’m sticking.”

  I find Logan’s mouth, kissing him with every ounce of love I have for him. He hikes up my legs to set me on top of the wall. I keep myself wrapped around him, unwilling to let go. Forcing myself to only think about this moment.

  “Hold on,” Logan breathes, breaking free from my grip.

  “I am.”

  He laughs, but doesn’t kiss me again. He holds up the box. “I have to give this to you.”

  When he pulls out the ring, I get my first good look at it. Even in the shade it sparkles. But it’s modest, just a tiny square of diamonds around a canary stone. Perfect.

  “Where did you get this?” I ask, unable to take my eyes away.

  “It was my grandmother’s. It’s been in the house this whole time, but I couldn’t get to it until we came back today.”

  “You work fast.”

  He smiles, taking the ring from the box. “I already knew exactly what I was looking for. I thought about it a lot when you were–” He clears his throat “–away.”

  “Oh, Logan…I’m so sorry. I–I feel bad. I didn’t–”

  “No more apologies,” he murmurs, taking my hand. “It’s going to be big.” He smiles. “My grandma wasn’t quite as petite
as you are, but we’ll get it sized. I just want to see it on you for a minute.”

  I hold out my hand.

  “You’re shaking,” he says with a smile.

  “It’s not nerves. I’m–I’m happy. And…I don’t know. This is–okay, yeah, I’m nervous. Because I’m afraid Kane will find out or–”

  “He won’t lay a finger on you. I swear. You have to stay away from him, especially if he knows anything about the blue fire.”

  I wave my hand, stopping him from saying anything else. “Just one minute. Let’s just take one minute and enjoy this.”

  The ring slides smoothly onto my finger, but he’s right. It’s too big. At the contact, my hands buzz and glow blue. Logan’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t say anything.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful.”

  I smile at him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I pull the chain from around my neck. “I’ll put it on here until we can get it sized.”

  “Do we tell everyone?” Logan asks.

  Hugging him, I say, “It’s up to you. Whatever you want.”

  “I want everyone to know you said yes.”

  “Then let’s tell them.”

  His face darkens as he gazes up at the sky. The blackbird flies overhead, making circle after circle around the gardens. “Let’s get inside.”

  Before I can move, he scoops me in his arms and we race to the house.

  Chapter 7

  We gather at the wide table in the library, a place that holds good and bad memories for me. I was held captive by Logan in this very room, pouring over books to try to find a way to reverse the spell I reversed last night. But in that time, he and I grew closer. I understood where he was coming from. It took another several weeks, but eventually I came to see what kind of person Logan really was.

  And now we’re engaged.

  I flash a smile over my shoulder at Logan as Cheyenne spreads a map of Shadow Hill on the table. He touches my back, rubbing it a moment before settling his hand on my hip. We haven’t told the rest of the group yet, but I’m barely keeping it in. How come the biggest thing in my life has to be held in because Kane and his stupid ass minions have to take over the town? I’m pretty upset I can’t just enjoy myself. Which makes me even more determined to figure out where Kane is and do something fast.


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