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Broken (Keeper of the Flame Book 4)

Page 16

by Lila Kane

  I smile at him, trying to erase the sadness I feel. “That doesn’t make it easier to work with her.”

  He smiles back. “I still love you.”

  I have to hand it to her, Morgan knows what she’s doing. She sits on the floor of the library in front of the fireplace as flames flicker and reflect on her perfect skin, and I can’t help but thinking how nice it would have been to grow up like her knowing everything about my heritage and who I am. Learning and practicing. But would that really change anything that’s happened?

  “This would work better if we had a full moon,” Morgan says to no one in particular.

  Faye shakes her head. “We can’t wait that long. By then, Kane will have turned the whole town.”

  Morgan grimaces. She picks up the glass of wine next to her and sips. “But if he does turn them, we could maybe do a spell to get them on our side. To…I don’t know, help stand guard. Sounds like Kane would try to stop us. We’d just hold him back with his own army.”

  “These are all ‘ifs’,” I say, propping my forearms on my knees. “Right now, unless we come up with a better plan, I think we should stick to ending this as fast as possible.”

  “We could put the spell back in place with all four of us,” Morgan says. “We could do that right now.”

  “Which would bind the powers until we have a better plan,” James says.

  “And then we’re stuck in town with Kane,” Myra says, walking into the room with a bottle of wine. She tops off my glass and moves to refill Morgan’s. “I don’t think that’ll work.”

  “But it would make Willow safer,” Faye says, considering. She shakes her head at Myra when she offers her a glass of wine, and drinks from her glass of water instead. “Kane wouldn’t be after her.”

  Logan shifts from behind the couch, squeezing my shoulder when he asks, “Why not?”

  I look over as well. “You think that would take away the blue fire?”

  Morgan looks up, interested. “You might be right. In fact, it probably would take away the blue fire. Then he wouldn’t be targeting you.”

  “Unless he’s angry,” Myra says. “And even without the blue fire, Willow’s a powerful witch. He’s not going to want to give her, or us, the chance to do something even more permanent about his powers. I think that would put her in even more danger.”

  Logan’s hands squeeze a little tighter. “You’re right.”

  “Which means our best bet is doing the spell to take away everyone’s powers completely,” Ryan says. He reaches for Myra’s hand as she heads out of the room again. “Do you need help?”

  She flashes him a smile. “No. Cooking helps me relax. I think everyone needs a nice meal tonight.” She shoots me a pointed look. “And a chance to take it easy.”

  “So, we do an erasing spell,” Morgan says, standing and stretching.

  My attention snaps to hers, suddenly panicked. “What?”

  “You know, to take away the powers that are buried in each of us. Though…” She rubs her head like she just remembered something. “I’ve had my powers my whole life. I don’t think taking them away is what I want.”

  I glance at Cheyenne, and then Logan. There is another way.

  As Morgan paces in front of the fire, I catch Logan’s eye and lean in to whisper to him, “She’s right. You’ll be taking away her powers, too, without her consent.”

  “She’ll give it if I tell her to.”

  “Logan,” I hiss.

  Morgan looks over at us and I manage to drum up a small smile. Her gaze roams to his hand, which still caresses my shoulder, and then away. She still has feelings for him. And we’re tricking her. I don’t like what she was doing or the person she chose to be, but it doesn’t make us any better if we’re going to influence her to do what we want.

  “We can’t do that,” I say, standing as well. He meets me on the side of the couch, blocking my way. “Logan.”

  “We don’t have a choice, Willow.”

  “I can’t. It’s not fair.”

  His gaze flicks to Morgan, and then to the doorway when Myra returns to the room and announces that dinner is ready. As the group files out, Faye asks me to stay behind.

  Logan touches my back. “I’ll stay with you.”

  “It’s not–”

  “I’ll stay.”

  Faye smiles gently. “It’s fine. I just want to check you over. See where things stand.”

  I glance from her, to Logan, and then back. “He asked you to do this.”

  “He was right to do so. If there’s anything else I can do to help you get back on your feet, I will. And we need to make sure you’re prepared for the next step.”

  “You mean taking away everyone’s powers,” I murmur. “Even without their consent.”

  Logan sighs, ushering me to the couch. “Let’s do one thing at a time.”

  “I won’t do it,” I tell him, sitting when he nudges me. “Not unless everyone agrees.”

  “Like a vote?” Logan asks, his lips curving. “Really?”

  I fold my arms. “If that’s the way it has to be.”

  “Fairness even when we’re facing down an evil vampire who wants to kill you. That’s impressive.”

  “It’s not funny.”

  Faye crouches in front of me. “One thing at a time,” she says, just like Logan had. “Now, let me focus.”

  She clasps my hands in hers and closes her eyes. I see the concentration there, and try to keep my breathing even. I can feel her mind rooting around, searching in me. My bones, my muscles, everything. It feels intrusive and strange. I squirm on the couch.

  Faye’s brow furrows, but she keeps at it.

  Finally, she opens her eyes and narrows them at me. “Your lungs.”

  I shrug. “A little…sore? It feels like I ran a lot yesterday. No big deal.”


  “Better,” I interrupt, holding them out. “See?”

  Logan traces his finger next to one of the healing blisters. “Willow,” he murmurs. He looks at Faye. “What do you think? Is there anything else you can do?”

  “I don’t need anything else,” I say, glaring at him. “Just–”

  “More rest,” Faye says, standing. “Dinner without stress. A chance to relax. At least for tonight. Then we can reassess tomorrow.”


  “Sounds good,” Logan says, turning to me. “Tomorrow.”

  He kisses me and gently takes my hand, steering me out of the library and to the dining room. It’s not going to help to argue. I’m going to need all my energy tomorrow to not only convince Logan we can’t take away everyone’s powers without their permission, but to come up with a better plan.

  Cheyenne’s idea floats back to me. She meets my eyes when we walk into the room, and I know she’s thinking the same thing. Going back to before all this happened might be our best choice.

  But how do we tell everyone else?

  Chapter 15

  Myra stipulated during dinner that we couldn’t talk about Kane or our powers, which seemed to be a challenge for Morgan, but it helped settle my nerves some. It was nice to talk about normal things, and the things we’d come to appreciate since meeting here. Myra had the store, her own little bakery she’d built from scratch. Ryan was in love with her and happy here in Shadow Hill. Cheyenne had the library and dreams of travel and time away from Shadow Hill that had a chance at coming to fruition one day. James had his job back home and no real attachment to being a witch after he’d seen what Kane could do. And Logan and I had each other. It seemed to be enough. It was also everything our lives could and would be without our powers–and we were all happy with that.

  It makes me think a new start, a do-over as Cheyenne said, is not only an option, it’s a good one.

  As long as I still have a chance with Logan.

  After dinner, Logan carries over the lightheartedness to dessert, which he steals from Myra and brings outside after coaxing me to have some alone time.
r />   I take along flutes of champagne and a worn blanket Logan pulled from a trunk in the hall closet. The sun has vanished and crickets chirp around us. Barefoot and relaxed from the wine during dinner, I follow Logan to our special spot in the garden. A favorite place of ours.

  He spreads the blanket. “You sure you’re okay to do this?”

  “Sit?” I smile at him. “I think I can manage.”

  He takes my hand and pulls me onto the blanket, his mouth finding mine for a kiss before he explains. “I mean, be out here. If you’re tired or–”

  “No. I need this time together. It’s…important.”

  He angles his head, curious. I should talk to him. Tell him about the possibility of us starting over. But he’s already said that’s not what he wants. It seems like just another way Kane is trying to ruin our lives. Instead of celebrating that I’m engaged, instead of celebrating the opening of Myra’s store or helping Cheyenne plan her first trip out of Shadow Hill in years, we’re still dealing with Kane. He’s slowly taken over our lives until all we can do is wait and see what else he’ll take away from us.

  “Then relax,” Logan suggests, “and tell me what’s bothering you.”

  I oblige, curling my legs up to my side and watching as Logan sets plates of chocolate cake in front of us and pulls candles from his pockets. He shoves them into the ground and then fumbles for a lighter.

  “Let me,” I suggest, aiming my gaze at one of the pillars.

  Logan grips my chin. “Please don’t.” He produces a small lighter from his pocket. “It’s not necessary.”

  The worry in his voice makes me pause. I wait for him to light the candles and try to lighten the mood by saying, “This is what it’ll be like when I don’t have my powers anymore. I’ll actually have to light candles by hand.”

  “Try some cake,” he suggests, ignoring the comment. “Myra makes the best German chocolate cake.” He smiles when I don’t pick up my fork. “Myra makes the best everything, but German chocolate is my favorite. She wanted us to be able to celebrate.”

  “You don’t want to talk about this,” I murmur, reaching for the plate.

  “I thought powers and”–he grimaces when saying his brother’s name–“Kane were off limits. Just for tonight.”

  I eat a bite of cake and wash it down with the rest of my champagne. Pinpoints of light flicker in the sky, stars coming out to join the low moon. “You’re right,” I whisper. “If we can’t have one night, then he’s already winning.”

  Logan’s hand covers mine. He leans in, lips just brushing my cheekbone. He smells like chocolate and the forest. I close my eyes.

  “Logan,” I murmur.


  “I love you.”

  He scoots closer on the blanket, moving our plates and propping his hands on either side of me, caging me in. “You say that like it’s goodbye.”

  “I say it like I don’t know when or how many times in the future I’m going to have the chance to say it.”

  His eyes flicker with understanding.

  “I know, I’m breaking the rules. I can’t help it. I have a bad feeling, just like last night. Kane’s a step ahead of us–”

  Logan silences me with a kiss. His mouth seals over mine, simmering with urgency. One hand scoops behind my back, pulling me closer to him. I wince at the pain in my muscles, and Logan freezes.

  “Willow,” he says, straightening. “I’m sorry.”

  He shifts to put some space between us, but I snag him around the neck to keep him close. “Don’t.”

  “You need to rest your body.”

  My lips curve. “From magic. I need to rest my body from magic. We don’t need any of that for what we’re going to do.”

  A long, slow breath fills his lungs. “I don’t think…”

  “Don’t think,” I suggest, moving to straddle him. “Just feel.”

  My name is on his lips again, but I shake my head. My hair falls over my shoulders and Logan twines his hands through it, leaning in to press his face to my throat. His breath is warm, making me shiver.

  “Are you–”

  “I’m fine,” I interrupt with a laugh. “This is better than rest. This is…I need this, Logan. I need…”

  His lips trace my jawbone as he murmurs, “What do you need?”

  I can’t name it. I need him. I need the steadiness of Logan, the reassurance that what we have is real. That is transcends our situation. I need the closeness of someone I know is good and true in his heart. I need the chance to know that in this moment, I am alive, and it’s not about vampires or evil or good; it’s about doing what I know is right. It’s about knowing I’m where I’m supposed to be.

  I press my hands against Logan’s chest, urging him to lie down. He pulls off his shirt and complies. A thrill rushes through me as I remember we’re outside in the open air with just the stars and the moon over us.

  His hands slide under my shirt, warm against my stomach. I sigh and bend to kiss him, tracing my tongue across the seam of his lips until they part. I deepen the kiss. His breath catches, making feel like I’ve won a small victory. I want him to feel as much as I’m feeling right now. The sensations, the love, the belonging.

  Following his lead, I yank off my shirt. I’m wearing one of my only black, lacy bras, one Logan’s seen me in before. But his eyes feast on me in the moonlight like he’s never seen anything so beautiful.

  “You are the only one for me,” he whispers.

  And in a flash, he’s on top of me, lowering me to the blanket. I blink and let out a rush of breath.

  “Tell me if I hurt you,” he says, but doesn’t slow down.

  He pulls my pants off one leg at a time, shaking his head when I reach for him. “No, let me.”

  “Logan,” I breathe, my hands itching to pull him close again.

  He links his fingers with mine, pressing them to the blanket, and gently stretches his body on top of mine. His breath tickles my skin as his lips travel from my neck down my chest.

  My heartbeat picks up. His eyes glitter in the moonlight, focused and full of love. His kisses the curve of one breast, and then his tongue teases under the edge of my bra, making my back arch.

  When he releases my hands, I reach for his pants. He removes them for me, tossing them onto our growing pile of clothes. He slides off my underwear next, warm fingers tracing down the insides of my thighs and my calves so that I’m nearly naked before him.

  My hands buzz with energy and I tense on the blanket.

  “What is it?” Logan asks, curling his fingers around my hip.

  I wait for the buzzing to continue, but it doesn’t. Rising up on the blanket, I glance around, seeing further in the darkness than I ever have before. The night is still, only a small breeze tickling the leaves on the trees.

  Logan wraps his arm around me, a protective gesture, as he scans the grounds as well.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper, lifting my chin to see his face.

  He’s still vigilant, heart thumping against mine as our bodies press together.

  “Logan.” I touch his jaw. “It’s nothing. Look at me.”

  He lowers his gaze to mine. I take off my bra, watching as his eyes dip and heat with need. He doesn’t hold back this time. After removing the rest of his clothes, he presses me to the blanket again, his body hot against mine as he lavishes me with kisses. They move down my body, stopping at every sensitive spot until my hands clench on the blanket and I have to hold back a whimper as my body quakes.

  My hands are a blur as they race across his chest and curve around his back, drawing him closer. “I need you,” I say on a hitch of breath.

  His fingers slide into me and I gasp. “Soon,” he murmurs, eyes connecting with mine.

  I spread for him, my hands clenching on the blanket as another orgasm hits me. “Logan,” I pant.

  “Yes, sweetheart,” he says.

  My body is already his and now he takes my heart. When his weight is on top of me again, I li
ft my hips to his as he slides into me. He fills me with heat, driving deep while I hang onto his shoulders. His hips rock back and forth and my back arches again.

  I nearly come once more when his mouth covers my nipple, and I feel the sharp hint of teeth.

  “Oh, God. Logan–”

  “I’m right here.”

  His breathing is ragged. He pumps two more times, and then his body tenses between my legs as he pours himself into me.

  Then he clasps me close and buries his face in my hair, our hearts racing in time together.

  “Willow,” he whispers.

  I stroke his hair and repeat what he said to me before. “I’m right here.”

  I feel his lips curve, and then he nuzzles my neck, tickling me with the hint of stubble.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asks.

  I flex my feet and breathe in deep. The ache is still there, but I actually feel better. “No, you didn’t hurt me.”

  He props himself up on his elbow, looking around at the rosebushes and trees. “I’ve never done that before.”

  “Outside, you mean?”

  He smiles at me. “In my own garden. I’d like to try that again.”

  “Right now?”

  He chuckles. “You might want to give me a few minutes.”

  My hands buzz again. My breath catches.

  “What?” Logan asks when he sees my face. “Willow?”

  The buzzing doesn’t stop this time, and my fingers start to glow blue, lighting up the space between me and Logan.

  “Something’s wrong,” I whisper.

  I ignore the painful pull of my muscles as I get to my feet, scrambling to grab my clothes and yank them on. I start toward the house, hearing Logan’s curse behind me as he puts out the candles.

  “Willow, wait!”

  He’s faster than me, and in a moment, his hand is on my elbow, holding me close.

  “They can’t be inside the border.”

  “Who?” he asks.

  “Kane and his group.”

  Logan’s fingers tighten on my arm, stopping me outside the door to the kitchen. “Hold on. Kane? He’s here?” His muscles tense as he spins around. “Where? Willow–”

  The door opens, startling me, and then Cheyenne runs out with Myra and Ryan just behind her.


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