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Shifter: Stefan's Mark

Page 7

by Jaden Sinclair

  The property was huge. Sidney couldn't imagine anyone owning a place like this. The land was intimidating with miles of ground and one big house in the middle of it. A breathtaking pool with a large hot tub off to the side had Sidney thinking that she could enjoy it if only her circumstances had been different. A pool house, large enough to allow someone to live comfortably if a kitchen were added, sat nearby. Beyond the pool was what could only be described as a wooden playground. Trails split off into many directions. Sidney could see how someone might feel as if one were in a forest, for that is exactly how she felt as she strolled along the fence line.

  "Found a way out yet?” Stefan had a smile on his face, and his voice was full of humor.

  He surprised her. She hadn't known he was following her. She spun around to face him. There, leaning against a tree, was Stefan, so relaxed with his arms crossed over his chest and smiling brightly at her. If she weren't being held captive, she might have thought Stefan looked very good in his tight shorts and T-shirt, but because she was a captive, and was expected to sleep with him, the sight of him served only to make her angry.

  "What do you want?"

  Stefan smiled brightly. “We were supposed to talk, remember?” He finished by raising an eyebrow.

  * * * *

  "I've changed my mind.” She looked at Stefan defiantly. “You can't say anything that will change this.” She motioned wide with her hands in the air. “You kidnapped me."

  Lowering his eyes, he took a deep breath. “So we are back to that, are we?"

  "You know, you are no better than him.” She took a step toward him. “I only went from one prison to another."

  "Really?” Stefan frowned stepping closer. “I'm offering you everything! What has he ever given you?"

  "Freedom!” she yelled. “I wasn't living in a cage with bars."

  "Sweetheart, you were in a smaller cage than even you know,” he hissed. Stefan felt his anger start to rise and worked hard to push it back. “Look.” He took a deep breath and pushed his hand through his hair. “I didn't come out here to fight with you. I came out here to talk."

  "Talk.” Sidney stared at him, unable to hide her shock. “What could you possibly have to say to me?” When Stefan opened his mouth to speak, she put her hand up, not giving him the opportunity to speak. “Oh, I know. How about, ‘Sorry, baby, but I'm going to have to force you into my bed in three fucking nights!’”

  "You know.” He tapped a finger on his lips while looking at the ground and taking another step closer. “I'm starting to get the vibe that you are really pissed over something."

  "No shit.” Her hands went to her hips and she leaned on one foot. “What gave that away?"

  It took Stefan a few moments before he understood what was really going on. Sidney wasn't as upset at being here, as he thought, or as angry as she was trying to make him think she was. No, Stefan understood finally that Sidney was pissed that he wasn't being the son of a bitch that she first thought he was. Sidney had been so used to men bossing her around, telling her what she could and couldn't do. He sensed with his stepping back and letting her figure most of it out on her own was new. Circling her, Stefan kept his eyes fixed on her, reading what her body language could tell him.

  "You're not really pissed over being here like you want me to think.” He grinned at her knowingly. “You're pissed that I'm not standing here making you hate me."

  "You are crazy. I do hate you."

  "Really?” he charmed, grinning brightly.

  "Yes, really.” Sidney whirled around and ran—fast.

  Shocked, Stefan didn't pursue her. He watched her with a smile. Sidney was like a rabbit when she needed to be. After a few seconds, he took off after her, not wanting her to get too much of a lead. The chase excited him. Chasing his mate made him hard, but he told himself that with her, he had to go slow. It couldn't be as he wanted. Not yet. Sidney needed to understand that he wasn't like other men.

  When he saw her turn back toward the house, he made his move. Springing like a cat, he jumped at her and caught her around the waist. They rolled to a stop, landing in the position he liked. He pinned her beneath him, and she stared up at him. Sidney didn't take this lightly and slapped him several times. In a few seconds time, he had her wrists down and situated himself more comfortably on top of her, ensuring his full weight did not rest on her and hurt her.

  "Such a fighter.” He grunted with a humorous smile. “We really must talk, Sidney. You should learn and understand what a chase like that does to me, but first..."

  Stefan settled his lips over hers for a small kiss. But in doing so, he discovered that with Sidney, there was no small kiss. So strong were his cravings that he couldn't stop himself from touching her ... kissing her, whenever she was near. Stefan knew that his hunger had taken over, and he fought hard for control.

  Soon, Stefan released her hands so that his could roam her body. Lack of sleep made it difficult for him to relax. Knowing that in the other wing of the house, in his bed, was his mate, who didn't want to be touched, had driven him crazy last night. The scent of her, taste of her, memory of the feel of her skin had kept him awake and hard. He wanted more of her. He needed more of her. Needed to feel those legs of her beneath his hands as well as wrapped around his waist as he slid inside her. He was going mad. The desire to rip the thin fabric covering her mound was almost irresistible. He needed to end this and thrust inside of her until he could not move. But to do that now would only further her dislike of him. He knew that right now, he could only feel her and steal a few kisses. And so he did—with no regret.

  Balancing on one arm, he used the other to caress her down to her knee. Cupping his hand behind her leg, he pulled until it was wrapped around him. He pressed tiny kisses to her collarbone with a lick here and there up to her chin. Although he felt her pushing at his shoulders and trying to squirm out from under him, he couldn't stop.

  Stefan caressed his way up her leg and allowed a finger to dip inside her panties.

  "Don't!” Sidney cried.

  * * * *

  Sidney didn't want to relive the night he took her from the club, or the night in his bedroom. Sidney would not be a toy. “Get off of me!” she moaned, fighting her own body to keep from arching slightly into his hand.

  Stefan bit her earlobe gently. “You are like a drug,” he purred in her ear. “Your skin is so smooth. I can't resist touching you ... tasting you.” He licked at her lobe, sucking on it gently before he spoke again. “Sid. I am crazy with a need I never knew possible."

  His whisper in her ear was hot, silky, and washed over her like honey. As she lost herself in the heat of his plea, she let go of her control. Stefan pushed into her mind, and that hadn't happened in more than four years. He had only visited her in a dream state since that night in her home.

  She was in his lap, facing him. Stefan caressed her as he looked deeply into her eyes. His erection strained against her, making warmth pool in her core. Sidney wanted more, needed more, but asking for it wasn't an option.

  "Go with the feeling, Sidney. Take freely, my body is yours."

  His words were so clear in her head, but he hadn't moved his mouth. Soon, Stefan inched the thin straps of her gown down her arms. His hot breath beat against her bare skin. Sidney waited for the gown to slip, and when it did, she knew he would take the taut nipple into his mouth. The need was intense, like nothing she'd ever felt. She could feel the throbbing of her nipples as she anticipated the moist heat of his mouth.

  "Stop!” Sidney whimpered, raising her hand to her head. It pissed her off that he invaded her thoughts. He couldn't make her want him. “Don't.” Sidney shook her head as she pushed at him. Panic was racing in her system, as well as tons of confusion. “Please don't,” she begged in a defeated voice.

  Stefan rolled off of her and let her roll away from him. “Sid..."

  "Don't think you can control me by getting in my head,” Sidney informed him through clenched teeth. “Stay out!"

  "I know you want me, Sid.” He sighed. “Give in to it. I don't want to hurt you on moon night.” His tone changed to one of desperation and almost defeat. Stefan reached out to touch her. “Please, just talk to me."

  "You won't hurt me if you stay away!” Sidney said tightly.

  Stefan watched Sidney closely. “I can do a lot for you Sidney, but staying away from you I cannot do.” Once again he ran his hand through his hair. Frustration was written all over his face. “God!” he hissed under his breath. “Don't you know how much I want and need you?"

  "Why?” she cried, scooting as far away from him as she could get without rising and running in the opposite direction. “Why can't you just let me go?” Anxiety colored her voice, and she looked for something, anything, that could help her. As much as she wanted to get away, Sidney also felt the strong urge to stay, to get to know him better, to see if he could make her feel the one thing that even her father failed to do. Make her feel safe.

  "You belong to me and I belong to you.” Stefan said in a calm, serious voice.

  "You expect me to believe that? I know that taking me was some grand plan to get back at my father. You don't really want me!” Sidney spat at him. “No one wants me!"

  "There are many ways I could have gotten back at your father.” Stefan breathed deeply. “But taking you was never one of them."

  Sidney wondered how much longer he'd play this game with her. “Stefan, please..."

  Stefan stopped her with quiet authority. “This is only about you and me. That is all, Sidney. And I'm the one that wants you.” Stefan rose to his knees and crawled toward her. Sidney scrambled to get away but he grabbed her foot and pulled her into his lap. He ignored the angry expression she gave him and the weak attempts at pushing him away. “I've known for a long time, since I met you, that I would have you. We belong together, Sid, I knew that from the moment I caught your scent.” Stefan gave her a hard look, cupped her cheek, and leaned in to kiss her lightly. “I thought being without you, while I waited for you to come of age, was the hardest thing I've ever done. Now, I realize having you here and not being able to touch you is far worse. I am in hell, Sidney.” Stefan groaned. “I need you so badly."

  "I can't believe this! You want me to feel sorry for you?” The rage Sidney felt was powerful. She looked at him as if he had lost his mind. “I can't believe you. I don't even know you! We don't know each other. And I will be damned if I show you any pity now. Not after what you have done."

  "I felt your pity last night when you apologized for your father."

  "Oh!” Sidney grunted in frustration. “Fine, I take it back! Now let me go!"

  "No,” Stefan said quietly. Sidney was a little surprised that he actually seemed sorry. “I can't let you go when it feels as though I've waited forever for you.” Stefan studied her, and Sidney began to squirm. A strangled cry escaped Stefan, “Damn! You have no idea how hard it is to fight my desire for you. I want to take your clothes off and taste every delectable inch of you. You can't possibly know how that feels.” He rose quickly, bringing Sidney with him, and he moved to a tree and pinned her up against it.

  * * * *

  The sudden fear in her eyes hurt. Stefan didn't want Sidney to be afraid or to feel any kind of pain at his hand. He knew if he didn't make her understand how serious this situation was between them, then Sidney being hurt would be unavoidable. Always at the full moon he became someone he didn't recognized, an animal. Not as mean as Dedrick, but Stefan was enough of an animal that he feared for Sidney. In his eyes, sex should always be something enjoyable, not filled with pain. Stefan sure didn't want her first time to be so painful that Sidney would only cringe, or avoid him whenever he wanted to get close. He feared his control would be gone and deep down, Stefan didn't know what would happen when that occurred. So going with his gut, he decided to go ahead and tell her. He was going to tell her everything that he wanted to talk about this morning.

  "Let me be blunt with you.” He glared almost viciously into her eyes. “I will have no control when the moon is full. It will be much easier to mate now. When the moon is bright and full, I will be an animal seeking only to claim you.” Stefan eyed her as he spoke. The stiffening of her spine told him she heard his words. “You won't be able to hide. Locked doors will not provide you protection. I will have you!"

  Stefan slid his hand up her leg and under her skirt. He cupped her ass, bringing her closer to him. “Have you any idea how deep my need is? How much I really want you, now?” His voice was low and thick. “Hurting you is not my desire. Let go and enjoy the inevitable. The first time will be the best, if only you give in to your desires."

  Sidney tried to move away. Her chin rose in indignation. “You want me to believe this? This is how you plan to get me into bed?” The words were like ice. They cut Stefan deeply but didn't prevent him from going on.

  "The dreams we had together are enough for me to force my will on you. I am not looking for an excuse to get you in bed,” Stefan said sincerely. Passion warmed his voice. “I don't need one."

  "You bastard!” Sidney hissed, pushing against his chest, struggling to be free. “Do you think invading my dreams will make me want you? How dare you? How could you do that to me again?"

  "Why not?” He purred the words, giving her a sexy smile. Stefan told the story with a smile that told just how dirty he was willing to play this game in order to get what he wanted. She tried to slap him, which did manage to wipe the smile from his face. “Fighting gets us nowhere.” He didn't smile or show emotion this time, only held onto her wrists tightly. “I won't hesitate to pull that card back out of my pocket and give you everything you want again in those dreams.” Not even a grin cracked his lips this time when he struggled to hold her on his lap.

  "My dreams are private!” Sidney groaned, fighting to get free.

  "It wasn't just your dream. It was ours! Everything we did, all of it, we dreamed it together, and I am not sorry. It is what I want to do with you.” Stefan tightened his grip on her and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the curve of her neck. “Lord, I cannot wait to be inside of you.” Stefan could barely control his desire. He didn't want to scare her, but the longer they remained there together, the harder it was for him.

  "How many others have heard this story? How many others have you tricked into your bed this way?” Her eyes showed a hint of moisture, but no tears came. Instead, she fisted her hands together and anger replaced those tears.

  "You can't hurt me with words,” he told her plain and matter-of-fact. “This is simply the way it is.” He knew the game she was trying to play, knew that if she thought she would get him angry enough he would let her go and move on. Stefan almost smiled. “We belong together. No other will do."

  * * * *

  Really, she thought. Sidney was starting to feel like a caged bird. She just didn't understand how he could sit here and tell her that they belonged together when they didn't even know each other. A thought hit. One that Sidney knew would piss him off, but it was a chance she had to take. She couldn't give in, no matter how much her body wanted. She couldn't let him have her heart and knew that if he kept going the way he was, being tender and caring, then she would give in and never be the same. “You know, I could see if your brother will make a deal. My body for my freedom.” She shook her head, keeping her eyes from him. “Yes, that is what I will do,” she said, intensifying her struggle to get away.

  That hit a nerve. Stefan's lips left her neck, and he sat back. When Sidney finally looked at him, his eyes betrayed him, and she knew she had gone too far.

  "Really?” he asked coldly, allowing her legs to slide from around him. They settled to the ground, but he didn't move away, although he removed his hand from under her skirt. Breathing deeply for control, Sidney moved farther away from him.

  Tentatively, she stepped away from him when she saw anger in his eyes. Stefan grabbed her and pulled her back against him. “I'll be very direct, since it seems that is the only way you are
going to understand here. Your body is mine. No one, especially not my brother, will ever touch you. His pride would not allow it. He knows you are mine.

  "While I am being blunt, this is what will happen in three days. I am like a deer in rut on that night, nothing but fucking matters to me. Your scent will call out to me. I will hunt you until I have you. There is nothing that will hide you from me. I will find you and fuck you, hard, all night long."

  Sidney yanked her arm, trying to get away, but he held her tight. “I want to be a nice person, Sid, but you are making it difficult. I won't lie to you about my feelings. I want you in my bed right now, I want to feel you beneath me, and I don't regret that feeling.” His voice was deep and full of need mixed with anger that was slowly disappearing as he spoke to her. Sidney saw his patience wearing thin. “I don't know how else to say this, to make you understand how important it is. If we didn't mate soon, then there is a chance I could hurt you in two days."

  "Just stop!” Her voice was barely a whisper. Tears trickled down her cheeks again.

  "It is so hard to control my beast, but I'm trying, Sid.” There was a strain in his voice, and a slight tint of color change in his eyes.

  Sidney growled in frustration at being held and at his bluntness. When she pulled her arm, he held her tighter. “Please, let me go, Stefan. I am so tired of asking you."

  "No way in hell!” Stefan yanked Sidney hard. When she hit his chest, he clamped his arms around her and lifted her like a baby. “You can't hide forever. Face us! Face this family,” he growled, giving her a shake to try to still the fighting. “I've tried doing this your way. Now we do it mine!"

  Stefan tossed Sidney over his shoulder and held onto her tightly as he carried her back to the house. The staff stopped and stared at the spectacle. Stefan ignored them as he continued to the dining table and pulled out a chair, plopping Sidney ungraciously into it. Standing behind her, he waited. Every time she tried to get up, he firmly placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back down. Sidney, full of anger and some hate, fought back with all she had. She slapped, twisted her shoulders, and even tried to get up a couple of times only to be shoved back down. She even tried to bite his hands. But to no end, Stefan held her down in her chair.


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