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Taming Molly: Heroes of Henderson ~ Book 2.5 A DuVal Cousins Quickie

Page 6

by Liz Kelly

  She actually heard Josh swallow.

  It made her smile.

  Pretty much everything Josh did made her smile.

  She felt those magic fingertips draw a lazy path down to her hips, where he managed to scoot his hands inside her dress, linger over her hips, and slide the fabric south enough where it then fell to the floor. Molly turned her head to the side to look at Josh behind her, and caught him staring at her ass.

  “Nude?” he exclaimed in shock. “All night long, you were nude under the dress?”

  “I wasn’t nude,” she insisted, turning around to face him. She held her arms out wide to prove it.

  Josh sputtered, “Well, well…this,” he said, throwing out a hand toward her torso, “is practically the same thing. I was expecting emerald green. Or red. Or bright pink.”

  Molly looked down at her matching lace lingerie. Yes, it could be considered nude in color, and it did sort of blend in with her skin tone, but she thought it was pretty. “You don’t like it?”

  “On the contrary,” Josh said, reaching down to pick up her tulle skirt. “I like it very much. I like it a lot better than red, or green, or anything—anything at all that I could imagine. Only, now….”

  “Now what?”

  “Now, I want to see what you look like in nothing but your fairy princess skirt and….” He flashed his hand in front of her chest and hips. “Whatever you call that. May I?” He stepped forward and drew the skirt back around her naked waist, fumbling a bit with the catch on the bow, but as long as his fingertips were fussing over her flesh, Molly was content to let him handle it.

  “There,” he said, stepping back and appraising. His mouth hung open, his dreamy eyes explored up and down her body. For a woman who had no problem standing naked for hours as an artist’s model, she suddenly felt overexposed. In an effort to “do something” and to extend Josh’s obvious appreciation, she began a slow twirl in front of him. Taking time to smooth the layers of tulle that had wrinkled, fluffing out the pretty green skirt, coming around to owning her femininity in a way she never had before.

  As she came full circle, her heart opened and embraced the man who stood dumbfounded in front of her.

  “You are exquisite,” he whispered. “There is not another word for it,” he said as his gaze moved to her face, to her eyes, as he smiled an I’m-not-quite-believing-what-is-happening smile. “Molly DuVal.”

  “In the flesh.”

  He started to take off his jacket. She came forward and began to untie his bow tie, but let it lay undone around his neck as she started with the top stud of his shirt. “Can I get you to show me one thing before we take all this off?”

  “A condom?” he asked in all seriousness.

  “No,” she laughed. “But that’s good too.” Her hands went back to work opening up his shirt. “It’s just that while you were picturing me in my underwear, I was picturing you…sort of…like this.” She finished by unzipping his pants in one fast move and then standing back.

  “Here,” she said, grabbing up his jacket. “Hold this like a model would. Over your shoulder. Right, right—now put your other hand in the pocket of your pants. Perfect,” she said, her gaze rolling over him, assessing him from head to toe with an artistic eye. She made a few tweaks to his shirt, turned his head to the side a bit and then stood back and took him in.

  “And there you are. Hot Poindexter. Cover model for IQ Weekly.”

  “Hot what?” he exclaimed.

  “My pet name for you in high school,” she said, still taken in by the whole of the man in front of her. “Because you were hot…and, you know…crazy smart.”

  “Can I move now?”

  “Ahhh—” Molly let her eyes rove over him one last time before saying, “Sure.”

  “Good.” Josh dropped his jacket, tore off his shirt, and had Molly dumped on the bed behind her before she knew what was happening.

  “Poindexter,” he mumbled in discontent as he kicked off his pants.

  Molly shrieked and rolled to the center of the bed, covering her eyes as Josh made to leap on it and her. A hand grabbed her shoulder, rolling her flat on to her back. She was caged in by his arms and it thrilled her. Completely.

  “Back to me being in charge,” he said. “There will be no wrestling with me for the top.”

  “What if I like the top?” she said, licking her lips.

  “That would not come as a surprise to me,” he said, leaning down and getting his lips tangled up with hers. “I’m just willing,” he said as they kissed, laying his body slowly against hers, “to work real hard,” he said as his hands went underneath her to unhook her bra, “at changing your mind.”

  She raised her arms as he slid the lace off. “Not much to all this now is there?” he said, studying her bra a moment before he tossed it away. “Where were we?” he teased. But when his gaze traveled down to her chest, his expression grew taut and serious.

  “Molly,” he breathed as he looked his fill. “Molly. You steal my breath.” He let his body tip to the side, his arm bending, bringing up a hand to support his head. Then his other arm came up, letting his fingertips trail over what his eyes beheld.

  They trailed across the upper curves of her breasts, delicately, as if they were gliding over precious silk. She watched his earnest expression as he noticed goosebumps form under his touch. Had a man ever looked at her like this before? Been so enthralled? Had a man ever taken the time to study her as Josh was doing? His thumb came from below and then his hand flattened underneath her breast and slid up, his open palm swirling over her peaked nipple. She closed her eyes, relishing his attention.

  His lips pressed against hers, opening her up to a soul-stirring kiss before he pulled away and began using his mouth to tantalized the rest of her body. He told her he was going to take his time, as his tongue worked its magic on her breasts. He told her he was going to be taking her apart, as he unfastened her skirt with his teeth. He promised he would put her back together again after he was done, as he slid her lace undies down to her knees. A possessive hand spread one knee to the side, leaving her foot trapped against her other knee and bound by her panties.

  She stroked her nails over his scalp, through his short butterscotch locks as those talented fingertips toyed their way slowly along her damp, needy center. And true to his word, when his mouth went to work, he took her apart, bit by teeny…tiny…bit.

  Chapter Nine

  “Come on, Princess,” Josh whispered against her cheek. “I promised I’d have you to your daddy’s by first light.”

  Molly groaned into the mattress.

  “Come on. We’re runnin’ out of moonlight here.”

  “I don’t care,” she croaked. “You promised you’d put me back together, and I am about as undone as I can be.”

  There was no doubting the damn man had an app for that. He had an arsenal full of tricks, and over the past three hours, he had shown off every one of them. Tricks to keep her off kilter, tricks to make her feel things she’d never felt before, tricks that allowed him to take his damn time once he finally, finally pushed all that magnificent length inside of her. He had her begging for more right before she pleaded for release. And what a release it was. She smiled at the memory. She’d never felt so complete. So spent. So enamored. All she wanted to do was curl up into his arms and hold on to Josh. But those crazy fingertips of his only took about ten minutes to get her all riled up and eager for more.

  Of course, that’s when she broke the rules by scrambling on top of his long body. But after all his earlier efforts, he seemed happy to lie back and watch her go.

  “Come on.” He slapped her bare tushy to get her moving. “We do not want our little dalliance to end up being the lead story at all the hot gossip spots. The faster we get you moved back to Henderson, the faster I can manhandle you back into my bed.”

  She smiled, rolling over onto her back and stretching luxuriously, loving the idea of coming back to this bed. “I look forward to being manhandle

  She heard him mumble, “Give me strength,” before he started throwing her clothes at her. “If I wasn’t already dressed, I swear your daddy would be painting his gun white in about five months. Princess, I am fresh out of condoms, so if you don’t have an interest in a shotgun wedding, you’d best be gettin’ yourself dressed. Fast.”

  She would. She’d make it home before first light because that was what her Hot Poindexter wanted. But first, she knelt on the bed and captured him with her arms and lips.

  “Just in case I have to make a quick exit,” she said as she kissed him, “I want you to know….”

  When the kiss dragged on, Josh finally pulled away and said, “What? You want me to know…what?”

  He must have seen it then. Everything she couldn’t find the words to convey was surely there, banked within the emotion drowning her eyes.

  “So much for best laid plans,” he said, then mumbled something about the human factor as he took her mouth in his patent soul-stirring kiss and laid her down.

  It was past noon, and just as church was letting out, when the two of them strolled hand-in-hand up big Jim’s drive, wearing exactly what they’d had on the night before.

  Thanks for reading Taming Molly. I sure hope you enjoyed it. If you’re curious about all those Henderson romances, from Hale and Genevra to Lolly, Brooks, and Vance, check out:

  Playin’ Cop

  Heroes of Henderson ~ Prequel

  A 32,000 word novella

  Buy Now

  Good Cop

  Heroes of Henderson ~ Book 1

  Full Length Novel

  Buy Now

  Bad Cop

  Heroes of Henderson ~ Book 2

  Full Length Novel

  Buy Now

  If you want more of Molly and Josh and want to know what the gift was in the pizza box, look for the next full-length Heroes of Henderson novel.

  Top Dog

  Heroes of Henderson ~ Book 3

  Available for Pre-order Now.

  Keep reading for a sneak peek.

  The Heroes of Henderson Series continues with

  Top Dog

  Heroes of Henderson ~ Book 3

  Available for Pre-order Now

  Crain Carraway, Dallas business tycoon and sports fanatic, is not from Henderson. But his wife is. Although no one knows that because she managed to get cold feet after their impromptu Vegas wedding. Hiding out in her hometown, she’s sicked her lawyer on him, doing her best to buy his silence and a quickie divorce.

  Like hell.

  It’s taken him way too long to find the perfect Mrs. Carraway, and now that he’s had the fortuitous luck to stumble into Henderson and his bride, he’s not about to let her go.

  Chapter One

  The trouble with trouble is it always starts out as fun.

  Four Months Earlier

  Crain Carraway slipped inside the luxurious bathroom of his Las Vegas suite and shut the door quietly. Even though he couldn’t sleep, it seemed that his beautiful bride was out cold after a very lengthy, highly energetic, totally off-the-charts, roll-me-over-and-do-that-again consummation of their marriage. God, she was something. Something fine looking and brilliant and just as sweet as the cherry on top of his Absolut Old Fashioned. He couldn’t believe she was his. All his. And he couldn’t sleep because he wanted the world to know it.

  Starting with his parents.

  He dialed their number, checking the time on his watch. Dallas was two hours ahead of Vegas and on a weekday morning his parents should be up and at ’em. No doubt this would get their day started with a bang.

  “Honey Bear!” his momma said in greeting, as if he wasn’t thirty-five-years old.

  “Momma Bear,” he said back, playing her game. “Put me on speaker and round up Poppa Bear. I have big news.”

  “Big news?”

  “Texas-sized news.”

  His mother laughed. “Bigger than when you started CC Dallas, Inc.? Lucius!” his mother shouted. “Your son has Texas-sized news he wants us to hear together.”

  “May as well grab a bottle of champagne while you’re at it, Ma. You’re gonna need it.” Crain said.

  “I’ll bet that luxury suite at Cowboys Stadium came through,” his father’s voice echoed over the phone.

  “Even better than that,” Crain said, grinning at himself in the bathroom mirror. “Dad, do you remember that statuesque blonde I pointed out when you stopped in the office a month ago? The one trying to hide all that beauty under those smart-girl glasses?”

  “Do I? That pretty little gal had you drooling like a Bluetick Coonhound.”

  Crain chuckled. “Guilty as charged. Well, it took some doing, but I finally got that pretty little gal to agree to a dinner date. I took her to Nick & Sam’s.”

  “Best steakhouse in Dallas,” his dad said.

  “And she loved it. In fact, the date went so well she agreed to meet me for drinks at the Ice House the next night. One thing led to another very good night and, although I will admit she was a little bit tipsy when I asked her to accompany me to Las Vegas, I assure you she was completely sober when I asked her to marry me.”

  “You’re engaged?” his mother exclaimed.

  “Better than that. We’re married.”

  “Married?” Poppa Bear sounded astonished.

  “We eloped. Just last night. It was just…right. Everything about it was perfect. And I’m sorry you weren’t here, but I know you’re gonna forgive me when you meet my bride.”

  “Wha…ah…well of course we’ll forgive you,” his mother stuttered. “But darlin’ boy, this is all so quick. So sudden.”

  Crain smiled, softening his voice in an effort to soothe his momma. “I know it seems that way, I truly do. But you know I’ve dated a lot of wonderful women over the years. Every time I figured out what I didn’t want, I knew better what I did want. And this one, this one is the complete package. Underneath her bright and engaging business persona, there’s a bewitching temptress just as sweet as praline pie. She’s the one I’ve been looking for all my life, Momma. She’s the one I want.”

  “You sound so certain.”

  “Because I am. I was certain the first time we met, and after date number two all I could think was how fast can I get this girl to the altar?”

  “Any faster and you’d catch up to yesterday,” his father said.

  “And now I’m burning daylight, so let me get back to my bride,” Crain countered.

  “Wait!” his mother cried. “What’s her name? Who are her people?”

  “Well, I don’t exactly know who her people are, Momma, because I’ve been solely focused on sweeping her off her feet. But I’ll tell you what. Anybody who can raise a woman like her can’t be all bad. Now I’ve got to go and talk my bride into a nice long honeymoon in Hawaii, so if you two don’t hear from me for a couple weeks, don’t fret. In the meantime, Momma, you can start planning whatever extravaganza you’ve got in mind to introduce my bride to our people.”

  “I can tell you one thing,” his momma scolded. “It’s gonna look a whole lot like a church wedding and a big fat reception. You tell my new daughter-in-law the first thing I plan to do is to take her shopping for a wedding dress. I love you, but I am not particularly happy about this.”

  “Oh come on,” he goaded. “You know you’re a little happy about this.”

  “I’m very happy you’re happy, darlin’ boy. But I sure don’t like missing my own son’s wedding. Now bring that girl home, so I can hug her neck.”

  “Will do, Momma. Will do. Poppa Bear, I am signing off.”

  “I’ll take care of your momma. You go take care of your bride.”

  “Over and out.”

  Crain hung up. And then he did what turned out to be about the dumbest thing a man with a Texas A&M degree could do. He took the time to text everybody he knew, telling them he had married the cutest Ol’ Miss Hotty Toddy ever found in Dallas. Yep, he was one happy groom. Right up until he made his bride a c
up of coffee just the way she liked it—with a whole lot of sugar—and carried it into the bedroom.

  “Sweetheart,” he whispered, until he realized the bed was empty. “Sugar?” he yelled, looking around the room, his eyes coming to rest on the note written with her preferred red Sharpie. “Honey?” he said, moving forward to pick up the note.

  Four little words. Four little words Crain Carraway had no idea what to do with. Four little words that left him certain of absolutely nothing.

  I’m sorry – cold feet.

  Pre-order Top Dog Now

  Releasing on November 18, 2014



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  Taming Molly

  would be very much appreciated.


  Liz Kelly

  Countdown To A Kiss

  A New Year’s Eve Anthology

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  Playin’ Cop

  Heroes of Henderson ~ Prequel

  Previously published as

  The Keeper of the Debutantes in

  Countdown to A Kiss

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  Good Cop

  Heroes of Henderson ~ Book 1

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  Bad Cop

  Heroes of Henderson ~ Book 2

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  Taming Molly

  Heroes of Henderson ~ Book 2.5

  A DuVal Cousins Quickie

  Review Now

  Top Dog

  Heroes of Henderson ~ Book 3

  Pre-order Now

  Releasing on 11/18/2014

  About the Author

  Growing up every summer in a place where dancing and romancing are literally part of its theme song, Liz Kelly can’t help but be a romantic at heart. And since her favorite author, Kathleen E. Woodiwiss wrote some of the world’s greatest romances, she’s just trying to give the world a little more of that. (Okay, maybe a little sexier that, but we are now in a new millennium after all.)


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