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Fated Hope

Page 6

by Sariah Skye

  My breath caught in my chest momentarily at his sweet words, but instead of relaxing, it came quicker now for a different reason.

  He pulled me closer to him, right into his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around me, whispering calmly into my ear. “It's okay Leo. Picture less stressful days. Think of our little hut by the river. When things were simple. It's just you and me, no one is around, no one expects anything from either of us...we simply can”

  I allowed myself to rest my cheek against his chest, placing my hands next to me on the other side of his heart. I remembered sitting like this for many hours before, usually after rough days at school where I'd been tormented by professors, by other dragons in our year and eventually it would just get to me. The tears would start falling and I couldn't hide the pain of my torment any longer. Maxxus would simply just hold me for a long time—sometimes hours—whispering things softly into my ear. Future plans to run away to Earth, or to a faraway kingdom where no one knew us. Maybe there was a kingdom that didn't care about pink dragons existing where we could be free. He'd forge his weapons for money, I'd perform heals when I could for the village, and we'd spend evenings by the fireplace just enjoying the quiet; away from my terrible family, and his. I'd slowly stop crying and start smiling, while listening to his words, the steady beat of his heart, as I twirled my fingers carefully in the soft curls that dotted his chest.

  “We did this a lot years ago, didn't we?” I recalled thoughtfully. I felt him smile, resting his chin on my head.

  “Yes, we did. I know you were sad, but these were my favorite moments—even more so then the very few times we were able know,” I could hear the embarrassed blush in his tone.

  I looked up at him. “Really?”

  He smiled and nodded. “Yes. Don't get me wrong—it was...amazing. Mindblowing, being with you like that but just being there, dreaming about the future...”

  I snorted. “This certainly isn't how I pictured it, how about you?”

  He chuckled. “Well, I pictured us bonded but, certainly not as royalty.”

  “Certainly not.” Despite myself, I smiled up at him, feeling the panic seep away.

  “You've always been a queen to me,” he said affectionately, wrapping his arms tighter around me and pulling me closer, resting his cheek on my shoulder.

  And that was it. My resolve was gone. I grasped at the hair at the back of his neck and urged him to look at me. My pulse quickened again, but not because of panic. I suddenly realized that the proximity of him was just too far away, even though I was sitting on top of him; the skin of both our upper bodies exposed and pressed against each other. I snaked my other hand around his shoulders and dug my fingers in, letting out a low, quiet growl from the back of my throat.

  He raised his brow but got the hint, quickly. I watched his sky-blue eyes hood as he softly kissed my shoulder. With that single action, I felt my core set on fire and stoke hotter as he traced a path of kisses over my collar bone. He traced light kisses up my neck, finally landing on my bottom lip where instead of kissing, he bit gently.

  I let out a soft moan involuntarily and pressed my lips forcefully to his in a passionate kiss. They parted slightly, allowing him further access and he deepened it, his tongue gently rubbing across my lower lip, sending tingles up and down my spine. My grip on his back tightened, digging into his skin and he threw his head back and let out a low moan before looking back at me with such heat and intensity, my heart banged against my chest with anticipation.

  “I want you, Leorah. Now.” He gently—yet forcefully—cupped my face in his hands and was leaning forward for a kiss when we both were startled by a light knock at the door.

  I jumped out of his lap and back on the opposite corner of the bed, still panting.

  “Um...Leo? Are you in there?” asked a meek voice from the other side of the heavy wooden door.

  “Gabriel!” I exclaimed sheepishly. Maxxus' hooded eyes widened and leapt off the bed, quickly re-fastening his pants.

  I quickly scrambled underneath the covers and pulled them up to my neck. “Shit.” I said, embarrassed.

  Gabriel knocked again. “Leo—err...your highness. I'm sorry if I'm bugging you, but you need to see this.” The door opened slowly and he appeared from behind it, carrying a bundle of something in his arms. He noticed me in bed, covers up to my eyes and Maxxus, half naked a few paces away. “Oh shit,” he said quickly, seeming to shield his eyes with the bundle. “I am interrupting!”

  “It's all right,” Maxxus said simply, but sternly. “What do you need?” He turned to the sorcerer, crossing his arms over his chest, looking expectant.

  “Oh, it's just—” he said, and the bundle he was carrying squirmed and let out a familiar “Meow.”

  I squealed, tossing the blankets aside and leaping out of bed gleefully. “Sona?”

  The furry bundle leaped out of Gabriel's arms onto the floor. I flew across the room, not caring that I was barely clothed, and scooped the furry friend up in my arms. “Sona!”

  Gabriel tried to shield his eyes with his hand and looked away. “I'm so sorry, you guys were...umm...” he said uncomfortably. “I should have waited, I'll—” he took a step to disappear back behind the door.

  “No! I've been worried sick!” I clutched the warm, furry cat close to me, feeling the rumble of a contented purr in her chest as she bumped my nose with her forehead and let out a “Mrrow?”

  “Sona!” I said, the tears of relief pouring out of my eyes now and into Sona's soft, calico fur. “Thank you for bringing her—where was she?” I sniffed, looking up at Gabriel expectantly, rubbing my runny nose with the back of my hand, jostling the cat because I refused to let go.

  Gabriel, still avoiding my gaze, looked anywhere but at me. “Oh, we—Daniel and I—were about to come back over and suddenly, there she was, rubbing at my ankles,” he said, with a chuckle. “She seems to be fine.”

  I felt something soft on my shoulders and noticed Maxxus behind me, draping his coronation cloak over my shoulders and wrapping it strategically around me...suddenly I realized I had been in my underwear and I nestled into its warmth.

  Sona looked up at the green dragon hesitantly, her ears falling back onto her head as she stopped purring.

  Maxxus backed away slightly, slowly, but kept his gaze on her. Carefully, he reached out his hand to her as a gesture of peace.

  Sona warily sniffed at Maxxus' outstretched hand and allowed her ears to return to normal. She didn't lick or engage him any further, but she didn't hiss angrily at him either, and I took that as a good sign. She nose-bumped me again before jumping nimbly out of my arms, padding past Maxxus and onto the plush black chaise at the foot of the bed, curling up into a ball. I chuckled at her.

  Gabriel laughed shortly. “I guess she's at home in a palace, huh?” Gabriel said. He seemed to relax more as I pulled the cloak tighter around me.

  “Appears that way,” I said, with an uncomfortable smile.

  Gabriel looked away down at his feet, shuffling awkwardly. He wore his normal blue jeans and a black hoodie sweatshirt—his uniform—before glancing up at me, and Maxxus, and back at me again. He forced a smile. “Well...I knew you were worried. I just thought I'd bring her. I'm sorry to interrupt.”

  “I'm glad you did,” I said, looking back at the cat who was digging her paws into the arm cushion and letting out a perturbed meow.

  “How is the rest of Castle Danger? Any news?” Maxxus inquired.

  Gabriel sighed, with a shrug. “No, not really. We haven't lost anyone else yet but Daniel says most of the people remaining—their auras are at least half black, and some of them aren't responding well to treatment. Finnian is so frustrated, and depressed. I feel bad for the guy, actually.”

  I sighed. Here I was, in these bedchambers, hot and bothered about ready to jump Maxxus' bones when there were real problems out there that needed solving. “I should be there to help heal them.”

  Maxxus’ strong hands gra
sped my shoulders. “Soon, Leo. You need rest and besides, they are looking for you. The Shadows. We can't risk losing you right now. Or—ever,” he said, his voice quivering slightly.

  “He's right,” Gabriel agreed reluctantly. “Once we get everyone stable enough, we'll move them over here where it's safer, and then you can try to heal them. Slowly.”

  I nodded begrudgingly. “How is Kit?”

  “She's good, I think, considering. I know she's enjoying feeling useful and Esmé has been using her for everything she can,” Gabriel said, with a laugh.

  “I feel terrible…the town is in shambles and here I am…in a castle.” I sighed, looking down at my bare feet as they shuffled over the hard stone.

  “Leo, it’s okay. Tomorrow you can help. Tonight just…” Gabriel’s cheeks flushed. He gestured towards us, and didn’t say anymore, but we knew what he meant.

  Maxxus let out a loud cough, interrupting Gabriel from his embarrassment. He shook himself and started back towards the door.

  “I'll see you all in the morning.” Gabriel offered me a smile, and nodded in acknowledgment at a grim-faced Maxxus before turning and shutting the door behind him.

  I let out a tense breath I'd been holding. I slapped my hand against my face and groaned. “Ugggh, that was uncomfortable.”

  Maxxus laughed. “More for him than anything.” I felt his arms sneak around me, and settle on a spot on my lower stomach, fumbling for something.

  I let out a little surprised noise. “Boy, you just get right to it, don't you?”

  Maxxus wiggled his eyebrows, grabbed for something, and pulled his hand away, holding up a vial triumphantly. I pouted disappointedly, realizing that he wasn't reaching for me, but for a potion in his pocket.

  “Aww,” I protested, pouting. I thrust my hands at my sides and stomped my feet slightly. “You really are a rotten tease.”

  He chuckled playfully, and took the potion and crossed the room, opening the door. He tossed the vial on the ground and it landed with a loud shatter. The room was filled with the light scent of lavender and musk before he shut the door. With a wave of his hand, I heard tumblers in the door lock tightly.

  I inhaled deeply, and felt relaxed. “Mmm. What is that?”

  “A wedding gift from Finnian,” he said, sauntering casually across the room.

  “Oh?” I crossed my arms over my chest, giving him a suspicious look. “What does it do?”

  “Not sure, but I think it's an aphrodisiac,” he said, smiling lazily, taking a deep breath. He sauntered back across the room, his gait confident and his gaze? Predatory. “Sure smells good. Finnian assured that if I put it outside the door, no one will interrupt us for at least eight hours.”

  “Eight hours? What if there is an emergency?” I asked, my heart flip-flopping underneath his stare.

  Maxxus placed his strong hands on my hips, and pulled me forcibly closer to him. “Who cares?” he said with a smirk.

  I bit my lip flirtatiously and wrapped my arms around his neck. “What are we going to do for eight hours?”

  Maxxus growled lowly, almost sounding like a purr. Sona, from nearby, let out a yelp and ran, darting off to the washroom where she disappeared. He lifted a brow and said, seductively. “Everything.”

  Chapter 5

  “Everything?” My breathing became labored as I stared deep in his eyes. His gaze was predatory as he leaned forward, his lips aiming for mine.

  My heart pounded and my stomach flip-flopped, and not in the good way. I gasped, and turned my face away as his mouth landed on my cheek.

  “Leorah?” he asked with concern, pulling away slightly.

  I sighed. I took a couple steps backward out of his arms and turned around. “I just… need a moment.”

  To his credit, Maxxus didn’t grumble, or growl. He simply placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. “Of course. But… if there is something wrong, please tell me.”

  I swallowed a lump that was rising in my throat. “I—” I began, not finding the words. Because, I really didn’t know what was my problem. It’s the same knee-jerk reaction I had when I attempted to get close to Gabriel—in that way. Only, this was ridiculous. Maxxus and I had been together before. It had been a long time ago, of course… but it had happened.

  I blew a quiet raspberry out of my lips, feeling my knees shake, and knock against each other. I pulled the robes I was wearing—Maxxus’—tighter around me, wrapping my own arms around my upper body.

  “Uh-huh…” Maxxus carefully tip-toed around me, sitting on the edge of the bed in front of me. I dared to gaze at him—his body, his face.

  He was so beautiful with his wavy, ginger hair, sky blue eyes, strong jawline and gently-muscled upper body. Just enough definition, but not enough to be bulky. Soft hair dotted his chest, trailing, and dipping down into the shorts he wore—and nothing else. His obvious excitement was apparent. Despite that he made no solicitous remarks, no aggressive growls as a dragon would be prone to in this moment. He even kept his facial expression neutral, though to anyone that knew him—like me—the glint in his eye and the heavy lids indicated what he was thinking. He was most definitely eager and ready to go.

  Dragons aren’t known for their control or their composure when aroused. Relationships—intimate or otherwise—were always consensual. But, like with most couplings, once things heated up, it was hard to stop. Maxxus being patient at a time like this meant many things; the biggest of all, his control showed me that above all he cared about my feelings over everything. Even when I didn’t really know what they were myself.

  “What are you thinking?” Maxxus questioned, with genuine concern. He reached out, grasping one of my hands in both of his. He didn’t pull me closer, just traced little circles on my knuckles with his thumbs; an action that was gentle and relaxing.

  I gave a wry smile. “I was just thinking how amazing you are.”

  Maxxus’ bright eyes shone brighter under the weight of my words. The corner of his mouth trailed upward. “Yeah?” he said, genuinely flattered. His high cheekbones turned shades of pink, and he squeezed my hand a little tighter.

  “Yeah,” I said, blushing myself. “I seriously don’t know what my problem is…”

  “Hmmm…” Maxxus took one hand, and stretched for my free hand, that was anxiously clutching the front of the robes closed over the front of my body. He pulled my hand away, gradually, and I reluctantly gave up my grip. The robes parted, exposing a line of skin that ran up from my neck, down to my ankles. A chill darted up my spine, though not from the cold, but from shame. “I think I may have an idea.”

  “What?” I asked, raising my brow carefully.

  “I think that you’re insecure. I can tell by the way you suddenly clutched my robes shut around you,” he said, his lips quirking.

  I inhaled severely.

  “Which makes me sad, because you are so beautiful.” Maxxus raised a hand, releasing mine, and traced the outline of my cheek. His touch was tender and loving, not at all forceful. “But I think it has more to do with how you’ve been treated in the past. Here we are, in an unfamiliar place, in a precarious situation…you feel out of sorts, and that’s only normal. Even though we’ve kissed before, even though we’ve made love before…it feels new again. And you’re afraid.”

  I sighed. “Yeah…maybe.”

  “The magic could be making you feel insecure, or maybe you’re just afraid to disappoint me; I don’t know.” Maxxus’ hand trailed down the side of my neck, resting on my shoulder. I shivered under his touch, chilled at first, then the first tingles of warmth pricked, under his fingers. “Leorah, darling. There is nothing you could do that would ever disappoint me. Ever.”

  I snorted, looking away so he couldn’t see my eye roll. “Oh come on, you can’t promise that.”

  “Oh, but I can.” Maxxus grabbed and tugged at my hand, swiftly pulling my entire body towards him. I let out a little squeal, as I landed on his leg, my own legs dangling between his that spread out wide
. Surprised at his action, I gasped at his small act of forcefulness; and the butterflies inside stopped flopping. “Leorah, I’ve been a bachelor a long time. Officially. Unofficially, my heart has always belonged to you, whether anyone knew it or not. There was never anyone else in my mind. Ever. Never ever.”

  I snorted, unconvinced. “Never? Come on…”

  Maxxus drew his hand up to my chin, and sharply turned my face towards him. Looking entirely serious, he repeated again. “Never, Leorah. Not ever. Not even once.”

  I swallowed, nervous under the weight of his stare. “You can’t be serious.”

  He relaxed his touch and his expression. “Nope. Not once. That moment you stood up for me in class—after everything you’d been through—I knew no one could compare to you. Every female I came across, I compared them to you, even if I didn’t know why. You were the perfect example in my mind; someone who was bold, yet reserved. And completely selfless. Your smile—even then—lit up the room. I would spend all my days in class, doing whatever I could to make you smile. Not just to see you stop being sad, after being teased or tormented…but selfishly so I could just see it for myself.”

  I blinked slowly, trying to let the words register in my mind.

  “Even as we aged, I would catch myself looking at other females. Not to ogle them, but to decide what about them wasn’t good enough for me, because they weren’t you. Drakes would talk about this girl, or that girl—her eyes, her hips, her whatever. And they’d never compare to you. ‘Oh, she has nice eyes, but not like Leorah’s bright green.’ I would think to myself. ‘Oh, she has a great smile, but it doesn’t compare to Leorah’s.’” Maxxus gently brushed a finger across my temple, then down, resting a fingertip on my lips. His touch was salty and earthy at the same time, and I had to fight the urge to part my lips and take it in, to taste him better.

  Feeling my breathing quicken, Maxxus trailed his finger down my neck. “’No one has such a delicate neck like Leorah.’ I’d think.” His finger dipped lower, over my collarbone, as he pushed aside the heavy fabric as he grazed over my shoulder. The robes finally fell off my shoulder, exposing it entirely, gooseflesh promptly forming under his light touch as he trailed over it, and down my arm. “’No one has such beautiful shoulders like Leorah.’ I never realize shoulders could be beautiful until I noticed yours,” he said, and I noticed his eyes were intent, watching my breath hasten the lower his finger trailed.


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