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Fated Hope

Page 42

by Sariah Skye

  Daniel from across the dais with his exaggerated expression waved low near his waist to get our attention.

  I raised a brow at him as he nodded at Lord Kereck, with wide, pointed eyes; a look that clearly said He’s in bad shape.

  I acknowledged him with a dip of my head, feeling briefly anxious. Was this what he meant by the Shadows being nearby? Was there something else to it?

  Gabriel sensed my trepidation and squeezed my hand in solidarity. “It’ll be okay, Leorah. Promise.”

  I offered him a thankful smile and we stepped towards Lorusto’s parents, standing before us on the floor.

  I glanced between the two, hoping that I was giving them a reassuring look despite the nervousness and dread I felt inside.

  “Lord Kereck, will you go first, please?” I asked, holding my hand out in front of him, waiting for him to take it.

  The lord’s eyes just darted around quickly. He grabbed at the front hem of his raggedy robes, pulling out individual threads of embroidery as he uttered unintelligible words under his breath.

  Worried, I turned and glanced back at Maxxus, who simply nodded, urging Gabriel and I forward.

  “Lady, will you allow us to heal your mate?” Gabriel’s words were nervous, but he put on his bravest face, giving her a pleasant smile that seemed to help soften her resolve.

  She was more with it than her husband, thankfully, and nodded. “Please help him,” she beseeched us in the tiniest voice.

  “We will.” Carefully, I touched Lord Kereck’s hand. When he didn’t shy away, I gently wrapped my fingers around his, and pulled it closer towards me. Gabriel clenched his other hand. The green dragon did not pull away, but the surprise registered, if only briefly on his exhausted eyes.

  Gabriel and I grabbed each other’s free hands and kept Lord Kereck’s gripped tightly against him, not wanting to alarm him any further.

  “If you can, Lord, please think about something pleasant. Anything at all…a flower field, a photograph—” Gabriel addressed the anxious dragon serenely, his voice steady and soothing. I was grateful for it, because I felt anything but soothing and steady.

  My heart flip flopped in my chest, as Gabriel continued to make suggestions. Lord Kereck stared absently between us before he finally blurted, “Ice cold ale!”

  I stifled a laugh as a look of instant pleasure washed over his face. His mate next to him chuckled lightly.

  “If that makes you happy, then yes, please think of it. I think we can oblige you, too, after this is over,” I said, with a laugh, and several shifters around us tittered with genuine laughter.

  Lord Kereck nodded vigorously.

  “Keep that thought in mind over the next few minutes while we work, okay?” Gabriel said to him in hushed tones. I wasn’t sure if it registered, but he kept the same dopey smile plastered to his face. “Let’s go, Leo.” Gabriel whispered so quietly to me I could barely tell that he spoke, even with my sensitive dragon hearing. We squeezed hands and closed our eyes, beginning to concentrate.

  Gabriel began to chant, quietly. I clenched my eyes shut and imagined the magic deep inside, called for it on a soul-level, beseeching it to help us; to help this poor, Shadowtouched dragon.

  I pictured in my silent mind, what the lord must look like feeling well; the lines of worry wiped off his face. His demeanor steady, and no longer jumpy. His gray hair tamed, hanging delicately across his agedly handsome face, and before long the magic inside started to swell with heat inside under my heart.

  The fingertips clutched tightly in Gabriel’s hand tingled with the surge of magic, and I knew that he was casting; I could feel the heat from the light magic summoned in his palms.

  Several gasps sounded from the nearby crowd, and vocal titters from the crowd but I ignored them, instead choosing to focus on the magic swelling inside.

  I pictured the blackness, the void of the Shadow, dissipating…disappearing into oblivion, replaced with the warmth of the light and healing energy. I imagined it flowing out in waves, like oceans at high tide, gentle at first but attacking the shore with persistent wrath.

  I imagined a Shadow tendril, at Lord Kereck’s feet, being squashed and quelled with the force of my magic. It pushed inside me, ready to escape, to burst from under my heart I willed it outward and pushed it straight into Lorusto’s father.

  The second it left my body, I felt the resistance; the Shadows inside him were fighting back, struggling to keep their foothold in his mind and soul.

  “Push harder, Leo!” Gabriel cried out with struggle.

  With everything I had in me, I imagined the light—the pink magic inside—pushing up against a dark, iron gate. Barreling into it with force so hard, it knocked it off its hinges, obliterating it as it struggled to keep it’s hold.

  I let go, biting down on my lip and feeling my body sweat with the intensity of magic I felt it explode out of me, until I was crying out involuntarily, Gabriel was chanting louder, with more fervor and finally, Lord Kereck let out a deafening scream.

  Just as the magic was cast outward it suddenly dissipated, exploding around us in a pink shower of mist and sparkle.

  The Court members gasped, Lady Omande clutched her mate with worry and Lord Kereck struggled to stay on his feet.

  Finally, he fell to his knees, sobbing profusely as he fell.

  “Lord?” I asked with hesitance, reaching for him.

  He sobbed for a few moments more, before slowly looking upwards at me.

  “I—what?” he spoke, with confusion but a vibe of newfound clarity. His eyes shook, trembling with confusing before opening up, freely letting tears flow.

  “Father?” Lorusto was behind his father, struggling to assist him to his feet.

  Kereck peered up at his son after a moment of confusion before finally, a slow smile spread across his thin mouth.

  “Kereck?” His mate asked, voice quivering from next to him.

  “You…I’m all right,” he said, suddenly realizing. With new strength, he allowed his mate and son to assist him to his feet. He gazed with amazement at his hands before him, no longer nervous with Shadows but steady with the idea of healing. “I’m all right!”

  Lord Kereck turned to me, and then to Gabriel, his face appearing lighter and brighter, with no more dark circkles or worried lines as before; an aura of peace came off him in waves.

  “He’s free.” Daniel spoke over shoulder behind me, his tone boastful. He clasped both of our shoulders—Gabriel and I—and laughed joyfully. “He’s okay! I don’t see any Shadows!”

  “I don’t either!” Gabriel cheered gleefully.

  Kereck blinked a handful times, in obvious confusion. With his fists, he rubbed his eyes and shook his head.

  His mate, Omande, gently gripped him by the shoulder, carefully spinning him towards her. “Kereck? How do you feel?”

  Kereck’s face fell solemn as he looked down over his body, before lifting his head, and sighing, as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulder. With a smile that was genuine and carefree, he grinned at his mate. Omande’s hand flew to her mouth, covering up a grateful sob that tried to escape.

  “I feel much better,” Kereck said quietly, his black eyes bright without the weight of the Shadows once again.

  Omande broke. Sobbing, she threw herself into her mate’s arms. “You’re okay! I didn’t believe it could happen!”

  I felt my lower lip quiver, watching the touching scene. I sniffed, as Gabriel clutched my hand; his own brown eyes shining with the onset of joyful tears.

  “We did it,” he whispered to me.

  Kereck embraced his mate with happiness before pulling away. He took a handful of careful steps toward Gabriel and me. “Please—my mate. Will you?”

  “Oh, I’m fine! I’m just—” she protested, but Daniel interrupted.

  “No, you’re not fine. I still see the Shadows on you, too. Not as much as your husband, but they’re there,” he said, voice serious. “Allow them to heal you.”

reck and his mate exchanged a nod, and she stepped forward.

  “Thank you for this,” she said, outstretching her hands. “I cannot believe what you did with him—I never thought I’d see him back to his old self again!”

  I gave her an appreciative smile. “We’re happy to help.” I grasped her hand, and Gabriel the other. We gave each other a quick look and a nod before we casted the magic to heal her too. It was significantly easier than her husband by far, but when we’d finished, Omande carried herself with a new air of wellness.

  She grinned at her mate. “I can’t believe it—I feel so much better!”

  “Mother…” Lorusto had been standing behind his parents, silently watching with anticipation. Seeing them well again broke the damn on the seemingly insensitive, tough black dragon and the three of them shared a tearful embrace, exchanging hugs and kisses.

  “Never thought I’d see Lorusto act so…kind. Humble,” I said, shaking my head with a dry laugh.

  “Are you okay? How do you feel?” Maxxus came up beside me, clasping his large hand on my shoulder.

  I squeezed it once and smiled. “I feel just fine.”

  He smiled, offering me a quick kiss on the lips before turning to Gabriel and offering his hand.

  Gabriel’s brow cocked slightly, but humbly, he took the outstretched hand of my mate and they shook hands, with solemn respect.

  “Your Highness…I can’t thank you enough…” Lorusto stepped forward, his parents just behind him, clutching each other and their son.

  I waved him off. “It is my duty.”

  “No…it’s not. Especially for me. Us. I treated you horribly over the years, and for that, I am sorry.” Lorusto sank to his knees, looking at Maxxus and I in turn before lowering his head. “I am so grateful not only for what you’ve done for my parents, but for your forgiveness.”

  Maxxus sucked in a breath, caught off guard by the black dragon’s kind words. “You are welcome,” he said, keeping his voice steady through his emotion.

  “Well done!” My grandfather’s voice boomed throughout the throne room, and he began to clap. “Well done indeed!”

  Slowly, applause erupted from the uncertain members of the Court. It wasn’t much, or thunderous but it was better than scorn.

  I looked at Gabriel, my cheeks flushed. We gripped our hands tight but said nothing; nothing needed to be said.

  “See, you don’t want to eat the humans. We’re good,” Daniel jibed, nodding vigorously, his expression playful and winking.

  Several dragons nearby chuckled and laughed.

  “You’re not my type, anyhow,” one male replied from near the front.

  Daniel’s gaze followed the voice and landed on a very handsome, young, blonde dragon shifter with bright blue eyes. I could practically see him drool, as the male green dragon winked at him. Daniel appeared surprised and grinned innocently.

  I gave him a shove. “What about Finn?” I asked him quietly.

  “I…” Daniel blushed profusely, and I laughed.

  “Are you willing to heal more today, your highness?” A voice asked from the crowd, interrupting our joviality.

  Kreegan stepped forward, the crowd parting to allow him room. He bowed his head lightly as he stood in front of Maxxus, Gabriel and me.

  “You? You want to be healed?” I asked, astounded.

  “I have not felt the same since the day of the battle,” his voice was serious. “I believe that’s why we tried to attack you that day in the courtyard weeks ago.”

  I exchanged a look with Maxxus. He appeared suspicious and scratched at the stubble on his chin thoughtfully.

  “I thought you were opposed to our rule?” I crossed my arms over my chest, looking down upon him curiously.

  “I have seen the error of my ways. I believe that after my display, I allow myself to be healed by you, others will see the benefit and we can get the Court up to par, once more,” Kreegan said solemnly. “It is best for everyone.”

  Maxxus sighed. “Daniel?” he asked, over his shoulder.

  I watched as Daniel squinted his eyes very slightly, looking over the brown dragon before nodding slowly.

  “He is Shadowtouched,” he whispered to me. “But there’s something….more.”

  “More?” I asked, confused.

  “He’s…” Daniel trailed off, sighing, struggling to find the words. “Gabriel?”

  The sorcerer shook his head after giving Kreegan the once over. “I don’t see anything magically wrong with him.”

  Daniel shrugged. “I’m sure it’s just nothing. He’s probably just in a bad mood.”

  “Bad mood?” I repeated.

  “His aura is dark…not just from the Shadows but…” Daniel bit his lip. “Man, I can’t explain it. People who have been depressed for awhile have this sense about them. I’m sure that’s all it is.”

  “Then healing should probably benefit him a great deal,” Maxxus said quietly, and I nodded. “Only if you feel up to it, Leo.”

  I looked at Gabriel questioningly. “I am fine, it’s on you.”

  I shrugged. “Sure. The more, the merrier and the longer I can sleep in in the morning, right?” I turned to Kreegan.

  “Are you sure? It works best when you agree willingly,” I insisted.

  Kreegan bobbed his head in agreement. “I understand. I am willing. I want what’s best for this Court, and we need to be up to full capacity before the next battle. If there’s a battle…”

  “Okay then.” I outstretched my hand and held Gabriel’s tightly.

  “Does…does it hurt?” Kreegan asked us in a small voice.

  I smiled. “Not at all.”

  He nodded in relief. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

  I glanced at Gabriel. “Ready?”

  “Yep.” I closed my eyes once more, and pictured the warmth and the healing magic deep inside, and called for it once again. It was already ready and willing from having used it just minutes ago, so calling for it was much easier, and I felt stronger this time. “Imagine a good moment, it will help us,” I said to Kreegan, quietly, opening my eyes for just a moment.

  “Oh, I have the perfect one,” he said, with a mischievous grin.

  I chuckled. “Sounds like a good one.” I clamped my eyes shut again and continued to pull at the magic.

  I felt Gabriel’s fingers heat with magic, my signal that he was doing what he needed to do, and it was time to add mine. In deep concentration, I pulled at the magic under my heart, and allowed it to emanate outwards.

  “Leo!” Gabriel’s hand dropped mine, and before I knew it, I felt a large weight slam into me…

  Just before I felt a sharp, stabbing pain in my side.

  Chapter 29

  My eyes flew open; before me I saw Kreegan, poised at the ready, his eyes fiery with hate.

  “Leo!” Gabriel’s body was over mine, his hands hovering over my hip. I followed his worried eyes until I saw the dagger lodged there, and the blood pouring out of the gaping wound, down my pants, pooling onto the stone floor below.

  “Gabe?” I asked him, with confusion. Involuntarily, I attempted to touch the knife that was lodged into my hip, but he pulled them away.

  “Stop! Leo don’t…don’t touch anything!” Gabriel’s voice quivered with fear, as his eyes darted around.

  Maxxus roared. He was by my side in moments, as several Courtmembers cried out and screamed. “Darling! Are you okay?” His eyes welled with tears.

  Honestly, I couldn’t feel the pain, I was so stunned; adrenaline pumped through me like an explosion. As long as I didn’t look, I didn’t feel the pain.

  “I’ll be fine,” I said, weakly, feeling my knees tremble under my weight as I slumped to the ground, my hip on fire. I winced.

  Maxxus’ lips trembled. He looked at Gabriel, and then at Daniel helplessly and finally, he searched the area for Finnian. “Help us! Please!”

  Finnian, Kiarra and everyone atop the dais rushed over to us, gasping out.

  “What happe
ned!” Valessia questioned.

  “Him!” Gabriel stood, pointing his finger at Kreegan, who was triumphant with anger. He hadn’t budged since I let go of him; he just stood there, still as stone and glowering like a demon.

  “Did you really think I was going to allow her to corrupt me as she’s done everyone else?” Kreegan threw his head back and laughed evilly.

  Lorusto and Lord Kereck pulled Kreegan by the arms, holding him still, even though he made no attempt to run.

  “Lord Kreegan! You have attempted to assassinate the queen!” Lord Kereck’s voice boomed with new confidence and conviction. “Why?”

  “I am doing what is best for this Court, and Kingdom!” Kreegan replied.

  Maxxus stood up. “Do not let him go!” He said, pointing at Kereck and Lorusto, and they both nodded dutifly.

  “Kreegan!” Shazandre cried out from the crowd, but stopped suddenly. I couldn’t see why, and furthermore right now, I didn’t care.

  Maxxus arms wrapped around my shoulders. “Darling you’re going to be fine. Right. Right?” he demanded, his voice panicked as his frantic eyes looked into mine.

  The world spun around me as I tried to place together what was happening.

  My eyes fell on the knife that was lodged into my hip. I felt a cramp and winced, doubling over slightly. “Just…get this out of me.”

  Maxxus ripped at his robes, wadding up a large amount of cloth in his hands.

  Gabriel stood before me, eyes concerned as he gingerly touched the bloodsoaked area around the knife. “It’s not in very deep, it shouldn’t hurt too bad to take it out. Where is Evie? I thought she was here?”

  “She ported out quickly for provisions, she will return,” Finnian’s calm voice spoke from somewhere nearby. “Judging by the blood, it doesn’t appear to have hit a major artery but we should still get it out as soon as we can; Evie is going for a sedative.”

  “Sedative? No!” I said quickly. “The baby!” My hands flew to my stomach. “Is--?”

  “I don’t believe there is any damage to the womb,” Finnian replied, and Maxxus breathed out in relief. “A couple inches to the right, though...let’s get this out. You’re sure no sedative?”


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