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Fated Hope

Page 51

by Sariah Skye

  “Okay,” I said quietly to myself. I didn’t have much time to ponder, as the chamber door opened, and in emerged Kiarra and Daniel.

  “Are we interrupting anything?” Kiarra called.

  “Please, even if we are, it’s time to stop the hanky panky. It’s party time!” Daniel said cheerily, sauntering in the room, only to stop dead in his tracks seeing me sitting in bed, naked, and perfectly confused. “Oh honey. If I had a dollar for every time I sat up in bed with that look on my face after a night of lovin’, I’d be one rich bitch.” He clicked his tongue, shaking his head side to side.

  Kiarra snorted. “Please—it’s Maxxus! What’s there to wonder about?”

  I stared at her earnestly. “He’s acting really weird,” I said, nodding towards the bathroom door.

  Daniel rolled his eyes. “Of course he is. He’s a man. We always act weird.”

  Kiarra shoved him playfully. “Oh stop.” She turned to me. “What was weird?”

  “He was asking me about what would happen if someone went over into the Shadow realm willingly—would I go after them?”

  Kiarra glanced at the bathroom door. “If who went over?”

  I bit my lip hesitantly. “You.”

  Her eyes widened slightly. “Oh you don’t have to worry about that; it won’t ever happen. Why would he ask that?”

  I shrugged, careful to keep the blanket covering up my top half. “I don’t know. I know he was concerned with if the amulets were working or not; maybe he’s just worried like one of my parents might go over, or something. Or Braeden? Without being healed directly by Gabriel and I—”

  Daniel raised a hand, cutting me off. “You don’t have to worry about that. Everybody I’ve seen in this castle wearing one of your magical blings is happy as a clam—and totally Shadow free.”

  “They are?” I asked in amazement. “They worked that fast?”

  Daniel nodded firmly. “That’s right.”

  “We just had breakfast with your parents—and Braeden. They were totally fine. Your dad was smiling and laughing, your mom was beautiful—even Aleron looked a bit lighter this morning. More so than he has in a while. And they got a big dose of the Shadows,” Kiarra said.

  Daniel crossed his arms over his chest, making his tight gray t-shirt taut around his shoulders. “Damn straight. Everyone looks great. Anyone who kept them on all night is totally rejuvenated. This is going to be a hell of a party!”

  I grinned, feeling relieved. “He’ll be happy to know that!”

  “I’m sure he was just worried about that. It’ll be fine. You’ll see!” Kiarra held up a set of robes for me to slide into and I did, and proceeded to allow her to get me ready for the party.

  When Maxxus emerged from the shower, dressed in a white t-shirt and pajama pants, the color returned to his cheeks and he beamed at me as I sat at the vanity.

  “We’re just going to leave you ladies to it,” Daniel said, urging Maxxus out of the room. “Your clothes for the day are in the sitting room. I can’t tolerate the smell of the hairspray and perfume that goes on in here whenever Ki is doing her thing,” he scowled, pretending to fan away a foul smell from his nose. Kiarra narrowed her eyes at him.

  “And since the Court is better,” Daniel said this, looking Maxxus pointedly in the eyes for emphasis, “there will be no need for my beauty services after today. You’ll have a real—whatever it is you dragons call it. Steward? I forget; I haven’t watched Downton Abbey in sometime.”

  Maxxus snickered, his face appearing brighter. “What ever will I do?” he retorted sarcastically.

  Daniel flippantly glared at the green dragon. “You’ll miss me. You know you will.” He thrust Maxxus towards the door, but Maxxus stopped in his tracks before me.

  “What?” I asked, again weirded out by his serious look.

  He reached out and gently stroked my cheek. “I love you. You know that right?”

  “Of course I do. I love you too,” I replied, with a smile.

  “Good.” He leaned over, pressing his lips against mine, offering me a passionate kiss. I had to fight not to moan, as he pushed his tongue to my lips, separating them, stroking my tongue with his.

  He pulled away, touching his mouth where my lips had been just seconds earlier. He grinned, and with a wink, followed Daniel into the sitting room.

  He offered a wistful glance at me before he disappeared through the door.

  Feeling tingly, I sat back in my chair, and sighed; enjoying the wobbly feeling of warmth spread over my body.

  “Damn girl.” Kiarra let out a low whistle and shook her head at me in the mirror. “I think he’s feeling better now.”

  Completely dazed, I had to agree with her. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

  Kiarra giggled impishly. “Let’s get you made up before he comes back in here and shoos Daniel and I away.”

  I hadn’t been in the castle ball room in many years, and despite the bad memories associated with everything Court, even I couldn’t help but be totally in awe of how it looked today.

  Sheer panels of gossamer fabric bedecked the stone walls in all the pastel colors of the rainbow. Someone had spelled the ceiling with wind, and the fabric fluttered ever so softly in the breeze. The torches on the walls in between the panels had a slight pink hue to them, and were shielded with magic from the flittering fabric, causing them to appear like floating orbs. Fountains of (what I assumed was) spelled, sparkling champagne and tables full of decadent food and treats lined the wall, draped with matching pastel linens and tall floral bouquets of pink and white roses—I knew a great deal of them had been cultivated from my grandparents’ gardens; the idea made me smile. Plush chairs were scattered about for sitting and socializing, with a long head table at the north end of the room, with Maxxus’ and my thrones, along with more plush-backed chairs for the head Court members (the two head dragons of the House and Coterie, any Elders, advisors and children of the monarchy). At the eastern corner, set slightly above on a hexagonal dais sat the court band, assisted by several more familiar (to me) mythos: the fiddlers from Castle Danger that provided the music that day weeks ago that Maxxus and I had danced to in the town square. Today, they were playing a slower, melodic tune on their violins along with the other drummers, mandolinists, and a handful of other instruments I didn’t recognize. They were probably brought in from Babua, seeing as how Princess Gareneth is the one hosting the event.

  Every Court dragon was in attendance today, many of the mythos from Castle Danger, as well as many of the citizens from Anarach were mingling about the ballroom and the castle. It was normally only open to Court members but during events like this, the doors were opened freely for everyone to enjoy and celebrate. The murmur about the citizens that milled about were how surprised the castle had been restored so fast; just weeks ago it was dingy and dark from Shadows. Statues and tapestries had been repaired and what couldn’t be was hauled away.

  Being that it wasn’t an official holiday in Anarach, there were no speeches, no fancy processionals for Maxxus and I; we simply just entered the ballroom when we were ready, escorted by my grandfather and Valessia.

  Princess Gareneth ambushed us as we entered; she wore thin gossamer wrapped around her body, tied in various spots to cover her chest and lower body, and trailing out behind her as she walked. She still sported lots of tanned skin, but all the “key” point were covered, more than I’d seen her so far. “Your majesties—you look absolutely stunning!”

  Maxxus and I walked arm in arm together, Maxxus in a pair of loose black pants, white cuffed shirt and his thick emerald robes; I wore the same pink dress I wore for Maxxus’ and my bonding ceremony, with the same robes. Both of us wore our circlets for extra regality.

  “Thank you, your highness,” I replied, trying not to blush under her eyeing scrutiny.

  “Bit too much fabric for my taste but, I realize you live in a cold climate. This dress isn’t necessarily appropriate for Anarach,” she said, with a wink, twirling the g
ossamer around her ankles with a quick spin. She leaned forward and whispered, “Still, I think I’ll have the queen sent one—one that we wear for engagement parties” She shot me a coy wink.

  I smiled hesitantly. “We wouldn’t want to trouble you.”

  She waved me off. “Not at all. Generosity is our thing in Babua.”

  Maxxus remained silent, his face plastered with an uncomfortable smile. Gareneth’s lips stretched into a suggestive smile, as she ran a single finger down his arm.

  I let out a possessive, low grumble, involuntarily. She turned to me, and grinned knowingly. “Oh, I forget how possessive dragons in other kingdoms are over their mates.”

  “Indeed.” I smiled through clenched teeth.

  Gareneth tittered. “Yes, I do think I’ll send to you one of my dresses—you know, for later,” she hinted, her tone playful. She pursed her lips at both of us before wiggling her fingers in some sort of playful wave before turning on her soft-slippers and sauntering off towards her gaggle of slightly-more-covered-than usual contingency.

  “What does she mean, ‘later’?” I questioned, confused.

  A flicker of amusement showed on Maxxus’ face. “It’s my understanding that they have many garments they wear for, um, how do I put it? Pleasure. That have little to do with practicality.”

  I raised a brow. “So, lingerie?”

  Maxxus’ cheeks flushed. “I guess so, yes.”

  I snickered. “Sounds like fun,” I said with a wink.

  A ghost of a smile spread over his lips, but just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished; his face stoic as we walked the ballroom, greeting everyone we came across with polite smiles and small-talk. I did little more than smile and nod appropriately when speaking to those whose paths we crossed with, leaving the socializing to Maxxus. Small talk made me anxious, and he was used to it from being a guard before.

  We mingled and listened to the praise and thanks for the talismans, and saving their fields from the storm. Eventually, I pulled Maxxus by the arm, and urged him over to the thrones and the head table, so we could sit down…and stay out of the path of various chatty Court members.

  People weren’t seeking me out to speak to, preferring to confer with Maxxus instead, but at least I wasn’t getting death stares like I once did; that was probably due to the fear of Maxxus ripping their heads off again more than their respect for me. But, I could handle that.

  I searched the crowd for my various friends and family members.

  Daniel and Finnian were huddled together in a corner, talking deeply, foreheads pushed together. Both wore playful smiles and only looked away from the others’ gaze to acknowledge Maxxus and I as we entered. Finnian raised his champagne glass at us, while Daniel blew a kiss from the palm of his hand.

  Gabriel stood nearby, wearing black robes, his hair carefully tousled over his eyes. His hands were shoved into his pockets, as his brow knitted over his curious brown eyes, searching for what; I didn’t know.

  Kiarra and Braeden, in their Court finest dress and robes, were slow dancing to the band, in the center of the room, along with several fae couples. Most everyone was opting to eat, still, and they appeared very cozy in each other’s arms, twirling across the floor without a care in the world. It made me smile.

  My parents were near one of the food tables, appearing to be in a somewhat heated conversation with Maxxus’ parents. I elbowed Maxxus when I noticed them, and we both cringed. My father, who was looking better than he had in days—the brightness of his green eyes returned and the flush of his pale cheeks was back—was seeming particularly vocal. I couldn’t distinguish words over the cacophony of the room, but it sounded irritated.

  “Serves them right,” Maxxus mumbled. I chuckled.

  The delegates from Zyanhei were seated in a corner, teary-eyed as they spoke to a rather animated Prelate Yarrem. He spoke with hand-gestures and wide grins, and the Zyanhei-ans seemed to just eat it up.

  Even Kit was in attendance, wearing a beautiful Renaissance-style dress in deep red, with a wide skirt and corset-style bodice covering an off-white peasant blouse. She hung on Orion’s arm who was equally as dapper, wearing—surprisingly—a very human black tuxedo. She was animated as she chatted with Esmé, Becka and Link.

  As Maxxus and I took our seats, two attendants quickly brought us tall, crystal flutes of sparkling, spelled champagne. Maxxus held his gingerly, however I tipped it back and took a long swig, as my grandfather continued, greeting the delegates and Mythos from Castle Danger.

  Maxxus side-eyed me. “What are you doing?”

  I shrugged. “It’s a party, huh? About the only way I could get through it…”

  Maxxus stiffened his back rigidly against his seat, his mouth set in a deep frown. “That’s not very royal-like behavior.”

  I snorted. “So? How long you know me?”

  Maxxus closed his eyes briefly, taking a deep breath. He glanced at me apologetically. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Not sure what’s come over me.”

  “It’s all the royal B.S., I’m sure,” I replied.

  Maxxus nodded earnestly. He placed his hand over mine and rubbed a finger across my knuckles. He turned, his eyes penetrating as he gave me a once over. “You are so beautiful…I wish I could look at you like this forever.”

  I blushed under the compliment. “Well, you can, silly.”

  Maxxus’ smile fell. He appeared as if he were going to speak, when the music of the band trilled out an attention-grabbing, quick melody for attention.

  “Welcome, welcome everyone!” My grandfather stood atop the dais, as the large crowd milling about us hushed, waiting for him to speak. He clutched a tankard of ale he began to raise, as I caught his attention and he gave me the warmest of smiles. I returned it wholeheartedly.

  “Thank you for coming to what hopefully, will become a new tradition—celebrating new peace and prosperity between Anarach, and the kingdoms of the dragon realm!”

  Slow applause filled the ballroom. Politely, Maxxus and I set down our classes on the arm of the throne and followed suit.

  “In case it is not obvious, I want to formally introduce our delegates, starting with our benevolent hosts, Princess Gareneth from the kingdom of Babua!” He clapped his hands toward Gareneth, perched under the arm of one of her bare-chested, oil-slicked attendants, congregating with several Court members and Northlandians along a wall. She lifted a hand upwards, waving, accepting the applause, giving a low bow.

  I seethed out my teeth as the fabric gave way from her chest, nearly exposing all of her upper half, ample breasts included.

  Maxxus leered at her. I glared, as his eyes betrayed him, eyeing the cleavage.

  I not so subtly-smacked him in the shoulder.

  “Seriously?” I quipped.

  Maxxus looked away, appearing shameful, but struggled to say anything. I just scoffed.

  “I’d like to acknowledge the kingdom of The Northlands, and Prince Darzius,” my grandfather continued. I choked down my fuming and looked to him, upon my grandfather’s gesture. They stood nearby, Darzius and company in their heavy, fur-lined robes, appearing slightly uncomfortable with the attention (unlike the Babuans which seemed too comfortable with it). “With their help, the rebuilding of the Loremaster’s headquarters and the mythological creature haven of Castle Danger, in the Earthen state of Minnesota, is coming along very nicely!”

  I clapped wildly, and Darzius pressed his hands together over his heart, lowering his head, acknowledging the praise.

  “Honestly, the Loremasters and I cannot be more thrilled with how the rebuilding is coming.” Finnian stepped forward, away from Daniel, into the center of the room. “With any luck, the refugees—the fae, dryads, everyone—you’ve been so kindly harboring here in Anarach will be able to return within the next few weeks. Thank you for all you have done.” Finnian’s eyes were emotional, as they flipped colors. He motioned to Maxxus and I, offering a low bow. “Thank you for everything, Queen Leorah and King Ma
xxus. Without you, we’d all be much worse off than we are now.”

  To my surprise, the ballroom erupted into loud praise and applause.

  I exchanged a look with Maxxus, who appeared equally as shocked, as the clapping continued until my grandfather held up his hands to quiet it down.

  “With the efforts of our new king and queen—and the Loremasters too—as of today everyone has been officially eliminated of Shadow disease, and we will be meeting at full capacity for the first time in weeks, and the castle is rehabilitated is running as normal!”

  “All hail the majesties, Maxxus and Leorah!” A voice called out from the crowd. And the room boomed with the echo, and raising of glasses.

  “I’ll be damned,” I muttered to myself. I raised my glass in response.

  Maxxus sat motionless, not acknowledging the praise. I nudged him carefully with my elbow. “Maxx…” I scolded.

  Coming to attention, Maxxus plastered a smile on his face, and raised his glass. “All hail the kingdom of Anarach!”

  I raised my glass, imitating him.

  “All hail the kingdom of Anarach!”

  “Please!” My grandfather spoke, after some of the noise had died down. “Eat, drink, and let’s celebrate a new chapter in dragon history: a chapter of peace!”

  The ballroom roared with approval, and the band took its cue, beginning to play an upbeat song.

  Several dragons whupped and hollered with approval, and grabbed their mates—or whoever was nearest—and began dancing to the upbeat tune.

  Despite everything, I found myself smiling at them.

  “I don’t ever remember this kind of dancing at past balls,” I mused out loud, speaking out of the side of my mouth for Maxxus to hear.

  Maxxus didn’t respond, even as I clapped in time to the music.

  I elbowed him once, hoping that, like that time in Castle Danger, he would ask me to dance. “Remember? When we danced in the town square?” I asked him, with a reflective grin. “You know, now that I think about it, that was the first time I realized that I had feelings for you—before I regained my missing memories.”


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