Book Read Free

Fated Hope

Page 53

by Sariah Skye

  “Cyril says, if Maxxus comes willingly, he will leave Anarach and the realms—including Earth—alone—for one-thousand years. Your kingdom will heal, the humans will stop raging against each other; and we will get the blacksmithing powers to help us rebuild our… edifices. The Shadow realm has been in ruin for some time, and many buildings have fallen into disrepair. With his skills, we should be able to rebuild, better than ever.

  “In exchange, you will give both realms the chance to heal. But, after the millennia is up, we can’t promise we won’t invade, once again. But, you’ll have fair warning; plenty of time to work up a plan,” Nicodemus said.

  I snorted. “Why would we agree to this?”

  “Don’t do it Maxxus,” Gabriel warned.

  “Of course he won’t do it! Will you, Maxxus? You are needed here, and we’ll face the Shadows head on!” I said.

  With a flick of his hand, Nicodemus unbound Maxxus’ head, and upper body. He groaned, as he dragged himself up into a seated position. He gazed at me, perplexed.

  “Maxxus! You know this is stupid! They won’t leave us alone!” I insisted.

  “Oh, but I will—he knows that for sure. I’ve been living in his head all this time,” Nicodemus replied. “He knows I speak the truth. No less than one-thousand years, Anarach and the rest will be free.”

  “But that will give you too much time to plot, build ways to harm us…” Gabriel shook his head.

  “But you’ll have the same advantage. Think of what a thousand years of peace could do for your precious humanity, Leorah. All the wars will end, the poverty—if you care about your silly humans as you say you do, you wouldn’t allow this opportunity to pass you by!”

  I looked pleadingly at Maxxus. “No…don’t be tempted.”


  I moved my hands, and watched as a stumbling Maxxus, looking exhausted and depraved came towards me. He called my name, his face pleading, hands outstretched.

  Gabriel attempted to pull me back, but I fought off his grip, running towards my mate, tears flowing openly down my cheeks. “Maxxus, you can’t really think this is a good idea!”

  Maxxus sighed. He reached out, cupping my head in his hands, tipping my face up towards him. “Leorah, you can’t deny his plan has merit.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You can’t be serious…”

  “Think of humanity. All the wars…the terrible headlines. You could give people peace; allow them to become the best they can be. Without the Shadows influencing them, they can have that,” Maxxus said.

  I bit my quivering lip. “What will happen to you, though?”

  “I don’t matter. Nothing matters, as long as I can keep you safe. In one-thousand years, you can come up with something. The Loremasters—it’s possible.”

  “No, Maxxus!” I protested.

  “No, man. It’s a trap. Nothing good can from this,” Gabriel spoke.

  Maxxus sighed heavily. He dropped my face and turned to the sorcerer. “Do you love her?”

  Gabriel was taken aback. “I—what?”

  “Do you love her? Leorah? You know I cannot give her the family she so desperately deserves,” Maxxus continued. “Will you take care of her? Give her your children? Protect her and them?”

  Gabriel’s eyes widened. “Man…don’t do this. She loves you.”

  “Maxxus! I do, I love you! We’ll figure out another way to have a family—I promise!” I sobbed.

  Maxxus shook his head. “No, you deserve to have the full experience. Carry a baby in your body, nurture it—love it forever.”

  “But, I only want family with you!” I insisted, throwing myself at him, wrapping my arms around him.

  Maxxus slowly peeled me off him, pushing me back. “You only think that; but I’ve seen how you look at children. You want your own. You were made to be with the sorcerer; I am only in the way.”


  “No, Maxxus. I’ve never seen two people love you the way you love each other. Against all odds—spells, whatever, you found each other again! I’ll never be enough for her!” Gabriel insisted.

  “What?” I gazed at Gabriel briefly with confusion.

  Maxxus’ smiled wryly. “See, Leorah? He does still love you. If I hadn’t been in the picture, at all, you and Gabriel would be living your fated life, together, happily in Castle Danger. With me, you’ll always be lacking.”

  “But—I love you, Maxxus!” I cried.

  Maxxus’ face was sad. He leaned forward, giving me a soft kiss on the lips. I pressed my body against his, wrapping myself around him—arms around his waist, ankles crooking around his legs as I opened my mouth, begging him to seek me out. “You are all I need. My family. My love,” I whispered.

  Briefly, Maxxus’ softened. He melted into me, into the kiss. Sparks flew, my heart beat rapidly until he stiffened, and broke the kiss. He placed two hands on my shoulders, and forced me away.

  “Do you love her, Gabriel?” He asked the sorcerer again.

  Gabriel blushed. He reached around, and rubbed his neck, nervously. “Yes. I do.”

  “You’d take care of her if I wasn’t here?”

  “Yes! But—”

  Maxxus stepped back. “All I wanted to hear.”


  Maxxus turned towards Nicodemus. “If I go, you promise to leave Leorah and the realms alone?”

  Nicodemus raised a hand, the hissing of tendrils following as he did. “My word, and the Shadowmaster’s honor.”

  Maxxus gaze fell. He stared at the floor briefly before raising his eyes again, looking solemn. “Okay, I will go with you.”

  “What? Maxxus—no!” I screamed, and I flung myself towards him.

  “No, Leo!” Gabriel grabbed my arms. I fought, flicked magic at him, mind controlled him to let go. It took Daniel, Kiarra and Braeden to hold me back.

  “I’m sorry, Leorah. But you’ll see—it’s better this way.” Maxxus eyes filled with tears. “Everything I do is for you. Always. You and Gabriel have a beautiful life together.”

  Without turning backwards, Maxxus stepped into the portal.

  And disappeared.

  I felt the metal at my finger—my ring finger—heat before burning intensely. I shouted in pain an electric shock shot throughout my hand, and the ring cracked, and fell to the ground with a metallic clink.

  A broken ring—for broken promises.

  “No! No no no no no!” I fought against my captors.

  Nicodemus cackled at my struggle. “See you in a thousand years. You better hope youre long dead before then, Queen Leorah.” He laughed menacingly, before stepping into the portal, a trail of oily Shadow left in his wake as the portal popped and hissed, snapping shut and effectively snapping out of existence.

  “No! NO NO NO!” I screamed at the top of my lungs frantically. “This can’t be happening! He wouldn’t leave me! There’s no way!”

  The magic heated under my heart. It radiated so strong, I thought as if I were going to explode.

  Like storm, the magic shot out from me, freeing me from my bonds.

  I darted towards the spot where the portal had been. I mimed touching the edges of the portal, fell to the ground, touching stone where it rested—hoping for something to show me how to open it again, to get to him. All that was left behind was his sword—the sword he’d crafted to fight the Shadows. It was plain, with only a pink diamond in the hilt; but the power of Earth still radiated off of it, every trace of Shadow gone when Maxxus’ disappeared.

  It was all that was left of my mate.

  “No! You can’t be gone!” I sobbed. I fell to my knees, crying into my hands, still clutching the hilt of the sword.

  Someone touched my shoulder. I didn’t have to look to know it was Gabriel.

  “Leo…” he said in a small voice.

  I looked up at him, my eyes puffy and hurting, throat raw from crying. “He left me, Gabe.”

  Gabriel sighed. He sat on his ankles next to me. “He wasn’t in his right
mind, Leo. If he was—he never would have left you.”

  “I can’t…” I stared at him through blurry eyes, his handsome face knitted with worry.

  “I know, Leo. I know.” He opened his arms, and I collapsed into them, sobbing with despair.

  Chapter 37

  I was numb, motionless, as someone carried me through the castle.

  They didn’t take me to my chambers, though—to Maxxus and my chambers—but I found myself on a bed, in an unfamiliar room.

  It was devoid of any décor. Two full size beds sat on opposite walls, with a fireplace along the east wall, and the washroom on the west.

  My head rest on a mildly-familiar pillow; familiar with the cinnamon scent of musk.

  A sandpaper-tongue licked at the saline-tear stained trails on my cheeks. I felt stiff, like I couldn’t move but I managed to turn my head, to see Sona perched on the bed, sidled up next to me, tail twitching behind her.

  “Sona…” I said in a small voice. I reached out to stroke her back. “You knew, didn’t you? That’s why you hissed at him. You knew.”

  “Meow.” I could swear, Sona’s response was remorseful. I could almost hear her say, “I told you so…”

  “Hey,” echoed another voice. “You’re back.”

  The bed dipped beside me, and Gabriel’s face came into view. “Are you okay?”

  I blinked, and glanced around. “Where am I?”

  “Remember how I said we’d move into the castle for you? Well, here you are—Daniel’s and my bedroom,” Gabriel said.

  I slowly sat up, noticing the soft chenille blanket that was pulled over me. I lifted the hem to my nose, and sniffed lightly. “This is yours?”

  Gabriel nodded. “You’ve scared us like crazy. The Court is in turmoil right now. They aren’t sure what to do—you went catatonic. Maxxus…well…what do you do when both monarchs are alive, but just not…here?” He sighed.

  I yawned, rubbing my eyes. “How long have I been here?”

  “Just about an hour.”

  I sighed. “What just happened? Why do I feel like my heart is made of stone?”

  Gabriel frowned. “Because your worst nightmare just came true.”

  My heart sank into my stomach.

  Maxxus is gone.

  I gasped a sob. “He—left.”

  Gabriel squeezed his eyes shut. “I know.”

  The tears resurfaced again. “I can’t believe he…”

  “I know, Leo. I know.”

  “How did we miss this?” I wondered, with confusing. “I knew he was acting sort of weird but—this?”

  Gabriel shook his head. “It slipped past all of us, Leo.”

  I leaned back into the pillow, trying to replay the last couple days in my mind. “I have to be missing something…”

  The intense lovemaking…his talking to himself in the mirror…the conversations…

  “Would you go over if the Shadows stole a loved one?”

  “Like that.”

  “What if that loved one went over voluntarily?”

  “Who would do that?”

  “I don’t know. What if Kiarra felt guilt over what happened to her grandfather, and went over to retrieve Cyril? What if she thought she could save him?”

  . “I guess if she thought that, she’d have a very good reason to think that, and probably would have a lot of help in doing so.”

  I flung myself upright.

  “Oh my god.”

  “What?” Gabriel asked.

  I slid out of bed, my bare feet shocking against the cold of the floor. I still wore my dress, it was tattered and torn from the wings, and the Shadows. I pulled the sleeve up back over my shoulder, before I exposed a bunch of skin.

  “I know what he was doing.”

  “What?” Gabriel demanded.

  I ignored him as I hurriedly crossed the room. I didn’t bother with magic, just flung the door open with my hand. I nearly ran through the corridors, to Maxxus and my bedchambers.

  “What are you doing Leo?” he demanded.

  I started rummaging through the wardrobe for clothes. I flung out anything and everything that would be practical, warm.

  For a trip to the Shadow realm.

  I tossed clothing, shoes—all on the bed. I found one of Finnian’s enchanto-sacks and tossed that on the bed too.

  “Where are you going?” Gabriel asked.

  I stopped, turning to stare at him with all seriousness. “I’m going to the Shadow realm.”

  Gabriel snickered. “Don’t be ridiculous. Once you’re there…you can’t come back.”

  “There has to be a way. Maxxus wants me to find him.” I pulled open the bag, and started shoving clothing into it.

  “How do you figure?”

  “Even when he was brainwashed—he asked me if I’d come for a loved one. He used Kiarra as an example, but, I know what he meant now. I said I would. He knows that. He has some sort of plan, I know it!” I said triumphantly.

  Gabriel sighed. He pulled my hand away from the bag and shoved it away. “Leorah…no. He didn’t have a plan.”

  I snorted. “Of course he did. He wouldn’t leave me voluntarily.”

  “It wasn’t voluntary. He was brainwashed by Nicodemus; inside his body the whole time,” Gabriel explained.

  I shook my head. “Trust me. I know what I’m doing.”

  “How would you get back, even?”

  “There has to be a way.” I sighed. “Look, Gabriel—I can’t just leave him there. He was vulnerable. The baby-thing crushed him more than I realized. He lost hope. I need to go after him.”

  I pulled the bag back, and continued shoving things in it.

  Gabriel placed his hands on the bag. “Okay.”

  I cocked a brow. “Okay?”

  “We’ll figure it out. I’ll come with you.”

  “Come with me—what?”

  “To get Maxxus back.”

  “But—you might get stuck!”

  He snorted. “So will you.”

  I frowned. I looked away from him. “I can’t ask you do to this.”

  “Look, Leo—we’re a team. It’s our thing, regardless. If anyone can figure out how to get him back, it’s us. Right?” Gabriel said, smiling with false hopefulness.

  I feigned a wistful smile. “Right.”

  “But first—we need a plan. Okay? So just hold off a bit.”

  I sighed, defeated. He was right.

  Gabriel turned away, thrusting a hand into the pocket of his hoodie.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Calling Finnian.”

  “For what?” I asked.

  Gabriel smiled with determination. “To figure out a way to get in and out of the Shadow realm. We’re going to get your mate back.”


  Other works by Sariah Skye:

  Fated Souls (The Fated Saga #1)

  Fated Magic (The Fated Saga #2)

  Works in progress:

  untitled Fated #4 (The Fated Saga #4)

  Invisible (a paranormal romance/reverse harem)

  For more on the progress of these books, or to keep in touch, please follow Sariah on Facebook:

  About the Author:

  Sariah Skye lives in southern Minnesota with her two kids, her husband and a silly black lab. When not writing, editing, or trying unsuccessfully to be a functional adult, Sariah usually has her head in a book (anything but non-fiction or horror), is watching one of many 90’s TV reruns, obsessing over Star Trek or Doctor Who or possibly playing World of Warcraft. Maybe. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and makes jokes at inappropriate times; she also hates sarcasm. Hates it. Don’t even bother.

  She loves chocolate, wine and spaghetti (not necessarily together), but hates selfies, parties and large groups of people. She doesn’t quite get the point of Twitter or Instagram, but she has them, and you’re welcome to follow her sad attempts at socializing at:


  Or drop her an email at or private message her on Facebook.

  She also has a private group called the Shenanigantors for anyone who might possibly want to follow her works, progress or just share a silly meme war (though she really doesn’t understand why anyone is there, she loves them all nevertheless). If you want to join, you’re more than welcome:

  You can also find out more about her ARC and review teams there. If you want.


  If I took the time to properly thank everyone for everything they’ve done for me, this book would be another two-hundred pages long and let’s face it—this is long enough right? Am I right!?

  Yeah, okay.

  I really want to thank the Indie author community for supporting my dream and sharing my books and for your wonderful kindness.

  I also really want to thank my friends I’ve met along this journey, and everyone who has offered me an encouraging word or message—it is my motivation to keep going when I so often want to give up. It means more than I could ever say. Especially to my Shenaniganators who probably don’t care but read my silly posts, my musings and help inspire me when I ask for it. Thank you!

  Quick shot out to Deranged Doctor Design for your awesome cover design yet again! I love it so much!

  And especially, thanks to my family for being so patient. I love you to the moon and back!






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