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Shamrocks and Secrets

Page 7

by Cayce Poponea

  Once inside, I noticed the same two men standing behind the bar. They noticed me instantly, and the taller of the two came around to stand in front of me.

  "Ms. O’Rourke, why are you here?"

  "I need to see Patrick," I went to walk by, but he quickly stepped in my way.

  "Boss isn't here, Ms. O’Rourke, he said you knew."

  "Knew what?"

  "He works out of his condo now. He moved his whole office over there."

  The gold card...the note...shit, shit, shit!

  "Thank you." I turned and began to walk out.

  "Oh no, Ms. O’Rourke, let me walk you out. This neighborhood isn't safe for a lady such as yourself."

  I made it back home to find Shannon and Abigail having a tea party. I loved how simple things were in our house.

  "Auntie Christi!" Abigail called out.

  I smiled as I crossed the room and joined them. Shannon had a mischievous smile on her face.

  "Abby, honey, why don't you go get a cup for Auntie Christi"

  "Yeah!" she shouted as she hurried off to her bedroom.

  "Can I see what he gave you?"

  I rolled my eyes and handed her my purse. Shannon found the two boxes and took them out.

  "Christi, you haven't even opened them yet!”

  I then turned to look at her and reached for my purse.

  "I'm giving them back so what's the point?"

  "Quit being a stuck-up bitch, Christi."

  One thing about my sister was she always spoke her mind. Not always at the most opportune time, mind you.

  "Just open the fucking boxes."

  She placed the two boxes in my lap and waited. I would have waited all night except that I knew my sister would wait right along with me. She was more stubborn than I could ever be. I took the long black box first and slowly removed the green ribbon. Resting inside was the most beautiful tennis bracelet I had ever seen.

  "It's just like mine," Shannon spoke as she showed me the same bracelet that wrapped around her right wrist. “It's a tradition in the Malloy family to give one to the woman you're dating. Dillion gave me mine after our second date. I'm surprised you haven't noticed the Malloy ladies wearing theirs. Although I'm jealous, as yours has a little bigger diamonds than mine."

  Shannon was right; the diamonds were slightly bigger. Finally, I opened the Tiffany's box.

  "Do you know what this is?" I questioned holding the box up.

  “I have my suspicions, but no, I'm not certain."

  Resting inside the box was a shamrock pendant. The leaves were emeralds and the stem was made of platinum, the chain was also made of platinum. I gasped as I touched the green stones.

  "Oh, my God. Christi, that's breathtaking.”

  “Do you know why he gave me this?”

  “No clue, you should ask him."

  Shannon was right; I did want to know why he felt the need to give me these particular pieces of jewelry. The bracelet was so beautiful and a huge part of me wanted to keep it, but that wouldn't be right. It was still early and I decided that if I was going to give them back, I should just do it.

  The drive to his condo went quicker than I had hoped. All the courage I'd had when I’d gone to the club was long since gone. I shouldn't have opened the damn boxes.

  I slid my card into the slot as I had seen Patrick do and the elevator sprang to life. I remembered that there wasn't an additional door once the elevator opened and I hoped I wasn't interrupting anything.

  The door opened to reveal a very handsome Patrick Malloy standing there waiting. I couldn't help but smile at him as he greeted me.

  "Hello, beautiful," he smiled and then quickly kissed my cheek. "Have you had dinner yet?"

  "No, not yet. Um, I actually just came to return these." I said as I held the two boxes out to him.

  "Come, sit with me, Christi, have dinner and let's talk."

  He didn't give me an opportunity to argue as he led me to the kitchen. There were already two place settings on the bar with glasses of wine at each. Patrick pulled out my chair and motioned for me to sit.

  "I hoped you'd be by tonight, I'm glad you're here," he smiled as he took a sip of wine. "So, you said you wanted to return my gifts?"

  I had just taken a sip of my wine, so he surprised me by diving right in.

  “Yes,” I choked. “But it's not that I don't like them, I really love them, actually."

  "Then keep them," he said matter-of-factly.

  "Patrick, you know I can't do that," my tone was defiant.

  “Shannon told me the significance of the bracelet. We aren't dating, so it isn't fair for me to keep that."

  "Did she tell you about the shamrock?"

  "No, she didn't know."

  He smiled as he took another drink from his wine glass.

  “Well, there are many old stories about the history of the shamrock. I could name at least fifteen different businesses that use it on their logo. However, the history behind why the Malloy men give them is a lot less corporate and a lot more of tradition. When my great-grandfather left Ireland and came to America, he left behind my great-grandmother. He came here because he wanted a better life for his future family. He had three dollars and a ticket for his passage on him when he left. When he was telling her goodbye, he gave her a shamrock that he had picked from the hill where they were standing. He told her that someday he would come back for her and he would take that shamrock from her and give her one that was made with emeralds that matched her eyes. He swore to her that he was going to come back to her as the man she deserved.”

  “After he left, the women of her village told her he would forget all about her and he would find a woman in America. She waited for him for two years, and when he did come back, he presented her with a pendant cut from the same emerald that one is and asked for her hand in marriage. She had kept the real shamrock and placed it in her shoe. She had it in her hand when they buried her in our family plot."

  I had tears in my eyes when Patrick finished telling me his story.

  "Christi, I've not begun to show you the type of man I can be, a man you truly deserve, I'm asking you to be patient and let me show you I can do it. I know you say we aren't dating and I respect your feelings on that. However, that's not how I feel. I'm devoted to you; I just need to prove that to you."

  Patrick placed his hand over mine and gently squeezed.

  "I know I've gone about pursuing you all wrong. You made my Ma's day at lunch today by the way."

  I had to laugh at him. As powerful as he was, his mother still called the shots.

  "So I promise to show you I'm the right guy for you, and I swear I'll cut back on the gifts," he chuckled as he spoke, his eyes pleading with mine.

  "You moved your office."

  "Believe it or not, there's a history behind that as well."

  I cocked my head and turned my entire body toward him. He smiled and then took both of my hands into his.

  "When my Da took over the business and was told he was going to marry my ma, he paid for her to come to America and see where she would be living. She had brought her sister along and they spent the day shopping. My Ma was having a hard time getting my Da to answer the phone, so she hopped in a taxi and gave the driver the address she knew for his office. When she found out it was in a strip club, she told him in no uncertain terms that she was going to return to Ireland and for him to never call her again."

  Patrick's face looked excited and his eyes were sparkling as he continued his story.

  "So, picture my Da, the most feared man in Chicago at the time, chasing this woman out of his club as she's cussing him out in Gaelic. He's begging her to calm down, and all the while, his men are watching this go down. He swore to her that he'd move all of his dealings out of the club if she'd agree to stay and marry him."

  He was laughing hysterically as he finished his story.

  "So, I have to ask, did he move? I mean your office is in a strip club."

  "Oh, he mov
ed it all right. He even bought all new furniture so she'd come visit him."

  It was at this point I began to laugh. I could totally see Nora going ‘postal’ on his father.

  "Took me less time to move my office, though, I just locked the door." His words were spoken from his heart and I was losing the fight to stay away from him.

  "Damn, and I was looking forward to cussing you out in Gaelic." We both were laughing at this point.

  "Christi, I'd gladly let you beat the living shit out of me with all my men watching if you'd agree to be mine when you were finished.”


  The next day, Patrick kept his word and only sent text messages, no flowers or jewelry. I had agreed to wear the Shamrock pendant, since I wanted to give him a chance to prove himself. He agreed to keep the bracelet in his safe.

  I contacted Nora and went over the final decisions for Paige's engagement party. She informed me that they had increased the guest list due to some last minute additions. I then contacted the caterers and increased the food amounts.

  I had promised Shannon that I would watch Abby for her so she could go to dinner with Dillion. I loved my time with Abby, she was such an easygoing kid and it was more fun than work to keep her. We played a few games, painted toenails, and even had a tea party before she crashed in my lap during the movie, Beauty and the Beast. I chuckled, I could relate to poor Belle having a beast to contend with. I made myself a cup of tea and settled in on the couch and began watching mindless television. It was just after nine o'clock when a news anchor broke into the program I had been watching.

  "We interrupt this program to bring you this special report. Here now is CNBC anchor Todd Stevens with breaking news."

  "Good evening, ladies and gentleman, this just in from our New York correspondent outside Sing-Sing Correctional Facility. Just this afternoon, a federal judge ordered the immediate release of Anthony Porchelli, son of Velenci Porchelli, head of the alleged Italian crime family. Anthony Porchelli had been sentenced to fifteen years for alleged tax evasion. However, new evidence released today overturned that conviction. Mr. Porchelli is a suspect in many crimes throughout the New York and Miami areas and is still under investigation, but tonight, he's a free man. For further updates, stay tuned to CNBC..."

  "I'm getting married!" Shannon shouted as she charged through the door, interrupting anything else Todd had to say.

  “Christi, he wants me to marry him!"

  Dillion and Shannon walked in and Shannon tackled me as she ran through the living room. She was so excited, I didn't think her feet ever even touched the ground.

  "He bought us a house and he wants me to quit my job. He wants to have babies right away and he even began the paperwork to adopt Abby."

  She was bouncing with excitement as she told me how he had asked for her hand. Dillion just stood there grinning from ear to ear, obviously enjoying Shannon's enthusiasm.

  "Oh, Christi, it was so romantic. He had the entire restaurant rented out and he had the table all decorated with pink roses, he knows how much I love pink roses..."

  She was giggling so much that I began to laugh with her.

  "He didn't even let me order dinner before he dropped down on one knee and asked me."

  “Oh, my God, I have to call Daddy.” She ran off, clearly in her own little world

  "Well done, Dillion," I said in congratulations.

  “She is my world Chris. I can't imagine my life without her and Abby.”

  For the first time in my life, I was green with jealousy. Dillion truly loved my sister and was willing to do anything, be anything for her. There were no obstacles for them. Dillion was an accountant, he dealt with numbers not guns and prostitutes. He would be home every night for her, take vacations and throw birthday parties. Even if Patrick and I made it to the same place, it would be different.

  I was very excited for Shannon, she deserved to be happy and I was glad that Dillion wanted to adopt Abby. She deserved to have a daddy that cared for her as much as he did.

  My father was just as excited as I was, and many bottles of champagne were opened that night. Poor Abby slept straight through the hugging and kissing. As Dillion and my dad were getting ready to leave, I took Dillion aside and spoke softly in his ear, "You'd better be good to both of them. I don't give two shits who you work for, hurt my family and I will fuck up your world."

  Dillion looked me straight in the face as he spoke loudly and clearly, "On my honor."

  Dillion did indeed want to marry in a hurry. Being Catholic, they still needed to attend classes. Dillion and Thomas Malloy had spoken with Father Murphy and the classes were sped up a bit. Shannon quit working and concentrated full-time on planning their wedding.

  Paige's engagement party had arrived. I would be working it; however, Nora wanted me to be a guest as well. I agreed to dress up, yet still be in charge of my staff. The room was incredible, Paige had wanted to introduce the whole same speakeasy theme as her wedding. She had a large jazz band that would play during the party and she also wanted to have a singer like the ones from the movie Chicago.

  Patrick was quickly worming his way into my world. He gave me enough space to still be me, but when the opportunity arose, he treated me like a queen.

  I hadn't heard from Patrick all day which was a little unsettling. He had grown on me and I would have to admit that I missed him terribly. We had made plans to have dinner at his condo the Sunday after Paige's engagement party. It seemed the more I knew about Patrick, the more I liked him. I didn't exactly like his job, but I hoped that one day I could ignore it completely.

  I was very impressed with how everything came together. I made my rounds and everything was going well. I still hadn't seen Patrick and I was getting a little nervous. I did one final check to see that the bars were stocked when I noticed something odd about the black suits.

  At each of the exits were posted two men dressed in suits, one on each side of the doorway. I recognized many of them as being Patrick's men; however, the men that stood opposite them I didn't recognize. Furthermore, each of the men I didn't recognize had a strange looking lapel pin. Patrick's men never wore visible jewelry.

  I noticed Dillion and Shannon sitting at a high-topped table and so I decided to ask Dillion what was going on.

  "Hey, guys, having a good time?" I stood between them with my hands on each of their backs.

  "Wow, Christi, I can't imagine this many people attending my entire wedding," Shannon joked.

  "Sweetheart, there'll be just as many there, I promise you," Dillion replied kissing her hand.

  “Hey, Dillion, what's the deal with the guys wearing the lapel pins at the door?"

  "Well, they're here because of three particular guests tonight." I turned my gaze directly at him. "See that man standing beside Thomas Malloy?"

  I found Thomas standing near the main bar. The first time I was formally introduced to Thomas, I nearly swallowed my own tongue. Patrick was without question an insanely handsome man, but with Thomas’s striking blue eyes, it was clear where Patrick’s looks came from. He was the perfect blend of both parents. Thomas, however, was a huge flirt and I found myself fanning my face during dinner. Thomas had a fresh drink in one hand and four men behind him. The man that stood directly beside him was about two inches shorter than Thomas and looked thirty years older.

  "Yes?" I replied.

  “That's Velenci Porchelli.” An instant shiver ran up my spine. I knew that name and what he represented. I was instantly frightened.

  “Oh, fuck me.” I gasped

  "Seems he's trying to mend fences with Thomas and trying to have better relations with the Malloy family. Velenci's son just got out of prison so, he's trying to find some work that would keep his nose clean, so to speak."

  The news report came to the front of my mind and I began to pray that he wasn't sending his son to live here in Chicago.

  "He also wanted to offer his daughter, Sophia, to the family..." Next to Nora was one o
f the most beautiful women I had ever seen. She was tall, nearly as tall as Allyson, with olive-colored skin and long, dark hair that seemed flawless. Her one- shouldered, teal dress only accentuated her perfect features. I knew this was Sophia without being told. "...and offer her hand to Patrick as a sign of good faith, but..."

  Dillion didn't get to finish his statement as a deep, thick-accented voice interrupted him.

  "Please excuse my intrusion; however, I had to come over and introduce myself to two of the most beautiful women in the room."

  I turned to my right and came face to face with the man who's mug shot had flashed across my television. His hair was combed straight up and looked to be coated in too much hair gel. He reminded me of those kids from that reality show from New Jersey.

  His hand was extended to me and without thinking, I placed mine in his. He leaned over without breaking eye contact and kissed the back of my hand. The uneasy feeling he left behind made me want to cut off that hand.

  "May I have this dance, Miss…?"

  "O’Rourke, and you, Sir, are...?"

  "Oh, how terribly rude of me, I'm Tony, and may I say what a pleasure it is to meet such a beautiful lady."

  His eyes left mine briefly as he looked at the shamrock pendant that hung from my neck. I noticed a sudden smirk appear on his cold face as if he was calculating his next move. Just hearing his name made me tremble. This man had just been released from prison and I knew he was known for not simply killing his victims; he would play with them first. I could feel my entire body vibrate.

  "Is everything all right, Miss O’Rourke?"

  I turned my attention to the very tall man that stood over Anthony. I remembered him as being one of Patrick's personal bodyguards, I believed Tonto was his name.

  "Oh, um, y...yes. If you gentlemen will excuse me, I have to get back to work."

  I quickly made my way to the kitchen. I wanted as far away from the Porchelli men as I could get. I stepped into the large walk-in refrigerator and began to take several deep breaths, pressing my back against the cold steel. Once I had my breathing under control, I made my way back out into the ballroom. I looked around, but I could no longer see either of the Porchelli men. What I did see, though, was worse.


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