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Shamrocks and Secrets

Page 19

by Cayce Poponea

  “Are you ready?” Shamus’s question this time was in perfect English.

  “Shamus, God love you for trying so hard for her.”

  His face was all smiles as he began to lead me down the aisle.

  “I love her. She’s good with me.”

  “Yes, Shamus, she is good with you.”

  I couldn’t help but cry as I watched Paige’s entrance into the cathedral. Her dress was breathtaking, as she gently glided down the aisle. The detail of the lace that rested on the hem and then gradually faded as it went up the dress, was spectacularly intricate. My favorite was the sheer lace shrug that covered her shoulders, the veil trailing behind her just as gracefully. Nora was on her left and Thomas on her right. I watched as Paige graciously smiled and made eye contact with as many people as she could, as she made her way to Caleb.

  Turning my attention to the front of the church, a single tear began to fall. The little ring bearer had decided that his place was next to Patrick. He stood in all his little glory, all proud and tall, hanging on to Patrick’s hand with one hand and the ring pillow with the other. For a brief moment I imagined our son doing the same, feeling important and safe.

  Due to the fact that the Montgomery family was not from Ireland, the ceremony would be entirely in English. I leaned over and told Shamus that if he didn’t understand something, to tell me and I would say it in Gaelic, but he never did.

  I looked on as Nora wiped her eyes and Thomas raised Paige’s veil, kissing her cheek. He leaned into Caleb and whispered something into his ear, I was certain it wasn’t congratulations, as no smile appeared on his face.

  I watched in awe as they exchanged their vows. I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about my own wedding being not that far away. I looked to my right and noticed Maggie looking around. That had been another change; since the Makenna incident, Maggie and Charlotte had entered into a partnership. Maggie was being recommended for all the events that came through Charlotte’s office.

  “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.”

  With those simple words, Paige was now a Montgomery, and it was time to celebrate.

  Since Patrick was in the wedding party, he had to ride with them to the reception. Angus drove me and Shamus, and Dillion and Shannon decided to tag along since neither one of them wanted to avoid drinking. As we pulled up to the venue, Shamus tried to discretely adjust the gun that rested in the small of his back, while Dillion did the same. My father looked in the other direction.

  I knew Patrick’s guys carried; I just didn’t realize that Dillion did as well.

  This was it, the moment I had been waiting on. We had worked so hard getting this just right and I silently prayed that Paige would be happy.

  Due to the sheer number of guests at the wedding, we rented a local concert hall. We had to hire an additional three hundred wait staff to accommodate the nearly nine hundred guests. Paige was just as picky as Allyson when it came to her guests being happy.

  “God, I missed you.”

  Patrick wrapped his arms around my waist as I was leaning over to sign the guest book.

  “Shit, Babe, you scared me.”

  I turned and met his gaze. I followed his line of sight as he was looking at my signature. His eyes had a hint of sadness and pain.

  “What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”

  “You signed it O'Rourke,” his voice was hoarse.

  I placed my hand on his cheek and tilted it toward mine, “Honey, that’s still my name.”

  “I know; I just want to see Malloy instead.”

  I smiled as I stroked his cheek. “Soon, now come and buy me a drink, Handsome.”

  Patrick escorted me to my table, my dad and Charlotte were already seated. I noticed they were having one of those silent conversations that couples who were in love often had. She was good for him and he deserved to be happy. Hell, everyone deserved to be happy, even Makenna and Sophia, just not with my Patrick.

  Speaking of Sophia, where was she? I knew for certain the Porchelli’s were invited to the wedding, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember seeing them at the church. But then again, there had been a full house.

  As I took my seat next to Charlotte, I made it a point to Motion toward my wrist, “Pay up, Babe.”

  My dad chuckled as Charlotte rolled her eyes. “All right, so you lasted longer than fifteen minutes. Double or nothing says you won’t last through the cutting of the cake.”

  I smiled at her only because I knew Maggie had suggested that the cake be cut as soon as they walked in, that way it would be out of the way and the staff could cut it and box it up.

  “All right, twisted sister, you’re on.”

  Less than a minute later, the man Maggie had hired to act as master of ceremonies announced the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Montgomery. I then sat back and gloated as the cake was rolled to the middle of the dance floor. Paige had gone with a traditional white cake. Her cake was a huge five-layer geometrical design, with her beautiful peacock blue ribbon around one of the layers. It was truly a work of art.

  Since this was such a large event, Charlotte had hired a company to come in and set up massive big-screen televisions so the people in the back could see what was happening at the head table, which I had to admit was brilliant.

  I watched as the camera guy stood beside the three photographers to capture the moment. Once the cake was wheeled away, I placed my hand palm-side up, parallel to Charlotte’s face. The entire table erupted into laughter as she slapped it away.

  Charlotte should have bet how long it would take before Patrick found his way to our table. Paige had wanted only eight people per table, but Patrick made his place known beside me.

  “I don’t like being in the same room and not being able to touch you,” he spoke into my shoulder.

  Glasses around the room began to clank as forks touched them. I smiled at Patrick and whispered, “Let’s practice for our own wedding.”

  He smiled and kissed me gently. “As long as we get to practice for the honeymoon later, I’m all for it.”

  Dinner was served and I couldn’t help moaning as I tasted the grilled lamb chops. The garlic mashed potatoes added just a little something. The food was so good that I wanted to lick the plate clean. I didn’t, but I wanted to.

  Once all the dishes were cleared away and the toasts were given, it was time for the dancing to begin. Nora had hired a team of Irish dancers to come in and get things started. Although I had witnessed theses dances many times, I was still in awe of the speed in which their feet moved.

  Once the dancers finished, it was time for the traditional wedding dances to occur. I watched as Patrick glided his cousin around the dance floor. Her name was Shannon and she was attending Harvard school of Medicine. He told me she would return to Ireland and work for the government as payback for the tuition she had received.

  Once the bridal party left the floor, the music for the dollar dance came on. I watched as Paige’s face lit up and she began clapping. The dollar dance had been around for as long as I could remember. The bride was placed in the middle of the floor and she danced as her guests threw money at her.

  Patrick dug into his pocket and handed me a wad of cash. He took my hand and we joined the other guests as Paige began to dance. I didn’t know who had more fun, Paige dancing, or me throwing twenty-dollar bills at her.

  Once my wad of cash was gone, Patrick leaned over and asked if I wanted a drink. I fanned myself and said yes and told him I would meet him back at our table. I kissed him and he told me he loved me.

  I hadn’t taken three steps when Douce came rushing toward me.

  “Christi, I’m so sorry to bug you, but I didn’t know who else to get.” The look on his face was one of pure panic.

  “Douce, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s Harley, err…Frankie. She’s in the back room crying. She said she was going to get in big trouble, but she won’t say why.”

  I looked around, but I couldn�
��t see Maggie or Charlotte. It was a good thing I had already won that bet. “All right, Douce, show me where she is.”

  I motioned for him to go ahead of me as he headed toward the kitchen. The music had changed and it was now the electric slide. I looked and saw Paige motioning for me to come dance with her. I mouthed in a minute and continued to follow Douce.

  The room was so crowded it was hard to keep him in sight. Once we reached the hall to the kitchen, Douce pointed to the door at the end of the hall.

  “She’s behind a shelf in the stockroom.”

  “Thanks, Douce. Now, go tell Patrick where I am and that I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  I could hear my heels clicking on the tiles of the hall floor and the clattering of dishes as the kitchen staff was working on clean up. I reached the door and turned the knob. The room was dimly lit, and I tried to feel along the wall for a light switch. Switching it on, I called out for Frankie, but heard nothing.

  The storage room was large and had a number of rows of metal shelves. I continued further into the room, moving around the maze of shelves, until I heard sniffling. I quickened my steps and then rounded the corner, only to stop dead in my tracks.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?”


  I had entered hell, a hell that I deserved. Sins of my youth had presented themselves to haunt me, to destroy my very soul. It had been six weeks. Six weeks of scouring the city, six weeks of no word, no clues, not a single lead. It was as if she had just vanished into thin air. I had been over that night a hundred times in my head and it always ended the same, with her gone.

  I had watched as she crossed the floor with her glass of wine. I think she was only carrying it to make people think she was merely a guest. She was too much of an amazing business woman and friend to leave things in just Harley’s hands. She had been making subtle inquires all night. She thought I didn’t see her, but I did. Why didn’t I keep better eyes on her?

  I had failed her, I was supposed to protect her, care for her, love her, and I had most certainly failed her.

  When she wasn’t at the table when I got back that night, I had gone looking for her. I asked everyone if they had seen where she went, but no one had seen anything. I sent Douce and Tonto to search the room and I had Charlotte go see if she was in the ladies’ room.

  I would never forget the absolute panic I felt as I saw her shamrock pendant lying on the dirty floor, not far from her broken shoe. I hadn't been entirely truthful with Christi when I told her the story of the significance of this pendant. Hell, none of the men in my family had completely admitted the truth. The ladies in our life simply thought it was carrying on tradition, however it was so much more than that. Years and years ago, we started having them fitted with tracking devices. Only the men in the family and members of our security team knew that. This pendant was designed to protect her, but judging by the manner in which I found it, it only served to make her a target. It was clear to everyone she had put up a fight. Whoever had taken her had suffered some damage as well. It would be nothing to what they would receive when I got to them, their death would be slow and excruciatingly painful.

  I’d held onto her shamrock ever since I had found it on that floor. The chain was broken, and skin and blood were found in the links, her blood, my Christi’s blood. They had ripped it from her beautiful neck. I would be breaking theirs.

  Matthew had called in every available cop in Chicago to look for her, even the commissioner got involved. Christi had helped a lot of people when she had planned their events, making many friends. The commissioner had called in the FBI and their forensics experts. They had turned up nothing, not even a blood splatter or a fingerprint.

  The first week I didn’t sleep a wink, I couldn’t. I began to search every abandoned house and warehouse in this city. I questioned every hooker, drug dealer, and homeless person, but no one had seen a thing. Even after I announced a ten million dollar reward, I was no closer to having her back with me.

  I decided that God was punishing me. Not just for the crimes I had committed, but for the dishonesty I had shown Christi. There was still something she didn’t know. She was so innocent and didn’t deserve this.

  When I turned sixteen, my parents told me that I needed to start thinking about my future as head of this family. I had internally rolled my eyes. I didn’t want a wife, I wanted to have women throw themselves at my feet. I wanted a different girl every day, no strings attached.

  When I was seventeen, my dad had again brought up the subject. I was no closer to accepting his demand that I take a wife. He told me he had a girl he wanted me to meet. He told me everything about her and I wanted nothing to do with her. However, in this life, even when you were at the top, you still didn’t get to decide everything for yourself. I knew I had no choice but to get married; legitimate Irish-born children were a must.

  However, I did decide that if I had to marry and have these children, I would do it on my terms. So even before I met this girl, my seventeen-year-old arrogant ass decided I would be married in name only. I would have my different girl every night and this farce of a wife of mine would just have to deal with it.

  My father took me to a popular mall here in Chicago. I watched as groups of giggling girls walked passed us. I learned a long time ago that a quick lick of my lips and a wink would get amazing responses.

  “There she is, Son. The young lady in the blue shirt.”

  I turned my attention to the bench that sat outside of a popular teen store. The dark red-haired beauty was sitting with her back to me. Suddenly, she stood up and grabbed her bag from the floor, effectively giving me a complete and clear view of her face.

  My world literally stood still, as I watched her slowly stand. Her perfect hair, kissable lips, and skin were so flawless they had me spellbound. I stood there as my heart and soul left my body, they were now hers. The beautiful nameless girl held my heart in the palm of her perfect little hands.

  “Her name is Christi O'Rourke. She’s the daughter of a good friend of mine.”

  My eyes never left her as I questioned my father. “She isn’t one of us then?”

  “Not in the sense you’re referring. She knows nothing about you. You’ll have to win her on your own merit.”

  My father’s words were like a rushing river, effectively drowning the fire that had begun to rage in my soul. “What do you mean, by my own merit?”

  My father only smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “I mean the arrangement her father and I made specifically states that she must choose you and not the other way around.”

  I turned quickly in shock, as this was never the norm. The girl I would marry would have been raised to serve me and would be expected to come to me willingly.

  “Her father isn’t in the family as a member, he’s an asset. He keeps me informed of the Porchelli’s criminal activity.”

  I looked at my father and waited for him to finish.

  “I helped him out several years ago. His wife was heavy into heroin and threatening to take his girls and run.”

  “Girls?” I questioned.

  “Yes, Christi is a twin.” He pointed to a red-haired girl that was beside her. I looked to the girl who looked similar to Christi. Although she was her twin, I felt nothing in my chest as I took in her smile and body.

  “So did he sell his daughter to you?”

  “Patrick, you may be seventeen and well on your way to leading this family, but watch your tongue, I will not hesitate to beat you to a bloody pulp.”

  My father never made an empty threat. He would most certainly beat me for being disrespectful.

  “She’s beautiful, Da.”

  I continued to watch as she spoke with one of the groups of girls that had passed me. Was she talking about me? Would she want me?

  I watched as a large man approached the group of girls. His smile was huge as he wrapped his arm around Christi. It hit me like a wrecking ball. What if she alr
eady had a boyfriend? What if she didn’t want me? What if she found out about my life and ran far away? I knew what this feeling was inside my chest. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted nothing to do with it. She was beautiful and she would only break me. Besides, I wanted a wife in name only. I wanted a different girl hanging off my arm and my dick every night. I wanted to be the heartbreaker, not the heartbroken.

  “That big guy that’s with her is her father. He agreed to meet here to do a formal introduction. Are you ready to meet your future bride?”

  Even though I knew the man that had his arms around her was her father, the hurt was still there. I decided then that Christi was not for me.

  “No thanks, Da, I’ll find a girl on my own.”

  Famous last words. I left that day determined to forget about Christi O'Rourke. I saw her about three days later waiting in line to purchase movie tickets. I swore I would forget about her, even though I made my friend go over and buy a ticket. I had him tell her he had an emergency and couldn’t stay to watch the movie and give it to her.

  The next time I saw her, she was holding hands with Mikey Fitzgerald He was a decent enough guy. He could give her a normal life with a house with the white picket fence and fill it with kids. That was what she needed, not a guy like me who wanted to play with her emotions. It didn’t lessen the hurt I felt as she laughed at something he said. I was done with Christi O'Rourke. I would go away to school and forget she ever existed—I had to.

  I had been invited to a back-to-school party at a friends house. I decided it was a fine time to start breaking some hearts. I sought out a girl who looked the most unlike Christi. It didn’t take long before I found her. She was a bleached blonde with too much makeup and not enough common sense. I barely uttered a simple ‘hi’ to her and then led her upstairs.

  I was so pissed when I couldn’t finish and stormed out of there. The girl was none the wiser, as I was certain she was faking her enjoyment.

  Not going to college wasn’t an option for me. My ma was quite clear on the subject. She told me it took more than a shiny gun and a few threats to run our family. She was right. I had seen firsthand how Velenci and Sherman had made far too many bad business deals due to a severe lack of sound education based know how.


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