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The Dragon's Charm (Elemental Dragons Book 4)

Page 50

by Emilia Hartley

  The corner of his lips twitched in what she was sure was almost a smile. “I’m not trying to be rude,” he told her. Then he grinned full out. “But I guess I’m being rude anyway, aren’t I?” He laughed. “Sorry. Nova claims I’m an asshole even when I don’t realize it. I guess he’s right.”

  She grinned back at him. “I suppose he is.” She poured them both a drink. Handed him his. “But I’m not exactly Susie Sunshine either. That would be my sister. So, I guess I can forgive for our shared flaw.”

  Taking a drink, he watched her over his glass. “Damn. You really are good for him.”


  “Nothing. I just hate it when my brother’s right.”

  She snorted. “Tell me about it.” Uncomfortable, she glanced down at her hands. How was it that this man made her feel so nervous and inferior? Was it just because he was Nova’s brother? Or was it because she knew he didn’t think she was good enough for him? “I’m sorry,” she said finally, and Nemoy’s eyes widened in surprise. “I know it’s against your laws for shifters to be with humans. I know you think we’re the…I don’t know, the inferior species.” To her small satisfaction, he actually had the good grace to look uncomfortable with that comment. But he also didn’t deny it. Amara took a deep breath. “But Nova, well.” How did she explain it? “He saved me. You both did, I know, but he saved me.

  “You have no idea what it’s like to know that you saw the impossible and have no one believe you. I knew the boy I saw had been the wolf that saved me. I was on the edge of consciousness, but I remembered him. His face was etched in my mind, kept locked away, even after all these years. So, when Nova walked into the bar a few weeks ago...I don’t know. It was like that feeling came flying back, even though I hadn’t put together the ‘why’ yet. Since that day, he’s been a part of me. He gave me a second chance at life, you both did. And being with him now, it’s like I’m finally complete.” She sighed. She wasn’t making any sense, she was sure of it. “I don’t expect you to understand.”

  Nemoy closed his eyes, thinking. “I do understand,” he said after a moment. “Or at least, I’m trying to. Believe it or not, Nova’s said something of the same thing. I love my brother, Amara, I want him to be happy. And you seem like a great girl. If it were possible for the two of you to have a future, I would be all for it. But it’s not.”

  Amara blinked. “I don’t understand. I thought you told him we could be together as long as I didn’t tell anyone?”

  “I did,” he agreed with a nod.

  “I’m not going to tell anyone.”

  “I’m sure you don’t plan to.”

  She shook her head. “No, that’s not what I said. I said, I’m not going to tell anyone. Period.”

  “And I believe that you believe that.” Nemoy dug into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, sifting through for the amount on his bill. “But keeping this secret, it isn’t easy. You’re dangerous, Amara.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “I wish I was. But it’s true. The two of you together, it’s dangerous. For him, for you. Even for the pack.” Standing, he handed her the cash. “I’m not saying you can’t be together, Amara. I told my brother I wouldn’t. What I am saying is that it isn’t safe, and if you cared about him, you wouldn’t put any of us in danger. End it.” Without another word, he turned to walk away.

  Amara stared after him, her temper boiling to the surface. Who the hell did he think he was? “No.” Her voice rang out in the empty bar. Even the soft music from the old jukebox couldn’t drown it out. Nemoy turned back to face her. Coming around the bar, she got close enough that no one could hear her but him. “No. You don’t get to say something like that and then up and walk out. That isn’t how this works.”

  “You think I don’t know how dangerous this is? The first time I saw either of you was when Kal tried to kill me. The night I met Nova? Kal tried to kill me again. He almost succeeded. Your brother saved me. Then, of course, I saved him by pulling out my shotgun.”

  “You did what?”

  Alarmed by his tone, she glanced up at him. Uh oh. He hadn’t known about that one. “Nova didn’t tell you?”

  “He failed to mention it.”

  Interesting. “Uh, yeah. It was two on one, and they managed to pin him down. They weren’t paying attention to me anymore, so I ran in and got my gun. I fired it at them and they ran off like the dogs they are. The cowards.”

  Nemoy gaped at her. Then, a slow, easy smile replaced his serious expression. “Okay. You got me. I’m impressed.”


  He smirked. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  Chapter 16

  A loud crash made them turn. Behind them, Zoe was on the floor, her bare legs tangled around the bar stool. She looked like she was about to pass out. Broken glass and vodka littered the floor around her. “Jesus, Mitchell, didn’t you think to cut her off?” Amara rushed over to Zoe, gripping her arms beneath her shoulders and trying to pull her up. “She’s barely even conscious. Damn it. A little help here?”

  “I’ve got it,” Nemoy said, rushing over to help. He glanced up at Mitch, who was just standing there, unsure of what to do. “Hey, man, you want to grab a towel or something? There’s a bunch of glass down here. She might cut herself.”

  “What?” Mitch shook himself out of his stupor. “Oh. Right. Yeah.” He disappeared through the swinging door to the back room, only to return with a broom and dustpan. He knelt down and began sweeping up glass. “Is she going to be alright?”

  Amara glanced down at the semi-conscious woman in her lap. She looked almost peaceful. “Yeah. Typical Zoe.” She shook her head. “This is just par for the course with her.”

  Nemoy stared down at Zoe with a frown on his face. “Is she…?” His voice was quiet enough that Mitch couldn’t hear him.

  Amara nodded. “Yeah. She was the one they knocked out.”


  If only she knew what he was thinking. “She’s alive because of you, you know.”

  He raised a brow. “Doesn’t look like much of a life, if you ask me.”

  “Yeah, well. She’s got issues. Help me get her up, would you?” With Nemoy’s help, the two of them got Zoe on her feet. Amara slung one of her arms over her shoulder. Nemoy took the other.

  “Where to?” he asked.

  Amara tried not to slump under Zoe’s dead weight. “A cab. I need to get her home.”

  Mitch looked up sharply. “You just going to send her home by herself?”

  “You mean in a car with Creepy Kevin? Hell, no. I’ll go with her.”

  “Didn’t you walk?”

  “Yeah.” And it was going to be a long, cold walk home. She could ask Kevin to wait while she got Zoe situated, but she wasn’t exactly keen on being in a car alone with him at night either.

  Mitch pursed his lips. “I’ll take her.”

  “You will? Really?” She wished she could hide the amazement in her voice, but she knew that was a lost cause. Mitch had repeatedly found reasons to avoid a drunken Zoe. It was odd that he was changing his tune now. Convenient, but still odd.

  Mitch rolled his eyes. “Yes, really. I’m dating her—kind of. I might as well start taking care of her drunk ass, too.”

  “Wow,” Amara replied with a laugh. “Way to step up and be a man.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You can shut up now.” He stood with a pan full of glass. “Can you guys get her outside? Looks like Sam’s already called Kevin. I just have to toss this and lock up.”

  “Sure.” She looked at Nemoy. “Ready?” Between the two of them, they managed to maneuver Zoe around the tables, through the bar, and out the door. A dirty yellow cab was waiting for them, idling at the curb. Sam hurried out past them to open the car door. Somehow, they only knocked her head once getting her into the back seat.

  “Mitch will be out in a minute,” she told the driver. Kevin, a dirty brown cap on his head, just nodded and took another drag on his cigarette. “
And keep your hands off this time. I mean it.” Shutting the door behind her, she waved goodbye to Sam before turning back to Nemoy. For the first time since he’d walked in and she’d realized he was Nova’s brother, she felt self-conscious. “Thanks,” she said quietly, hoping her embarrassment didn’t show.

  To her surprise, Nemoy’s answering smile was genuine. “I can see why you captivate him so much. You’re a fighter.” He thought for a moment. “It suits you.”

  An awkward silence fell between them. They stood there, both of them staring at the ground, until Mitch came through the door. He stopped to lock up behind him, then bade them goodnight and climbed into the car.

  Through the window, Amara could see Zoe slump against him, her hands feebly grappling at his shirt. Amara waved as Kevin drove away, giggling to herself. Boy, was Mitchell in for it tonight. He had no idea how much of a pain in the ass Zoe Hamilton could be. But he was about to find out.

  “Well,” she said, wiping her hands on her jeans, “that’s that.”

  Nemoy nodded. “How are you getting home?” he asked.

  Amara shrugged. “The same way I get home every night. I walk.” He frowned, causing her to laugh. “Don’t worry, Nemoy. I’ll be just fine.”

  His frown deepened. “I can’t let you walk home unprotected. Nova would kill me.”

  Reaching into her purse, she pulled out her nine-millimeter pistol. “See?” She slipped it back out of sight. “I’ll be okay.”

  “Well, well, well. Isn’t that sweet?” Kal suddenly materialized out of the shadows. “You’ve got both brothers wrapped around your fingers now, don’t you, sweetheart? I have to admit, I’m rather impressed. That’s a great feat, especially for a lowly human girl like you.”

  “Kal,” Nemoy growled through gritted teeth. “You don’t belong here.”

  “Relax, Mountain Alpha,” Kal chided. “I’m just here for some fun. Let’s call it a diplomatic mission. You owe me immunity.”

  Tension rose between them in waves. Was that what it felt like to humans when shifters were about to transform? Amara wondered. She watched Nemoy closely for any sign she should run. Her hand instinctively reached into her purse again for her gun. Though the vein at his temple was throbbing, Nemoy slowly lowered his hand and she left the weapon alone.

  No point wasting bullets.

  “What do you want?” Nemoy demanded.

  Kal’s shrug was filled with feigned innocence. “What? I have to have a reason to be here?” He looked from one of them to the other, then back again. “Your brother isn’t the only one who likes to play with humans. But don’t worry. There’s more than one Townsend girl to toy with. Plenty to go around.”

  Confused, Nemoy chanced a glance at Amara. Her hands balled into fists, her nails biting into her palms so hard, they drew blood. “You bastard.” She fought not to shout. “Where is my sister?”

  “Your sister?”

  “He took her out tonight,” she told Nemoy. “Dancing, is what she said. What the hell did you do with her?”

  “Now, now,” Kal replied, mocking her with his every word. “No need to get angry. Little sis is just fine. She’s safe and sound at home. Don’t get your panties in a bunch, sweetheart. I didn’t lay a hand on her.” His grin was wicked and taunting. “Or a paw.”

  “You need to leave,” Nemoy ordered. His voice was the only thing keeping her from pouncing on Kal and trying to rip his eyes out. Power coursed through his words, sending a shiver down Amara’s spine. She could see now why he was Alpha. It was so much more than just a name or a regal bloodline. Being Alpha was who Nemoy was meant to be. From what she could tell, he wore the title well. Nemoy glared at his opponent. “Now.”

  “Do I now?” Kal wanted to know, leering at him. “And I suppose you’re going to make me, are you? You and the human? Do you really think you’re strong enough to take me on?”

  Nemoy’s answering smile was downright terrifying. He lifted his left hand. Within seconds, a cascade of howls broke through the night, coming from every direction. In the glow from the tavern’s sign, all the blood drained from Kal’s face, leaving him pale. Nemoy held his gaze. “Yes,” he said, his voice as hard as stone, “I do. And I suggest you leave before I prove it.” His eyes flashed. For a moment, even Amara was afraid.

  Kal looked like he wanted to hit something. The look in his eyes was manic and dangerous, as if he would gladly destroy them both, if only he had the backing.

  Which, she conceded, was probably true.

  Still glowering at them, Kal slunk back into the shadows, disappearing the same way he came.

  Silence fell.

  Beside her, Nemoy cocked his head, listening.

  “Okay,” he told her, after a few minutes. “He’s gone.”

  “Good.” Amara immediately dug her phone out of her pocket and pulled up her sister’s number. She hit send.

  Never in her life had she been so glad to hear Sadie’s voice.

  “Amara?” came Sadie’s groggy greeting on the other end of the line.

  Amara breathed a sigh of relief. Kal had been telling the truth, she was okay. “Yeah,” she answered. “It’s me. Just checking to make sure you made it home safely.”

  There was a pause. “Seriously? Mara, it’s like two o’clock in the morning. I have to work in the morning. I’m fine.”

  “I know that now.” Amara grinned. “But I still need to check.”

  “You need to get a life.”

  “Probably,” she agreed, listening to the empty phone line. She stowed her phone back in her pocket.

  “You let your sister go out with Kal?” Nemoy asked. “You’re kidding, right?”

  Amara balked. “What was I supposed to tell her? I tried the whole, ‘my boyfriend says he’s dangerous’ bit. It didn’t work. And by your laws, I can’t exactly tell her that he turns into a bloodthirsty canine that wants to kill me, can I?”

  “No, probably not.” His laughter filled the air around them. “Come on, then. Let’s get you home.”

  The walk back to Amara’s didn’t take long, and they made the journey in companionable silence. When they reached her porch, she turned to say goodbye.

  “I’m going to have one of my guards stay with you until Nova gets here, but lock your doors just in case.”

  Amara narrowed her eyes. “I’m not seeing Nova until tomorrow night.”

  Nemoy just shook his head. “This whole thing with Kal is more personal than I thought. I’m sending him here tonight. His new assignment is you.”

  Her lips twitched. “Me? But I’m just a lowly human. I thought the Pack always came first?”

  “Shut up, Amara.” Nemoy turned to go. “And the Pack does always come first,” he called over his shoulder. “Remember that. Lock your doors!”

  Chapter 17

  Nova stood on the East Border, gazing out over the river. He’d heard howls about an hour back, but nothing since. For now, all was quiet. So why couldn’t he shake the feeling of unease that had washed over him? Something was brewing behind enemy lines. He could feel it, making it difficult for him to stay focused.

  “Lost in thought, little brother?”

  Startled, Nova turned. He fumbled to keep his water bottle in his hands, a gesture that never would have happened before. Usually his balance was impeccable and his reflexes were incomparable. Not anymore.

  Nemoy stood in front of him, his hands nonchalantly tucked into the pockets of his jeans. His jet-black hair, whipped by the wind, flew around him, fanning out over the dark shoulders of his old jean jacket. Though he seemed amused to find Nova zoning out when he should have been vigilant, Nemoy’s eyes were tight with worry.

  Nova instantly went on alert. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “What happened?”

  Nemoy shook his head, allowing Nova to relax. “I’m pulling you off the border tonight.”

  Nova bristled. Pulling him off the border? What the hell for? He couldn’t be serious. “No,” he declared, defiant. “I’m not going anywh
ere. The Valley Clan have been pushing us too hard as it is. I’m not just going to pull my guys off patrol because you think they’ll respect the treaty. They won’t. You know that as well I do. And honestly, I never thought you of all people could be so naïve; especially after everything you used to say about Father.” He was getting agitated now, and his temper was rising. “You can be angry with me all you want, Nemoy. But as my Alpha, you appointed me head of the Guard, and I am damn well going to do my duty. Unless, of course, you’re ordering me to abandon my post.” He raised a brow in challenge. “Are you ordering me to abandon my post? Sir?”

  “Careful, Nova,” his brother whispered. He stood there, just staring at him. He didn’t even blink. Instead, he simply surveyed his younger brother with an expression that was as cool as it was unreadable. A flicker of power sped through the air, and Nova found himself facing a surge of guilt for daring to defy his Alpha in the first place.

  “Are you done?” Nemoy wanted to know. His tone was calm and quiet, but just as powerful as if he’d yelled. Nova nodded, his lips clamped shut tight. “Good. Now shut the hell up.” Nova’s teeth ground together, but he remained quiet. “I’m not taking you off patrol, you idiot. I’m just reassigning you.”

  “Reassigning me?”

  Nemoy nodded gravely. “I went to Strathford tonight,” he admitted. Furious, Nova’s nostrils flared. “I wanted to see this girl for myself, now that she’s all grown up. Get the measure of her. To be honest, it’s a shame she’s only human. She’d make a fine wolf.”

  “Yes,” Nova agreed, full of pride and defiance. “She would.”

  “Anyway, as we were leaving the bar, Kal showed up,” hearing this made Nova tense up, “Calm down, calm down. She’s being taken care of. I have a small patrol with her now. She’s fine. But Kal does seem to be making this personal. He even went so far as to take Amara’s little sister out on a date tonight.”

  Nemoy, sensing Nova’s anger, began trying to calm him “She’s fine, too. Relax. Still, I want her protected. I’ll take your post here. You go on over there, relieve the patrol, and make sure that girl’s okay.”


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