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Vegas Baby! (Luck in Love Book 1)

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by Laney Terra




  Copyright © Laney Terra & Aimi M. 2016 & 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any manner, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is a coincidence.

  Previously published as Luck &

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 1


  I should have known. No, I did know my boyfriend was a piece of work. I told myself over and over, and Leslie reminded me, how worthless he was. I should have been long gone, but I had to ignore all of the evidence and continue my girlfriend duties, which included stopping by his place on the way back home from work.

  My poor baby had been sick, so I drove forty five minutes out of my way, in traffic, to get some herbal medicine that I knew would make him feel better. I did this all despite his objections from the day before. Well, come to find out the only thing he was sick of was me.

  Ariel had such a beautiful singing voice, using it to approve of my ex’s rhythm. Her nails dug into his shoulders as they panted and moaned. I kicked the door fully open. His eyes grew wide, and he sucked in a breath as he picked her up off of him. She turned around, said, “Hey, Londyn,” and waved her fingers at me. I huffed and jetted back through his house as he chased after me, “explaining” the situation.

  I opened the front door. He slammed it closed, forcing me to curse him out and threaten to start breaking dishes if he didn’t let me leave. Ariel was amused, twirling her long hair as she observed our show down. Her forearm laid on his breakfast bar, propping her up. She hadn’t bothered to at least put a shirt on.

  When I grasped the doorknob, to slide my ex out of the way, she offered me to take a turn with him. Shaking my head out of disgust, I jolted the door open, almost knocking my ex to the ground. I ran down the driveway to my car and sped away, leaving two years of my life behind me.

  Two years! What a waste. I once thought I was going to marry that man. Well, at least I got slapped with reality before it was too late. And I wouldn’t have to drive across town for that herbal medicine when I got sick.

  I slammed some jeans and shirts into my suitcase. Two weeks later, he still tortured me. I needed that Vegas trip we were taking. For once, I was glad we were leaving town. Leslie, my best friend, wanted to do something fun before her wedding. Have a little five day trip. I didn’t object, but she knew I wasn’t overjoyed about the location. Las Vegas was bad luck for me.

  I was delayed all day at the airport, taking fifteen hours to arrive once. I lost my wallet another time, and in the last incident, I was close to getting into a fist fight with a girl who was all over my ex. The funny thing about that situation was the girl wanted to fight me. I didn’t swoop in to argue with her.

  Come to think about it, my ex could have been the bad luck. My wallet had been returned, less the couple hundred of cash I had in it, and we missed our flight. The next few flights were full. The only route left took us out of the way to another state first. So maybe it wasn’t the place, but Vegas still had something to do with it.

  The phone rang.

  “What?” I said. Oops. “I mean—”

  “OK,” Leslie said. “OK, I get it. You’re having a bad day. Calm down. In twenty four hours you’ll be in peace.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Still thinking about him? I think you like torturing yourself a little.”

  “You may be right.”

  “You’ll get over him. We’ll find you a new man. Don’t worry about it.”

  “No, no, and no,” I said. “I don’t need a man. I’ll be alright. How is everything going? Did you get your dress packed? I know you were saying that was one of the obstacles. That’s why I still don’t understand your reasoning for bringing it along. You can take a picture of yourself in it, not carry it to compare to a second dress you might buy.”

  “Londyn, I’m not saying get a boyfriend. Maybe you need to rebound. You know. Get Xavier out of your system.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Alright,” Leslie said. “And yes, I finally got the dress packed. Everything on my end is packed. I’m ready to have fun. I can’t believe you’re getting in before me though. I’m the bride to be. I’m supposed to be there, partying longer than you.”

  “Charge that to my Vegas luck again. I had the wrong day.”

  “And my fiancée is cheap.” She laughed and I joined in.

  “I thought Jackson was a millionaire, billionaire playboy,” I said.

  “No that’s his best friend, who is like a brother to him,” Leslie said. “His name is Keene. You didn’t meet him but Michelle did. Boy was she all over him too. Remember I told you about that night?”

  “That was one time things didn’t go exactly her way,” I said. “Possibly one of the only.”

  “Yeah, but anyway, Jackson and Keene, they went through hard times together growing up. Their mothers are close. Too close. But Jackson has three other brothers. You met one of them before.”

  “The brother I met was nice.”

  “Noah? Yeah, he is and he’s married.”

  “Figures,” I said.

  “But the others, maybe I can hook something up. I’ll ask Jackson.”

  “Don’t bother,” I said. “That would be strange.”

  “You would be a great sister in law. And let me tell you. I need sisters to deal with that monster, wicked demon mother of his.”

  “Demon?” I said and laughed.

  “Yes girl.”

  “Agh. Did you pass her test? The one you were talking about?”

  “Yeah,” Leslie said. “I was ready to give her a piece of my mind if she didn’t play nicely. I let her have a little bit of her fun. Anyway, she was not about to stand in the way of my wedding. I’d go bridezilla all over that witch.”

  “She’s that bad huh?” I said. “Did you talk to Noah’s wife about it?”

  “Yeah, she said Mrs. Monster calmed down and switched personalities after she got married. She said it was a little disturbing because when that first child came, she was the sweetest grandmother and mother in law.”


  “And she wouldn’t be as bad if she didn’t get advice from her best friend, Keene’s mom. It seemed more like Keene’s mother was the master of all evil. So glad I don’t have to deal with her.”

  “Wait, so his best friend’s mom is in your business too?”

  “She has an apartment there.”

  “That’s horrible.”

  “I just got to make it to the alter,” Leslie said. “Then the unmarried children will be cal
led to the ring. Jackson’s mom and her best friend love to match make couples. That’s what’s so odd about them. They either love you or are spitting fire. So, at least with this trip, I’ll get a little freedom from planning the wedding and fighting over my vision. I’m a few days away! Woo!”

  “Right,” I said. “You’ll get there, even if we have to set up a secret wedding. Now, I’m going to make sure you have fun.”

  “Did you forget who you were talking to Londyn? Fun is one hundred percent guaranteed. I wished you were my maid of honor though.”

  “I am,” I said. “Second in line. In my head. I didn’t want to fight Michelle. You two have known each other forever. It’s fine.”

  “Good. Alright, girl. I still have some things to do. Go down my list ten more times because what Jackson and I decided better be at my wedding. I can’t be sure she won’t change things.”

  “OK,” I said.

  “And I’ll check on that man for you.”


  She giggled on the other end of the line. “Bye.”

  I hung up grinning. The next few days certainly had good times written across them. With her, something crazy was bound to happen. And I needed that in my life.

  Chapter 2


  Two days. That’s how long I had to survive by myself in Vegas. The great thing was I scored an excellent deal for the week at the hotel that Leslie suggested. One time I considered changing my flight and hotel. But the price of the hotel would have doubled. In addition, an extra one hundred would have been attached onto my airplane ticket, so I had no choice but to have an extended vacation.

  On the way out of the terminal, I was so consumed with figuring out what to do first that I ran straight into a stranger.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said, feeling heat rush to my cheeks. “I can’t believe I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “It’s quite alright,” the handsome stranger said. He seemed like the type that went to Las Vegas to do business deals or was one of those professional gamblers. His dress shirt and slacks were tailored to fit every muscle that I knew was precisely cut under there. A warm smile crossed his face, forcing me to drop my nervousness and live in the moment. A nod and two steps later, sunshine was out of my life.

  Having to find out at least where he came from, I glanced back and saw that the flight was straight from Los Angeles. No wonder. His flight was an hour long. Realizing that I was still in a daze, with members of my flight sweeping around me, I returned my first task, seeking out the baggage claim.

  He could be there right?


  I took the escalator down to see that everyone still stood, battling it out for their position along the conveyer belt. I wasn’t about to get down to fight for a spot, so I stood a few feet away. The alarm on the baggage claim buzzed, but it wasn’t our flight that was receiving bags. It was the one next to us.

  When I glanced over to make sure I was in the right place, there Mr. Sunshine was again. He stood on the opposite side of the belt, in a position to look straight at me. And he did. Immediately, I set my sight on their bags and pretended to be satisfied that it wasn’t our belt that was moving. Then I twisted back around and stared at our flight details.

  A few minutes later, a different buzzing sound occurred, initiating the movement of our claim and the subtle movements in the fight for space. I only had to wait for one bag because I had carried my second bag with me on the plane. I got lucky and my bag came down fourth. Unfortunately, there was no way to get to the front without bulldozing people out of my way.

  Taking a few steps to my right to see if there was any more space, I realized that the best plan was to be there on the other side. I made my way to the left then spaced out for a little while until I realized that my bag was about to pass by.

  “Excuse me,” I said, trying to step through the fence of people. They were nice, but I was too late. I sighed. Then I saw some kind soul reach out, grab my bag, and pick it up off of the conveyer belt for me. I stood up. Mr. Sunshine! He signaled, saying that he had my things, as he maneuvered his way to me.

  “Here you go miss,” he said.

  “Thank you so much,” I said.

  “No problem. Have a great day.”

  “You too.”

  As I secured my purse across my shoulder, pulled out the handles on my bags, and watched him leave again, I couldn’t help but to think of him.

  No! Don’t leave.

  Go after him then.

  What would I say? I can’t just. I’ll seem crazy. He has a girlfriend anyway. I’m sure.

  So instead of happening to catch up to him, I headed outside. It was as though I was dropped into a sauna when the automatic doors opened and the heat greeted me. For once I was glad that I remembered to bring my bathing suit. The hotel pool would be one of the places I’d make sure to visit. Easily I’d spend two hours there. More, if I put my book in my bag.

  According to the pictures on the website, there was a grand pool with cabanas surrounding it. The tropical scene gave me the feeling that the pool was one of the places spring breakers had at the top of their list to party.

  I dragged my bags down the sidewalk and finally found the pickup location for the bus that would bring me to my rental car. Of course, along my journey, I peeked to see where Sunshine was going.

  He didn’t have to walk far, only up to the curve. A few seconds later, his ride, a short, black limo, drove him away. That was more of his style. I didn’t expect anything less. Too bad we didn’t get a conversation going. I could have gotten a faster ride but wouldn’t have gotten the workout that I did.

  Arriving at the car rental place, I realized that I wouldn’t have to plan too many things to do to waste time. I groaned. The lines were long. The pace of the attendants were pretty fast, however, so I searched for and got in the shortest line. My phone became entertainment for a while. Glancing up, to take a break from playing on my phone, I saw him. Mr. Sunshine.

  No. You want it to be Mr. Sunshine. That has to be someone else. There is no way he’d be picking up a car for himself or another person. He has people to do it for him.

  The man turned his head, and my hopes crashed to the ground. I was right. It wasn’t him. I shook the weight off. Why was I so into this guy or merely the thought of him? Was I that…? Never mind.

  A few minutes later, I was being called to the counter. My luck rose again, making me excited to explore the week. I was upgraded to a larger car with a little luxury that didn’t burn tons of gas. Yes!

  See it was Xavier giving you all of the bad luck.


  I lay back as I drove down, and back up, the Strip, taking in the blue skies and sun while deciding what to do first. It wasn’t quite three yet, so I found a place to eat then made my way to the hotel. Woah! My little solo trip kept getting better and better. The hotel was more majestic than the pictures, and I was promoted to a room on a higher floor, overlooking the Strip.

  Maybe I won’t have to leave to have something to do. I could people watch and see the cars drive by from above. If my room is close enough, I can see one of the outside shows at night. And if I was lucky enough at the slots I was going to play that evening, I could sample a tiny taste of my hotel’s renowned spa treatments.

  I flashed a smile at the front desk agent and gathered my things to move them out of the way. My stomach flipped when I saw Sunshine one person behind me, texting someone. Another agent arrived, prepared his station, and called for the next person in line.

  Not wanting Sunshine to see me gush, I rocketed to the elevators located behind a wall. Once I was safe I peeked back around. Sunshine was given the keys, which he put in his pocket. In a few moments he’d be headed in my direction.

  The elevator bell rang and the door opened. Time to decide. The elevator or meet Mr. Sunshine. Take the elevator, and you’ll avoid embarrassing yourself. Meet Mr. Sunshine and you could have the trip of a lifetime…or nightmare. Londyn,
you have a fraction of a second. What will it be?

  I let the doors close. When Sunshine got a hold on his suitcase again, he didn’t come to me; he went to one of the conference rooms. Some more guests showed up to wait with me. When the elevator came, I got on.


  That evening I freshened up and headed down to the bar. Aside from a couple of groups gathered on the couches, there were a few other people sitting next to the bartender. I joined them, taking a seat on the black, leather stool, and ordered a drink. The next thing on my agenda was to go back and forth between voting to stay at the hotel all night and hit the slots or visit another hotel and most likely do the same.

  I would feel weird going out by myself, but it wouldn’t be that bad. I’d stick to fast food restaurants; I wasn’t about to sit down for an hour unaccompanied. During the day, I surveyed the surrounding hotels and mall across the street by myself. I didn’t feel alone then although at night my experience would be very different.

  “Have a great night miss,” the bartender said after I let him know that I wasn’t planning on keeping a tab open. Here’s to adventure! He was about to say something else to me but had to shift to take care of another customer who got his attention.

  “Hey, Mr. Anderson,” the bartender said, “how have you been man?”

  “Traveling, tired…” the man said.

  “Dude, I understand.”

  I tuned their conversation out and listened to the pianist who began to play. The song was a familiar. I stared at the bottles on the wooden shelf in front of me, hunting down my memory for the name of that song. Moments later a man curled around my back and took the seat next to me at the bar. I glanced to the side, and my heart took off sprinting. Breathless, a warm flush tingled my skin. Sunshine. He wasn’t wearing slacks anymore. He was dressed down in jeans and a black shirt. The cologne he wore made me drift towards him.


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