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From the Ashes

Page 48

by Angela White

  Angela walked to the front of the tent, wiping her bloody hand down her jeans. “Tell them why Cesar’s former slaves hate you.”

  Kyle started to protest, he already knew the answer and could still barely cope with it. He wasn’t at all happy about being here, either. When Jennifer had mentioned the Eagles, Kyle hadn’t known she and Angela had already settled it.

  Jennifer put a hand on his arm. “I want this.”

  Beaten before the fight even started, Kyle stormed from the tent, scattering the crowd of men outside.

  “Tell them,” Angela repeated.

  Jennifer used the steel she’d found while facing Cesar. “I was the one they came to when they got pregnant. They couldn’t do it themselves.”

  “Do what?” Sam asked reluctantly, a horrible idea forming. No way had this girl had the strength to do that to others and then still keep her own. No way.

  “I made them miscarry,” Jennifer confirmed.

  “How?” Cynthia demanded, refusing to believe she’d lost to a pregnant 14-year-old girl.

  “The only way I could,” Jennifer revealed bitterly. “Cesar saw the bruises and assumed one of his men was responsible. And then he would slaughter whoever he thought was considering a takeover. I killed two birds with every baby.”

  The tent was full of a thick, revolted tension that Angela fed with her next prompt. “And the ones who attacked you when you first joined Safe Haven?”

  Jennifer looked around in defensive anger. “I cut them, the ones who didn’t ever want to have enslaved kids! They came to me, begging, because I managed to keep my hope when they didn’t! And even when I told them I wasn’t doing it to mine, they still came to me.”

  “You could have refused,” Crista offered quietly.

  “No, I couldn’t,” Jennifer refuted. “Those women had no power in Cesar’s camp. Their kids would have been unprotected. They were better off never being born.”

  “And why do yours deserve to live?” Cynthia questioned in dislike, still not quite believing.

  Jennifer’s chin went up further. “I never said those babies deserved it! I said they were better off.”

  “Tell them why,” Angela directed. She hadn’t coached Jennifer on this moment, but their abilities were off-limits. If the teenager made a mistake on that, she would immediately be replaced.

  Jennifer had already spent six months walking that line. “I wasn’t hurt by anyone but Cesar and the other slaves. His men thought I was crazy. They said I was the reason he couldn’t be killed. Our children would have been exempt as long as I kept them believing it.”

  Now, there was complete confusion.

  “How did you do that?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You have to be lying. The other slaves have never mentioned that.”

  “Yes, they have,” Angela interrupted the angry females. “It’s in their glances every time they walk by her, in their words when they run into her at meals and showers. They’re jealous, and scared that she’ll tell everyone what they asked her to do.”

  “I was a target with the women, but my children would have been left alone–at least until they were older.”

  “And by then?” Samantha asked, sure she knew this time. “You hoped he’d be dead, right?”

  Jennifer’s expression stretched into a hatred that each of them recognized as lethal.

  “I was waiting to feed him the poison until after the birth, so I survived the fight for control. I would have become the woman of whoever won. My place, and that of my kids, was set until I could get strong enough to find a way out. That’s why they hate me. I’m smarter, and I always play for the future.”

  Angela leaned back as the other females eyed Jennifer warily, expressions full of dislike, but also respect.

  Sam turned to Angela. “You’ve put a killer on your right!”

  Angela was satisfied. That was what she needed them to understand. “Yes, and a pair of hard-asses behind her.”

  Angela glanced at Cynthia’s shocked countenance. “If you guys can take the order.”

  Angela strode back to Leslie, locking gazes. Her tone was rough. “I’ve never liked you, but Jeremy thinks you’re a hard-ass, too, and that it will swing the other sisters into Adrian’s light.”

  Finding out that Jeremy had spoken up for her went a long way in soothing the woman’s ruffled feathers over her bloody nose. It also instantly created a rivalry with Samantha.

  “I’ve started to do it,” Leslie stated quietly. “Sam knows.”

  Angela held out a hand. “Good. There will be more female teams to be filled in the future. The leaders of those teams could come from this tent.”

  Leslie accepted the hand up, as the others murmured in surprise.

  “You have to make a choice, ladies. You’ve been rookies long enough to feel the magic. When I tell you that is nothing to being on the inside, take it to heart. If I absolutely had to pick between being an Eagle, and being Marc’s woman, I’d arrange for one of the whores to console him.”

  Angela didn’t glance at Tracy. She didn’t want to even consider that match. Tracy was one of the few women in Safe Haven that actually stood a chance with Marc. Tracy knew what men wanted, and that was dangerous.

  Now there was complete silence in the tent.

  Angela went on with the half-truths, hoping Marc wasn’t close enough to hear. She honestly wasn’t sure which way she would go. Both meant the world to her. The only thing more important than either of them was her son. “Until Jennifer is ready, Sam will cover that place. Keep in mind that I won’t ever tell you all of my reasons for putting her there, or for anything else that I do. You have to be able to accept my choices.”

  Those who knew Angie’s secret felt some of their anger fade. If Jennifer was as strong as Angela was, she belonged on the right–where she would be most useful.

  “Though the camp needs to think it for a while, I did not just pick you for my team.” Her words rang through the tent, capturing them. “I’ve chosen you to lead your own.”

  Angela looked at Jennifer, as the others muttered in surprise. She was careful with her wording. “Will you serve, even though it will take you away?”

  Jennifer was honored. “You know it.”

  “And the rest of you?” Angela asked, certain of the answers. “Anyone want out now?”


  Angela smirked–a hard, cold expression that each of them would get used to seeing right before she had them do something important for the camp.

  “While I’m in Little Rock, think and be sure. I’ll expect everything from you, and then demand more.”

  “Who are you taking in…to watch your six?” Becky hesitated to volunteer, not sure if she had the sand yet.

  Angela didn’t pause in her answer or her exit from the tent. “Adrian.”


  “You can go in tonight with the clearing crew.”

  Silence fell over the center table at Adrian’s words.

  The clearing crew had been to Little Rock for the last three nights, making a road where one hadn’t existed since the war, but it was far from safe.

  “We’ll be ready,” Angela said casually.

  When Adrian didn’t deny the request, Marc relaxed a bit. The females that had emerged from the tent on Angela’s heels were currently wearing determined expressions that usually only Adrian could inspire. She had them in line now.

  Kenn glanced up. The sky hung closer, clearly about to dump something on them. “Smells like rain.”

  Angela played along. “About time. It’s been...” She glanced over at Adrian. “Months!”

  “Not since the rest stop,” Adrian replied. “We’ve had a couple chilly days and a few warm ones, but we’ve mostly hovered in the 60s for the last two months.”

  Angela felt his concern and it made her consider the deeper implications. What she came up with scared her. “We’re about to take a drop.”

  “She’s finally
running out of things to throw at us, maybe.” Kenn offered.

  “She’s only used her energy store,” Adrian corrected the impression that nature had a limited arsenal. “This is the growing season. She’ll rest through the fall. And come winter...”

  Nearly everyone began working on it mentally, and Angela leaned toward Marc, smiling.

  Marc knew what she was doing and let her. He was no longer above using her manipulations to get what he wanted. In fact...

  Marc flashed a wild leer. “I’ll be up.”

  Angela flushed furiously, head dropping to hide her pleasure. She really did need to thank Adrian for releasing that tiger.

  Adrian studied the small line outside the hair cutting canvas and spotted Lee on duty outside the smelly tent. Adrian gave that tired man a hard look. It was obvious that Lee still wanted Candy. Why hadn’t he pulled her in yet?

  He’s making it clear where his loyalties are, Angela sent. When he thinks she understands that, he will.

  Satisfied, Adrian stood up. “Be ready an hour after mess.”

  Angela didn’t waste the time. She pressed a fast kiss to Marc’s cheek and went to their tent to gather her gear. After that, she would pick her girls and they would spend an hour or two working out before the run. Rookie nerves were nothing to be taken lightly.

  Before she made it to the couples’ area, Angela had a surprising pair of footsteps on her heels. She paused outside the flap, studying them.

  Jennifer didn’t bother to stand up straighter, the way Leslie was doing, but she did make sure to maintain eye contact. The chances of her being allowed to go were slim, but she wanted Angela to know she was capable of some duties now.

  “Consider it noted. And no. After.”

  Jennifer left without the disappointment the others would have felt. Unlike most of them, she knew she wasn’t ready.

  Angela studied Leslie and her fat lip for a long moment, still not liking her much. “Can you be trusted?”

  Leslie frowned. “With which secret?”

  Angela snorted. No denying that. “All of them.”

  Leslie hesitated, thinking her own skin didn’t have the same glow as Angela, but at least she wasn’t showing any gray yet. “I assume that’s part of the job.”

  Angela couldn’t bring herself to accept the answer. “Next time, maybe.”

  Leslie’s shoulders drooped. “I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong with you.”

  “That makes two of us,” Angela admitted. “We’ll both work on it.”

  Leslie nodded, moving away, and Angela ducked into the tent before anyone else could spot her. She required a minute to decide who she needed to take. The rescue team was set to go into the city tomorrow, but she had to have the most serious of her team tonight–the ones who were already capable of killing. There was only darkness when she searched, and she had little doubt that Adrian knew trouble was coming, too.


  “You got all that covered?”

  Marc slid the envelope into his coat pocket. “The Eagles will help me through it, I’d guess.”

  Adrian leaned back, mental shield at full strength. Marc was in no mood for accidentally discovering anything.

  “Home by dawn?” Marc queried curtly.

  Adrian didn’t answer, mentally adjusting. When it came to Angela, the wolfman was sharp.

  Marc pushed the chair back, and stood up. He didn’t shout or accuse, or even speak at all. He only glowered in hatred.

  Adrian let out a harsh sigh. “I should have known better than to keep you out of the loop.”

  Marc folded his arms over his chest instead of lunging. “Tell me.”

  “The number of people watching has increased each night. They’re building up their numbers in plain sight while we clear the road to the kids. They’re ready to attack, and I plan to use the chaos to slip underground and find my son. I need her along for that.”

  “Your what?!”

  Adrian waited, letting it sink in. Marc was incredibly smart. He’d likely get it all.

  Marc dropped heavily back into the chair as the pieces began to fall in place. So many lies! And none of that mattered to him now.

  Marc locked eyes with their leader. “What if you can only save one of them?”

  Adrian let the lie spill with no guilt, “I’ve already left him for dead. He’ll expect it.”

  And the truth? He loved them both, though it was something Marc would never be strong enough to hear. Adrian wouldn’t abandon one or the other, but he would trade his life for either.

  “She’s alone in Kyle’s tent. I have her doing make-work to settle her nerves. She needs to be fed before we go.”

  Marc’s pulse leapt eagerly, but his anger didn’t fade.

  Adrian dropped his jealous gaze back to the notebook. “She needs as much as you can shove in there. When we get to the kids, she’ll drain herself to ease their misery.”

  Marc headed for the flap. That was Angie–give it all away and keep nothing for herself. And, as usual, that would put her in danger.

  “You’ll stand watch?” Marc asked, not turning around and throat-punching Adrian like that inner voice suggested.

  “Yes.” Adrian stood up as the flap closed, gut burning.

  He was hours away from the end of a six month leadership that couldn’t compare to anything else he’d ever done in his life. A few hundred minutes from losing it all.

  Adrian was fighting panic-laced depression, and Marc needed to be very careful with personal challenges, even ones only made with his eyes. Adrian now understood how Kyle felt about Jennifer.

  If I’m damned anyway...


  Marc ducked into the next tent, watching Jennifer openly take a place on guard duty with Kyle. Charlie’s words came to him, but after letting it go so long, Marc wasn’t sure Kyle would welcome a gesture of friendship.

  Marc sat down quietly, always a little amazed at the things Angela could do–and this time, he was a touch bitter, as well. If not for her gifts, he might be going with Adrian and coming home to her.

  His scent floated to Angela, that deep musk she craved. Her lids flew open.

  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “You didn’t,” she stated, locking gazes with Adrian over his shoulder as the blond took up a post just inside the noisy flap. Was that jealousy? His relief source must not be that good, she thought.

  “He sent me to feed you.”

  Everything flooded in a guilty mess, and Angela stiffened, embarrassed. “I’m fine on my own.”

  They both heard Adrian’s snort.

  Marc rested his arms on the wooden table. “Take what you need, and use it to keep a shield around yourself. I know that you can.”

  “All right, Marc.” She gave in without more arguing, understanding how hard it was for him to let her go at all. Angela slid her hand into his, ignoring his intake of breath and her own racing pulse. “Close your eyes.”

  “Not on your life!” Marc retorted.

  Angela rolled her own before closing them.

  Marc’s fingers wanted to caress her skin, but he kept still as the wind picked up, blowing her dark hair around. The world shifted suddenly, and he was forced to close his lids as the drowning sensation began to wash over him.

  The force increased, and she tightened her grip, drawing. Neither saw the bright blue sparks around their hands.

  Adrian did, expression layered in mental agony. He hadn’t thought Marc was like them, but that bonding blue said otherwise. What else hadn’t he noticed about Angela’s wolfman?

  Angela pulled her hand free–it had become a caress on her part. When she opened her eyes, Marc was staring at her with concern.

  “It’s enough?”

  His energy was coursing through her body like lightning and she grinned. “I’m full up.”

  She glanced over his shoulder at Adrian, who still stood in the doorway, and back. “Did he ask you to keep an eye on Jennifer?”


  “He’s worried about her giving birth while Kyle’s gone.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  Marc’s concern for her flared hotly, and Angela gave him what he needed. “I’m coming back, Brady. On my own feet this time.”

  “You’ve seen it?”

  “Yes.” Angela was glad she didn’t have to lie. “Two days, maybe a little longer, and I’ll be here.”

  Marc let himself breathe, leaning forward to press his mouth to hers. They’d shared a much more private goodbye this morning in their new tent.

  “Miss you already,” he whispered against her lips.

  Angela smirked. “You still smell like me.”

  Marc groaned in desire, but knew not to follow it with a crude remark. Having her spread open before him like a buffet had been amazing. And extremely frustrating.

  Angela laughed. “Go get our boy, will ya? I want a few minutes with him before I leave.”

  “He’ll find you after his shift at the mess. He’s helping Li Sing.”


  Marc waited for Adrian to move out of his way before getting close. “You’ll look after her?”

  “If she needs it,” Adrian stated evenly, locking down on everything.

  Marc forced himself to walk away, going to the next tent. He needed a workout.

  “Who goes?” Adrian asked, staying back. He knew what it was like to be so full of energy and have nothing to do but wait for it to be needed.

  “No one,” Angela said firmly. “They’re not ready.”

  Adrian approved the choice. It was the one he would have made, but he wouldn’t have overruled her. Team leaders had to be given support, even when they made the wrong decision. If she’d chosen to bring them along, he would have let them do a safe shift and had them escorted back.

  Angela was high on Marc. She hadn’t had so much of his energy since they’d made Charlie and need was smoldering. She kept her head down until Adrian was gone and then went to the training tent, where Marc had just started to work out.

  She didn’t say anything–didn’t need to.

  Marc took it in, grinning in surprised happiness. Her face was full of flaming need.


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