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Passionate Yearning: A Zodiac Shifter Romance - Libra

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by Solease M Barner





  Solease M Barner


  Copyright © 2017 by Solease M. Barner

  Published in the United States of America


  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you wish to share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should delete it from your device and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work. Illegal copies come with fine up to $250,000.

  These books are works of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in these books are of the authors’ imaginations and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

  Hero – Dragon shifter

  Name – Jonathan Justice – Gives out justice to the supernatural in his district and sometimes humans

  Heroine – Raina Peters – Is an over worked ER doctor.

  Strengths : Cooperative, diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social

  Weaknesses: Indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge, self-pity

  Libra likes: Harmony, gentleness, sharing with others, the outdoors

  Libra dislikes: Violence, injustice, loudmouths, and conformity

  People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful, fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for them, as their mirror, and someone giving them the ability to be the mirror themselves. These individuals are fascinated with balance and symmetry. They are in a constant chase for justice and equality, realizing through life that the only thing that should be truly important to themselves in their own inner core of personality. This is someone ready to do nearly anything to avoid conflict, keeping the peace whenever possible

  The sign of Libra is an Air sign – Reference -

  He’s the Keeper of the Law for all super naturals in his region, but will he follow the rules when he meets Raina Peters!


  Thank you, husband for dealing with me while I write this story. This lady was a little crazy during the process. I love you!

  Thank you Tammy Payne, for not only proofing my book, but going far and beyond I could imagine! Love ya lady!

  Thank you Kathleen Brooks, for making me believe I can do this. You are a dear friend! Love you, Hugs!

  Thank you, Amy for the editing. I appreciate your hard work! I know you worked magic for me!

  Thank you Charlene, for making it pretty!

  Raven Burn you are amazing with covers and I love this cover!

  Readers I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
























  The night is calm tonight. As I’m watching the humans roam around, blissfully unaware of my presence, I wonder would they be so blissful if they knew what lurks around every corner. My neck turns as I see one of those that seek to do harm to humans and even some of the lesser supers.

  My extraordinary eyesight zooms in on the beast. The scales on my back begin to rise slightly as I determine if I’m going to have to intervene. The beast is in human form, but I know his true nature, a wolf. He doesn’t notice me, but I see him looking around, I’m sure trying to see who he will devour, but I’m the law, the balance, and the gift among this part of the world. I will not allow him to do anything that could cause harm or death, not on my watch.

  Even though I wish I didn’t have this job, I’m always issuing out a punishment or settling disputes. In the last two hundred years, since I was appointed this position, that’s been my life. I’m due to serve this region for another one hundred years before I can submit a request to be released.

  It’s not that my duty is not important or that I don’t get enjoyment knowing that I’m protecting the ones who can’t protect themselves; it’s because it’s all I do every day. The scenario changes, but it’s still the same.

  When I see the beast make a turn down the alley, I leap off the building, landing on my feet with ease. Quickly I move, listening to the beast’s footsteps and heartbeat. As I round the corner, I see the beast has pinned a man against the wall and is growling at him.

  I rush over and push the beast to the ground, and when I look at the man, I see he’s suffered a broken arm and more bruises. I pull out my cell to make an anonymous call to the paramedics to come check on an unconscious man. The guy looked at me in confusion and then goes unconscious, and he falls to the ground in a deep sleep.

  I lift the beast to his feet as he’s squirming to break free and use my powers to transport us to my place to issue out his punishment.

  When I throw him down and step up on the throne, my body relaxes some.

  “The guy attacked me, and I was defending myself.” The beast says.

  I lean over and pour myself some wine, ignoring the lie I just heard.

  “What is your name beast?” I ask.

  “I’m Harold Dune and would never attack anyone unless provoked.” He stands fixing his clothes.

  “Harold Dune, I believe what you say is not the truth, in fact, it does not sound like the truth, but for my amusement only, if you are the victim in this situation why didn’t you run once you were ahh…free from the assailant?”

  Harold’s eyes roam around, I’m sure looking for an escape, but there’s not one. He finally looked at me and then spoke.

  “Ok, Jonathan, I’ll tell you the truth, but do you promise to show me mercy?”

  “I promise you what’s due to you, now tell me the truth, and remember, I can tell if you’re lying.”

  “I did attack him, only because he was following me. He works for someone that can do harm to me in ways that I don’t want to experience.”

  “Why is someone looking to harm you?”

  “Why does it matter?”

  My patience runs thin when my questions are not being answered. A low, but furious growl comes from my chest, and the beast bends in submission.

  “There’s an entire council in the underworld which despise being made to follow rules. They have been building a group to rebel against the rulers of regions that watch over us.”

  I stand and walk towards him, and he lowers himself to the ground covering his face. I’m angry that some creatures have decided to question my authority and are gathering others to support their stupidity. The laws are here to protect them as well.

  “Harold Dune, you will be imprisoned while I seek out this council you speak of.”

  I raise my hands, and a few of my guards come and chain the wolf with pure silver chains. These will weaken him and defuse any chance of hi
m trying to get away. As I walk away hearing Harold’s screams of pain because of the silver, I think who would have the balls to form some group, and the main point is how I didn’t know.

  I go back to the area Harold attacked the man and follow his scent. It appears the EMT did come and pick him up. I walk away from the alley and go towards the hospital.

  When I arrive at the hospital, I may look a little out of place. I’m wearing my long black trench coat, casual black slacks, cream shirt and my serious face! I don’t look like I need a doctor. As I’m walking past some patients in the waiting area, the looks I get are curiosity. I have mastered the presence of not being feared among the humans.

  I stop and look around, making sure my victim is not in the waiting area. There are children and adults, elderly and even some women who looked like they were about to give birth. The waiting area is packed to capacity, so the sooner I find my guy, the sooner I can leave.

  When I walk up to the counter, the two ladies start smiling at me. Neither one asked me what I needed, so I decide to step up and ask the questions.

  “I’m looking for my friend.”

  I lean over the counter to get closer, and the two ladies sigh out loud.

  “Male or female?” One asks as she looks away blushing. It’s only looks, but if this is what I can use to get back there to that guy, I will use it.

  “It’s a male, he came in unconscious found in an alley not too far from here.”

  “You talking about Larry Talbert, he’s here Mr…I didn’t get your name.” She says, sexy. I look at her name tag, and it says, Paula. I need to get to Larry Talbert and get the information from him. If that means leading these beautiful ladies on, I will. It’s not that I don’t find them attractive because I do, but for their safety, I can’t be involved with such fragile beings.

  “Jonathan sweetheart and if you would do me a favor and allow me to check in on my friend, I promise to be in and out fast,” I say calmly.

  Paula licks her lips and then leans close to me. I lock eyes with her, and I knew without a doubt she couldn’t resist my mesmerizing eyes that I use to make humans do as I ask.

  “Ok Jonathan, but I hope to see you after you check on your friend.”

  “I promise Paula that you’ll see me.”

  I walk past the ladies, and they buzz me into the back. I start getting the same stares, but I ignore it concentrating on the scent of Larry Talbert and Harold Dune. Harold Dune roughed him up and left his scent on Larry. He’s not going to be hard to find.

  As I’m walking down the hall trying not to bring too much attention to myself, a human female is talking to another doctor as she’s passing me. I can’t help but notice her, and what’s more important, she didn’t smell all the way human, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. As soon as I pass her I look over my shoulder looking back at her; she has light brown hair, pulled up in a messy pony tail, her body petite, but shapely, and she has honey colored eyes. I want to stop and see why I don’t know her scent, but I have bigger things to worry about.

  Soon I arrive at Larry’s door. I can smell him, and without delay, I push the door open finding him still unconscious. I walk over to him, taking my hand and laying it on his head. After I close my eyes, I begin to pull his memories of Harold and even more supers out of his thoughts. As the images hit my head, I find that Harold is telling the truth. A group of supers has formed and are planning to do some type of takeover, but I’m their problem.

  The growl in my chest starts to build and even though I would like to let it out, I don’t. I pace the floor some and turn and look at Larry, who I would like to do damage to for his part in this plot.

  I walk out of the room and look around and start to walk out the doors, but then I remembered the doctor who doesn’t smell all human. Maybe I should walk away, she’s harmless, no threat of her breaking any laws, yet, I want to know her name at least.

  I find her at the desk with a few nurses and more doctors. As I get closer, the conversation among them all starts to cease.

  “Excuse me, do I know you?” I ask the honey eyed doctor. I know it may sound like a lame pick up line, but I’m not trying to pick her up, but rather find out who she really is.

  “No, I’m sure you don’t know me.” She responds.

  “I think I do know you,” I look at her badge and then continue. “Dr. Raina Peters.”

  “Who are you here to see sir?” She snaps.

  “I needed to see a friend, and I’m leaving but I thought I knew you, my apologies,” I reply.

  I can tell from her tone that she is becoming more resistant to me saying I know her. I take one last look at this beauty and walk away. As I pass the ladies at the desk, I wave at Paula as promised and went back out into the night.

  I walk quickly away from the hospital and find a secluded space to change form. Usually, I can wait to do this, but after hearing and finding out all I have today, I need to release some stress. The only way I know how to do that is to fly, it gives me a chance to think and look at the situation as the region Keeper of the Law.

  Taking a chance of a human seeing me, I decide it’s worth the risk. I get to a high rise and go to the roof, and then I strip down and spread my arms wide beside me allowing the change to take over.

  As my body begins to shift and my legs stretch and my arms become wings, I can feel the stress leaving me. Soon I’m my full dragon flying at high speeds in the air and now invisible to the human eye. As I look down on the people, even moving in high speeds, I know that my duty to find those that would like to do them harm and issue a punishment is a must.

  I’m not a dragon shifter that believes supers should be allowed to prey on the humans, even though they are lesser to us.

  I will find those that conspire against me and my region. I will not go down so easily. After all, I’m Jonathan Justice the dragon!

  Chapter 2

  “Dr. Peters, who was the hottie?” Debbie asks.

  She’s one of the nurses who was drooling over the mysterious, sexy man. I’m not sure why he thought he knew me. At first, I thought he was trying to hit on me, but he seemed genuine about knowing me.

  “I don’t know who that was, but he thought he knew me,” I reply.

  She walks over to me with a huge smile.

  “Dr. Peters, I hope you pretended you knew him, I wanted to jump his bones as he was standing there,” Debbie says, moving her bottom sexually.

  I start laughing as she moves her body with no rhythm. I shake my head at her and finish up my charts for the next Doctor coming to relieve me. I’ve been working for fourteen hours with only a short break for a few minutes.

  I grab my bag and say my goodbyes and went out the back to my car. Once I’m inside, I take a moment to relax some. It was a trying time in the ER, but at least I didn’t lose a patient.

  I start my Ford Focus and speed off to my home.

  As I’m driving on the freeway home, I look in the sky and see something flying in the air. It can’t be a bird because it looks too big, but I know sometimes sleep deprivation can make you see things that aren’t there. I look away and continue to my home. I zoom into my garage and close it, going inside to get some much-needed rest for a couple of days.

  I drop my bag on the floor at the door and walk to my kitchen to get some wine. I need to unwind. As I’m pouring the wine, I hear a noise on my roof that doesn’t sound like rain. I take a step, and everything is silent, so I ignore it and get ready for a long hot bath.

  As I walk into my bedroom, I start pulling off my clothes and shoes, scattering them as I go towards my bathroom. My house is not the most up to date because I bought an older home, but I made sure to renovate the bathroom because that’s the place I relax the most when I’m not at work, besides the bed for sleep.

  I walk into my bathroom and sigh, smiling at how beautiful it looks. I walk over and start running the water and pull my hair out of its ponytail, shaking my head, getting even more relaxed. I walk back over t
o the tub, pour in my favorite lavender oil, turn the water off and step in. After I close my eyes and begin relaxing, I hear another sound outside. I raise my body up to listen and hope I hear it again and within seconds the sound happens again, and it sounds like a loud roar or growl but coming from on top of my roof.

  The night I’ve been having with the strange, sexy guy and now the weird noises, I’m going to finish relaxing and let whatever is outside making the creepy noises not bother me because I’m safe in my home. I need sleep, and maybe in the morning I’ll make sure my roof is still intact, and that’s a strong maybe.

  Once I’m in bed and drifting off to sleep, I hear someone beating at my door. I rub my eyes and look at the clock, and its 4:00 in the morning.


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