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Taming Her Boss

Page 26

by C. M. Stunich

  “You're late to breakfast with your mothers?” he asks, voice deep, a strange inflection in his tone. “We better make this quick then.” I curl my fingers against the marble countertop. Lex is just standing there, holding me, kissing my neck and my upper back. His erection is pressed into my cheeks, but he isn't doing anything with it. It's driving me absolutely nuts. How can I want to fuck somebody that just called me a real estate investment? Maybe it's because I know he actually meant what he said in the best of ways? Alexander Lyndon just told me he likes me. What a strange, strange turn of events. However, I'm not going to tear up and sway at his feet. That's not me. I like the guy, but two weeks into a tumultuous relationship, and forgive me if I'm not already asking him to move in.

  “What the hell are you waiting for?” I ask him, getting annoyed. Lex just laughs and doesn't respond, using the force of his body to keep me propped against the counter. His fingers slide down my sides and back up while his erection prods and pokes and teases. “Hurry up and fuck me. I'm late for my breakfast meeting.”

  Lex laughs, guiding his cock inside of me, thrusting his hips against my ass. The entire kitchen is full of bright sunlight, reflecting off the silver appliances and the red mosaic tiles, making them sparkle. It's a weird place to get fucked from behind, that's for sure. I grit my teeth against the idea that he's doing this to make a point of some sort, and just try to enjoy the thickness of his body inside mine. I lean into the marble, spreading my fingers open and forcing my mind to go blank, letting pleasure wash over and through me. If I start thinking, I'll get too analytical and the big O will escape me.

  I clench my thighs tight, curling my toes, slightly disconcerted by the fact that I'm essentially hovering, held up by Lex's thrusts and his hands on my hips. Our height difference is astronomical but thus far, it hasn't seemed to cause any problems. No, it's just his attitude that's done that. In fact, I can hardly believe I'm letting him do this right now. And I'm a little shocked at how good it feels, how his body slides into mine with a crash of molten heat, his muscles firm against my soft flesh. I don't like Lex, I don't like Lex, I don't like Lex. I force myself to repeat this mantra as he slams into me, again and again and again, and I find myself tossing my head back, letting a moan escape from my throat. The orgasm tears through me, and I can hardly breathe, can barely even think anymore. When Lex sets me back down on the floor, a stumble a bit and he reaches out to catch my arm.

  “Another quickie before breakfast,” I pant, looking back at him, at the sweat on his body, the wetness around his crotch. He's panting, too, at least. I narrow my eyes. Can't help it. The man just sort of seems to bring out that reaction in me. “If I didn't know any better, I'd almost think you were trying to get me to like you.”

  He smirks back at me.

  “I thought if I gave you some gentle persuasion, you'd invite me to breakfast with your family.”

  “No,” I tell him shaking my head, reaching down a hand to cover up my lady parts. It's easier to sound indignant if they're not peeking out and ruining the moment. “You are not invited, most especially not after the real estate investment comment.” I saunter past Lex in search of my jeans. I don't have time to go home and get a change of clothes, so I guess I'll shower here and then go meet the moms.

  “Not even if I promise to behave?”

  I look over my shoulder with a raised brow.

  “You? Behave? Hah! Your version of behaving leaves a hell of a lot to be desired.”

  “I see.” Lex crosses his arms over his muscular chest, leaving the rest of his nude body open for a detailed inspection. I try not to look too closely, but it's difficult. He stands there watching me, his dick recovering quickly enough that by the time I blink, it's hard again.

  “You're not invited,” I repeat, just so he's aware. Lex smiles at me. I frown back at him. “You're not.”

  “Okay,” he tells me as I move towards the bathroom door, past the decorative hall table that still contains the sand dollar bowl, complete with crunchy panties. I point back at Lex. “Not invited,” I repeat once more, just so we're all clear on that.

  Fifteen minutes later, I'm showered, dressed in yesterday's clothes, and glaring out of the corner of my eye at Lex Lyndon as I pull into a parking space outside the restaurant.

  “Not invited,” I grumble as I open my door and climb out. Lex follows after, slipping on a pair of shades that look way too good with his suit to be real. I have no idea how he ended up here, weaving his way between tables towards the moms and Craig, but there he is. Mr. Real Estate Investment.

  This is not going to turn out the way I want it to, is it? Or maybe that's the wrong way of thinking. Maybe the way things are going to turn out is exactly what I want, and I just don't know it yet?

  Tuesday morning.

  Approximately nine thirty in the am. After Saturday breakfast with my family (which was humiliating in its own special way), I didn't see Lex again. Not until Monday morning. My attempt to ignore him was thwarted when we ran into each other on my way to the bathroom and ended up fucking in the handicap stall. I refuse to spend too much time ruminating about it.

  Right now, all I'm worried about is the fact that Lex's father and grandfather are standing in my office with Lex's secretary, Claudia. I stand up and shake their hands, try to smile, try to act like I have any clue about what's going on here.

  “Miss Ashcraft,” Lex's father says, his voice just a slightly more aged version of his son's. “On behalf of the board of directors, we've decided to personally congratulate you on your achievements within the business.” His smile's about as real as Maxi's push up bra. I force myself to smile back, wondering where the hell Lex is. His dad is nothing like him. While still mean, he lacks that passionate force that drives Lex. I didn't like him from the moment I met him, way back when I first got hired here. I don't like him anymore now.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I say, looking over at Claudia and wondering why she's here, smiling ever so sweetly at me. This meeting, whatever it's about, is not something I'm going to like. “I haven't lost a bet on a piece of property yet.” Lex's grandfather chuckles, and his father's smile gets a little deeper, like it's been carved into his face for propriety’s sake.

  “Yes, well,” he begins, clearing his throat and flicking his steel gray eyes back to his father's. “We just wanted to check in with you about something.” Oh crap. Here it comes. I tighten my facial muscles, locking the smile in place and trying to prepare for the upcoming shit storm I know is headed my way. “Claudia here keeps an eye on things for us, you know. She tells me about my son's comings and goings and all that.” My right eyelid twitches and my gaze slides over to Claudia in her pale blue skirt suit. Well, if you want to call it a skirt suit. The actual skirt part is small enough as to be considered nonexistent, but I'm not judging. To each her own. Bashing women for their sexuality is not something I condone in any form, not even in my own head. But if I had to bet on it, I'd guess I just found the source of Lex's leak. “It's come to our attention recently that my son offered you a contracted position, something outside the company.” Lex's father never loses his smile and neither do I, sliding my gaze back to him and holding it there before he breaks away to glance at his own father. The older gentleman nods and they both refocus their attention on me. “We feel as if he's lost his way recently and, well, as an apology for his actions, on behalf of the Lyndon family personally, we'd like to offer you up a deal. We will pay you whatever Lex offered plus twenty percent. If you accept, we'll all wash our hands of this and never speak of it again.”

  I keep staring, not sure how I should be feeling at the moment. Frustrated? Angry? Pissed the hell off? Yeah. All of the above would be the correct answer to that question. I feel my smile slipping. With the three of them surrounding my desk like this, it feels like an ambush. Fight or flight is kicking in and, as always, I want to fight.

  “Whatever contract Lex may or may not have offered me,” I level a glare on Claudia, but she doesn't budg
e, “is between me and him. It has nothing to do with the company, and I can assure you in no way will it affect my performance here. Now, if you don't mind, I've got plenty of work waiting for me.” I fold my hands under my skirt and sit down, dismissing the situation.

  Only it's not over yet.

  “Miss Ashcraft, I'm not sure how to convey exactly how sorry we are for the situation with my son. Would an extra ten percent make up for your troubles?” I type away on my laptop for a moment before acknowledging the statement, like I'm not even really listening anymore. My gaze, when I turn back in that direction is blank. I cannot even believe this is happening right now. I sort of want to wring Lex's neck, but also kiss him at the same time. Growing up with a family like this? It can't have been easy. I know he's got the poor little rich boy thing going on, but I really do feel sorry for him.

  I try to come up with another polite but firm rejection when Lex explodes into the office, face nearly as purple as the tie he was wrapped around his neck. His teeth are clenched tight and his eyes flicker between the people in the room like a set of steel gray pin balls. As soon as he sees Claudia, I think he knows she's the leak. I think he also knows that his father and grandfather know exactly what Lara Caliper knows. Ouch.

  “Father,” he says, inclining his chin with polite rage. “Grandfather.” Another nod. He ignores Claudia completely. “May I ask what exactly it is that you're doing here? Our board meeting isn't for another hour.” All three men turn, so that they're facing one another before Lex waves his hand dismissively. “Oh, and Claudia, you're fired.” Her mouth drops open and she glances over at Lex's dad. He doesn't even bother to look back.

  “I'd reconsider that if I were you,” is all he says, shaking his head and putting his hands into the pockets of his ridiculously expensive slacks. “That girl knows enough to sink you.”

  “I see. And you're here why? To pay Olivia off?” Lex's hands are trembling with rage. I watch him carefully, uncomfortable with the situation, frustrated for Lex. Yes, it's his fault he got here in the first place. If he hadn't offered me that contract, none of this would be happening. At the same time, this is an issue between me and him, not anybody else. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that Lex's father's counteroffer is ten times more offensive than the original contract. Lex's contract was – while still pretty freaking offensive – designed with a certain purpose in mind, fueled by a desire that I don't think Lex fully understands yet. Lex's father's offer, on the other hand, was created with the dual purposes of sweeping me under the rug like a dirty secret and convincing Lex to give Lara a try. If he hasn't figure it out yet, he will. The moment these men walked in my office door, I knew. I guess Maxi was right. They really are desperate to marry them son off, aren't they? Man or woman, I find the process, even the idea, barbaric. Or maybe I'm just jealous?

  “Alexander, are you sure you want to have this conversation here, in front of your employee?”

  “Yes, Allan,” Lex stresses, using his father's first name as part of a power struggle that had to have started a hell of a long time ago. I can see the lines etched into both their faces. There goes the sushi lunch date I had planned with Maxi. I glance at the clock. Any minute now, she'll be showing up outside my office and finding the door locked. Unfortunately for me, she'll probably presume I'm having sex with Lex. If only that were the case. “I'm certain I'd like to have this conversation here, in front of Olivia, considering she's the subject of it.” Lex turns to Claudia, and I don't envy her the look she's getting. It's kind of her own fault, though, choosing to ally herself with Lex's father instead, the former CEO, instead of the current. Lex keeps saying his father and grandfather together have enough influence to take that seat away from him, but it wouldn't reflect well on them as a family. I doubt they'd actually carry the threat through. Of course, that's just my guess based on what I see here. Lex should know better than I do, but sometimes, when it comes to family, an outsider's perspective can be invaluable.

  “You, on the other hand, are not going to be privy to this talk. You can leave now. Don't forget your things.” Claudia turns to Allan, the look on her face making me wonder if there's something more than just a mutually beneficial business relationship happening between them. In her eyes, I see a sparkle of something that looks an awful lot like love. Damn. The entire situation makes me sick.

  “Allan?” she asks, but the man keeps his gaze focused on his son. His dark brown hair is graying at the temples, still a stark contrast to the eldest Mr. Lyndon's shock of snow-white, but definitely faded enough that I can guess he was fairly old when Lex was born. In his thirties maybe? Right now, I'd peg him to be close to seventy. My eyes slide to Lex's grandpa and his strangely soft smile. How fucking old is this dude then? He's got to be pushing ninety.

  The man sees me looking between the three Lyndons and his smile gets a little more real.

  “I was fifteen years old when Allan was born,” he tells me, drawing everyone but Claudia's attention to his craggy face. She's just started to cry, tears rolling down her perfect cheeks. I almost feel sorry for her, but then I remember the look on Lara Caliper's face when she waltzed into Lex's office and dismissed me like I was nothing. “You were wondering about the age difference, weren't you?” he asks with a chuckle, pointing his finger at me. “That's attention to detail, Miss Ashcraft. You notice things that others forget to pay attention it. No wonder you're such a moneymaker for the business.”

  I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not, standing up from my desk as he beams at me.

  “The name's Art, by the way. I'm sorry, Miss Ashcraft, but I don't think we were properly introduced.” Art moves over to the desk and actually reaches out a hand for me to shake. Without looking at Lex, I take it, returning his firm grip with one of my own.

  “You can call me Oli,” I tell him as he withdraws his hand with another smile.

  “Well, Oli. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry about all of this unpleasant business, but Allan and Lex, they're cut from a different cloth.”

  “Father,” Allan warns, but his dad isn't listening.

  “I was always such a careful man.” He laughs at this. “I had to be. If you think about it, one of my first life experiences was bungling around in the backseat of a car with a girl several years older than me and ending up with a child on my doorstep, quite literally.” I feel a real smile crawling across my mouth. Nobody else seems to enjoy Lex's grandfather's story, but that's okay. I'm actually thrilled to get a piece of Lyndon family history, even if I want to throttle Lex most days and have a fervent wish that his father would disappear in a puff of smoke. At least Grandpa seems nice.

  “Olivia doesn't care about your stories,” Lex grumbles, but I stay focused on Art, crossing my arms over my chest. Claudia's still standing there, staring at Allan. I notice that he doesn't even bother to acknowledge her existence or even the fact that her getting fired is a direct result of his meddling. That should mean something to him, but it doesn't. He obviously doesn't care about anyone but himself. When she reaches out and places a hand on his suit jacket, he pulls away. The man's got to be at least forty years older than her, but obviously he's managed to manipulate her into feeling something for him. I can only pray it doesn't go much further than that. Just the thought skeeves me out big time.

  “The point I'm trying to make is, I was fifteen when Allan was born. Raised him entirely by myself from day one. I learned a lot from that.” He jerks a thumb towards his son. “He, on the other hand, didn't have a child until he was thirty-six years old and believe me when I tell you it was a carefully planned affair. A business decision, if you will. Lex's mother, we didn't even know the woman's name at the time, but after Lex was born, he paid her the big ones to disappear.”

  “Dad, perhaps you need a moment to sit down?” Allan asks him, turning to face his father with an open expression of hostility stretched across his features. The frown lines around his mouth stand at sharp attention as Claudia slips silently
away, letting herself out of my office door. I catch a glimpse of Maxi in the hallway and her eyes bug out of her head when she sees what's happening inside my office. I think I catch her mouthing WTF before the door swings closed behind her.

  “When Alexander was six years old, the story broke and hundreds women claiming to be his mother started showing up at our doorstep. Unfortunately, one of them really was. The legalities that ensued – not to mention the huge hit the company's image took because of it – makes us wary. So you can see why we're here, why we're offering up this chance to correct Lex's error in judgment.” Art chuckles again, and I feel my shoulders relax a little. The good parts of Lex, the rare smiles, the person buried underneath all of the asshole, I feel like he's made up more of Art's influence than Allan's. “Though if I'd wanted a woman as much as Lex wanted you, I'd have simply asked her out on a date. Maybe I'm just old fashioned like that?” He chuckles again, and I feel my lips explode into a grin.

  “Thank you for sharing the personal details of our lives,” Allan says, his mouth turned down at the corners. “But my history has nothing to do with my son's poor choices in judgment.” Allan glances back at Lex who looks about three seconds away from exploding into a violent rage. When his eyes flick over to mine, they flash with an emotion that's gone too quickly for me to read. “What we have here is a liability. That's the simplest way of putting it. But we also have a chance to correct the error. Lex,” Allan turns back to his son, “Lara Caliper is on her way here to attend the board meeting. In it, you'll announce your upcoming marriage to the board, and the future merger of Oceanstar Capital Group and Lyndon Realty Trust.”


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