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Desire at Dawn

Page 21

by Fiona Zedde

  “On your knees,” Olivia growled.

  Kylie didn’t hesitate. She dropped to the floor, already pulling at the waist of Olivia’s leggings, baring the slick cunt to her gaze and her mouth.

  “Oh!” Olivia stumbled as Kylie’s mouth latched on to her pussy.

  Across the room, the human’s noises of distress and pleasure grew louder, sounding tortured while she watched what was happening but could not be part of. Kylie drew the sounds into her, the woman’s whimpers adding to her lust. Olivia’s fingers clenched in her hair, pushing Kylie’s mouth deeper between her legs. Kylie groaned at the salty wet flood on her tongue, the plump flesh flowering against her mouth.

  “Fuck me, Kylie,” Olivia commanded. “Put three fingers inside,” she panted. “Do it now!”

  She slid her fingers into the slick channel that eagerly welcomed them, coating her heating skin with lust. She moaned at the sensation of it, more intimate than anything she’d ever felt in her life, luxuriating in the squeeze of Olivia’s pussy around her fingers. She did what she knew Olivia liked and curled her fingers up inside, stroking the welcoming area she found there, her mouth still working on the responsive clitoris.

  Olivia stumbled, crying out, a hand grabbing Kylie’s shoulder, fingers digging into bare flesh until Kylie cried out too. The drenched pussy bumped her mouth, its hair rubbing her lips, her chin, her nose.

  She moaned again, the sound muffled in Olivia’s pussy, the want flooding through her body like a healing elixir. Short fingernails dug into her scalp, urging her mouth on, encouraging her tongue deeper.

  “Harder, baby.” Olivia’s voice was rough with wanting.

  Kylie sucked harder on her fat clit, stroking between the plump lips with her tongue. Olivia’s hips bucked and she made an incoherent noise.

  Her hips moved faster. Her pussy fucked Kylie’s mouth, and her fingers tightened in Kylie’s skin. “Don’t you fucking move!” Her voice fell away into incoherent sounds, thighs trembling beneath Kylie’s hands, her flat belly flexing and releasing as she approached her peak.


  She responded to the urgent sound of her name the best way she knew how. By fucking Olivia harder, thrusting deep, realizing that she didn’t need to be careful anymore. Their sex before had been cautious and tender, Kylie taking care not to injure her. But now, she released the care she’d taken, thrusting her fingers deeper, faster, nibbling the clitoris that grew even larger in her mouth.

  Olivia burst open on her lips. Hot fluid, viscous and salty-sweet flooded over her mouth and down her chin.

  “Yes!” Olivia gasped, delighted laughter falling from her lips.

  She reached down and dragged Kylie to her feet, kissing her. Kylie swooned in her heated embrace, her head swimming with the sensations they’d just shared. Her fingers still tingled from their home inside Olivia. She longed for that again, the fierce hunger that made her want to claw and scratch and bite and feel Olivia bleeding under her mouth and hands. She hovered with the unfamiliar violence of her lust, not knowing quite what to do.

  But Olivia seemed to have no such problems with what they had done. She yanked up her tights as they kissed. Her tongue stroked Kylie’s, her hands roving over her naked body, her ass, between her legs where she unerringly found her clit and pressed. Kylie shuddered.

  Olivia drew back, smiling. “I’m so happy we’re together like this.”

  For a split second, Kylie didn’t know what she was talking about. Then she remembered the what and how of them getting to this point. She pulled roughly away.

  Before she could say anything, Olivia tugged her back against her. “Don’t start this again.”

  She bit Kylie’s lower lip and linked fingers behind her back, lightly scratching her nails against the sensitive skin above Kylie’s ass. Kylie shivered, her objections already flying away as Olivia’s fangs broke skin and a trickle of blood flowed between them.

  “You taste delicious, my darling. But I’m starved for something a bit more.” She glanced over her shoulder at the woman trussed up in the rope. “Do you mind sharing her?”

  Olivia didn’t wait for her agreement. She simply tugged Kylie toward the woman. Her excitement was hot and pungent in the air, pussy still dripping, eyes as wide as saucers. Kylie’s mouth watered.

  It had been a long time since she’d last fed. She glanced sideways at Olivia, reminded instantly of who she had fed on, and where. Her appetite flagged. The anger resurfaced. Olivia, some sixth sense apparently engaged where Kylie was concerned, lightly pinched her side then slid her arms around Kylie’s waist.

  “You have my heart, Kylie.” Olivia held her body still against hers, the dark velvet of her eyes caressing Kylie, her bare arms like the softest and strongest silk. “I know that doesn’t erase the things I’ve done to hurt you, but I think it’s important that you know.” Her arms tightened around Kylie’s waist. “I won’t hurt you again.” The corners of her mouth lifted. “Unless you ask me to, that is.”

  She stood, stunned in the circle of Olivia’s arms at her declaration. You have my heart. It was on the edge of her tongue to tell her own truth, that even with the betrayal and the pain of the last few days, she loved Olivia in a way that defied reason. She loved her passionately and completely.

  Olivia pressed a cool palm to Kylie’s back. “I know, love.” She smiled and kissed beneath Kylie’s ear. “Now let’s eat.”

  She took Kylie’s hand and stepped toward their food.

  “Hello, my pretty.” Olivia grinned at the girl, showing all her teeth. If possible, the girl grew even more aroused, her juices flowing even more. Her red berry nipples were puckered in the warm room. Olivia touched between her legs, and her soft belly quivered, a moan gathered behind the gag.

  “I think she already came,” Olivia said with wonder, putting her pussy-wet fingers to her mouth.

  She looked like the perfect fiend just then, as if she had been a vampire forever. She watched the girl like she would enjoy taking her blood, would enjoy taking her very life.

  Olivia turned and reached out a hand to Kylie. “Come. Enjoy your gift.”

  She tipped the girl’s head to the side, exposing the vulnerable curve of her neck, the thudding pulse. Kylie licked her lips, everything forgotten in the face of her overwhelming hunger. Her fangs shot out. Olivia made a soft noise.

  “That’s so fucking sexy,” she murmured.

  Kylie shuddered at her words, then sank her fangs into the human’s neck. She sighed as the thick, richness rushed into her mouth, a river of the most perfect meal she’d ever eaten, the best sex she’d ever had, the last sunset of her human life.

  Her eyes shot open when she felt Olivia’s hand on her back. She was bent between the human’s legs, licking at the quivering skin over the big thigh artery. “Bon appétit, my love.” Olivia bit into the delicate skin, a moan singing from her throat as the blood flowed into her mouth.


  Hours later, Kylie stirred in the sheets when she heard the sound of a door opening. Her lashes, heavy from sleep, flickered open to see Rufus and Julia in the doorway. Julia chuckled.

  “I think she’s finally busted that cherry.”

  Behind her, Olivia gripped her hip, her head rising up from the pillow to see who had interrupted them. With a soft noise, she lay back down and pulled Kylie’s hips even more into hers. She kissed the back of Kylie’s neck and whispered something incoherent before she fell back asleep.

  “That one is dangerous,” Rufus said, watching Olivia. “I can feel it.”

  “Well, she wouldn’t be Belle’s daughter if she made things easy for us, would she?”

  Then it was Rufus’s turn to laugh. “Very true.”

  Kylie closed her eyes and felt sleep come back up to claim her as Rufus and Julia walked into the room. She heard the noises of them taking away the human, still alive and swimming in the aftermath of her satisfaction. They quietly closed the bedroom door behind them.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kylie woke up alone in her bed. She blinked and rolled over, her body half remembering the details of the last time it was awake: a delicate tongue licking the back of her neck, new fangs experimentally biting into her back and sending shudders of delight ricocheting through her entire body.


  She sat up in a mild panic. Where was she? Kylie jumped up from the bed.

  The space beside her was empty, but there was a lingering scent in the air that proved she had been there, that Kylie had not been dreaming. Olivia must have just left the bed since Kylie was waking now. She quickly pulled on the closest thing she could find and rushed out of her room, searching.

  She quickly found Olivia’s scent in the hallway not far from her room. Olivia was sitting on the floor in Kylie’s robe in her favorite lotus position. Her slender figure was swallowed up by the thick white terrycloth, but the lotus bared her thighs and knees, and made Kylie wonder at what else was beautiful under the white cloth. She was talking with Julia.

  They looked far too intimate sitting there together, talking quietly, the long hallway with emptiness stretching out on both sides, giving their meeting place a look of isolation, even conspiracy. What was Julia up to?

  “Leave her alone,” Kylie said, moving quickly down the hallway.

  Julia, sitting with her knees together and wearing a skintight leotard that fit her from throat to ankles, looked up at Kylie with amusement. “Nice outfit.”

  Kylie looked down at herself. If she could have flushed with the easy display of embarrassment, her cheeks would have been darker with color. As it was, she looked away and shoved her hands in the pockets of the oversized, shimmering pink cat suit that fit her like clown pajamas.

  It must have been whatever the human woman was wearing before they tied her up and left her as a present in Kylie’s room. It sagged on her body, over-sized and bright pink, the collar drooping low over her small breasts, the thighs and belly of the outfit swallowing her figure.

  Olivia smiled, a touch of mirth on that same mouth that had been sucking her clit only hours before. “It’s fine, Kylie. We’re just talking.”

  “Why am I not surprised that the two of you found each other? The betrayer and the bitch.”

  She spun around to go back the way she had come, then changed her mind at the last minute and took the hallway leading to the briefing room and Silvija’s office. She had no idea why her feet pointed her in that direction. Kylie only knew that her mind wasn’t quite her own. It felt out of control with thoughts she’d never had before. She stopped still. Jealous. She was jealous of Julia. And she felt stupid for it. Her mother would never have been prey to such foolishness.

  She bit the inside of her cheek and turned to go back to her room and at least get rid of this absurd outfit. Then she smelled Silvija.

  “Kylie.” Silvija appeared in the doorway of her office. Her wife, a voice that sounded remarkably like Olivia’s, reminded her.

  Silvija wore a suit, gunmetal gray and fitted to her impressively tall body. Black high heels made her even taller, the hem of the skirt ending at mid-calf. As pretty as the suit was, it severely limited her movements. Silvija must be off to a different type of hunt tonight. She held a phone in her hand.

  “I’m happy to see you getting along with the newest addition to the family.” Humor flashed in her dark eyes. Was she laughing at Kylie?

  She stiffened. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I didn’t think the sex, no matter how good it is, could make you forget all the things she did to you.”

  “She didn’t do anything to me.”

  Silvija laughed without humor, her red lips barely moving. “You telling me what happened isn’t that important?” Because I already know, was the implied conclusion to that sentence. “But have you been honest with your mother about what this woman had in mind for you when she lured you into her apartment?”

  To have it put so plainly, that she was lured like a common and mindless animal, made Kylie hiss in anger. And embarrassment. “There are things mother doesn’t have to know.”

  “You should tell her everything. The more honest you are, the closer the two of you will be to each other.” Silvija’s voice warmed a few degrees. “I know she wants that.”

  Kylie’s eyes narrowed. “Does that mean you’ve told her that you’re the one who bit me?”

  Silvija’s expression didn’t change. The dark eyes stayed serene. Her posture in the doorway was straight, her tall and curvaceous body a domme dream in the gray suit and stiletto heels. But Kylie felt a rush of cold from her, a crippling rush of animosity that flowed over her. She froze under the implacable stare of Silvija.

  “Back then, I had no choice about what to do. You would be dead and she would have been destroyed. I couldn’t have that.” Her shoulder moved in a shrug, no regret on her face. “It’s been seven years and you’re just now bringing that up. Why?” But before Kylie could answer, a smile shaped the full red mouth. “Of course. Pussy.”

  Kylie felt like her face was exploding. She opened her mouth to protest, to say anything and end her embarrassment, but again, Silvija beat her to it.

  “I already told your mother that I was the one who brought you into the family. She wasn’t happy with me that night.” She smiled wryly, an understatement. “Or a few nights after that. But she’s happy you’re here with her instead of six feet under where she can’t see your resentful little face anytime she pleases.”

  Kylie flinched. This was the first time Silvija mentioned the rift between Kylie and Belle. Usually, Silvija was coolly polite to Kylie, watching with eyes that missed nothing but with lips that only censured her for things she did against the clan. Disobeying Silvija. Pursuing a human woman who could bring them all to ruin.

  “The relationship I have with her is none of your business,” Kylie snapped.

  “You may be right, but Belle is my business. Her happiness means everything to me. And you’ve been making her very unhappy these last few years. Sometimes I wonder if it hadn’t been better if I’d let you die in that basement.” Silvija shrugged again. “Too late now.”

  The phone in her hand chimed softly and she looked down at it. Her smile came and went with equal swiftness, before she tapped the screen to accept the call.

  “Anyway, the two of you are not to leave the house tonight. I don’t care what you do here, just don’t leave the premises.” Then Silvija turned and walked back into her office. “Talk to me, Ivy. Are we all set?” She closed the door in Kylie’s face.

  She stood there, seething. Then growled low in her throat and went back the way she had come. Julia and Olivia were still in the hallway.

  “Get dressed,” she said to Olivia. “We’re going out.”

  She went back to her room, threw off the over-sized, pink unitard, and started rifling in her closet for something to wear. She found the night’s pair of jeans and T-shirt, socks, and jacket, threw them on the bed, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

  Her bathroom, like all the others in the house, was custom designed.

  There were no windows and only one door. The room was nearly as large as the bedroom, and all of it was tiled with small one-inch squares in various shades of blue. Kylie’s favorite color. On one side of the room was the tub, deep and luxurious with water pouring down from an antique-looking silver spout coming out from the wall. The same color tiles were slick under Kylie’s feet as she walked to the basin, waist high and royal blue, a single elegant faucet dispensing water into her hands for her to wash her face.

  She’d gotten rid of the toilet and used the space for more of the shower. The shower was a comfortable ten-by-fifteen-foot rectangle with twelve different shower heads attached to its three walls. All the heads were adjustable in terms of spray, rhythm, and amount of water they delivered. Two of the heads were attached to flexible arms and removable. Kylie had used them to wash her hair at one point before deciding she preferred hands-free showering.

sp; “Damn, this is nice!”

  Olivia stood in the doorway, admiring the fixtures, the plumbing, and Kylie naked in the middle of it all. She only glanced briefly at the bathroom’s details before she focused her complete attention on Kylie, eyes eating her up like tongues of flame. Despite their history together, Kylie felt shy, wanting to hide her body from that focused and devouring stare. But she forced herself to keep her hands at her side.

  “Very practical,” Olivia murmured. “And big.”

  “I like to be clean.”

  “No kidding.” Olivia walked under the various shower heads, still in her robe, touching one after the other but not turning on the water. “You like nice things.”


  Kylie had never thought about that but realized the clan had never lacked for luxury. Even when they had been in Jamaica when she was first turned, all of them in the small cabin near Montego Bay. Everything had been luxurious. The softest sheets. Plentiful clothes. Money to spend. Before the horror of it had really hit her, she was convinced she had landed in a fairy tale. It was disconcerting remembering those first few days, especially after just talking about her turning with Silvija. The end and beginning of everything.

  “We’re going out,” Kylie said.

  “The big one said we shouldn’t leave.”

  Kylie turned in surprise. “Silvija talked to you?”

  “Yes. She passed through the hall when I was chatting with the little one.” The big one and the little one.

  No names. Did she even plan on staying long enough to know anyone? Did she think this was just a pit stop on her tour through vampire land?

  “It doesn’t matter what she says, we’re leaving.” Kylie turned on the shower, putting the heat up as high as she could stand. Water splashed against the blue tiles, steam rose around them.

  Olivia shrugged off her robe and dropped it on the floor. “Are you always so rebellious?”

  She turned away from Kylie to examine one of the shower heads at waist level a few feet away. Kylie stared at her naked body, stunned again by its beauty; beauty Olivia wore and displayed so casually even before her breast had been made whole again. Smooth skin. Delicious nipples. Pussy with its triangle of neatly trimmed hair.


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