Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2)

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Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2) Page 4

by Thorn, Ava

  “Then stop staring,” she said, and went back to looking at everything in the room except for him.

  “We have a lot… to talk about,” he said looking at her. “We haven’t talked about…You know what.”

  Jasmine laughed and shook her head. “You want to know if you were good or something?”

  “What? No!” He was flabbergasted that she would say something like that.

  “You wanted to talk about it. So I just assumed that you wanted to know if your plumbing was working right,” she smirked.

  “Actually, no.” The comment she just made him had thinking. He self-consciously looked down at his midsection. “Was it…good?” he asked shyly.

  Jasmine laughed and clutched her stomach. “Wouldn’t you want to know?”

  “Sort of.” He smiled.

  “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of knowing.” Jasmine turned around and looked out the window that had a clear view of the parking lot.

  “Curiosity is killing me,” he said, with the click of his tongue.

  “It’s also killed the cat.” She turned around and looked at him.

  Shane’s heart nearly stopped in his chest. Was that smile on her face just for him. “I thought satisfaction brought him back.”

  “Indeed it did.” She managed to say before for the door to the exam room was opened.

  “My favorite new patient has returned,” Dr. Adan said with a Middle-Eastern accent.

  When Shay was born, Shane didn’t think he would like any pediatrician caring for his daughter, especially a male doctor. Dr. Adan was an intelligent man who knew what he was talking about. Shane understood why Jasmine picked the middle-aged Indian man with the upbeat personality to handle their daughter’s medical care.

  “Nice to see you again, Doc,” Shane said, shaking Dr. Adan’s hand. “We’re bringing Shay back today to give her mother peace of mind about us traveling back to Texas.” He laid Shay on the exam room table and watched as Dr. Adan looked over Shay.

  “How do you plan on traveling?” Dr. Adan.

  “By private jet,” Shane answered quickly.

  “There is no jaundice or any heart problems.” He turned and looked at Jasmine, who was watching the doctor closely. “How is she feeding, Mom?”

  “Great,” Jasmine replied.

  “It won’t be a problem that you traveling via private airlines. Remember germs and make sure you sanitize hands before touching this little one. Her immune system is still fragile, but baby Shay is safe to travel,” Dr. Adan said.

  “Here I’ll get her,” Jasmine said, nearly pushing the two men at the way when Shay started to cry.

  “Sorry, Jasmine has become like a lioness.” Shane watched as Jasmine dressed Shay back in her cute yellow and white onesie with leggings.

  “Don’t worry I’ve seen this a lot, by the second child everything will come with ease.”

  When Dr. Adan made that comment both Jasmine and Shane’s heads went up so hard it caused Dr. Adan to laugh. “Sometimes the second child comes along really quickly.”

  “Not for us,” Jasmine replied.

  “We’re going to be in Texas for six months, Shay will be seeing a pediatrician in Dallas,” Shane said, looking at the doctor.

  “I have a cousin who is an exceptional pediatrics physician.” Dr. Adan wrote down the address and number. “Tell her I sent you.” He smiled and handed over the business card to Shane.

  “Thank you,” Shane said, before Dr. Adan walked out the room.

  “You can say ‘I told you so’,” Jasmine said as she placed Shay into the car seat.

  “I would never tell you that darling.” Shane grinned from ear to ear.

  “If you say so.” Jasmine made sure she strapped the baby into the car seat.

  “Jazz, I’ll get Shay,” Shane said as he took the car seat from her.

  “You know if I was a single mother, I would be lifting this car seat without your help,” she said, with a smug look on her face.

  “Well, stop acting like you’re a single mother because you’re not,” he snapped. Shane didn’t mean for his tone to be harsh, but it was.

  “I will be in six months,” she said, leaving him standing in the exam room holding the car seat.

  Something hit him as he stood there in the pediatric office. He wanted Jasmine St. Clair, but not because she was the mother of his child. Jasmine made his blood boil like no other. They probably wouldn’t admit that they were attracted to one another and the fact that they had more chemistry between them even John Dalton could solve.

  Chapter Three

  I’m going crazy, Jasmine thought to herself. For nine months, she’d been keeping secrets and deceiving her family from afar. Well, really she technically didn’t deceive them if you thought about it, she just failed to mention certain things about her everyday life. Sighing, Jasmine looked out the window of the truck as they approached McBride ranch. Her mouth nearly dropped when the black iron gates opened slowly to allow them to enter. Jasmine had only been to McBride ranch one time and that was at nighttime.

  “Who the hell stays here? The Bush family,” she said, rolling down the window slightly to get a better look at the pristine white fences that kept the horses in the green pastures.

  “No,” Shane laughed. “McBride ranch has been in the family for years. When Austin made it big in the music business, he wanted to update the ranch in a rustic but modern look.”

  “And he doesn’t live here anymore?” she asked.

  “He lives in Nashville with his pregnant wife, Farrah,” he replied. “I think you will like Farrah and vice-versa.”

  “Okay,” she said simply.

  “This is all us right here.” Shane pointed out. “When I got married, I moved off the ranch, and Sarah and I purchased our first house. I remember Sarah stressing that our offer would be accepted, and then the realtor called and told us the good news.” His voice started to break up.

  Jasmine had to wonder what he meant by saying “This is all us right here?” Was he referring that ‘us’ to Shay and him? What he called a cottage was more like a mini mansion. Shane seriously was delusional when it came to his house which could rival any home in the Architectural Digest. The stone grey and white stone brick house, was utterly amazing.

  “See your new house,” Jasmine held Shay, as she stood there like an idiot looking up at the house.

  “It’s your home too,” Shane said as he stood next to her, instantly his arm draped across her shoulder.

  Jasmine moved away from him. “We… should get…Shay settled in,” she stuttered.

  “The door is unlocked, go right on in.” Shane went to the car and grabbed the luggage.

  Jasmine walked through the front door and was instantly greeted with the smell of vanilla and cinnamon. Her sandals clicked on the hardwood floors as she checked out the house. She loved the wide-open space of the house and the two white columns that lead to the living room. Shane had great taste, he decorated the living room in black modern furniture, and the only thing she noticed was family pictures were neglected from the house instead of a home it was more like a museum. Jasmine tapped her fingers on the granite countertop in the kitchen, which was a chef’s dream. Too bad she didn’t cook.

  “Nice,” she said, turning around when she heard Shane dropping the luggage by the entry way.

  “Thank you.” He smiled sheepishly.

  “So what room will be ours?” Jasmine didn’t realize her blunder until it came out her mouth. “I… meant my room,” she stammered over her words.

  “Chill, Jazz,” Shane laughed “You can have the bedroom that is next door to the master bedroom, I think you would like it.” He waved his hand for her to follow.

  Jasmine walked behind Shane and stopped directly in her tracks in the glass hallway. She had to stop and soak in the beautiful scenery of the lake in the distance and horses grazing in the pasture.

  “This is my favorite spot in the house. In the morning, I come right here a
nd stare out the window while drinking my coffee. Helps me get the day going,” he said.


  They stood there for a minute until the silence became uncomfortable for the both of them.

  “So let me show you the room, and we can make a list that we need from the store,” he said.

  Jasmine nodded her head and allowed him to guide her to the bedroom at the end of the hall. The room was practically bigger than hers back in Denver. She absolutely adored the rustic, chic, natural style. The exposed wooden beams on the ceiling were a nice added touch, and the many ceiling to floor windows allowed sunlight to shine into the room.

  “I take it that you like the bedroom?” Shane sat the luggage down on the chest in front of the bed.

  “Yes,” she said simply with a shrug. “Why don’t you take Shay and I’ll unpack quickly then we can go to the store.”

  “Alright.” Shane reached for the baby; he was still learning how to properly hold her carefully after three weeks. “Pacifier?” he asked when Shay started to whine.

  “It’s in the diaper bag. I left it in the kitchen,” she said, and started to unpack.

  “The French doors lead to the terrace and to the pool, also you bathroom is right through that door,” he said, pointing before walking out the room.

  Jasmine put away a few of her clothes before walking to the French doors and opening them. She stepped into Texas hot, humid afternoon air. Jasmine understood what Shane meant when he said this was supposed to be a retreat. The pool area looked like something out of a magazine. There was even a small rock waterfall. Turning around, she spied the door that led into Shane’s bedroom.

  For the first time in her life, Jasmine felt bad about having a crush on Shane when he was married to Sarah. She used to remember everything about him, the way he smelled and what he wore. Yeah, she had it bad for him. Those nights of sitting in her bed wishing that there were a way they could be together. When Sarah was killed, Jasmine thought it was her fault, especially since she asked for that favor after Shane was a no show to her college graduation party.


  Two Years Ago

  The music was pumping loudly in the campus newspaper, The Forum. This was Jasmine’s sanctuary, where her voice could reach 1000’s of students across Texas Southern University. She was in charge of investigation, every week. Right now she was writing a piece on hazing, hopefully in the coming days she would have an eye witness.

  “Jasmine,” Tyrone called her name for the third time. “Jasmine!”

  “Geez,” Jasmine looked up.

  “Dang girl, I called your name four times,” he chuckled shaking his head. “There are two chicks outside wanting to speak to you.”

  She cursed under her breath. Standing up, Jasmine closed her laptop and walked out the door. Jasmine stopped at the glass doors when she realized who was standing there. Sarah McBride stood there with a scowl on her pretty face. Jazz always thought Sarah was cute woman that reminded her of the girl next door especially with her blonde hair, blue eyes and petite figure.

  “Is Shane okay?” she asked.

  A laughter came from her right. Jasmine’s eyes traveled to a woman who vaguely resembled Sarah. The strawberry blonde hair, green- eyed model-tall woman appeared angry for some reason.

  “It’s funny how you didn’t ask about your brother since he is Shane’s partner,” the woman sneered.

  “Okay.” Jasmine was taken aback by the woman’s attitude. “I know if something happen to my brother my mother or sister-in-law would call me.” Her gaze flickered back and forth between Sarah and the other woman.

  “Don’t mind my sister, Savannah,” Sarah said.

  “Is Shane okay?” she asked again.

  “My husband is fine,” Sarah replied.

  In Jasmine’s line of work as a journalist, she always pays attention to detail. She notices how Sarah emphasized the word husband. In all her years of knowing Sarah, the woman was never this cattiness to her. “Is something….wrong?” Jasmine questioned

  “I’ll tell you what’s wrong.” Savannah walked up on Jasmine. “You have this obsession with her husband.”

  “What?” Jasmine realized that people were stopping just to stare at them. “Why don’t we take this conversation to somewhere private?”

  “Sure,” Savannah said.

  It was obviously to Jasmine that Sarah brought Savannah along to be her mouthpiece. She guided them to an empty office and closed the door. Sighing, she turned around and looked at the two woman, one appeared docile while the other seemed to be geared up for a fight.

  “Is there a reason why you ladies traveled three hours to see me?” Jasmine asked.

  “The relationship you have with Shane is unhealthy,” Sarah started to say.

  “I’ve known him for years.” Jasmine ran her fingers through her black locks, she was absolutely confused. “I don’t understand why you came all the way to Houston to confront me on something that is foolish.”

  “We came because we’re nipping something in the bud before it starts. You may try to portray this young college senior, but I’m not buying it. You have a crush on my sister’s husband, and he has one on you.”

  “A crush,” she stammered. That was the first time Jasmine ever heard someone saying that he had a crush on her. It was okay to have a crush on someone from a distance, right? He never signaled to her that he was interested in her but then again she never gave him any signals herself. “Sarah, I never told him nor have I acted upon any crush that I have for Shane.”

  “So, you’re admitting that you have something for him?” Savannah snapped.

  “It was a teenage crush, I haven’t seen Shane in a few years,” Jasmine said truthfully. When she was home, she kept her distance from him.

  “You’re a grown ass woman now, Jasmine St. Clair, and we both know that you’re harboring feelings for Shane still. Is that why you buy him gifts for holidays and birthdays?” Sarah said, looking Jasmine squarely in the eyes.

  “What!” Jasmine began to pace the small office space; her palms were becoming sweaty. “We’ve been exchanging gifts since I was sixteen years old.”

  “My husband wears these shirts you buy him and drinks faithfully from the mugs you send him,” Sarah snapped. “Every night I have to hear about what Jasmine’s doing in college.”

  “I don’t talk to him,” she said through clenched teeth. “I buy him gifts that I don’t spend more than twenty dollars on.”

  “What does he buy you?” Savannah asked.

  “A leather planner for my birthday,” Jasmine replied quickly. She cherished the gift that he gave her. Jazz knew it was a friendly gesture, but she couldn’t help but fall in love with the planner that had her name inscribed on it with silver letters or the card that accompanied the planner.

  “The relationship that you have with Shane is inappropriate,” Sarah said in a shaky breath.

  “Sarah, I can assure you that nothing is going on between Shane and me. I would never cross those lines with him. I respect your marriage.”

  “Do you?” Savannah said, stepping toward Jasmine. “Tell me you don’t want don’t want to be with him.”

  “Every woman fantasizes about having this wonderful, handsome man who she can’t get off her mind. If this was a different time and place, I would want to be with him,” she confessed.

  “I told you,” Savannah said sucking her teeth. “Where do you women come off wanting someone who is already taken?”

  “I don’t want Shane,” Jasmine said for the final time, she wasn’t going to keep rehashing the same story over and over again. “Do ya’ll have the slightest idea what a crush is? Eventually, the way I feel will fade away.”

  “Yeah, but you want him,” Savannah said. “He’s not going to leave Sarah for you.”

  Jasmine had enough of this woman’s mouth. It was time for her to shut them up. “You came all the way here to talk about a childish crush, are you insecure or something?” The quiet c
oming from Sarah was all that she needed to know. “You don’t have to worry about little old me snatching away your husband.” She rolled her eyes and opened the door for them to leave.

  “Stay away from Shane,” Sarah said, walking out the door and stopping dead in her tracks. “Don’t accept any more gifts from him, please send them to me if he sends you gifts for birthdays and your college graduation that’s coming up.”

  “Yeah,” Savannah chimed in.

  Sarah’s behavior was new to Jasmine; she used to tease her mercifully a few years ago about the crush on Shane and now here she was reprimanding her for something that was so silly. “Okay,” Jasmine replied. There must have been an underlying issue in Sarah and Shane’s relationship for her to be coming here.

  The rumble in the distance caused Jasmine to snap out of her daydreaming, she remembered the day Sarah and Savannah visited Texas Southern like it was yesterday. She never told anyone about the conversation. Jasmine always wondered if Sarah told Shane about the day she confronted her about the crush. She turned around at the sound of Shane’s voice and Shay crying.

  “I’m coming,” Jasmine said looking at her watch, it was almost past the time Shay received her feeding. She hoped that Sarah didn’t tell Shane about her crush and most of all she hoped that Shane would never find out about the wish she’d made for them to be together.


  Shane turned around and laughed at Jasmine, she decided that their trip to Babies-R-Us would be un-forgetful. He couldn’t believe that she was dressed incognito, wearing dark shades and his Dallas Mavericks basketball cap.

  “Yeah, Jazz I can barely recognize you,” he chuckled.

  “Shh….don’t say my name too loud,” Jasmine said, looking around them. “Someone will recognize us.” She steered them toward the baby items. “We need a lot of things.”

  “I have money, honey, so don’t sweat your pretty little head about anything,” he drawled.

  Jasmine nodded her head and went to picking out things that Shay’s needed. “We already have the Moses bassinet back at your house.”

  “It’s your house too,” Shane mumbled. He picked up a few outfits and toys and placed them in the buggy.


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