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Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2)

Page 13

by Thorn, Ava

  Turning off the kitchen lights, he passed Jasmine’s bedroom door that was cracked open slightly. He had a clear view of Jazzy and their daughter in the rocking chair. Shane forgot how beautiful Jasmine’s voice was. The lullaby she was singing made him envision a happy, loving life with Jazzy.

  Shane quietly walked in. “We’re so lucky and blessed,” she said softly, standing up she took slow measured steps to the crib where she placed Shay down.

  “Yes we are,” he replied, while wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his chin on her shoulder. “She is beautiful and precious.”

  “She looks like you.”

  “Nose and eyes are all you.”

  “I love you, in a million years I wouldn’t have thought this would be us…starting a family.” She turned around in his arms and gave him a kiss. “I’m going to bed.”

  “Yeah,” he yawned. “I’m exhausted.” Taking her by the hand Shane steered her to the bed. Once they were lying right next to each other, they couldn’t help but stare at one another in the moonlight.

  “Goodnight, Shane,” she said in a low voice, as he reached out and stroked her hair. Jasmine placed her head on his shoulder and fell asleep quickly.

  “Goodnight, doll.” He smiled and fell asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  The sun was beating down; it was so hot Shane had to estimate that the temperature had to be at least in the one hundreds. Sweat poured down the back of his neck, wetting his white t-shirt and collecting on his forehead. Lifting his shirt up, he used it to wipe the sweat that formed on his forehead before it could get into his eyes.

  “This is not like you, working on the ranch.”

  Shane grunted and lifted another bale of hay and heaved it into the truck bed. He turned to see his cousin standing there with a smirk on his face. “Why you say that, cousin?”

  “Well, Hank called you the Casanova and pretty boy.” Austin bit back a laugh when Shane glared over at him. “I’m not the one who said you were afraid to get your hands dirty.”

  “I have too much shit on my mind to care what Hank or anyone else says,” he mumbled.

  Austin took a seat on a bale of hay. “Let me guess, you still sour about yesterday’s events.”

  Shane curse as yesterday flashed before his eyes. “Fuck!” he yelled over and over again.

  “What did Jasmine have to say?”

  “Not now, Austin,” he growled, working on the ranch helped get his mind off work and family related issues. “You know what Jazzy had to say? She had the audacity to ask me if I was racist.”

  “Well, her brother did announce in front of a room full of guests that you wouldn’t marry her because the color her skin,” Austin whistled. “Cousin, I didn’t know you were that selective.”

  “Jazzy won’t let me live this down and now you.” Shane ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m going to tell you what I told Jasmine, I don’t care if she was white, yellow or pink it wouldn’t change my feelings for her.”

  “Feelings?” Austin looked surprised to hear that admission from his cousin. “Well damn! It’s about time I thought it was true what my mama used to say about you….She’d be like ‘Austin, Shane ain’t got the good sense God gave a goose.’”

  “Austin,” Shane warned, this wasn’t the time nor place to hear his cousin’s endless teasing.

  “What?” Austin held his hands up in surrender. “I’m just trying to help. Right now you appear like you are one fry short of a Happy Meal.”

  “What am I’m supposed to say!” Shane hollered. “My partner feels like I betrayed him and Jazzy is madder than a wet hen.”

  Austin scratched his head and looked at Shane weird. “Were we at the same baby shower or shall I say at the surprise ‘Here is my baby,’ shindig?” He chortled when Shane looked at him with a scowled the laughter stop. “Sorry man…I’m just saying.”

  Sighing, he took a seat next to Austin on the bale. “Question.”


  Shane took a deep breath and exhaled, “Is Farrah the first African American woman you dated?”

  “Well, I’ll be damn you scared to say black.” Taking off his cowboy hat, he flipped it in his hands a few times before putting it back on his head. “Yep, she is the first black woman I ever pursued, dated and married. We’re both new at this interracial dating…it ain’t easy especially when my life is dissected by the media and bloggers. I have fans who threaten to boycott my music or buying my albums because the color of my wife’s skin.”

  This was a bombshell to Shane; he didn’t know that Farrah and his cousin were experiencing so much hostility. “Damn,” he murmured. “How is she doing with everything?”

  “Rebuilding Southern Rose Eatery…my wife is taking everything in stride.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I’m trying to protect her from everything.”

  “Benjamin opened a huge can of worms, when he mentioned race and now Jazzy is all up my ass,” Shane said.

  “Well, we know that your mama’s daddy was the grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. How is your momma taking it that she got herself a mixed grandchild?”

  “Honky dory,” he mumbled. Now that he thought about it his mother seemed happy and content with having another grandchild to love on.

  “What else is bothering you?” Austin asked.

  “Race!” Shane shouted causing a few ranch hands to look at him. “Something Jazzy mention last night has me still thinking…the race of our children.”

  “What about it?”

  “Farrah is black and you are white.” Leaning against the barn wall, Shane pinched the bridge of his nose. “What does that make your child? Black, mulatto, biracial, mixed race.”


  Austin quietness told Shane everything he needed to know. It was plainly obvious that his cousin hadn’t thought a great deal about race when it dealt with his unborn child.

  “Farrah doesn’t believe in that Jim Crow one drop bullshit…and neither do I…Our child will be a perfect blend of Farrah and me. I’m betting my bottom dollar that our children will not define us by our skin color—they would see us as mom and dad. It’s like what Farrah talked about the other night we live in a culture where some people still define others by their skin color,” Austin replied looking at his cousin. “What do you want for your daughter to know about her race?”

  “I want Shay to know that she is special and unique. My hopes are that my daughter grows up comfortable in her own skin and to know that it doesn’t matter what color somebody is—it’s based on the person’s character.”

  “You think I didn’t think about those thoughts? When I found out Farrah was pregnant, I worried endlessly if my son or daughter would adjust in this world with a black mom and white dad. But I look at my wife and my hillbilly ass and know that our children will adjust just well…and I will never make them choose one race because they will identify as more than one race.” Austin stood up and wiped the sweat that’d form on his head. “Enough about race, tell me about Jazzy and you falling in love with her.”

  “Boy, it’s hotter than a billy goat’s ass in a pepper patch.” Shane picked up his cold bottle of water and took a swig. “Damn, that’s refreshing.”

  “Yep, I would be sweating like a whore in church if I was you stalling and shit,” Austin said, getting impatient. “If you was asking me for my opinion just take Jazzy on a date…just the other day some man came calling on the ranch for her.”

  Shane stood up abruptly. “What man?” he asked.

  Austin ignored his cousin barking question after question to him. Instead of sticking around for Shane’s interrogation. “It’s not like you care who is wooing Jazzy, she is not your type and quite frankly you don’t know what the hell you want. Dammit Shane, quit goin’ around your ass to get to your elbow.”

  “First I do care who is wooing Jasmine, secondly she is my type and thirdly why the hell I’m explaining this to you?” Shane ticked off on his fingers. “Now who the
hell called security?”

  Austin hooted with laughter as he opened his truck door. “Do you hear how insanely jealous you sound?” Stepping inside his vehicle he turned around and smiled at Shane. “Go talk to Jazzy, I’m pretty sure if you ask nicely she will tell you.”

  “Err.” Shane kicked dirt before heading back to the barn where he hauled the last two bales of hay before he made his way back to the house.


  Jasmine finally put the baby down for a nap. She didn’t want to depend on Shane’s connection to help her get a job in her career field. Sending off her resume to countless news stations and newspapers, Jasmine was hopeful that she would get a few callbacks in the coming days. She was about to press send when the French doors swung open and in strolled an angry looking Shane McBride.

  “Who’s been calling the ranch seeking a visitation with you?” he demanded.

  Her mouth form into an ‘O’, slightly taken aback by Shane’s behavior. “What are you talking about?” Going to the refrigerator, she took out a bottle of cold water. “Drink this before you bust a gasket. How was work on the ranch this morning?”

  “What? Are you purposely trying to change the subject?” he asked looking at her incredulously, accepting the bottle of water he took a drink. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he stared at her like a hawk. “Answer the question. Who is this man?”

  “Don’t worry Shane, you don’t have a reason to get jealous.” She went back to the table and closed her laptop.

  “I’m not jealous,” he sputtered.

  Standing there, she smiled at the sexy specimen that stood before her with his muscular sun-kissed chest glistening in sweat. Jasmine licked her lips as ogle his tight worn blue jeans. Shane was dessert no matter what time of day it was. She thought about dripping chocolate on his naked body. Stop it, she told herself. The snapping of fingers brought her out her daydream. “Yeah.” She reached over and grabbed a nearly empty bottle of water to quench her thirst.

  “Who was the man?” he growled.

  “I don’t know,” she answered softly. “It’s kind of odd because no one know that I’m on the ranch except you.”

  “What about your boy toy?” he mumbled.

  “Max?” she scrunched her face up. “He wouldn’t want anything to do with me—especially since I told him that we hooked up.”

  He narrowed his eyes further. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

  “What was I’m supposed to say…Hey, Shane my boyfriend broke up with me because I slept with you…I cheated and deserved everything that was said to me.”

  “Did you love him?” he asked, moving closer to her, closing the gap between them in one stride.

  “No,” she whispered. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him. Somehow he managed to back her up against the counter.

  Shane placed his hands on either side of her head, caging her in. “We’ve known each other for a long time, haven’t we?” She nodded her head unable to speak. “You asked me if I’m jealous and the answer is yes…I don’t want another man to touch you like this. Do you only want my touches?”

  Jasmine breathing became pants as Shane’s chest pressed against her chest. He placed his hands on her chest, just above her right breast. She was pretty sure he could feel her racing heart that matched his own.

  “Answer me!” he demanded.


  His lips meet hers in a bruising kiss. She moaned as he nipped at her bottom lip, swiping his tongue along the seam, she opened her mouth allowing him access, as their tongue clashed. Their hands gripping, grabbing and pulling.

  When he lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he grinded himself onto her. Her finger traced the faint scar on his chest. Shane claimed her lips again, slower this time as if he was savoring this moment.

  Leaning her head back, she moaned as his thick fingers traveled to the hem of her shirt and slowly lifting it up, revealing her soft, brown abdomen. Cupping her breasts in his hand, rubbing her nipples before dipping down to take one in his mouth.

  Jasmine moaned his name as he sucked her breast. She was becoming impatient as she grinded herself against him. Picking her up and stroll over to the living room to the sofa where he quickly undid the button of her shorts, pushing them along with her lace panties down her legs.

  Jasmine’s breath was lost, if felt like she died and went to heaven as Shane licked at her slit. He feasted on her like a starving man. He moaned against her clit, closing her eyes tightly she could fell his fingers trailing up the inside of her thigh and pushing one…two digits inside of her. She moaned louder as she grabbed a fist full of his hair.

  “Shane,” she begged.

  “Your wish is my command darling.” He settled himself down over her, placing his cock at the entrance of her wet heat. He kissed her as he pushed inside her. They both gasped at the feeling.

  Jasmine arched her back as they found a slow rhythm. That afternoon, while their daughter slept, they made love on the sofa. Panting and mumbling incoherently confessing their love to one another. Shout of ecstasy rang out throughout the house as they both tumbled over the point of no return.


  Jasmine sat on the bed, her sleeping daughter in her arms and Shane lying beside her. She couldn’t get over how amazing Shane was to her. Throughout the night, he woke up with Shay telling her, ‘I got her and go back to sleep.’ She couldn’t help but gawk at her beautiful daughter. She’d seen plenty of babies before, but none of them were hers. It was something truly different about those ten fingers and toes that had Jasmine transfixed. Shay Melody McBride was utterly breathtaking with her smooth tawny skin. Jasmine always thought that Shay’s green eyes would turn hazel but instead they stayed green just like her dad. Thumbing away a strand of silky black hair that one day would turn into a rich chestnut waves like hers, Jasmine could already see the magnificent woman that her beautiful daughter would become.


  At the sound of Shane’s sleepy voice, she turned to look at him. His eyes were half opened and half closed.

  “Everything is fine,” she whispered.

  Shane eyes opened wide as he sat up in bed. “Do you need a bottle? Does Shay need to be changed?”

  “No.” She smiled looking at him. “You’ve been allowing me to sleep in since this little one came into the world...thank you.”

  He scooted closer to Jasmine, peeking over at the baby, Shane smiled. “We’re a family, the three of us.”

  Jasmine was about to say something when she heard the doorbell rang. “Are you excepting someone?” she asked looking over at the clock it was only 6:00 o’clock in the morning.

  “No.” Shane crept out of the bed and walked across the hall to his bedroom.

  Jasmine placed Shay inside the crib and followed Shane to his bedroom. She watched as the protectiveness showed, he unlocked his gun safe and took out his gun. “What do you need a gun for?” she asked.

  “It’s early in the morning, Jazzy. I don’t know who the hell is standing on the other side of the door. I plan on protecting my woman and child.” The click sounded as he placed the clip in the gun. “Now get back to the room with Shay.”

  When she didn’t budge, he gave her a glare that spoke more than words. “Fine,” she conceded and went to the room and locked the door.

  Shane toted his gun to the door as someone pounded on the door again. Looking through the peephole, he spied three people who he didn’t think would ever want to grace his front porch ever again.


  Jazzy sat on the bed tapping her foot impatiently waiting for Shane to come back. When the door opened, she jumped up, the look on Shane’s face was grim.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, quickly rushing to his side.

  “Go to the living room.” He gave her a reassuring hug. “I’ll be right behind you…I’m going to turn on the baby monitor.”

  Jasmine narrowed her eyes at him. Instead of quest
ioning him she went to the living room and stopped dead in her tracks. It was six o’clock in the morning and somehow her parents and brother thought this was an ideal time to come visit her.

  “Did someone die?” she gasped. “Is it Stacy or the boys? Grandfather or Grandmother?”

  “The person that is going to die is that son of a bitch standing behind you if you don’t pack you and the baby’s items and come with us.” Benjamin threatened with his eyes trained directly on Shane.

  Dena St. Clair stood there with her arms crossed across her chest. “Everyone is fine and no one is dying.” She stepped forward and touched Jasmine's arm. “We thought it would be more fitting for everyone if you come back home with your father and I.”

  Shane who was standing against the wall, spoke up for the first time. “Why is that?” he asked.

  Jasmine looked over at Shane and then her parents. “I second that,” she said.

  “Because you know damn well that I’m not allowing my daughter and granddaughter to live here,” Reginald said in a tight voice.

  Jasmine pressed her lips together and stared at the people who gave her life in disbelief. She pinched her arm to make sure she wasn’t still dreaming. “I can’t leave.”

  “Yes, you can and you will leave with us,” Benjamin barked.

  “Hold up.” Jasmine raised her hands in the air. “Lower your voice, our daughter is sleeping in the room down the hall. Secondly this is our home—”

  Dena's lips were curled as she pointed her finger at Jasmine. “Your problem is that you are selling yourself—”

  “Enough!” Jasmine sighed exasperatedly, running her hands down her face she looked at her mother. “You’re disrespecting Shane in his house and I can’t allow that, it’s not even eight o’clock in the morning and we’re fussing about some stupid sh—stuff…now why don’t we all take a seat and talk like we have common sense that the lord blessed us with.”

  Reluctantly her family took a seat on the sectional, Jasmine wisely took a seat in the chaise and Shane stood erect near her. She looked over at her mother who shoulders were slumped, her father kept looking back and forth between Shane and her. Benjamin’s hand was balled into a tight fist. Jasmine didn’t know how long there in silence, she could hear the clock ticking on the mantel.


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