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Into the Darkness

Page 18

by Delilah Devlin

  “We’re getting out. It’ll all be over soon.” Only each step he took away from her seemed to draw them closer. He had the sinking feeling he’d never truly be free.

  Her hands glided up his chest, and she snuggled closer to his back. “We still have a little time together. Do you want to…?”

  He closed his eyes. Hell, his cock was already rubbing his belly button. “Yeah. Have to make sure the goon squad doesn’t think anything’s up.”


  Silence stretched between Nicolas and Chessa as they each dressed. Deep inside, a knot of some emotion she wasn’t willing to acknowledge tightened her stomach. She closed the last button to her blouse, rolled up the sleeves, and finally raised her glance to meet his. “Guess this is it.”

  Nicolas gave a sharp nod. “That storm’s going to wreak hell all over this area. I need to get my team organized. Make sure the compound is covered and get with The Mausoleum team.” His jaw flexed. “You haven’t been to one of our briefings in a long time. There are many new faces. Would you like to come?”

  Was he trying to draw out their parting?

  She shook her head. “No, I need to get back to Rene. We have to get on the road soon so we can make New Orleans before dawn.”

  She felt awkward, unsure how this parting should go. She cleared her throat—and then she had a thought. “You mentioned The Mausoleum. I need for you to do something for me.”

  He lifted an eyebrow.

  She hesitated to voice her suspicion. One possible explanation for the bird attack was something so horrible she didn’t want to say it out loud.

  Chessa raked a hand through her hair. “Something odd happened the day we picked Natalie up. I need to know if it’s possible that small animals have access to the crypt. They swarmed her. Attacked her. I want to make sure that our ‘guest’ isn’t causing problems.”

  “We go over that thing with a fine-tooth comb on a regular basis.” His dark brows drew together. “Of course, we aren’t looking for things going in. I’ll check it myself.”

  “Good enough.” She’d run out of things to say. “Well, I guess this is it.”

  “I think you said that before.” A lopsided smile curved the corner of his lips.

  “Yeah, I guess I did.” She lifted her gaze and didn’t attempt to mask the longing she felt inside. “I don’t know how to say good-bye. I’m not very good at it.”

  “You don’t have to say anything.” He opened his arms. When she walked to him, he gathered her close. His kiss was soft, a soothing glide of firm lips that seemed to tug at hers when he pulled away. “Just stay safe. And think about me once in a while.”

  She lifted her hand to caress his cheek. It was crazy—they had no chance for a future together—zippo, nada. But…she felt like she was leaving part of herself behind. “I think you’ve made it impossible for me to forget you,” she said faintly.

  “That was the plan, chère.”

  The door creaked open and Natalie lifted her head from Rene’s naked chest.

  Chessa strode inside, dressed in her usual somber colors.

  Natalie jiggled Rene’s shoulder. “Wake up. Chessa’s here.”

  Rene stretched, his powerful arms bulging. He blinked once before coming fully alert. “Cheech.” He pushed aside Natalie’s arms, still draped over his chest, and sat up. But not before he checked the sheet to make sure it covered his lap.

  That seemed odd to Natalie considering the fact they’d both paraded nude in front of his partner before—even if only in defiance.

  Chessa’s glance dropped momentarily, skimming the sheet, and she gave one of her smart ass smirks. “You still want to head back, partner?”

  “Yeah, but we’ve got a slight change of plans.”

  Chessa eyed him warily.

  Rene gestured for her to come closer. With Chessa standing between Rene and the camera that watched the bed, he said softly. “Natalie’s comin’ too.”

  Natalie was surprised he blurted it out that way, like a command.

  Chessa’s head swiveled toward her, but her gaze didn’t accuse. Instead, she looked troubled.

  Natalie rose from the bed, unconcerned with her nudity, and lifted her chin. “I’m not staying here.”

  “Have you thought about what’s going to happen when you get back to New Orleans?”

  She shrugged. “Not really. I’m hoping I can get help from Simon.”

  Chessa nodded slowly. “He might be willing. He’s not beholden to Inanna.”

  Natalie tilted her chin higher. “Like you are?”

  Chessa’s lips tightened. “You might be able to lie low and avoid detection by Revenants for a while, but what about—”

  “The creature attacks?”


  “Locusts came after me, too.”

  Chessa’s eyes widened. “What next? Is the Mississippi gonna run red?”

  Rene snorted.

  Chessa’s concern mollified Natalie’s irritation somewhat. “I was in the open both times,” Natalie said. “If I stay inside as much as possible and don’t draw attention to myself, they shouldn’t find me either.”

  “Are you willing to take that risk? Are you going solo?” She glanced between Rene and Natalie.

  Natalie nodded, her throat tightening. “I’m on my own.”

  “Well, shit. You guys sure don’t know how to keep things simple.” Chessa crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not sure how I’m going to get you out of here, but if Nic hasn’t left yet, he might be willing to help.” She straightened. “Both of you, get dressed.”

  She left them long enough to dress—Rene in his sweat pants, Natalie in her robe.

  “We’ll have to hit my place for more clothing for you when we get to town,” Rene said, pulling his drawstring taut and tucking it inside the waistband.

  “I don’t see the problem,” Natalie said. “I’m heading back to my place anyway, aren’t I?”

  “No. If you want to see your Simon, you’ll have to let us contact him for you. We’ll find you a room somewhere.”

  “It’s nice to know you don’t plan to dump me at the city limits,” she said, keeping the tone light—if a little acidic.

  Rene’s scowled. “I’m not dumping you.”

  “No, but you’re also not sticking around. I’m not sure I see the difference.”

  “If you really are pregnant—”

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said, impatient with his resistance. “I’m not asking you to play daddy.”

  “I wouldn’t be very good at it.”

  “You’ve tried it before?”

  He shook his head. “I’m just not a family guy.”

  Natalie thought about that for minute. “You’ve been married before, haven’t you?”

  “Yeah. I was a lousy husband.”

  The door opened, and Chessa waved them toward her. “We have to go now. The security team’s finished their meeting, but Nic’s got those on patrol around the house in a pow-wow. We have five minutes tops. My car’s in front.”

  “Would they really try to stop us?” Natalie asked, worried she’d put them in danger.

  Chessa’s expression turned from dour to amused with a slow grin. “Yeah, they really would.”

  Once out the door they raced down the hall to the long staircase and out the foyer to the front porch. Rain pelted them as they stepped off onto the pebbled circular drive.

  Chessa lifted her remote entry and clicked open the locks to her sedan. “You take the backseat, Natalie, and keep your head down.”

  Natalie dove into the back and lay across the seat while Chessa started the engine and pulled away.

  “The storm’s getting’ nasty,” Rene muttered. “Sure the road’s still open?”

  Chessa flipped the switch of the police scanner. “We’re gonna play it by ear. For now, let’s just put some miles between us and Ardeal.”

  “That’s the name of this place?”

  Natalie realized Rene hadn�
��t been apprised of any of the history or the people who lived here. Not that they’d spent a lot of time talking. “Ardeal means beyond the forest. It’s the original homeland for the vampires here. For me, too, I guess.”

  “All except Inanna,” Chessa murmured, keeping her eyes on the road. “We’re nearing the gate. Almost in the clear.”

  There was a bump as they left the private road for the blacktop. From her position stretched across the backseat, she saw Chessa give a small wave to somebody just beyond her view. “All right, we’re cool. The only thing we have to worry about now is that damn storm.”

  Natalie sat up in the back seat. Within the thick walls of the house, she’d been unaware of just how strong the storm had become over the last night. The tall oaks that lined the main road like sentries bent sharply in the wind. Long strands of Spanish moss littered the surface. Rain fell like a thick curtain distorting their view ahead.

  “Damn, I’m chilled,” Rene said, turning down the AC.

  Chessa gave him a sideways glance. “We’ll have to stop and buy a T-shirt for you. If we can find any place open.”

  Natalie cleared her throat. When both gazes swung her way, she shrugged. “I’m hungry.”

  Chessa settled back in her seat and glanced at her in the rearview mirror. “That’s gonna be tricky, but I’ll keep an eye out.”

  “Will they try to follow us?” Rene asked.

  “Nic will keep them busy with storm prep for now. He promised we’d have a bit of a head start.”

  “What’s he to you, anyway?” Rene asked, his gaze on the road ahead.

  He’d asked the same thing about Simon—in the same possessive tone.

  Chessa shrugged, but didn’t answer.

  Rene’s gaze stayed on her as though picking apart clues in her appearance and expression.

  Was he jealous of Chessa as well? Natalie wished she didn’t care so much what their relationship really was, but she sensed that something had changed between them over the last day.

  The convenience store they pulled up to was in a small town, an unmapped blip on the road. Fish bait, along with cigarettes and beer, was advertised in the sign on the glass door. The windows had all been boarded shut in preparation for the coming storm. However, the only thing that mattered was the little cardboard sign that read “Open.”

  Chessa cut off the engine and turned to Natalie. “You stay here. I’ll signal when you should come inside.”

  Natalie looked at Rene. “Are you sure you don’t want to come in, too.”

  He shook his head. “Just don’t forget that T-shirt. I’m cold.”

  After Chessa had gone inside, Rene said, “I don’t suppose you’re goin’ inside for a doughnut.”

  Natalie looked away. Her stomach already felt like it was eating itself. Acid boiled so hot and sharp. “You know I’m not.”

  Chessa appeared in the doorway and waved for her to come inside.

  Natalie fumbled with the door handle, so hungry and desperate she’d become clumsy with it.

  Inside the shop, she blinked against the dim light. The interior of the shop was grimy and smelled of cigarettes and spilled beer. Behind the counter stood a grinning man with his dark hair pulled back in ponytail. The uniform shirt he wore bore the embroidered name “Arno.”

  “I’ve been talking to our friend Arno here,” Chessa said, a smile pasted on her face, “and he says he’s up for a little fun.” Chessa’s steady stare told her to go along with her.

  Still smiling, Arno lifted his chin. “I’ve got a gun under the counter if either of you two try anyt’ing funny,” he said in his deep Cajun drawl.

  Chessa held up her hand. “My friend’s in a bad way. You don’t mind…being nice to her, do you?”

  Natalie’s stomach churned. The asshole must have thought she was some kind of nymphomaniac. She was going to have to kill Chessa. Later.

  Arno looked Natalie over from head to foot. “She’s a pretty t’ing. What she need with me?”

  “Do you care?” Chessa asked, lifting a brow.

  His gaze fell to Natalie’s breasts. “Guess not.” He lifted the folding counter top to make a small space for Natalie to slip through. His hand rested beneath the cash drawer.

  The closer she got, the more her stomach began to turn. He was the source of the cigarette and beer stench, but she reached up and put her hand on his chest, feeling for the enticing thud of his heart. “So how are we going to do this?” She licked her lips. “I need you on your knees.”

  His hand reached out slowly, as though he was afraid she’d draw back. His fingers sank in her hair and cupped the back of her head. “How ’bout you be on your knees, fille?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  His nearness set her own heart thudding, and despite her initial revulsion, desire curled deep inside her. “I’m sure we’ll get there, Arno,” she whispered. “But first, I need a little something.”

  She undid her robe and spread wide the edges to expose her breasts, all the while gauging when his lust overcame his common sense. “Do you want to touch them?” she asked, fingering a nipple.

  “Damn!” His hand twitched at his side then lifted quickly to cup her breast as though afraid she’d change her mind.

  His caress was surprisingly gentle and tentative. “Them’s pretty titties,” he said, licking his lips. “What about the rest?”

  “Not until you’re on your knees…baby,” she added, surprising herself with how easily she joined the game. Two days ago she’d been a virgin, and here she was showing her “titties” to a complete stranger.

  He pulled his hand from the slot beneath the cash drawer and knelt in front of her, his gaze never leaving her breasts.

  She hiked her robe up to the tops of her thighs and straddled his lap, gasping when his hands reached beneath the hem to cup her naked buttocks. “In a hurry?”

  “I wasn’t expectin’ anyt’ing like dis,” he said, his voice tight, his erection already straining against her naked pussy.

  This close he was younger than she originally supposed—maybe mid-forties, his eyes a cognac brown. Nice eyes. She couldn’t help the little grind she gave him. His answering surge upward was just the sensual prod she needed for her fangs to slide down.

  “These titties are dying to rub against your hard chest,” she whispered.

  “Hope dat’s not all the rubbin’ you plan to do.”

  She laughed and leaned close, nuzzling his neck for just a moment, finding the best spot…and sank her teeth into him.

  His breath hissed between his teeth, and his grip on her ass tightened. He’d leave bruises, but she didn’t care. Blood spurted into her mouth, and she groaned as it slid sinuously down her throat.

  This time she had no problem controlling her blood lust. When her stomach was satisfied, his odor and the small groans that rumbled in his throat, robbed her of enjoyment. She couldn’t wait to remove her fangs from his neck.

  No amount of washing in the filthy little restroom at the back of the store could get the taste of him out of her mouth or the smell off her skin. However, her stomach was full and her cheeks pink.

  At least she wouldn’t be craving another bite of Rene anytime soon. She’d noticed how he’d shivered inside the car with the AC turned low. She’d taken too much blood from him.

  On her way out of the restroom, she approached Chessa. “I need some things. Can I have your card? I promise to pay you back.”

  Chessa passed her the card without a question. “I’ll take Rene’s shirt out. You get what you need. Sign my name.” A small, conspiratorial smile tugged at her lips. “He’s not gonna ask you for ID.”

  Natalie was still blushing as she paid for her items while Arno rang up her purchases, smiling blissfully.

  “Any time, you hear?”

  He didn’t even have a clue she’d drank from him. As she’d finished lapping at his neck to close the wounds, Chessa had spoken quietly to him. Somehow in her soft intonations, she convinced him they’d had sex. That th
e slight soreness on his neck was a hickey.

  When she slid back inside the car with her package held tightly in her hands, she avoided Rene’s gaze.

  “I don’t think we have to worry about daylight breakin’ through,” Rene said, staring at the angry, black clouds above. They’d hit the interstate and finally gotten a good look at the storm the canopy of trees had masked.

  Natalie stirred in the seat behind him where she’d slept ever since she’d stopped for her bite. He ignored the sound, tamping down the fury he didn’t want to feel. He’d stayed in the car rather than watch her take another man again.

  Natalie had been drowsy as a kitten after drinking milk. Images of her clinging tightly to a stranger as she sucked his neck had him hard and aching, grumpy as hell.

  Chessa’s cheeks had held bright, hectic color as well. He wondered if she’d fed or was just excited by witnessing Natalie’s carnal feeding. That got him wondering if she worked in the same fashion and had to adjust his cock for comfort. Both vampires kept him in a constant state of arousal.

  “You gonna let me drive?” he asked Chessa, hoping like hell she hadn’t picked up on his problem. He didn’t want to encourage her, didn’t want to hurt her any more than he had.

  She cast him a sideways glance. “You look beat, Rene,” she said softly. “You have shadows under your eyes. Why don’t you try to sleep?”

  “You droppin’ me at my house?”

  The length of time it took her to answer sharpened his attention.

  “Rene,” she said at last, “you should know that whoever was after Natalie will be coming after you, now. You can’t stay there, at least for now. They might think they can get to her through you—and they won’t stop with a polite question.”

  His stomach clenched. “Dammit, Cheech. I want this over.”

  “Help me find the killers. That’s the only way you’ll be free.”

  Rene gripped the armrest so hard it creaked then slowly relaxed. He’d known all along he wasn’t escaping anything.



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