Where We Belong

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Where We Belong Page 22

by K. L. Grayson

"I LOVE SALAD," she yells, right behind Max. He startles, his body jerking, and a fit of laughter spews from his mouth.

  "You scared me!" he says in between giggles. She sidles up next to him and starts to help him wash the vegetables, giving Tyson and me a moment to relish the huge step we just took.

  Turning in my arms, Ty laces his fingers through mine and wraps our joined hands around my back, pulling me flush against his chest.

  "Hi." His smile is infectious and I'm so grateful I was finally able to pull my head out of my ass.

  "Hi yourself," I whisper back. Tyson leans forward, placing a gentle kiss on the end of my nose.

  "EWWWW!" Max snickers, looking from us to Quinn. "He kissed her nose!" Then he turns back to Ty, pointing his little finger. "You kissed her nose!"

  "Oh my gosh!" Tyson reaches up, dramatically wiping his arm across his mouth. "Does your mom have cooties?"

  Max throws his head back and snorts with laughter. "You have cooties." We all start laughing at Max's antics and Tyson turns a serious face to me.

  "Did you give me cooties?" he asks accusingly.

  "Who me?" I hold my hands up, feigning innocence. "Never. Besides…you have to kiss someone's lips to give them cooties. Like this!" Grabbing Max's face, I slap a kiss against his mouth.

  "Ewwww!" Max squeals, jumping off the stool. He wipes furiously at his mouth as Tyson, Quinn, and I watch with amusement at the simplicity of the moment.

  What I wouldn't give to go back in time and have nothing to worry about except whether or not someone gave me cooties.

  "Alright! Enough cootie passing. Max and I have a dinner to make."

  I don't put up a fight when Ty puts a glass of wine in my hand and pushes me into the living room, along with Quinn. When I'm settled on the couch and Quinn is flipping through channels, Tyson comes barreling back in. Leaning over me, he pins me against the couch, his hands on either side of my head. Tenderness and passion are warring for a spot on his face as his eyes bore into mine. He drops his mouth, capturing mine, and gives me a sweet kiss.

  "Thank you," he murmurs against my mouth. "Thank you for doing that."

  "You're welcome," I respond with not an ounce of regret. His lips trail over to my ear and his tongue darts out, sucking my lobe into his mouth. When he bites down, every nerve ending in my body tingles, shooting warmth and pleasure straight to my core.

  "I love you," he whispers, kissing my cheek before he walks back into the kitchen.

  This man owns me.

  I NEED TO SEE one last patient and then get out of here…this has been the day from hell.

  "Hey!" Avery walks up, shrugging on her lab coat.

  It's horrible, I know it is, but I don't even want to talk to her—or anyone, for that matter. I'm exhausted and crabby, and I'd give just about anything to go home and pass out for a day…or two.

  "Hey," I respond, rubbing my hands over my face, a last-ditch effort to keep myself awake.

  "Wow. Rough day, huh?" she asks, handing me a cup of coffee. I shake my head, refusing to drink anything that will keep me awake.

  ‘Rough day’ doesn't even begin to describe it. "You have no idea."

  "Go home," she says, patting my back. "I've got this one." She reaches out, grabbing the notes I’d jotted down on a piece of paper.

  Yes! "Are you sure?" I look down at my watch. "Your shift doesn't even start for another twenty minutes."

  "It's fine," she says, waving me off. "Consider it your birthday present. How old are you again?" she snickers. "I swear I heard you're pushing thirty."

  Ever since they shared tears in the bathroom at Blue, Avery and Harley have become fast friends. "You guys talk way too much."

  "You going over there tonight?" she asks nonchalantly, logging into her computer.

  Just thinking about seeing Harley and Max makes me smile. "Do you even have to ask?"

  She shakes her head and laughs. "I'm so happy for you two." Her fingers rest on the keyboard and she smiles, a wistful look passing over her face. "The two of you give me hope that true love is possible." Her eyes find mine when she states, “You make me believe that happily ever after really does exist."

  Okay, this is not my forté. I don't talk about 'true love' or 'happily ever after'…with anyone. Well, with anyone other than Harley. What the hell am I supposed to say? Do I console her and tell her that she'll find that special someone?

  Hell. No. I'm not going there. That's what girlfriends are for.

  "Jesus Christ. Just leave," she says, pushing me out the door. "Forget I said anything."

  "Oh, thank God," I mumble, eliciting an eye roll and shove from Avery.

  I walk briskly through the hospital, hoping to avoid anyone who may try and stop me. The elevator dings and I step into the parking garage.

  If it's nice out, I usually walk to work since it's so close. I'm thankful I was called in early and decided to drive, because I would hate to walk home after the day I've had.

  My phone rings as I’m starting up the car, and when I slide it out of my pocket and see Harley's beautiful face light up my screen, my entire body comes to life.

  "Hey, beautiful."

  "Happy birthday!" she says excitedly. "I've been waiting all day to tell you that, but you never called. I'm guessing you had a rough day?"

  I drop my head back on the seat and moan. "You have no idea. Sorry I didn't get a chance to call you. I barely got a lunch."

  "No worries," she replies casually. "If anyone can understand what a horrible day in the ER is like, it's me." Harley amazes me around every turn. Just another one of those little things I love about her.

  "What's Max doing?" I ask, yawning on the last word.

  "He, uh…he, um…he's outside. He's outside playing." She sounds off—distracted almost.

  I can hear pots clanging in the background and then a huge thud. "Shit!" she hisses, the phone going static.

  "Harley? You okay?"

  "Yup! Yup, all good." Her reply is rushed and she sounds out of breath. "What time are you coming over? I was hoping maybe sixish," she grunts. What the hell is she doing?

  Fuck. I was hoping to get a nap in before I head over there. I look down at my watch—four-thirty. "Can we make it seven?" I ask hopefully.

  "Seven?" She sighs, her disappointment evident. "Umm…sure. Okay. Yeah. No problem." I hate that she sounds upset. I know it's my birthday and she wants to celebrate—which, believe me, I'm all for—but I'm fucking exhausted.

  "Are you sure?" I question. "Because I can come sooner if—”

  "Nope. Don't even worry about it. I'll see you at seven."

  I hate the thought of disappointing her. I'll just wait until Max goes to bed and make it up to her then. Just thinking about what I want to do to her turns me on. Fuck. I should just stay awake and go over there now. But then I'll probably fall asleep at the same time Max does, and that's just not going to work. "Alright, baby. I'll see you at seven. I love you."

  "See you then." She ends the call and my heart constricts. Harley still hasn't said those three little words, and I've wondered several times if I said them too soon. Who wouldn’t? Her reaction to my declaration of love is always positive—she nuzzles in close and makes the sexiest little purring sounds—but I just wish she would say it back.

  I don't want her to tell me she loves me if she doesn't mean it, but I know she feels the same way. I can see it in her eyes when they soften at my voice. I can feel it in the way her hands cradle my face, and in the way her lips move gently over mine when she needs to be close. I hear it every time her heart pounds in her chest when I tell her I love her. I just need her to see it, and feel it…and say it.

  Patience. I need to have patience. This is part of the process. I asked for the opportunity to make things up to her, and this is part of that. I need to build and gain her trust, proving to her that this time, when she hands me her heart, I'm going to cherish it like the special gift that it is.

  I punch in the code and the gate to the unde
rground parking garage at my condo rises. Walking through the door, I toss my keys on the counter and throw my lab coat on the couch. Walking down the hall, I tear off my scrub top and then undo the drawstring on my pants, letting them fall in a heap on the floor. I'm not usually one to leave a trail of clothes, but I'll get them later—after I nap.

  Sleep, I sigh, falling face-first onto my mattress, wishing that I would've taken the time to strip off my boxers. Reaching over, I slap my hand against the nightstand until it connects with the fan remote. I flick it on low and everything goes black.

  HOT. IT'S FUCKING HOT in here. I turn over roughly, kicking the sheet off of me, and sit up, rubbing my heavy eyes. I probably could have slept straight through the night, but I need to get to Harley's. Reaching across the bed, I search for my phone, sitting up abruptly when it's not in its usual place. Crap. It's in my lab coat. I slide out of bed and jog into the living room, where I hear my phone alarm going off.

  "DAMNIT!" I growl, noticing the time. Eight o'clock. Fuck.

  I shoot Harley a quick text, letting her know that I overslept and that I'll be there shortly. Peeling off my boxers, I turn on the faucet and step in once the water is warm. I rush through my routine, easily taking the quickest shower I've ever taken, all the while chastising myself for oversleeping.

  "Idiot. I'm an idiot," I mumble to myself, reaching for the pair of jeans that I know is Harley's favorite. I yank on a light blue polo, step into my Chucks, and I'm out the door in ten minutes flat.

  Merging onto the interstate, I pull out my phone, hoping to see a response from Harley. Nothing. I should have gone straight to her house after work. My hands tighten on the steering wheel in frustration while my foot pushes lightly on the gas pedal, needing to get to her faster.

  I hit 'talk,' praying that she isn't pissed and hoping like hell that maybe she just didn't see my text because she was busy putting Max to bed. Her phone rings several times and then goes to voicemail. I hang up, immediately hitting 'talk' again. Nothing.

  "Hey, babe," I say when her voicemail picks up the second time. "I'm so sorry I overslept, but I'm on my way now. I'll be there in about…“ I glance at the clock, “…thirty minutes. Do me a favor, will you? If Max is still awake, will you keep him up so I can see him before bed? Okay. Love you. See you soon."

  Ending the call, I toss my phone on to the passenger seat and growl in disappointment. The thirty-minute drive feels more like an hour, and when I pull up to her house, I nearly sprint to the front door. A week or so ago she told me that I didn't have to knock before entering, but this situation feels a little different and I'm praying that she doesn't want to take my head off as soon as she sees me. Her house looks dark, but I can see a lamp on through the front window. I knock twice softly, just in case Max is already in bed. Then, I wait…and wait…and nothing. What the hell?

  Digging my phone out of my pocket, I call hers again. I can hear my ringtone through the front door, but she doesn't answer so I hang up.

  "Harley? Baby? I know you're in there," I say, knocking a few more times. "Please open up,” I plead, hoping I didn't totally fuck things up. "I'm so sorry I overslept. Please don't be mad." Threading my fingers through my hair, I pace the length of her porch a few more times, trying to decide what the hell I should do. I peek in her window—nothing. The damn curtains are in the way.

  My forehead falls to the front of her door in pure self-loathing and exasperation. What the fuck am I going to—

  The front light porch flickers on and I hear the lock on the door click. The heavy wood creaks open just a bit, and Harley peeks around the corner. She's rubbing her eyes as though I woke her up and her hair is piled on top of her head. As always, she looks sexy as hell. Her hand stills and her eyes widen with something that isn't shock—relief maybe?—before she opens the door wide.

  "Tyson," she exhales, looking down at her pink cotton pants. "I, uh, I didn't think you were coming." Forget the pants, Harley’s wearing a white tank top that doesn't leave anything to the imagination. When she registers what she's wearing, she tugs self-consciously on her shirt, covering up the sliver of skin that was peeking out above her waistband. My hand itches to reach out and put it back where it was.

  She clears her throat and I drag my eyes to hers. She opens the door further in invitation, and I slide past her. "Did you get my text?" I ask, taking her hand in mine. I walk over to the couch and pull her down with me.

  She shakes her head, causing a piece of her hair to fall around her face. I tuck it behind her ear, letting my knuckles graze the side of her cheek before I pull away. "No," she says, her body trembling with the contact. "I didn't get it. I think I fell asleep waiting for you."

  "I'm so sorry I'm late. My phone alarm was set to wake me up at six, but I left it in the living room and didn't hear it go off." She rests a hand on my chest, instantly calming my nerves. "I texted you as soon as I woke up and headed straight here."

  Pulling her hand to my mouth, I kiss each of her knuckles, thankful that this amazingly kind and wonderful woman is mine.


  "When you didn't reply, I thought for sure you were pissed at me." Her eyes drop to our hands and she takes a shuddery breath.

  "No…” she says, climbing out of my lap, "not mad." My body shivers at the loss of her heat, and I stand to follow her when she walks toward the kitchen. "Would you like a drink?" she asks, not turning to look at me.

  "No, I—" Everything comes to a complete halt when I step into the kitchen and take in the scene in front of me. I'm speechless. I don't deserve her. If there is one thing I know, it's that she can do so much fucking better than me. My eyes find hers and she looks away sheepishly. Her hands are twisting around the bottle of water she's holding and she makes a move to step away, but my arm shoots out, stopping her.

  "This is for me?" I ask, my voice full of emotion and disbelief. She nods once but still won't look at me.

  A lacy white cloth runs the length of the table. There are two plates, right next to each other, both overflowing with heaps of steak, potatoes, and vegetables. There are two wine glasses, one full and one empty, and the sight alone causes a small piece of my heart to crack. Sitting atop two glass stands in the middle of the table are two no-longer-lit pillar candles with wax dripping off the sides. Another fissure in my heart. I’m not sure how much more the damn thing can take.

  One long stride and I’m cupping Harley's face gently in my hands, tilting it up to mine. "You did all of this…for me?" My voice is full of wonder because no one has ever done anything like this for me before. She nods again and I slam my mouth down on hers, claiming her with a fiery passion I didn't even know I had in me. Blood starts rushing through my ears as my body temperature rises, and only when I'm breathless do I pull away gently, continuing to pepper her swollen lips with kisses.

  "I'm so sorry." Kiss. "I don't deserve you." Kiss. "Please forg—"

  She pushes her fingers against my mouth and shakes her head. "Don't. I don't want to hear it." My heart plummets straight to my feet and a sharp pain slices through my stomach as though I've been shot. She's done. She gave me another chance and I screwed up.

  "Stop," she says, laughing. "Whatever is going through your head right now, just stop." I sigh with relief and she pulls me to her, until there's no room left between us.

  She rises on her toes and wraps her arms around my neck, a playful smile pulling at her lips. "I'm not mad, I'm relieved. And maybe a little disappointed," she says, holding her fingers an inch apart, scrunching up her nose.

  I kiss her nose and then rub my thumb along the soft spot between her eyebrows, smoothing out her frustration. "Keep going," I whisper, kissing her again.

  She sighs, her mouth following mine when I pull away. "I wasn't sure what happened, but I should've known you wouldn't stand me up." I kiss her again because, well, I can't stop, and because I have to. My body aches for her.

  "Never. I'll never stand you up." She nods once and then walks to the table, pi
cking up both plates.

  "Let me reheat these and we can eat." Her words gut me and guilt rises, thick in my chest. She and Max went out of their way to plan something nice for me, and I repaid them by completely screwing it up.

  Following her to the microwave, I grab the plates from her before she can put them down and I set them on the counter. Her curious eyes follow my every move. "I'm not hungry," I inform her. "At least not for food."

  Turning around, I stalk back to her, grinning at the shocked look on her face. She takes a step back but ends up against the counter. Using that to my advantage, I cage her in, placing my hands on either side of her. Her eyes widen in surprise, and I guide my lips to the crook of her neck and whisper, "Where's Max?"

  Her surprise quickly transforms into desire and her hands reach up, gripping my shirt. "He's gone."

  "What do you mean, gone?" I ask, snapping my head up. I'm watching her face carefully, but there is no concern there, only lust…for me. As much as that realization causes my heart to race, I need to know that Max is okay. "Is he alright?"

  Harley sucks her bottom lip between her teeth and averts her gaze, but that isn't going to work for me. I grip her chin, pulling her face back to mine. "Where is Max?" I repeat, this time more firmly. She's really starting to fucking scare me. If something happened to Max, I need to fucking know...now.

  "He's with Quinn." I glance at my watch, noticing the time.

  "Did they go to a movie or something? Do we need to go pick him up?"

  Harley's eyes stay trained on mine and she shakes her head. "Is she going to drop him off?" I ask, wondering how much alone time we might have left. Her eyes flicker with mischief and she grins, shaking her head again. My stomach flutters with anticipation, desire pumping through my veins.

  "So we're alone…" I pause and she nods, "…all night?" When she nods again, I take a deep breath, trying to bring myself back down from the nervous high I seem to have ended up on. Harley and I have waited for what seems like forever to be truly alone. Now that the time has come, I'm a complete ball of nerves. I need this to be perfect…for her. I've told her a thousand times how much I love her, and now I'm going to get the chance to show her.


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