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Murders of the Zodiac Boxed Set

Page 63

by Paris Morgan

  “Can you believe it, honey? We’re going to have a baby girl,” I whispered.

  “Correction—I’m going to have this baby. Then once she’s born, you can help all you want. For now, can you help me off this thing?”

  Shea’s feet were about a foot and half from the floor. I’d never really thought about her height being a problem, but that was probably because she wore heels so often.

  “Are we going to tell people the gender?” I took her arm, helping to steady her as she landed on the ground.

  “I don’t see why not. Then we can get the baby’s room ready.”

  “Do you want to go by the baby store and pick some stuff out while I’m available?”

  She hooked her arm through mine. “I’d like that.”


  I’d been so happy today with Shea as we’d gone from the doctor to the baby store, and spent so much money. They had brought the delivery to the house after lunch, and I’d called Agent Watson and told him I was going to be home for the rest of the day.

  Millions of screws and bolts later, the baby bed, basinet, and high chair were all assembled, so when Shea suggested that we hit the bed early, I couldn’t have agreed more.

  “Honey, I think I worked harder putting all of that stuff together than I do trying to find killers.”

  “Just imagine how exhausted we’ll be when the baby finally arrives and wants to eat every two hours.”

  “No way. They eat that often?”

  She placed my hand on her stomach. “I’m afraid it’s worse. Not only do they eat that often, but they poop even more.”

  “Seriously? How is that even possible?”

  “Oh, you have so much to learn about babies. It’ll become second nature, and you’ll miss it when you’re gone—the feeding, the pooping, and even the crying.”

  “Who made you an expert?” I rubbed my hand in circles over her stomach.

  “My sister has kids, remember? I was there for the early years, but it’s different when they’re your own, or so I’ve been told.”

  “You don’t believe that.” I propped my head up on my hand.

  “Oh, I believe it, because I loved her kids just as much as she did. Being an aunt didn’t change the way I felt. I’m sure I’ll love our baby something fierce, but the verdict is still out on all that other stuff.”

  I laid back on the pillow, keeping my hand on her stomach.

  What if that’s the missing piece we’re looking for? The Zodiac Master had to have a family somewhere out there. Did they love him, and he just went down the wrong path? Or were they abusive, causing him to lash out as he does?

  He had to be responsible for some of it. Not all serial killers came from messed-up situations. What if I did that to my kid? Like somehow, what if I didn’t show her enough love, or sent her down the wrong path?

  “Are you stuck in that worry loop again?” Shea tapped my head with her finger.

  “Uh, yeah. Sorry.”

  “Don’t worry, the future will take care of itself. We’re all just along for the ride.”

  “Look at you all relaxed.”

  “I know it doesn’t seem like it most of the time because I’m working so hard, but when you can’t do anything else, then you have to take those moments and relax just as hard as you played beforehand.”

  “You’ve been hanging out with Flora too much while I’m gone. I can smell the mumbo jumbo on you.”

  “Hey, now. Would you rather have a crazy pregnant lady on your hands?”

  “Nah, I like you when you’re relaxing. It’s better for the baby.”

  We lay there, almost asleep, when the doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it. Don’t get up.”

  “Mmkay,” Shea mumbled sleepily.

  I grabbed the shirt on the back of the chair and went to see who was disturbing my rest.

  A package was sitting on the doorstep.

  Leaving it there, I went back inside and picked up the cordless phone. “Can I get a small unit out here to investigate a possible explosive package?”

  Chapter 2


  I’d been fooling around with the idea of using another dating site, but I didn’t want to run into Jerome again, so I picked a username that blended in better.

  WorkingGirl1986 wasn’t taken yet, so I grabbed the name and filled out the profile. I didn’t want someone to pick me because of the photo attached to my name, so I used a filter to sparkle things up and make it harder to see my face.

  Within minutes the app was dinging, and I had matches all over the metroplex. Plopping onto the couch, I reviewed my options. Loverboy59 looked like he had prison tats. While I loved a good placed tattoo, I wasn’t sure that dating a felon was in the detective’s code of ethics.

  BigDaddy69 seemed problematic as well since he would be looking for a hook-up, but LawyerGuy05 had some distinct possibilities.

  While the Zodiac Master was intent on running our lives, I was going to enjoy the time I had available before he took over again for another month.

  I hit the ‘like’ button, and it asked if I would like to send a message. Sure. No sense in waiting around for love to happen.

  “Would love to meet for coffee or lunch if you’re interested?”

  It dinged back with a reply. “Certainly. Where would be good? I was about to head over to Tony’s Italian Restaurant for dinner if you want to join me.”

  “Wow! That was fast. You’re not giving me much time for primping, but sure, say…thirty minutes?”

  Although there were thousands of horror stories about dating, I had two things going for me: I was a cop, and I knew the servers at Tony’s, so if things got a little crazy, they would be wonderful back-up.

  “Ask for Chris Guy. I’ll be wearing a light blue tie.”

  “Awesome. Tell them to sit you in Leslie’s booth.”

  I raced to the bathroom for one of the fastest showers and makeovers in history.

  The ends of my hair were still slightly damp when I walked into Tony’s, looking toward my normal booth. A man was sitting with his back to me, but that left my seat open so I could see everyone in the room from my vantage point.

  When the server saw me, he waved and went toward the bar to get my usual drink.

  I slid into the booth, putting my purse with my gun on the seat next to me. A girl could never be too careful.

  He started to stand up, but I was already seated before he could, so instead he held out a hand. “Hi, I’m Chris Guy, and you must be Leslie.”

  “Leslie Boxe, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Which was most certainly true as I looked over his handsome features.

  I’d never been sure what it was about a clean-cut guy wearing a tie, but it always made my heart pitter-patter just a little faster.

  “So, I’m guessing by your username that you’re a lawyer?” I started with a question.

  “Yes, criminal law to be exact. I like putting away the bad guys, but there are a few occasions when I wish that I didn’t have to use such a hard line. What about you? Besides looking fabulous, what’s your occupation?”

  Even though it had burned me with Jerome, I wasn’t going to start lying now. “I’m a detective with Dallas PD. At the moment, I’m doing a consulting job for the FBI until their case is completed.”

  “Oh, so we’re in similar professions. Guess that’s what drew us to message each other. Well, I’m newly single. My last girlfriend couldn’t handle my long hours or being called away during the weekends. I guess that’s a hazard of your job as well?”

  “Sounds like we’re very similar. I’ve been gone almost as much as I’ve been home the past few months. The FBI gig has me going all over the country at a moment’s notice. What made you want to start dating again?” I took a sip of the drink the server brought me as they handed Chris his order.

  “Well, it’s been three months, and to be honest, I just wrapped up a case that was taking up all of my waking moments. When she walked out the door s
everal months ago, I barely had time to say ‘have a nice life’ before I was stuck up to my ears in legal briefs.”

  “I’ll raise you that one. My last boyfriend showed up at a crime scene wanting to take me out to dinner. He couldn’t understand that I had a job to do.”

  “Aw, man, that’s a tough one. He was completely clueless, wasn’t he?” Chris shook his head at the horrible move.

  “I knew that no matter how I tried to explain what I did, he wasn’t going to understand. This is going to sound a little crazy, but I just want someone who’s independent. I want them to miss me, but not have them unable to live their lives without me, you know?”

  Chris smiled at me. “I couldn’t have said it better myself. Someone who’s there for you, but not tied to you. It’s almost like being weighed down when you’re trying to swim the length of the pool and they won’t learn how to swim for themselves. They just want you to do all the work.”

  “Exactly. I thought maybe I would find someone who was willing to be the homemaker, but that’s unrealistic because most men want to be the breadwinner.” I tried to gauge his reaction to what I’d said.

  “Of course, what you’re doing is very important. You have to be good at your job if you’ve already made detective and are consulting with the FBI. It would be a shame for you to be stuck at home just because it stepped on his ego.”

  I laughed out loud. “You’ve pegged it. Where have you been hiding again?”

  “Oh, you know, this little place called the DA’s office. Closer to the basement, but at least I get to prosecute a few interesting cases.”

  “Humorous and smart. What do you do when you’re not swimming in files?”

  He blushed, just a little. “I like to watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette.”

  “Ha, there it is, the weak link in your armor. I’ll admit, I like to watch shows with motorcycles and inked guys. The likelihood I’ll find one that hasn’t been to prison would be a miracle, but a girl can dream, right?”

  “Now, that you mention it, I was going to save it for a second or third date revelation, but I do have a few tattoos. I have to keep them hidden, but it’s my way of bucking the system knowing that I have them.”

  “Oooh, look at you, you rebel. What are they?”

  “One says ‘Mom’ in big letters on my shoulder, and the other is lame too. It says ‘Rebel with a Cause.’”

  I put my hand up just in time to keep from spitting my drink out and into Chris’s face.

  “That’s so sweet.”

  “Very funny. They sounded cool when I was sixteen, but now, well…”

  “They’re tough and manly.” I tried not to laugh as I said the words.

  “Now, I know you’re full of it. When you have a free night, would you like to do this again?” Chris laughed as he asked me out for a second date.

  “I’d like that. But can you give me more than a thirty-minute notice next time?”

  “That, I can promise. Can I walk you out to your car?” He stood and let me out, putting a few extra dollars on the table.

  “I’d like that.”

  When my regular server Steve started toward us, I waved him off. I was comfortable with Chris. I’d do my due diligence when I got home, but he appeared to be the real deal.

  Not one to let the guy always be put on the spot, I went ahead to made the plans for another date. “So, tomorrow evening I’m free. Want to see that new monster movie at 7:30?”

  “Are you sure? We’re both just out of bad relationships.”

  “Do you know of any other way to forget the past and move on? I see enough death in my job, and I tend to try and live in the moment. I can’t wait for something great to happen, or for the perfect situation to start a new relationship.”

  “Just wanted to give you a chance to back out in case I wasn’t what you were expecting.”

  “Are you kidding? I need another couple of dates so that I can get a look at your manly tattoos.” I leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “I’ll take that as a challenge. Night, Leslie. I’ll meet you there at seven.”


  I’d developed a sixth sense warning system, but that wasn’t helpful when I couldn’t see anything because the light bulb on my porch was out again. I would’ve thought it was the killer, but I’d been having problems for months, and as soon as I put a new bulb in, it would work again. It was just more frustrating when it was night, and I could have used the light to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Like the box that had been delivered to my doorstep when I hadn’t ordered anything.

  While I didn’t think there was a bomb in it, I did give it a slight toss into the yard before picking it up. If it was going to explode from movement, then that should have caused it to go off.

  I knew that cops were the worst when calling for back-up, or letting other divisions do their job. It was just that we were trained to run into a situation, and it was hard to back down long enough for someone else to take over.

  There wasn’t a label on the box from a delivery service, which meant that it had been hand delivered to my porch. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any cameras around my house or on my street.

  Not wanting to harm any evidence in case it was connected to one of the killers, I got the tongs and knife to slice through the tape.

  When nothing jumped out at me, I used the tongs to lift the lid, revealing a sealed bag with a puzzle inside of it.

  Deciding that the contents weren’t going to harm me, I picked them up and shook the box to make sure that was everything. A note fluttered to the floor.

  Dear Leslie,

  We haven’t really gotten the opportunity to meet each other yet, but I’m looking forward to you putting the pieces back together again for a happy outcome.

  Each month brings us a little closer, and I know that you are wondering why I brought you into this adventure. You are the kind of woman that I would love to spend my life with because you challenge my mind and make me want to be better. While I know that can realistically never happen, I do hope that you think of me while you are putting this puzzle together.


  Your Admirer

  “Holy Crap!” I shouted to the empty house.

  This was a new twist. The Zodiac Master wanted to spend his life with me? Was that what all these deaths and recruits were about? A chance to woo me in the vain hope that I’d come to the evil side and live happily ever after with him? Surely, he wasn’t that stupid.

  I had the phone in my hand when it dawned on me that I could wait until the next morning to call Ryan. He needed to have one night where his sleep wasn’t interrupted with murders and puzzles from the Zodiac Master.


  Gresham, Oregon

  The body of Brian O’Leary showed up on the front steps of the police department in a large package the morning after he’d been reported missing.

  A patrol officer happened to notice the package propped up against the flag pole. Upon investigation, he saw the blood seeping from the ends of the package and called the crime scene units.

  The package was addressed to the Gresham Police Department.

  Heard something went missing yesterday and thought you might like to know where it is. Hope this helps you find what you’re looking for — Signed, A Concerned Friend.

  “Have someone get a DNA sample from the missing man’s room to compare with this package,” the officer in charge commanded. “It sounds like we have a problem, and we need to keep this under control. Someone needs to pick up the second-place winner of that stupid competition and get her alibi.”

  Shannon Downs took a seat in the interrogation room, waiting for her lawyer to arrive.

  “We need to know where you were from the time the competition ended until today.” Detective Logan pushed the legal pad across the table to her.

  “You do this, and we’ll check to verify it. If you have an alibi, you’ll be free to go.”

  “I’m not saying anyth
ing without my lawyer.”

  “That’s perfectly fine, Ms. Downs. We’ll be back in when he arrives.”

  It didn’t take long for a lawyer to arrive, but he took longer than necessary to speak with his client.

  As they returned to the interrogation room, a lab tech caught them.

  “While it’s early yet, the blood types are a match for our missing guy.”

  “Thanks. We can use that against her.”

  Detective Logan took his time sitting down in front of Ms. Downs and her lawyer.

  “We aren’t accusing your client of murder yet, but it would be much easier if we could have a list of her whereabouts for the past thirty-six hours.”

  “I’ve advised her to cooperate with you and provide you the alibi you need. She’s innocent, and the sooner you clear her, the sooner you can get back to catching whoever did this horrible thing.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” The detective nodded to the legal pad still sitting on the table. Shannon glanced between him and her lawyer.

  As she wrote the last time down, he snatched it from her and went out to hand it to the waiting officers.

  “Let’s get this verified and narrow down a window for when this atrocity took place.”

  An hour later, her alibi placed her with a group of friends celebrating half the night.

  Detective Logan walked back inside. “You’re free to go, but we’ll be keeping an eye on you. In the meantime, don’t leave the city until we have this matter cleared up.”

  “Whatever. I can’t believe I have to defend myself simply because I almost won a competition. This is such blatant discrimination based on the fact that I’m a female!” Shannon yelled over her shoulder as she pushed past the reporters standing outside the station.

  It was based off of who had motive, but there wasn’t anything else to work on considering she had been the only suspect.

  Detective Logan wrote up the report, but knew Brian O’Leary’s killer was going to get away with murder because they had no way to find them.


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