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Murders of the Zodiac Boxed Set

Page 120

by Paris Morgan

“Which brings up a good point. I’ve had donuts and coffee setup in the break room. Grab something and get to work. Thank you.” Adam waved toward the back of the room where two guys were opening large boxes containing donuts and thermoses for everyone.

  While everyone crowded around the food, Ryan, Noah, and I all went to find out what Adam was working on.

  “Figured you three would be able to resist the jelly donuts.” He watched us approach with a grin. “Let’s take this into my office where we can discuss a few ideas.”

  Even though we’d arrested Agent Watson, there was still the possibility we had a mole in our midst that was feeding information to the Zodiac Master. Adam cautiously had the rooms we used swept for bugs daily by Mac and Barbie.

  Noah walked into Adam’s office and plopped into a chair, stretching his long legs out to prop his feet up on the desk while giving me a wink.

  I found myself wanting crawl onto his lap…

  “What the hell?” I jerked my thoughts back to the present. I was not going to allow myself to become one of those girls whose sole existence revolved around a guy.

  Since there were only two chairs in front of the desk, I leaned against the wall as far away from Noah as I could get, letting Ryan take a seat.

  Adam walked around to sit at his desk as he began. “Now, the three of you are my best team, so I think we’ll cover more ground if we work together in two teams. I know I was planning to have each of you head up a team of your own, but I feel like we’d do better with the four of us. Considering past experiences with the Zodiac Master, he’s going to aim and do his worst to us. I don’t want you getting hurt or caught in the crossfire.”

  “I wouldn’t mind working with Ryan,” Noah volunteered, looking to Ryan for a response. “If you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all,” Ryan agreed graciously.

  “Fine, I’ll work with Leslie.” Adam sounded resigned.

  I was beginning to feel like chopped liver. First, Noah sleeps with me, then he’s ready to work with Ryan instead of me? I gave a quick shake of my head to clear the cobwebs.

  “Everything okay, Leslie?” Adam eyed me with a worried look.

  “Uh, yeah. Sorry, I drifted off on a thought. Nothing important.” I shot Noah a glare. “Where are we going?”

  “Alabama,” Adam replied. “There are three murders: one in Birmingham, one in Tuscaloosa, and another in Montgomery. We’ll take Tuscaloosa. You two can take Montgomery, and then we’ll meet up in Birmingham. Whoever gets done first takes point in Birmingham.”

  “At least Alabama isn’t that far away from here.” I groaned at the thought of another trip somewhere. “This travel thing isn’t as fun as people make it out to be.”

  “That’s because you’re looking at murders and not the tourist sites. It changes depending on your needs,” Noah countered.

  “I’d still like to be in my own bed for more than three nights in a row without being wounded.” I grimaced at the thought of the last time I was home for more than a few days because of an arrow wound to my shoulder.

  “Anyway,” Adam interjected, steering us back on course. “Is everyone ready to head out?”

  We all nodded in agreement as we moved to leave.

  Adam kept up a running chatter until we were on the plane taking off.

  “Are you ready to be honest with me? What’s going on?”

  I thought that by going with Adam, I’d be able to forget the past twenty-four hours, but it looked like that wasn’t going to be possible.

  “Nothing that affects the case.” I crossed my arms defensively.

  “Really? Because I could see the new energy swirling around both of you. Someone from the normal world might not have picked up on the tension, but anyone with a psychic gift is going to notice.”

  “It was one moment in time, and I’m not sure that what I felt is the same thing he felt. He pretty much ignored me today, and it’s a soft spot for me. I thought we had an amazing connection, and then to have this kind of rejection is more than I can deal with right now. So I’m going to keep things professional, and make sure that I’m solely focused on the murders we’re looking into.” I shrugged, trying to keep the hurt I was feeling inside from showing.

  Adam didn’t say anything, but leaned over and gave me a hug.

  I let myself accept it for just a second before pulling away. “Thanks. I’ll deal with all this later.”

  “Just remember, you’re going to be more connected to him now, and it’s going to affect you when you’re not expecting it.”

  “I know,” I mumbled, closing my eyes and ending the conversation.

  Chapter 6


  I’d chosen to work with Ryan for two reasons. One, I simply couldn’t handle being around Leslie right now. And two, it was time to get to know the other part of their team.

  Being guys, we didn’t feel the need to talk as much while we were getting checked in and through security. Once on the plane, Ryan tensed up and became really nervous.

  “You’ve flown before, right?” I asked, curious if he was always like this.

  “Yes, I have. I do better when I have a distraction, and Leslie makes it seem so easy. I don’t remember hating to fly until we’re already in the air.” He put his suitcase in the overhead and took the middle seat.

  “So while we wait for takeoff, you’re going to be my distraction today. What are your intentions toward my partner?”

  He caught me off-guard with his question.

  “Intentions? Have I been sent back about fifty years into the past?” I laughed, but could see that he was serious. “Why do you think there’s something going on between us? I’ve only been around for a couple of days now. That’s not really enough time to be asking such a serious question.”

  “Humor me, man. Are you interested in her? The vibes I’m picking up between the two of you are just crazy,” Ryan pointed out.

  “It’s complicated. I like her, but I’m not sure that now is the right time for something to happen between us. That’s why I wanted to hang out with you, so that I could give us some space and let things kind of flow naturally.”

  “Makes sense, but Leslie’s been through a lot this year, and any guy that gets close to her has a target on his back. The Zodiac Master has some sort of crush on her, and has made it clear that he won’t let another guy have her for very long. So make sure you’re watching your back, because you never know when something is going to happen,” Ryan warned as the plane nosed its way into the sky.

  “Message received. There are other things I have to consider as well, such as, if she’s even really interested. I’m not going to force my attentions on her. I don’t think that’s the way to build a relationship.”

  Ryan’s grip on the seat’s arms loosened as we leveled out. “I appreciate that. Having the girl be interested is important to any relationship. We might have become something, but I was already in love with Shea when we met. I hope she finds someone that can hold his own and love her the way she needs to be loved.” He gave a shrug, but I knew he cared a lot more than he was letting on.

  “I promise, if something develops between us, I will try my best not to break her heart.” I held up a finger to cross my heart.

  “Got it.” He leaned back and closed his eyes, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

  He had no idea how right he was to warn me away from Leslie, even as everything inside me was steering me toward her at the speed of light.


  When Agent Watson had mentioned that John Reed had two children, a light bulb had gone off in my head, and I knew somewhere deep in my soul that I was that other child.

  My mom had always been cagey when talking about my biological father, and I’d never been able to find out much about him. When Adam had asked me to go undercover almost two years ago, I hadn’t even imagined that I might be related to the suspect. Which was why the information hit me so hard.

  It wasn’t like I looked at every man I met
to see if he could be my father, but something about a few things Mr. Reed had said made me wonder. Others had said I looked enough like him to be his son.

  The thought of having him for a father had made me want to vomit, which caused me to race from the room. Leslie had followed me, and I couldn’t tell her what I was afraid of. It was such a horrible thought. I didn’t want to imagine the look on her face when she learned that I could be his kid. It had been bad enough to see the horror on her face when she thought I was one of the bad guys.

  I’d never had to work at making a good impression on women, because they’d always been drawn to my handsome features. In that sense, I’d grown accustomed to it, and forgotten one of the most important rules. It was what was on the inside that counted.

  When she’d shown up and tried to get me to talk, I just wasn’t able to yet. I had to get away and process it before I shared it with the world. My focus shifted, and I needed to confront my mother about a long overdue subject.

  Without any thought, except that I needed to leave, I’d hopped into an Uber and raced home. I could have gone straight to my mom’s house, but I wanted a chance to leave quickly if things didn’t go the way I wanted.

  Clearly not expecting me to show up, Mom was surprised when I rang the doorbell.

  “Oh, you’re not here for a visit, are you? It’s because of what’s in the news, isn’t it?” She stood back to allow me inside.

  “So I’m not crazy? He really is my dad, isn’t he?” I demanded.

  She followed behind and took a seat on the couch, patting the seat next to her.

  Instead of sitting, I continued to pace back and forth behind the couch opposite her as I tried to process everything.

  “You’re not crazy. When you were almost arrested last year, he reached out and made sure that you were my child. That’s why you got the promotion. I wanted to say something, but he wanted to see you at work without the added pressure and expectations of being his son.”

  With a groan, I walked around and sank into the couch.

  “Why didn’t you tell me after I’d been there for a few months? Hell, why not when it was all over the news about his arrest?”

  “You wanted me to tell you the man you were working for, who had been arrested for doing horrible things, was your father?” She looked at me in disbelief. “We hadn’t brought it up before, so I thought it should fade into oblivion since there was no point in making a big deal of it.”

  “What if I’d been dating my half-sister?” I threw out angrily. “Why would you sleep with him in the first place?”

  I’m not sure I’d ever seen my mother blush before, but her face turned red.

  “Not everything is black and white, son.” She nervously adjusted her shirt. “We met at a function where all the rich and famous were hanging out. He was about ten years older, but when we started talking, it felt like we were about the same age. Other girls more beautiful and richer than I was at the time, walked through the room, and he didn’t even glance their way.”

  Some of my anger started to melt as I pictured my mom as younger woman with the devilishly manipulative man I’d worked for.

  “He didn’t come onto me at all that night, but offered to take me out to dinner the next night. I had no clue who he was, so when I got home, I looked him up and found out he was the most sought-after bachelor in Dallas.

  “When he arrived at my door, I was dressed for a nice dinner, and he was perfect. We laughed and had a wonderful evening. Then, when it was time to head home, he asked if I wanted to see his penthouse. Being mostly naïve, I said yes. Once there, he poured us a drink.” Hearing my snort of disbelief, she hurried to defend him.

  “He didn’t drug me, but as we started drinking, it led to making out, which in turn led to a very seductive set of moves. The next thing I knew, it was morning, and we’d been going at it all night.” My mom got an almost dreamy look on her face. “He had one of his staff make me breakfast and drive me home with the promise for another dinner later that week.”

  “I’ll bet he never called again.”

  “Oh, no, he did. We wound up dating for about a month before it became obvious we didn’t have anything in common, except in the bedroom, and even that was wearing off. It wasn’t until about two months later when I was dating your father—well, your stepfather—that I realized I was pregnant.

  “It wasn’t something that good girls let happen, and I knew John Reed wasn’t the marrying kind. I was in love with Garrett, and we agreed that I should let John know we were going to claim you as our own. I felt I owed it to him to tell him.”

  “He didn’t try to take me or claim me as his own?” I suddenly felt sucker-punched by being unwanted, and it didn’t feel good.

  “I’m sure he’d had other affairs, and women who were trying to claim being with child to get his money, but he knew that wasn’t what I wanted. We both knew that one day it might come up, and then I’d inform him you were asking. So, when you got a job with the company, I let him know. He was keeping an eye on you from the beginning.”

  A shudder ran through me as I thought about how close I’d come to being taken in by a murderer.

  “You do realize what he’s capable of, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she confessed. “It wasn’t until years later that I looked back and could see he wasn’t as wonderful as I’d thought he was in the beginning. Now, to find out that he’s been doing such horrible things for years… Well, let’s just say, it was a real blow to me.”

  She leaned over and placed a comforting hand on my knee. “You are nothing like him. I want you to know you have something inside of you that makes you good and kind. Somehow, he’s broken, and you came out with some of his charm, but not the evil.”

  “Gee. Thanks, Mom.” My words were heavy with sarcasm. “He has another son who’s been killing people for the past ten months. I’m related to killers. How can that be okay because I have charm?”

  “Oh, no, honey. People talk about nature versus nurture all the time. You’re you because you weren’t raised by him, but in a loving home with me.”

  “Mother, that doesn’t work in this case. My half-brother wasn’t raised by John Reed. In fact, he’s killing people to prove he belongs with him. Evidently, the circumstances of his home life weren’t very different from mine. From the case files, his mother was every bit as sweet and loving as you are.”

  “Then I can’t see how he could become a serial killer. There’s just no excuse for taking people’s lives like that.”

  I could only roll my eyes at her logic.

  “Of course, there’s not an excuse for it. He and my birth father are both evil, which means it’s in my genes, and it’s why I wasn’t as bothered by the things he was doing as I should have been.” I dropped my head into my hands. It was too much to think about.

  “Dear, you can’t think that. You aren’t evil at all. Let me make you some food and you’ll feel better.” She rose up and found the maid, Sally, hovering nearby.

  “There, she’ll get you something made up, and we can discuss this some more.”

  “I’ll eat something.” I was starting to feel a little woozy. “Then I’m going home. I have to process this.”

  When I finally made it out of the house and back into my car, I realized that while I’d gotten confirmation from my mother, it hadn’t really helped my frame of mind.

  Leslie hadn’t known what it meant when we’d touched earlier that morning. I knew it was just going to get worse, and once we progressed beyond coworkers, there would be no going back. She should at least have a choice before she decided to throw in with me. After all, my lineage wasn’t that great.

  The car parked outside my house wasn’t familiar to me, but the figure sitting in it with her eyes closed was.


  Did I leave her there or wake her up? There were bonuses to both sides, I warred with myself. If I left her be, there wouldn’t be any uncomfortable questions until I was ready for
them. Nah, I had to be nice. I couldn’t leave her out there when it was obvious she’d been waiting for me.

  I rapped a knuckle on the window, gently, so I didn’t startle her. When she stepped out of the car, the moonlight made her skin set off a glow, and it was impossible to resist her when she leaned in, offering her lips to me.

  The next few hours had been amazing, and the phone ringing had shattered the peaceful silence, bringing back all the reasons that it had been wrong to have her stay.

  I fully expected to retrieve my phone to hear Adam’s voice, but it was a growly, synthesized voice.

  “You’ve stepped over the line. She’s mine.” I glanced at Leslie, but she was distracted with her phone call, so I walked out of the room before responding.

  “Who is this?” I demanded.

  “Your brother, of course. See, there’s a connection between us, and Leslie is mine. I don’t want to kill you, but if you continue this relationship with her, then I’ll have to. I’m warning you to step back, now.”

  “No, you’re going to have to face me man-to-man. I’m not going to let someone I’ve never met dictate my life. They’ve been running around in circles looking for you. I’m not like them, and a few deaths on my hands won’t be anything new,” I threatened.

  “Oh, so you’ve got a little bit of fight in you,” he laughed. “We’ll see how things go when we do meet. But until then, don’t touch my princess or you’ll have to face my wrath.”

  The phone had barely disconnected when it rang again with Adam on the line.

  I’d spent the rest of the morning trying to distance myself from Leslie. I could see the hurt in her eyes when I ignored her, but it was better for her to be a little hurt than have to deal with my psychotic brother.

  Brother. I could try to find him on my own. John Reed might even see me and help me out since I was his kid.

  The announcement to buckle our seatbelts for landing sounded, and I tried to clear out the past twenty-four hours.

  Leslie was going to have to take a back seat to the investigation. If I kept her at a distance, then maybe I’d have a chance to find and catch my brother all on my own, and without any of the team getting hurt. They’d already been through more than enough.


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