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Heidi and the Alien Cop

Page 3

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Had the boy never had cable either? The more he learned about the little family, the more he wanted to change their lives. Things that he took for granted, like a home that smelled nice and was safe, or cable, were things the boy had never experienced. It broke his heart, and he vowed to make sure they never went without again.

  Heidi balked when Raylic tried to lead her away.

  “I can stay in here too,” she said.

  “Heidi, there are three other rooms to choose from. You don’t have to sleep in the same bed as Shane, unless you just really want to.” He lowered his voice. “But don’t you think he might like having his own space?”

  She sighed and followed him down the hall. He showed her each room, watching her expression. When she saw the yellow bedroom with the white eyelet bedspread, he knew it was meant to be hers. He put her bag inside and showed her where the remotes were.

  “This particular room has its own bathroom. Shane’s room and the other two share a bathroom in the hall. Did you bring any bathroom stuff with you? If not, both bathrooms are stocked with shampoo, soap, razors, and spare toothbrushes. You’re welcome to use anything in there.”

  “Why are you being so nice to us?” she asked.

  “Because you’re letting me.”

  She looked like she still couldn’t quite believe him, but he’d prove to her, over the next few days, that she could trust him. He left her to settle in and went to his room to shower and change. He unclipped his badge from his belt and placed it on the dresser, along with his wallet, keys, and cell phone. Knowing there was a child in the house, he locked his gun in the safe. Before he undressed, he called the station to request a few days off. Even though prior approval and written notice were policy, he’d not asked for a day off in all the years he’d worked there.

  “Sergeant Harper.”

  “Sarge, I need a favor,” Raylic said.

  “Does this have anything to do with the woman and child you took off with earlier tonight? Patterson thought it was odd you hadn’t brought them to the station after that asshole was hauled in.”

  “Yes, sir. They’re going to stay with me, at least for a few days, and I’d like some time off to make sure they’re settled and have everything they need. All of their belongings fit into two tote bags.”

  His boss sighed. “Are you bringing the woman in tomorrow to give her statement as to what happened?”

  “That is the plan. I thought she’d been through enough tonight.”

  “When you come in, fill out the time off request, and I’ll approve it. I’ll call Sims and see if he wants some overtime. With that new baby on the way, I’m sure he could use a little extra cash right now.”

  “Thanks, Sarge. I’ll bring Heidi and Shane by tomorrow, after breakfast.”

  He disconnected the call and stripped out of his clothes. He could hear Heidi and Shane talking down the hall, and heard the water running in the hall bathroom. Bath toys. Did boys his age play with bath toys? If not, he’d find something to make bath time more fun for the boy. Raylic started his shower and stepped under the hot spray. His bathroom had its own water heater, so he wasn’t worried about taking up all the hot water if Heidi and Shane needed it.

  He lathered his hair then washed his body. His cock was hard and standing at attention, and had been at half-mast ever since those blue eyes had looked up at him back at the apartment. Raylic stroked his cock and braced a hand on the tiled wall. Slow and steady, he let the pleasure build. As he watched his hand slide up and down his shaft, he pictured Heidi on her knees before him. Her plump lips would look damn good wrapped around his cock. He quickened his pace as his balls drew up, preparing to blow.

  “Mr. Raylic?” a small voice called through the door.

  Fuck! Talk about a fast way to kill an erection. He stared at his rapidly deflating cock and wondered if this was a taste of what it would be like to have kids. “What is it, Shane?”

  “Mama is taking a shower, and I wondered if you’d read my bedtime story to me.”

  “Give me just a minute to dry off, and I’ll come read to you.”

  He heard Shane walk away and he quickly rinsed. As he dried himself, he wondered if it was safe to enter his bedroom naked, or were little eyes still in there? He wrapped the towel around his waist, just to be safe, and opened the bathroom door. His bedroom was wide open, but no one was in sight. He shut the door long enough to pull on a pair of athletic pants before padding down the hall to Shane’s room.

  The little boy was already propped up in bed with a book in his lap. Raylic entered the room and eased down onto the bed, leaning back against the headboard. He took the book from Shane and looked at the cover.

  “The Chicken from Outer Space?” Raylic smiled. “I have to admit, in all my space travels, I’ve never seen a chicken in a space suit.”

  Shane’s eyes widened. “But you saw chickens out of space suits?”

  Raylic laughed. “Not like your Earth chickens. There are similar animals on other worlds. Just like my world has something similar to your elephants.”

  “That’s so cool.” He grinned. “Instead of a story, will you tell me about your world?”

  “What would you like to know?” he asked, setting the book aside.

  “What other animals do you have there?”

  “Skerits look like a cross between your skunks and weasels. They are long with bushy tails, and they’re black with a pink stripe, and have six legs.”

  “Cool. Do you have any pictures?”

  Raylic shook his head. “We don’t really take pictures or videos of things on my world. But, on the next shuttle, I could have a digital camera sent back to a friend of mine, with the request that he take some pictures before sending the camera back. Then we can look through them and maybe print some off for your room. You can decorate this bedroom however you’d like.”

  “Really?” Shane’s eyes lit up.

  “I’ll get a camera tomorrow and drop it by the station. I think there’s a shuttle taking off tomorrow around lunchtime. When I pick up breakfast in the morning, I’ll take care of it.”

  “What other animals do you have there?” Shane asked.

  “Hmm. Let’s see. We have lilaphants, which are kind of like your elephants. They’re a few shades lighter than my skin tone, and the end of their trunks are heart shaped, and they have heart-shaped ears. Their tails look like a zebra’s tail, except the stripes are blue.” Raylic smiled. “A friend of mine works with them, trying to preserve the species. They have a low birth rate, so Fendrix keeps a few mated pairs in captivity to ensure the species survives.”

  “Do you have anything like a horse? I’ve always liked horses, but I’ve never seen one up close.”

  “We have loripods, which look like your equines, but they have spikes instead of a mane and their fur is red with black swirls. They look fierce but can be quite sweet.”

  “What else can you tell me about your world?” Shane asked.

  “We have three suns, which keep things warm all year. In preparation for the bride program, we put in an apartment building and a community pool. The pool stays open year-round and is free for anyone to enjoy. We even have a café that has human cuisine. It’s run by one of the mates who moved there as part of the bride program. She doesn’t like sitting at home all day, so her husband allowed her to open the café.”

  The little boy looked thoughtful. “I wonder what my mama would do if she was allowed to work.”

  “She isn’t allowed to work?” Raylic asked.

  Shane shook his head. “Daddy was really mean to her. He’d hit her a lot.”

  “Well, your daddy isn’t going to hit your mama ever again.”

  “Promise?” he asked softly.

  “I promise. Now, I believe it’s time for you to go to bed.” Raylic frowned. “I don’t have a nightlight.”

  “I’m not a baby,” Shane grumbled.

  “No, you aren’t. Do you want the door left partially open, or closed all the way?”

  Shane stared at the door a moment. “Maybe partially open, with the hall light on.”

  Raylic smiled and ruffled the boy’s hair. He pulled the door most of the way shut and flicked on the hall light. Heidi was leaning against the wall, tears in her eyes. He reached for her, holding out his hand. Her fingers slid along his, and he clasped them, drawing her down the hallway and downstairs.

  “You’re good with him,” she said as they sat on the sofa.

  “He’s a sweet boy.”

  “Can I ask you something without you getting offended?”

  His eyebrows rose. “I’m an open book. Ask anything you want.”

  “You’re a cop, right?”

  He nodded.

  “So, how can you afford a place like this? You aren’t selling drugs on the side or something, are you?”

  He smiled a little. “What do you know of my world or our agreement with Earth?”

  “Nothing really. I’ve never been much for reading the papers, and the news is usually too depressing to watch.”

  “On my world, I was part of an elite team of warriors. We were paid very well, better than anyone else, except the council members. When I agreed to come to Earth, your government was rather generous with the exchange rate for my credits to your dollars. I paid cash for this house and for my vehicle, and I still have plenty in the bank. I didn’t even transfer all my Terran credits. I draw a salary as a police officer as well, so I’m not hurting for money.”

  “So, you really are rich then.” Her lips turned down on the corners. “I always thought rich guys were assholes.”

  Raylic laughed so hard his sides hurt. “I think your boyfriend was the asshole, but I’m glad you haven’t lumped me into the same group.”

  “You’d tell me if it was inconvenient for us to be here, wouldn’t you?” she asked.

  “I can assure you that you’re not an inconvenience. But speaking of my money, there’s something we need to discuss. I know you don’t have any cash right now, and judging by the two totes you brought with you, you don’t own very much. After we go to the police station tomorrow, I’d like to take Shane and you shopping for some essentials, and maybe some toys for him.”

  She opened her mouth, and he barreled on before she could protest.

  “I have more money than I know what to do with, and I can’t stand the thought that he’s done without so much. Please, let me do this. You can keep whatever we buy, no strings attached. I’m not doing it to get into your pants, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  Her cheeks warmed, but she shook her head, a bemused expression on her face.

  “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t have the funds to back it up,” he said. “Will you consider it?”

  “I’ll let you buy us some things, but don’t get too crazy. I don’t want Shane to think he can have whatever he wants, because eventually we’ll have to move on, and I know I can never do that for him. I don’t even have a G.E.D., so the best I can hope for is a minimum wage job.”

  “What’s a G.E.D.?”

  “I didn’t graduate high school because I dropped out when I found out I was pregnant with Shane. G.E.D. stands for General Education Diploma. It would be the equivalent of a high school diploma. I’d need it if I was ever able to apply to college.”

  Raylic nodded. “And do you want to attend college?”

  She smiled wistfully. “Once upon a time, I had planned to attend. Then I found out about Shane, and my dreams changed. Brent is older than me, and he’d already graduated when we were dating. My parents hated him, and when they found out I was pregnant, they disowned me. I was allowed to pack one small bag and had to leave everything else behind. I found out a year later that they were killed when the house caught fire overnight.”

  “So, you really are all alone,” he murmured. “I have a proposition for you.”

  “What?” she asked skeptically.

  “In exchange for entertaining the possibility of becoming my mate, Shane and you can stay here as long as you’d like. Long enough for you to obtain the G.E.D. you want, and to start taking some college classes.”

  Her eyes widened. “College takes four years!”

  “Then at least stay until you get your G.E.D. That should give us enough time to get to know one another, and if you decide by then that you don’t want to marry me, then I’ll help you get set up somewhere.”

  Her mouth opened and shut several times, then she tilted her head and studied him. “You really want to marry me? Even knowing I have Shane and there’s another baby on the way?”

  “I always wanted a big family. Just because Shane and the new baby wouldn’t be mine biologically doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love them as if they were my own. Would you be willing to have more children?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “How many more?”

  “Well, I’d always thought I’d fill the bedrooms in this place, but if you only wanted one more, I would be fine with that.”

  She nibbled her lower lip and nodded. “I’ll consider it.”

  Raylic took her hand and leaned a little closer. “Would you allow me to kiss you?”

  “I think I’d like that,” she said softly.

  Raylic leaned closer, and his lips brushed hers. They were soft and supple, and when she parted them, he delved inside for a taste. She tasted of mint, and it was the sweetest kiss he’d ever experienced. When he drew away, her eyes were still closed, and she smiled dreamily.


  “Yes, Heidi?”

  Her eyes opened. “You can kiss me anytime you want.”

  He smiled. “Then I plan to do it often.”

  They settled back against the cushions, and she leaned in closer to put her head on his shoulder. He reached for the remote and clicked on the TV, then found a romantic movie for them to watch. It seemed like something a female would like, and he wanted Heidi to be happy… happy enough that she’d decide to never leave.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning, with a smile on her face, Heidi stretched. She couldn’t remember a time that she’d slept so well. Raylic had been so sweet last night, holding her as they’d watched a movie, and then carrying her to bed when she started dozing off. She’d stood in the hall last night, listening to him talk to Shane, and her emotions had gotten the best of her. She couldn’t remember a time a man had ever been kind to her little boy. That alone had almost made her agree to be his wife.

  While it was true they’d barely spent any time together, sometimes, you could tell someone was a good person right away. When she looked into Raylic’s eyes, she could see he had a kind soul. As a police officer, and a warrior on his world, he was a protector, and she and her small son had been lacking one of those the past five years. When she’d agreed to drop out of school and move in with Brent, she’d thought her life was just beginning. Instead, it had turned sour. Rotten. The love she’d felt for Brent had putrefied as the beatings started. And by then, it was too late to escape. She’d been trapped and had stayed that way for far too long.

  The more she thought about the sexy alien, the more her body warmed. Her lips still tingled from his kiss last night, and it made her wonder what those lips would feel like on other parts of her body. Her nipples hardened at the thought of the alien’s hands on her, caressing her curves and bringing her untold pleasure. Her panties grew damp, and she slid her hand beneath the waistband. She was slick and aching for Raylic, but she didn’t dare ask him to satisfy her needs.

  Heidi stroked her clit in small circles, spreading her legs a little. Her eyes slid closed as she pictured Raylic lying in bed next to her, imagined it was his hands making her burn for more. Her fingers slid deeper, sliding into her tight channel, pumping in and out. Her breath hitched as she thought about Raylic fucking her with long, deep strokes. Her body flushed, and her lips parted on a silent scream as her orgasm crested and left her breathless.

  Pulling her sticky fingers from her panties, she stared up at the ceiling and wondered
if she’d ever know what it would be like to have Raylic bend her over the bed and fuck her senseless. The only time she’d ever been able to come was at her own hands, but she’d be willing to bet Raylic had what it took to make her scream his name. Brent had been a sorry excuse for a lover, but she’d stayed with him because she didn’t think she had a choice. But if she were to marry Raylic… that would be her choice. And one she was seriously considering. He may not have feelings for her, but he’d treated her kindly and intended to spoil Shane. Being with him intimately wouldn’t be a hardship, and she knew feelings could grow over time.

  Heidi rolled out of bed. She went into the bathroom to wash her hands and brush her teeth; then she pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater. Grabbing one of her thin pairs of socks, she put them on and went to check on Shane. His bed was empty, making her frown. Usually, he would come and get her if he woke up first. She hoped he wasn’t pestering Raylic. Deciding to see where the guys were, she went downstairs and checked each room. In the kitchen, she saw a note stuck to the fridge.


  I have Shane with me. We didn’t want to wake you. Picking up breakfast and running an errand, then we’ll be home. My number is 555-3267 if you want to call and check on Shane.


  Well, at least she knew why the house was so quiet. She wondered how long ago they’d left. Picking up the cordless phone on the counter, she dialed the number Raylic had left and waited for someone to answer.

  “Good morning, Heidi,” Raylic said when he picked up.

  “Morning. Shane didn’t bother you this morning, did he?”

  “Not at all. I was already up when he woke up. He stepped out of his room just as I was coming down the hall. You aren’t upset he’s with me, are you? We’ll be home in just a few minutes.”

  “No, it’s fine,” she said. And it really was. She trusted Raylic to guard Shane with his life. He’d already done as much last night.


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