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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

Page 27

by Anthology

  “Good, then I’ll shackle your legs too. I want you completely at my mercy for this, not least, because I have a few things to say, and this way you’ll not be able to get away from me, will you?”

  “No, Sir.” Her whispered answer made him smile, and when he tugged her leg to the side to cuff it to the heavy leather restraints he pulled out from under his mattress, Jacqui barely swallowed her moan of surrender. Already she could feel herself slipping back into that marvelous space where nothing mattered but the sound of his deep voice, calling her his good girl. Where all she had to worry about was pleasing him, safe in the knowledge that by giving him the control, he took away all of her worries, and left her with nothing but pleasure.

  “That’s my girl. The other leg now. I want to see how wet you are for me.”

  Jacqui shut her eyes, and allowed herself to sink deeper as the gentle tugging on her left leg told her, he’d secured that too.

  Sure enough, seconds later the bed dipped and Lukas ran his fingers under each of her restraints, before he cupped her pussy.

  “Soaked through, just like I thought, such a fucking turn on, baby.”

  A drawer opened and shut, making her wonder what he was doing. The rip of foil caused her to open her eyes, and she swallowed nervously when she saw him slip the condom on. Not over his cock, as she had been expecting, but over what looked to her like an enormous butt plug. Yet it was nowhere near as thick as his cock.

  “Orange, please, Sir, don’t.”

  Lukas looked up from his task, and her stomach cramped fearing what he must think. He smiled at her, however, and put the plug down on the comforter she was lying on.

  “Good girl for remembering. What has you worried?”

  “I, that is… I’m not sure…. I never… Please, can we not do.” Her gaze darted to the sheathed plug next to his leg, and Lukas lifted it up.

  “Is this what’s worrying you, sweetheart? There is no need. It will help, trust me. It’s designed to stretch you a bit, and…” He paused when she shook her head, and put the plug back down again.

  Jacqui breathed a sigh of relief when he cupped her face, and kissed her nose. The action was so unexpected and gentle in nature it brought tears to her eyes, and she hastily blinked them away.

  “I’m sorry, I’m not ready for that. I can’t see how that would fit, let alone you.” She slid her gaze back down to his sizeable erection, and swallowed hard.

  A groan escaped her when Lukas took his cock in hand and started to slowly bring his hand up and down his shaft. A drop of pearly white liquid appeared at the top of his dick, and he slid his thumb through it to use that moisture as lubrication.

  “I’ll fit, little dove, don’t you worry, but if it worries you I don’t have to claim your ass tonight. We can work up to that slowly, and when you are ready to try. I’ll make it special for you, I promise.”

  Jacqui frowned at his words, even as she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “But, you said, and we only have tonight…”

  She stopped speaking at his soft curse, and took in the sight that was Lukas tearing open another condom packet with his teeth. In a few expert moves, he sheathed himself, and in the next instant he was on top of her. With one ruthless thrust that made her toes curl under with the intensity and speed of his possession, he bottomed out inside of her, and Jacqui couldn’t breathe. Stuffed full of his cock, she gasped for air as her internal muscles struggled to accept him.

  “Relax, breathe, baby, you can do this. You feel fuckin wonderful around my cock. Tight, wet, and mine.”

  His strained words in her ear, as he held still, pitched her need for him higher, and Jacqui made a conscious effort to relax her muscles. A bead of sweat fell off his forehead onto hers, and Jacqui squeezed around his cock. He swore again, and she marveled at the way his cock twitched inside of her. He was in so deep, he nudged her cervix and the slight pain sent a rush of wet heat along his shaft. Lukas pulled out slightly, making Jacqui whimper at the scrape against sensitive tissues that sent darts of needs down to her clit.

  “That’s my girl, I need to move. Tell me that’s okay.”

  The strain in his voice echoed her own desperate need for him to do something, and somehow she managed to voice a faint affirmation.

  “Thank fuck for that.”

  With those heart felt words, he began to move. Gently at first, until Jacqui yanked on her restraints in a desperate bid to touch him, to urge him to go faster.

  Chuckling, Lukas took the hint and upped the speed of his thrusts. Cupping her ass, he lifted her up, enabling him to slide deeper still. Every move scraped against her sweet spot, and in no time at all, Jacqui was hovering on the edge of another release. It shouldn’t be possible. Not after the numerous times she had come already, but when he dipped his head and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, the added stimulation acted like a live wire straight to her clit. Screwing her eyes shut and tipping her head back, Jacqui panted herself through another orgasm so intense she was glad of being tied down, lest she’d have floated away on her cloud of pure ecstasy.

  That should have been a ridiculous notion, but fitted somehow, especially as Lukas lost all restraint and started to fuck her like a madman. Her breasts bounced with the force of his thrusts, the bed banged against the wall, and the wet sounds filling the air around them served to pitch her need higher.

  As did her Sir seemingly riveted by the sight of his fucking her, as confirmed by his next words.

  “If you could see how stretched you are, how tight your eager little cunt grabs my dick. You’re soaking me, baby. Come for me again, now.”

  When he added his thumb to her over sensitized clit, Jacqui screamed as another orgasm shook her body. Not as intense as the last one, it still took her breath away, and seemed to send him, too, over the edge. With a hoarse shout, he stiffened above her, thrust in deep, and stayed there, with his cock twitching inside of her, prolonging her own trembles. Lukas slumped, squashing her into the mattress, yet she didn’t mind one little bit as she waited for her breathing to slow down. After what seemed like an eternity, he lifted himself off her slightly and reaching between them, pulled out of her slowly. Jacqui couldn’t help but wince as swollen, sensitive flesh protested the move. Her pussy clamped down of its own accord seemingly determined to hold onto Lukas’s cock. He caught her whimper of distress in the kiss he gave her, and Jacqui burst into tears.


  Of all the reactions he’d imagined Jacqui to give after they finally made love, not once had she burst into tears in those scenarios. His chest tightened with untold, unfamiliar and if he was honest with himself, downright terrifying emotions.

  It was clear from the mental label he’d given what they’d just done that this woman valiantly trying to stop crying, while she murmured apologies, meant a hell of a lot to him. Fuck knows, why her and why now. Lukas was many things, however, and a fool wasn’t one of them.

  Plenty of time to figure this all out. Right now, my girl needs tending and a heavy dose of reassurance on top, it seems.

  Female tears normally turned him off, unless they were the honest kind in the middle of an intense scene. Too many women of his acquaintance, both in his personal and professional life turned those tears on and off to suit them, to manipulate the men around them.

  Not his little dove, though.

  Murmuring endearments under his breath, he released Jacqui from her restraints, doubly grateful for the quick release nature of his favorite leather cuffs, and he pulled her into a hug.

  It made Jacqui cry harder, and not knowing what else to do, he simply waited for the storm to pass. By the time it did, she had soaked them both with her tears, and when he tipped her tear stained face up to search her expression, she looked exhausted.

  “There now, it’s okay, sweetheart. What brought that on?” he asked.

  “I-I don’t know. It’s just….”

  Jacqui’s trembling words meant he had to kiss her. A whimper escaped her when
he started to kiss her brows, each closing eyelid, and then followed the trails of moisture, until he’d kissed all the remnant of her tears away.

  Jacqui sighed when he finally brushed his lips over her mouth.

  “You’re too good to me.”

  Lukas frowned and pulled away, especially when she pulled her knees up to her chest, effectively hiding herself from view.

  “You’re clearly exhausted, and quite possibly experiencing sub drop, so I’m going to let that inane comment go.” He gentled his voice when her brows drew together, and he cupped her face. “I should have anticipated this. I did push you hard tonight. You need to sleep and regroup for now.”

  Jacqui shook her head and promptly spoiled the notion by yawning. She looked mortally embarrassed and Lukas laughed.

  “Bathroom is through there, if you need to freshen up. I’m gonna get rid of this stuff”—he gestured to the tied-off condom, and discarded butt plug on the floor—“and rustle us up a snack, and some drinks.” He tapped her nose when she looked set to argue, and busied himself undoing the delicate straps on the sandals she still wore.

  “I can do—”

  “No, let me this for you, sweetheart. I don’t want you breaking your neck on the trip to the bathroom. If I thought you’d let get me away with, I’d carry you in there and watch over you while—”

  “No, you can’t.”

  Her strangled sounding and immediate denial made him grin. It was on the tip of his tongue to tease her a little, but she looked so utterly mortified that he resisted that impulse. “I could, but I concede that it might be a bit much for you right now. You’ll come to realize that nothing you do will be ever abhorrent to your Dom. It’s my responsibility to take care of you. You’re mine, after all.”

  Her eyes widened at his words, and in truth Lukas surprised himself by uttering such possessive words. He meant them, however, with every fiber of his being. Judging by the way she dropped her gaze, tensed, and worried her teeth with her bottom lip, she didn’t believe him. Not that he could blame her. His reputation worked against him here. He would just have to show her that he meant what he said.

  Giving her the privacy she so clearly needed, he backed away.

  “Feel free to use any of the toiletries. There’s a spare tooth brush under the sink. I won’t be long.”

  “Okay, thank you.”

  Lukas smiled at her and forced himself to leave the room. By the time he made it back in there, armed with a tray of snacks, and two water bottles, she’d disappeared into the adjacent bathroom. He frowned, when he found the door locked.

  “I’ll be out in a minute. Just thought I’d grab a quick shower.”

  His frown deepened at those words, even as his cock jumped to attention at the thought of a wet and naked Jacqui in his shower.

  “Let me know if you need help scrubbing your back.”

  A thump and a screech, as though she’d dropped something, made him grin.

  “No, that’s quite okay.”

  “Spoilsport. I’ll use the other one. Last one back to the bed, forfeits on the chocolate.”

  Something that sounded suspiciously like her calling him a few names came through the door, and grinning he left her to it to use the spare shower in the guestroom.

  This time when he returned to the bedroom, it was to find Jacqui covered in a towel sitting awkwardly on the side of the bed. Without a scrap of make up now on her face and her damp hair hanging around her face, she looked very young and vulnerable, and Lukas wrapped the towel he was using on his hair around his hips to hide his body’s immediate reaction to her.

  “Hmm, looks like all the chocolate is yours. Scoot up, baby, get in those covers, and let’s eat.”

  His gut churned seeing her hesitate, but eventually she complied. Still cloaked in that oversize towel she got under the covers, and eyed him warily when he joined her. Taking off his towel with one hand, he dropped it by the side of the bed, and opening one of the bottles of water, handed it to his girl.

  “Here, you need to hydrate, and then sleep, after you’ve had some of this.” Breaking off some of the dark chocolate, he waited for her to take several deep swallows of the water, before he placed a strip of the confectionary on her lips. She dutifully opened her mouth and ate it.

  Popping another strip into his own mouth, he made himself comfy and when he patted the space next to him, she eventually scooted lower. She tensed at his grab for the knot of the towel still swaddled around her.

  “You won’t need this. The place is warm and I want to feel you next to me, little dove. I promise I’ll behave myself. No doubt you’re too sore for any more action tonight.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” There was wealth of emotion behind those words, and this time when he yanked on the towel, she helped him to maneuver it off of her. It joined its smaller counterpart on the floor. Lukas kissed her shoulder, and spooned around his girl. His cock twitched against the curve of her ass, and Jacqui gasped.

  “Ignore that, sweetheart. He’s always ready when you’re around.”

  Her shoulder shook as though she was amused, and sure enough when he lifted himself up to his elbow to see her expression, she was grinning at him.

  “And what is so amusing about that, little dove?” he asked.

  When she giggled, he, too, grinned. He so loved that giggle, and that thought brought him up short. Love? Surely not. Then again, what else could he label this intense relief at feeling her relax against him? This almost physical need to keep her close, and to make sure she was all right. Had she been any other woman, he’d be putting her into a taxi round about now, or at the very least, would be making plans to do so in the morning.

  She wasn’t just any woman, though. It was, after all, why he had kept his distance before. Her laughing reply shook him out of those unsettling, if not unwelcome thoughts.

  “You’re making it sound as though that body part has a mind of its own.”

  She screeched when he brought his hands round her waist to tickle her.

  “No, I’m sorry, no tickling, please.”

  Lukas stopped and pulled her closer still, satisfied beyond belief in the trust she exhibited by letting him do so. It seemed whatever had been bothering her had passed, and he wasn’t about to analyze that now. Not when sleep was fast pulling him under too. It had been one hell of a day, after all.

  “Behave yourself then, and as for my cock, it sure seems as though he does have a mind of his very own. Enough of that, however. Time to sleep, little dove.”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  Her half salute made him grin.

  “Minx, you’ll pay for that….”

  * * *

  The distant ring of the phone roused Lukas hours later. It was still dark outside, so fuck only knew who would ring him at this godforsaken early hour and on the weekend to boot. Grunting his annoyance, he pushed away from the soft, fragrant bundle of….

  “What the fuck?”

  Lukas stared from the cushion in his arms to the empty bed, where Jacqui ought to be fast asleep, and the last of his sleepiness vanished instantly. There was a line of cushions in the place his girl ought to be, clearly put there to make him believe he was still cuddled up to her in his sleep.

  He threw the cushion he was still clutching in his hand to the wall in disgust, and his landline stared to ring.

  Someone was sure fucking determined to get hold of him, and if this was a damn nuisance call then, God help them. Stalking away from the bedroom, he snatched the phone of the wall in the hallway.

  “This had better be fucking good. It’s practically the middle of the night.”

  Lance’s amused laughter came down the line, and Lukas barely resisted the urge to not punch the wall.

  “My, we are tetchy. Did she not give out last night, buddy or—”

  “Shut the fuck up, and don’t talk about my girl like that, Lance, or so help me, you’ll need a plastic surgeon once I’m done rearranging your pretty face.”

nce’s whistle down the line stopped Lukas from saying any more, and barely reining in his temper, he glared at his reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall. With his hair sticking up on end, and his morning wood rapidly deflating as the reality of his situation dawned on him he looked like he felt. Thoroughly pissed off. She’d walked out on him, dammit. Why did she do that? How dare she do that?

  “Keep your hair on buddy. It’s not like you to be this territorial. Next you’ll be telling me she’s still there, all nice and cozy tucked up in your bed waiting for you.”

  Lance’s laugh grated on Lukas’s last nerve.

  “That’s none of your fucking business. Why are you ringing me anyway? What’s so damn important that it can’t wait?”

  “You mean, apart from yanking your chain? I take it she is still there then? Doesn’t surprise me. She looked like a cling on. Better let her down gently, and I’ll be very happy to take her off your hands. I’m good at comforting broken hearts, after all—”

  Lukas’s growl stopped his soon to be dead-by-his-very-own-hands business partner and he whistled again.

  “Okay, okay, only saying. Jesus, man, take a joke, will you.”

  “Not when it concerns her, I won’t.”

  There was a long pause down the phone, and this time when Lance spoke he seemed to be choosing his words carefully. “I see. Another one bites the dust? First Jake, now you?”

  His heart gave a painful lurch and he glared back at the door leading to his very empty bedroom. “I don’t know about that. It seems the lady ran out on me.”

  “You what?”

  Lukas rolled his eyes when Lance gave a short laugh. “Laugh all you want, but she’s damn well not here.”

  “Oh, this is priceless. Never thought I see the day when you’re put out by waking up on your own. What did you do to her, apart from the obvious to make her run out on you?”

  Lukas flipped his finger at the phone. “Fucked if I know, man, but I tell you one thing, after this stunt she won’t be able to sit down for a fucking month.”

  “Hah, well, as fun as that sounds, it’ll have to wait. I’ve got a trace on Lewis. That’s why I’m ringing.”


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