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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

Page 66

by Anthology


  Though she barely knew him she sensed this was the typical J.T. Straight, direct and to the point. No romantic words or silver-tongued tricks to get her to follow his orders. There was something about his dominant tone, the way he spoke to her in such a controlling and in charge manner that made her want to do exactly as he said. It wasn't that cocky arrogance that had annoyed her from before. And if she was, to be honest with herself, she'd be able to admit that it was her fear and not really him that made her run away in the first place.

  It had been that same fear that excited her as well. Graham had never made her feel an ounce of passion. Hell, he hadn't even made her feel desirable. To him, she was nothing more than a pretty face to have around and someone that he chose to crawl on top of whenever it suited his mood. Looking back on things with him she couldn't even be sure that she had loved him. At least not in the way that a wife should love a husband.

  It wasn't that he was a horrible person. He was just a typical corporate attorney, like so many others she knew before him. They were driven by their own self-importance and not much more. Maybe that had been why she had always admired her parents. Their love had withstood the test of time and each time they looked at one another she could see how much they meant to the other.

  As a teenager, she would get so mad at them for showing any kind of public display of affection, but as she grew older she came to be in awe of it, almost long for that same kind of connection with someone else.

  Hours later she sat, drumming her fingers along the top of the glass desk. She closed her laptop and stared out at the city. With the dreary overcast, the sun was already beginning to disappear behind the clouds and tall skyscrapers in the distance. Lights began to flood the streets as people scurried to their cars and homes for what would probably be an ordinary night.

  She had different kinds of plans. Her night wouldn’t be run of the mill or simplistic. Though J.T.’s orders may be, she didn’t think that being with him allowed for anything commonplace.

  A ring of the room telephone startled her from her thoughts. She glanced at the time. At just half past three o’clock she still had plenty of time to be ready and she wasn’t expecting anyone. All of her associates from work would’ve emailed or called her on her cell phone.

  As she picked up the receiver she knew there was only one person it could be. “Hello?”

  “Sophia. I trust you’ve slept well?”

  His voice. So sexy and strong. He sounded like smooth whiskey on a cold winter night, inviting and warm.

  “I did.” She cleared her throat. “Thank you for having breakfast delivered.”

  “I wasn’t sure what you liked so I just went with my favorites.”

  “It was perfect. And very sweet.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Listen, Sophia…last night, do you remember what I told you? About my secrets?”

  A ball of nerves knotted up tightly and caught somewhere in her throat. Only a mumbled acknowledgment was all she could muster.

  “I’m going to share them with you tonight.”

  “Why?” she asked the question without even realizing how much she wanted to know the answer.

  “Because you and I are just beginning, my dear.”

  His declaration both excited and scared her. It was crazy to think she could have anything with a man she knew nothing of. Geography alone wouldn’t allow such a relationship. Still, just hearing him say it she found herself believing his every word.

  “What do you mean? I leave tomorrow.”

  “Perhaps. But, tonight I will show you things that will make you see that anything is possible.”

  “J.T. –”

  “Whatever argument you’re about to come up with, just save your breath. You’ll be here at five just like I asked you to be. I want you to wear that dress you had on last night, the one with the tie on in front. But don’t wear anything underneath.”


  “Not a single stitch. Just that dress and those black heels you had on as well. I’ve been thinking all day of finishing what I started in the hallway outside your room. Do you remember? When I had you wet and ready for me?”

  “Oh God. J.T…” her voice trailed off.

  It wasn’t just his voice. It was his words as well. The way he spoke to her. So completely blatant and free with whatever he was thinking. Her pussy quivered at the combination of memory and anticipation.

  “You like that don’t you? No matter how much you may try to fight it. You like hearing about it.”

  “I don’t…” she swallowed against her fear, unsure if she should answer him truthfully or remain the good girl she’d always convinced herself she needed to be.

  “Stop that. Don’t deny it. Not with me. Trust. Remember.”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “Good. Now, I have a few phone calls to make, but I’ll expect you up here at five o’clock sharp. Let yourself in with the key and follow the sound of the music when you enter. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” She whispered her answer, wondering why she felt such a veil of intoxication with him.

  He didn’t say goodbye. The click she heard on the other end told her that their call was over.

  She hung up the receiver and slid her finger along the cool plastic of the phone. The call was over, but she was sure that they weren't. His declaration hadn't been a threat or even a warning. She could tell from his voice. She didn't know how she knew, but she was sure, that what he'd said had been a promise.


  Sophia stepped off of the elevator to the large double doors which led to J.T.’s penthouse. Somehow she’d managed to keep her anticipation under control up until that very moment. As she reached out to place the keycard in its slot she could see her hand trembling. It was a side effect of her nerves that she wasn’t sure she wanted him to see.

  Stepping inside she was pleasantly surprised by the décor of the spacious suite. The size alone was intimidating enough, but seeing that he had a simplistic yet elegant style about him made her feel not quite as overwhelmed as she had been. He had that tendency about him, bringing out all sorts of contradicting emotions that confused and excited her all at the same time.

  There were no lights on in the large foyer she stood in, but she could see an office just in front of her with a large desk with sat in front of a wall of windows. She wondered how often he stayed there that he would require such space and elegance for business. She reminded herself though that it was just more proof that she really knew nothing about this man, and whatever secret he wanted to share had her sitting on the edge of fear and enthusiasm since their phone call.

  With a deep sigh and the few ounces of courage that she’d drummed up from the help of her room’s mini bar, she turned to look down both hallways. The right looked completely dark, all the doors were closed and only a small light from a wall sconce allowed for any illumination at all.

  To her left though she saw something more. While most of the hallway was dark with doors closed just like the other, there was one with the door halfway open. A soft light spilled out onto the marble floors, casting an almost shimmery pattern in the shape of a V. It called to her just like J.T.’s words did. She knew he was waiting there. He’d made it very clear that she wasn’t to be late. The knowledge of this propelled her feet forward on a journey that her body wanted to take more than her mind. It only took her seconds of her heels clicking against the floor until she found herself at the door.

  She hesitated for a moment, but his words quickly silenced any quandaries she had about continuing on. “If you wait a second longer you’re going to be late. Come on in, let me see you.”

  A small smile worked up the corners of her mouth. She liked hearing his voice, liked hearing that he wanted to see her…and more. It excited her. She couldn’t deny it.

  He was standing across the room and had just poured what appeared to be two glasses of whiskey.

  “Hi.” She spoke quietly, her
nerves coming back to the surface.

  He turned around and gave her one of his winning glints of the eyes that told her he liked what he was seeing. “Well, look at you. Is it me? Or are you even more delicious looking than you were the last time I saw you?”

  A blush worked through her cheeks. “Delicious?”

  “Yes.” He came closer and handed her one of the drinks before leaning in for a long yet gentle kiss. “Hasn’t a man ever told you that before?”

  “No.” she laughed.

  “That’s a shame. Because you truly are. Tell me…” he gently tugged at the tie on the front of her dress. “Did you do as I asked?”

  Only able to muster a nod, she replied in silence knowing full well that even if she wanted to leave she wouldn’t be able to. Just as he explained to her, he was in charge. As much as she hated to admit it about herself, just knowing that not only made her feel safe about things, but she didn’t feel as guilty.

  “Uh oh.” He said.


  “You’re doing it again. Your thoughts are somewhere else when you should be sharing them with me.”

  “I…I don’t mean to. It’s just hard for me.”

  “Baby, you haven’t begun to see hard yet.” He winked at her mischievously.

  “That’s a bad line.”

  With a chuckle he replied. “Yeah, I know. But I made you smile again. God, I love your smile.”

  She had been about to thank him for the compliment when she felt his tug become more forceful, and a moment later the cool air of the room covered the front of her naked body. With the silk fabric of her dress sitting just atop her shoulders, the coolness washed across her skin sending tiny goose bumps along her abdomen.

  “Oh yes.” He dipped his head down and licked from her shoulder to her neck and back again before taking a step back and looking at her. “This is what I’m talking about. You’re beautiful. Your curves. The way your breasts hang against your chest. There’s nothing fake or plastic about you. You’re all woman. Every inch of you is this creamy white flesh that I just want to take a swim in and drown.”

  His words, the way he spoke to her. She could already feel her body reacting. Not that excitement hadn’t placed her half way there before, but it was his voice and the blatant way that he shared his thoughts that made her body tingle. Her nipples hardened and she could feel the heat building in her pussy.

  “And that. Fuck.” He rubbed at his crotch and showed her the outline of his cock. “Watching your face change when I talk to you, nothing gets me harder.”

  Her eyes widened when he said it and instantly he must have caught his faux paus because he was quick to correct himself.

  “Okay, well I wouldn’t say nothing. But you have to know how incredible you are. I mean shit. I’ve been semi hard all day just thinking about tonight. Are you ready?”


  “For my secret. The one I wanted to share with you?”

  “Yes. I mean, I think so.”

  “Good. That’s my sweet, Sophia.”

  He set his glass down after taking a drink. Walking toward her he pulled his shirt over his head and revealed that same sinewy chest she’d slept with the night before. She’d been in a haze from her orgasm but she still remembered how good it had felt to curl up beside him. The light sprinkling of his dark hair against his olive skin looked like heaven. He was hard and still soft and comforting. Maybe that was her pull with him. Maybe she would never know. What seemed to matter most was that he knew her. How he did she had no idea, but he’d figured out a way to read her and know what she wanted most. Admitting it to herself and allowing that part of her to be free was harder than anything.

  “Mmm. What am I going to do with you?”

  “You could kiss me.” She answered.

  “If I have to kiss you every time you get that distant look on your face, then a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. But I really wish you’d start trusting that you can share your thoughts instead of internalizing them all the time.”

  “Please understand. This is all so new to me. I told you. I don’t do this sort of thing. And, I’ve never really been open with a man before.”

  “Hmm…well, I’d say it’s about time you start. Because this isn’t over with us. I told you that.”

  With a gentle push of her dress, he pushed it off of her shoulders and onto the floor. She was now completely exposed with nothing more than black heels on and the blush of her cheeks.

  “Tell me.”

  “Tell you what?” she asked.

  “Tell me your thoughts. Tell me why you drift off like that.”

  “I just…I don’t know. I guess I’m confused.” She lifted her glass, needing a shot of whatever that golden liquid was to cure her nerves.

  “Go on.” He whispered in her ear while leaning in to kiss her neck.

  His actions were soft, almost deliberate as he tried to coax her to open up even further. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, more than she wasn’t even sure what to say.

  “It’s not that I’ve never done this. I mean I haven’t. That part is true. But, I grew up in a family where I was this good little girl for my parents. I was the quintessential perfect child. Good grades, honor role, cheerleader, student government. I didn’t even have sex until I was in my senior year of college.”

  “Uh huh. Go on.”

  For some reason she’d expected him to be surprised by that announcement, but instead he kept his attentions on kissing her. He was breaking her. She knew it, and he knew it too. He was damn good at distracting her and letting it all spill out.

  “Well, I guess you could say that by the time I did become sexually active I wasn’t active. I mean, I was there but it wasn’t like…well, like it is with you.”

  “You mean fucking fantastic?”

  She smiled and looked up at his sexy grin. “Yes.”

  “You know that it takes two, right? You know that it couldn’t be fantastic unless you were so fucking incredible.” He kissed her lips and took the glass out of her hand before pulling her to follow him. “Come with me.”

  She took his hand, walking across the room to a small table which was covered with a velvet cloth. It wasn’t until then that she noticed the four poster bed sitting off in the corner. Each of the corners held some sort of tying fabric which looked like they were securely fastened. In that moment she had the instinctual feeling that whatever his secret was, it wasn’t going to be quite as scary as she’d first thought.

  “Go on, lift up it up.” He motioned toward the velvet cover.

  She did as he asked and her heart skipped a beat when she saw what was laid out before her. A small, albeit variety of sexual toys were spread there for her to take in while he stared at her, waiting for a reaction.

  “Do you know what these are?” He asked.

  “Some of them. Well most. But, I think I get the idea what they’re all used for.”

  She didn’t want to admit that the small vibrator on the very end was one that she’d kept in her nightstand until its untimely passing due to burn out after two years of a very good partnership.

  “When I told you that we weren’t finished, I meant that. There’s a lot I want to show you. But for tonight, I just want you to see a little bit of who I am. Do you understand?”

  “So, you’re what they call a dominant?”

  “I am. And you, my sweet, sexy, and delicious Sophia I’d like to be my submissive.”


  Her surprised shocked even her. There was no question that he was dominant by nature and in sex. Even in his personality he exuded it. Still actually hearing those words and that he wanted her hit a nerve she didn’t know she still had.

  “Why me?”

  “Why not you? You’re incredible. Have I not shown you from day one just how much you excite me?”

  “You excite me too.” The admission came out on a whisper as images of being tied to that bed and being what he wanted flooded her mind.<
br />
  “You’re doing it again. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “You’re scared of what? Me again? Or telling me?”

  “Telling you.” She shook her head. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me. I believe that.”

  “Good. Then we’re making progress.”

  “We are?”

  She hated feeling so conflicted and confused. At any given moment he could turn her into a virgin all over again who had no idea what to do or say.

  “Yes. Unless, you don’t let us continue.”

  “No. I want to. I mean…I want to try.”

  He cocked his brow up at her. “You mean you want to try this? Being my submissive?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  Lifting his hands, he cupped her face gently and looked her in the eyes. “We have all night. I’m not trying to rush you.”

  “I know. But I know me. And I know how my mind works. If I think anymore…I don’t know. I just want to feel J.T.”

  “I think that’s the first honest thing you’ve said to me willingly.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  “Okay. So you tell me. What do you want to try? What do you want?”

  She looked up at him nervously. With a lick and bite of her lower lip she glanced her eyes over toward the bed. Willing herself to speak she tried to say the words, but nothing came out. Her heart was pounding, her pulse racing and the more she thought of it the more excitement overcame her. She was ready. She wanted to try this. She wanted him.

  “No. Not with your eyes. Say it. Use your words.” he ordered.

  “J.T. please…” her voice trailed off.

  “Do you think I can’t tell how turned on you are? I know you want something. Just tell me, baby. Stop thinking that you can’t tell a man what you want, what you need. You’re a beautiful, fucking amazing woman. So tell me. Tell me what you want, what your body wants. Tell me.”

  With his final words he reached his hand down and slipped them in between the slick folds of her pussy. That finger against her clit was all the encouragement she needed. Her pleading request spilled out of her just as quickly as her orgasm did.


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