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Nectar: DD Prince

Page 3

by Prince, DD

  She swallowed and then continued, talking very quickly, “and I won’t tell anyone that I was abducted and held by a vampire. I don’t have to die. You don’t have to kill me.”

  He stared at her thoughtfully.

  “But,” she added, “Even if I did say anything, which I wouldn’t, but even if I did people would just think I’m crazy.” She laughed nervously, “Vampires? Cra-aazy” She threw her arms up in the air animatedly and then drew air circles around her ears, “No complications.”

  He snickered, leaned back, giving her more space but not letting go of her hair, and then said, “No complications.” He pursed his lips and fingered the cleft on his chin with his index finger.

  He really did have a very chiseled, rugged, sexy face.

  Forget the face, Kyla! She exhaled, feeling hopeful.

  “Nice sales technique,” he said.

  “Survivor,” she replied, with conviction.

  “Noted. But there’s a problem.” He leaned forward and started to pull that fist that held her hair toward him slowly so that she had no choice but to rise up until her back arched and she had to support herself on her elbows. He stopped when their mouths were just centimetres apart.

  Kyla wished her heart would slow down. It was beating so wildly it was actually painful, bruising her chest, echoing in her ears.

  She shook her head as if to ask, “What?”

  He took a whiff of her hair on his fist and then in a sexy deep voice he said, “I’m dying to find out what a feisty little firecracker like you tastes like.”

  He let go of her ponytail and she dropped back onto the pillows.

  Her stomach clenched and her knees went to jelly. The scent coming off him was sweet, desserty, mouth-watering, and it washed over her. Her breath hitched and she decided that it was a good thing she was horizontal.

  Wait, what? No; horizontal was bad, very bad.

  She tried to rise up. He stopped her with a gentle push on her shoulder. How could she be so petrified and feel so, so… what? Turned on? Was his mesmerizing thing starting to work? Weren’t vampires inherently designed to have powers of seduction? This guy’s voice, his aroma, his demeanour…the whole package was laced with sex. What on earth was sexy, though, about biting her and then tasting her blood?

  “You see,” he continued, “You’ve piqued my curiosity. I got a whiff of you and you smell delicious.”

  She pushed ‘So do you’ out of her head --- well, tried to. She caught a whiff of jelly donuts or something, something with powdered sugar and berries. He must be messing with her senses. Plus she’d forgotten to eat today so she was probably just starving.

  “So,” he moved forward and grabbed her hand, “We’ll see what happens” He rubbed his thumb across her fingers and then touched his lips and the tip of his tongue to the back of her hand. She felt fiery inside. His eyes were dancing with flirtatiousness; his hands were strong and warm. So were his lips. She frowned. Weren’t vampires supposed to be cold?

  He continued, “So…we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You could co-operate or you could not co-operate and then…then I get to have some real fun.” He smiled, flashing fangs at her quickly. They quickly disappeared. He kissed her knuckle. She gasped and snatched her hand back.

  He seemed suitably impressed with his ability to make her gasp.

  “Either way,” he shrugged, “Same result. You see, delicious-smelling Kyla Spencer, you were brought to me tonight as a gift. It’s a special night. Kinda like an anniversary and it’s also my birthday. And I just got some big news. So there are a few reasons to celebrate. This…” his eyes swept over her, “is how I celebrate.” He was looking at her expectantly, a smile playing on his lips and a gleam in his eye.

  “Uh, Happy Birthday,” she said after a long silence. It was almost a question.

  He smiled, “Indeed. Thanks to you. And it’d be rude of me to refuse a gift that was chosen especially for me, don’t you think? So. Now. How’s this thing gonna go? Easy or hard?” He winked, looked slowly and hungrily up and down her body and then drummed his fingers on his cheek.

  She didn’t know what to do. Should she try to pretend to be under his spell? Should she cooperate to move things along and hope that he’d let her go? He let go of her ponytail and folded his arms. How do I stay alive?

  “Try hypnotizing me again,” she used her phone sex operator voice, a voice she and her old high school friends had tried on for jokes on more than one occasion, the voice she used when she was dealing with a douchebag at the bar and was about to knock him down a few pegs. “Try harder. Maybe it’ll work. Then you won’t have to hurt me. Easy peasy. We’ll both get what we want in the end.”

  “Hmmm.” He leaned forward and stared deep into her eyes, making her tingle all over. She could barely breathe while he was staring at her like this. She could feel something magnetic in his eyes, like it was pulling her in. She still had her faculties but couldn’t deny that there was a pull happening. He smelled so fucking good.

  “Did it work?” He looked thoroughly amused, “Are you ready to be my birthday present?”

  “Yeah,” she breathed, “What would you like me to be for your birthday?” It sounded so awkward coming out of her mouth, even in her phone sex voice. She wished she could snatch it back. This wouldn’t work. Kyla knew that unless it was a prank call she sucked at lying. Because she sucked at lying she couldn’t play poker, couldn’t fool anybody --- not in person when they could see her eyes, which were an open book that showed her true emotions. Everything she felt became evident in her eyes. Another reason to avoid emotion. Heat rose in her cheeks.

  He rolled his eyes, clearly cognisant of her botched attempt at pretending, and leaned in and flicked the nape of her neck with his tongue. She shuddered.

  Then he looked thoughtful for a moment, “Hmm, I get easy peasy every day. I don’t want that. I know what I do want; be yourself. But…” he licked his lips and then leaned so close his lips were almost touching hers, “I want you to scream my name when you come.”

  Her chin might as well have hit the floor. She gaped at him, gobsmacked, and surrounded by the scent of fresh strawberries dipped in melty chocolate.

  “It’s Tristan,” he added, looking pleased with the effect of that line on her.

  Nope, she couldn’t fake the trance thing. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t just lay there while this man, err monster, had sex with her and then drank her blood.

  “This is so not happening,” she said and then she tried to get up. He caught her arm and then pinned her to the bed.

  Suddenly he was on top of her and he had her face in his hands. He searched her eyes, his breathing was heavy, his look carnal, “Oh, it so is. You are quite a birthday present. I guess this is gonna to be hard then, is it? I get the impression you like to do things the hard way. I’m okay with that. It’s a nice change.”

  He’d rotated his hips each time he said the word hard, grinding his crotch into her, showing her he was more than prepared for hard, and then he rubbed his thumb across her lower lip and leaned in close and sucked on it for a beat, "See? Hard already.”

  “No!” she cried out, pulling her bottom lip back in and turning her head away, “Don’t rape me.” She hoped to startle him with her words so he’d stop and reconsider. She ignored the fact that her lips and, in fact, her whole body were tingling.

  He seemed to be taken aback but not enough to move out of her personal space, “I’ve never had to rape. It’s always very consensual. Be open to this. You’d might as well since you’re not going anywhere for the moment. I’m good at it…promise.” The tip of his nose was in the crook of her neck now.

  “If they’re hypnotized it’s not consensual, you asshole!” she spat.

  He leaned back a little and laughed, “I suppose that’s true…Never thought of it that way.”

  “I’m, I’m a virgin. Please don’t do this to me,” she lied.

  He scoffed, “I wish. But not likely.”
  She frantically searched her brain for a reply, having trouble concentrating due to his close proximity, the feel of his warm breath on her, the sweet scent of him filling her nostrils, and the fear that pulsed in her veins.

  “Pretty sure you’re not,” he said. Goose bumps rose on her skin.

  “I can tell by the way your body is responding to me,” he continued, “Even though you’re not mesmerized, you are responding to me. Nice to know I’ve still got it.”

  He inhaled deeply, like he smelled a burnt offering in the air, burnt especially for him, “And, even if you were a virgin, what makes you think that would make a difference? I’m an evil vampire. We don’t ask; we take. We eat virgins for breakfast, or haven’t you heard?” He ran his palm up her arm and then caught her breast in his hand.

  Kyla clenched her teeth, “So, you’re okay with being a rapist?” She tried to shrug him off her chest.

  He grabbed her arm firmly with the other hand, “Totally. And I’m tired of talking about this. Let’s shut you up, shall we? This is gonna happen. There’s no way I’m not tasting you and my favourite way to feed is while I fuck.” The way he said that made the tingling in her body rev up an octave.

  “I can’t wait any longer. You’re making my mouth water, little firecracker.”

  He sniffed the air again, “But I think we both know you’re primed and ready for me. I smell it. I don’t think it’s going to have to be rape.” He leaned in, his lips parted and he was about to kiss her. She squirmed and tried to pull away but was quickly pinned beneath him.

  “Wait,” she pleaded, heart hammering against her chest.

  “Wait? For what?” he leaned back and looked down at her, looking highly amused.

  “Just taste then; no raping. Don’t kiss me.” She offered her wrist, “Drink some and let me go.” She squeezed her eyes shut for a beat but then opened them and stared at him, waiting, but braced.

  He looked reflective for a moment. He was hovering over her, balancing in a push-up stance as she lay against the pillows. His breath felt like it was getting hotter on her neck and Kyla was acutely aware of it. Her body was tingling. Her eyes travelled as much of the length of his body as she could make out from this position. She gave her head a quick shake, trying to shake it off. Suddenly she was breathless. Her chest was heaving.

  No, no way was she going to fall for his voodoo Love Potion Number 9 vampire charm. She took a breath and exhaled slowly.

  He smiled at her, “So you think if you let me bite your wrist you can just leave? And no kissing?”

  “I won’t tell anyone,” she whispered, staring right in his eyes. She meant it. What an arrogant asshole! She just wanted the heck out of there. She’d probably wonder every time she saw a gorgeous man for the rest of her life if he was actually a vampire but she’d have no problem taking this secret to her grave if it meant she didn’t have to be put in an early one herself.

  He swallowed slowly and frowned, seeming unnerved by her direct stare, her words, something. She took the opportunity to continue, holding his gaze firmly with hers, “Let me go and we can forget all about this. I promise; it’ll be just like you hypnotized me. I won’t breathe a word. To anyone. Okay?”

  Damn, how are his eyes so blue, so bright? What was that saying? Beware of boys with eyes of brown, they’ll kiss you once and turn you down. Beware of boys with eyes of blue; they’ll kiss you once and ask for two.

  He leaned down and inhaled at her throat again, the tip of his nose touching her skin. Before she could recoil he took the proffered wrist in his hand and took a deep inhale. Kyla winced and waited. Before she knew it her arms were pinned above her head and he was nibbling on her chin.

  “No deal.”

  She let out a little gasp of frustration. She tried but couldn’t pull away, he was too strong and there was nowhere to go; she was totally pinned. His scent hit her like a wall. A wall of warm fudge drizzled over melting ice cream. Her body weakened.

  His non-elongated teeth were on her chin, then he touched her chin with his lips, they were strong but soft. His lips moved up her chin slowly to her mouth and then his tongue slowly and skillfully parted her lips. Her brain told her body to thrash but it didn’t move. She just laid there with her lips slightly parted, shallow breaths taking over, heart thumping hard against her chest wall, and then she felt his tongue dip deep, she also felt his crotch grind against hers. Fuck. He was hard and that grinding action hit her in just the right spot. His lips moved back down to her chin and he nibbled again, hot breath tickling her neck. A moan escaped her mouth and she was shocked to hear it.

  Then he stared into her eyes and then his lips touched hers again, very softly. As his tongue invaded her lips and stroked hers again she felt a tingling in her toes and on the roof of her mouth. Now she could taste his scent and it was just as delicious as it smelled, like dessert. He closed his eyes briefly, took in a big breath and then exhaled slowly and softly.

  His long eyelashes caressed her cheek, creating flutters in her belly, and he looked into her eyes again, and then, suddenly, her body turned traitorous. He felt so good. He tasted like strawberry shortcake at first and then like a hot fudge sundae. His hair looked so soft, his body, hard, his lips felt both soft and firm at the same time, and she was totally melting into him like one hot gooey mess. Her lips parted and her tongue darted out to lick his upper lip. He let go of her wrists and ran his hands up and down her arms. Then, her fingers were in his hair, which was even softer than it looked, and her pelvis tilted to meet his.

  He moaned in her mouth, “Mmmm, good girl.” She let out a little whimper as her brain started to register what was happening but it was almost like having an out of body experience. Was he controlling her? Why was she not fighting back? Why did he taste so good? She made an exasperated sound and use of her arms returned, somehow so she shoved at his chest, trying to push him off.

  “Do you want to fight me, Kyla? Go ahead and fight. I like it,” he challenged, seeming to read her thoughts. When he said her name he made it sound like a dirty word.

  He grabbed her hips and suddenly she was flipped so that she was on top of him. He held onto her bottom with both hands and flexed his arms, pulling her into his crotch. Given that her skirt was hiked up there was only a very thin piece of lace between her crotch and his bulge.

  She shook her head to protest and breathed, “No.” She was hyperventilating and her body was scorching hot, like she had a fever. She tried to scramble off but he had her firmly in his clutches. She saw his arm and pectoral muscles ripple as he tightened his grip.

  His mouth quirked up into a smile, “These green eyes. They might be mesmerizing me. I don’t think a girl has ever looked at me the way you do. Or kissed me back with so much passion.”

  She felt woozy. She placed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. His shoulders and biceps were solid and she gripped them tight, starting to feel like her veins were on fire, too. Fire everywhere! Her skin, her mouth, her veins, and her panties. Holy fuck… the panties. She knew she was wet down there; it was hot and fluid inside the flimsy piece of lace, even hotter than the rest of her.

  “Do you know how long it’s been since I felt a touch that’s not robotic, looked into eyes of a woman that aren’t vacant?” he continued, shaking his head in astonishment.

  She realized she wasn’t just using his shoulders for balance, she was gripping them. She let go.

  “Wondering what’s happening, Kyla? I’ll tell you. You’re ripe and ready for me. Your body is responding to me even if your brain is fighting me. Will you surrender now or do you wanna fight with me some more first? I don’t mind. It makes for a nice change, little bit of extra foreplay, yeah? Let’s play…” he let out a chuckle and flipped her back over so that he was on top once again. “Happy birthday to meeee,” he sang melodically and then let go and gripped his shirt behind his neck and then pulled it over his head and tossed it to the side.

  His chest. Wow.

is upper body was beautifully sculpted; it was ripped, cut with defined muscles. A rush of air left Kyla’s lungs. He nuzzled into her throat and then started to trail kisses down her shoulder and moved slowly all the way down to her hips. She was frozen in place and her temperature was steadily rising. Now he smelled like birthday cake. Her mind was playing tricks on her; it had to be.

  She regained feeling in her legs and tried to buck him off but he grabbed her hips and then slid down so that his chin was nestled right between her legs. She could feel his hot breath on her and just like that she was immobile again. His mouth was directly on the thin piece of lace and he was looking up at her.

  She wasn’t pinned any longer but despite her brain sending off orders for her to fight, her arms and legs again felt like lead. Heat continued to pool and pulse between her legs as he stared directly into her eyes, her soul, even. His eyes held hers captive. She felt another whoosh of moisture in her panties.

  He hooked his thumbs into the lace at her hips and ripped them off in a quick snatching motion. She heard the fabric tear before he tossed it to the floor.

  “Mm,” he moaned, looking down at her most private parts and caught his lower lip between his teeth. She was immobile and mortified; she couldn’t even swallow.

  He spread her legs wide and then buried his face into her and when she felt his tongue slowly and lavishly lick her like she was an ice cream cone. Kyla couldn’t form a coherent thought. He stretched her folds open with his thumbs and then his tongue purposefully travelled from deep within her opening, upward to her clit. She clenched, arched her back, and a primal sound escaped her lips as his tongue found the mark.

  He lifted his head and licked his lips and his expression changed from smugness to accusation. But she didn’t know what he was accusing her of.

  “What the?” he asked and then without finishing his question his head lowered and his fingers dug into her hips almost painfully and then he started to do things with his tongue that she couldn’t have even fathomed in her bluest fantasies. He moaned as he devoured her with his mouth, sucking, twirling his tongue, inserting it, and then pushing hard, lapping up to her clit, slowly, then picking up tempo, then slowly again. A finger pushed inside of her and twirled around a spot inside with a zillion nerve endings that she’d never even known she had.


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