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Nectar: DD Prince

Page 23

by Prince, DD

  “Now it’s you who ain’t whistlin’ Dixie,” she said, wide-eyed.

  “Blood, sex, and exercise fuel me. But there was always a missing ingredient. I found it. It’s you.”

  Um, swoon.

  His phone rang from his jean shorts pocket, “Just a minute,” he said, smiling, answered it, and re-entered the house.

  The sun let up and she stopped squinting. Kyla sat, pondering what he’d told her so far. The eye colour thing spoke volumes about why she had been brought here. She’d often gotten compliments on the vivid green of her eyes. That, alone, must have been what made Sam and Joe bring her here to him. If her eyes had been brown or blue or she’d been wearing sunglasses when she met Joe and Sam she’d never have met Tristan. If she were a red head or a blonde, she’d be back in her ‘not much of a’ life right now. And the sexual appetite thing? She’d probably had more sex with him in the past week than she’d had altogether ever. And even if not, the quality of the sex with him compared to before him… she’d might as well have tagged him as having taken her virginity because sex before Tristan was now rendered completely inconsequential.

  She heard shouting inside. Whoever he was on the phone with was getting seriously told off. The sound of his anger reverberated against the windows and Kyla’s blood chilled at the sight of him when he came out. He sat down across the table from her, then exhaled loudly.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The blood disappeared from the lab.”

  “Uh, what?”

  “It’s been missing since yesterday and I’m just finding out about it now. Fuck!” His fist slammed on the table.

  She walked over to him, wanting to comfort him or to get comfort from him, probably both. Before she fully reached him, he pulled her into his lap and buried his face into her neck.

  “Kyla, I am not a good guy. And I’m near the top of a ladder of a whole bunch of other bad guys that will be here in two days, under my roof, under the same roof as you. I think someone knows about you and if Joe or Sam said anything to anyone it’ll be seen as a weakness which means danger. Please help keep you safe. Please, please cooperate. I can’t lose you,” his voice was hoarse. His phone made a text alert and he glanced at it, “I think we’d better get you back upstairs.”

  Her heart sank, “Do you think the blood tests reveal something about my blood? About our connection?”

  “Maybe. Just the fact that I’m having our blood tested together is enough to raise eyebrows. I thought I was dealing with people I could trust but evidently there’s someone in my inner circle who isn’t loyal. And if word has gotten out about me having trouble mesmerizing… I can’t be seen as weak…I don’t know if that’s related to the connection or what. Nothing I’ve heard about the legends says anything about lack of entrancing. I’ve gone out and seen that I can still influence people, so it’s, it’s…inexplicable so far. I’ve done a bit of research and wish that I’d known what I know now before I sent that blood off. I’d never have done it.”

  She hated how she felt; helpless. Kyla didn’t want to be a helpless female. She had never ever wanted that. Right now that’s exactly how she felt. Bad guy? Yes, it was a bad guy who had her that first night and a bad guy she had faced more than once; but now? He didn’t seem like a bad guy at all. He said he was changing and she believed it. They walked back upstairs, hand in hand. She had more questions for him, about vampire origins, about whether or not there were other mythical creatures in plain sight, and more but once they were inside the bedroom she could feel something palpable between them. She launched herself at him and grabbed his face and began kissing him hungrily. He responded, backing her up to the bed until she lay down and then he crawled on top of her.

  “Wait. Talk to me about your plan,” she said, breathless between kisses, trying to put her hands on his chest, to stop him.

  “Hey, you started this,” he chuckled, then undid the straps around her neck, “Who has the insatiable sexual appetite, anyway?”

  “Definitely you,” she smirked, “But I need to know what to expect, what to do. I can’t just sit idle, Tristan. It goes against my grain.”

  His mouth found her nipple, “Okay, but later. Right now there’s nothing but this, okay?”

  She hooked her legs around his waist and was once again reduced to a bundle of nerves that pulsed and jolted at his electric touch. She couldn’t wait for him to bite her. A few days ago it was the part of the sex that freaked her out. Now, it was essential as part of their dance. She was glad he had self-control because even when she felt lightheaded, like he’d taken a little bit too much, she wasn’t even asking him to stop. Her crotch ached from all the sex but she didn’t care.

  And she enjoyed the chemical reaction that happened when he drank from her, the euphoric feeling when she could feel as well as see how he felt about her. She could feel his emotions, his passion, and each time it burned deeper, like she was feeling him transform from angry vampire monster to sweet and loving boyfriend. The way it felt combined with how much he enjoyed it sent her into the ether.

  It would be so easy to get lost in a moment and then slip into an endless sleep because she’d let him take every last drop. The best part, even beyond the orgasms, was the way he looked at her. She got so lost in those eyes. Everything else melted away. Her past --- the painful life before him. After 20 years of constantly pushing pain away and keeping people at arms’ length it suddenly wasn’t a struggle to not think about those things anymore because now they just didn’t matter.

  For the first time all there was, all that mattered, was right now and was the two of them. She thought about her ex for a fraction of a second. What happened to him would always hurt but what she had with Tristan already trumped whatever she’d had with Jackson --- by miles, by light years even.

  Tristan’s dimpled smile, his gorgeous eyes, his strength, his sweetness, his passion --- it was sweeping her off her feet in a big way. He was so attentive and so affectionate. As she laid there in his arms after making love she listened to his heart beating and it occurred to her that this time they spent in one another’s arms was ethereal.

  The stark reality wasn’t so pretty and maybe that’s why she kept reveling in the time together in bed because that’s where no one else existed. She knew they were sinking into an abyss of mutual addiction and the harsh reality was that others might be on the cusp of bursting their bubble. She was sure that this little love nest was temporary and that they couldn’t keep the world shut out forever. It’d probably all come to a head at some point, somehow. How could it not?

  Tristan’s cell phone let out another text alert. She looked up at him and he was deep in thought and didn’t make a move for the phone. When he caught her glancing at him he flashed dimples and kissed her forehead. He pulled her back closer to him and rubbed her back. She could sense that he needed to just hold her, not talk, not answer any questions. It was obvious that his mind was hard at work, sorting through their predicament. She reached for the remote and flicked on the TV.

  He squeezed her tightly, like he appreciated the move. She stayed cuddled up to him with her head on his chest and flicked through the channels until she stopped on a channel with a line of Irish dancers dancing gaily with their upper halves stoic and their bottom halves bouncing and kicking to the music.

  She’d left it on for a few minutes, watching it intently while listening to his heartbeat. Finally, she felt his chest jiggle with laughter.

  She looked up at him,

  “What on earth are you watching?” he asked her.

  She shrugged, “River dancing. What?”

  He chuckled louder. His cell phone let out another text alert.

  “Hey, river dancing is fricking awesome!” she defended.

  “You’re crazy. They just move their legs. They look ridiculous.”

  “Shup. It’s awesome,” she swatted at his chest and focused intently on the screen.

  His phone started ringing. He ignored it, grabbed her
, and rolled, pinning her arms above her head, laying on top of her, staring deep into her eyes.

  “Hey, you’re making me miss it. Get off!” she laughed.

  “Oh, I’ll get off alright…” he had a devious gleam.

  “You’re a horn dog,” she tried to peer around him so she could see the TV but he caught her face with a palm at the jaw and gave a little squeeze until her eyes met his. He locked them there. Kyla swallowed hard.

  He opened his mouth and stopped, thoughtful for a second, then said, “It’s only been, what, a week and a half? But I’ve never felt like this. Nothing close to this. I think it’s love. I’ve fallen in love with you. Madly.”

  The earth might as well have dropped out from underneath her. She grabbed his arms, steadying herself. Her eyes were wide with alarm. His eyes were on her and they were heated.

  There was a loud and aggressive knock on the bedroom door. Tristan glanced in the direction of the door and then blew his hair up out of his eyes, “Fuck.” He got up and walked to the door.

  Kyla’s heart was thudding wildly in her chest. The bed suddenly felt huge, like an island. He opened the door, stepped out into the hall, then shut it.


  He was gone for what seemed like a long time. She found an unopened bottle of water, guzzled it back despite it being tepid, fingers trembling. She took a few deep breaths and then stepped out onto the balcony, inhaling the fresh air deeply. It felt and smelled like rain was coming. The sky was dark and she could see the clouds picking up pace. It felt foreboding to her. She heard a slam.

  She spun around and saw him back in the bedroom. She rushed in.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He was clearly angry and his expression was almost menacing. He was pacing and looking around the room, his eyes half crazed. Thunder crackled and the rain came in sheets down the windows. It was very apt weather, considering his state of mind. A thunder clap almost sent her into his arms, much like Shaggy would jump into Scooby Doo’s arms.


  The thunder hadn’t fazed him but he snapped out of his trance at the sound of his name and his face softened. He swallowed hard.

  ”Sit,” he said.


  “I already told you that the day after tomorrow this house will be full of vampires. Word has gotten around that I’ve taken on a pet and so now I’ll have to have you out for an appearance. It’ll look suspicious if I don’t to people, particularly people I’m now highly suspicious of.”

  “Pet?” she stared incredulously at him.

  “I was just interrupted for an urgent call from Claudio. He’s the top of that ladder I told you about. He needed to go over a few things with me but at the end of the conversation he told me he looks forward to meeting you.”

  “Oh fuck.” Kyla was gripped by fear, “Pet?” She repeated, feeling insulted.


  “Has someone else found out I’m not under your spell?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. It might not be a coincidence that the blood is missing and now suddenly there’s buzz about you and for buzz to get to Claudio...” He let out a deep breath and shook his head.


  “Not likely. Joe has no access to Claudio.”

  Kyla felt sick. She flattened her hand against her chest and gulped.

  “What’ll happen? What’ll he do?”

  “Just set eyes on you. It didn’t sound like a big deal to him. He thinks it’s pragmatic to take on one or more pets and said he looks forward to seeing the woman that has finally caught my eye and I’m just concerned about who brought this to his attention. What the fuck?” Tristan jumped up and headed to the door, “I’ll be back.”

  She felt sick inside. For a nanosecond she wanted to run. She wanted to run hard and run fast and get as far away from this place as she could. But she couldn’t. She wouldn’t. She wasn’t prepared to jeopardize the fact that they were still putting things together after she’d run, still figuring things out.

  Everything was so new, so fresh, so butterfly-filled. She wouldn’t be able to bring herself to willingly hurt their connection by hurting him. Not after last time when she’d tried to run. She couldn’t bear to see pain in his eyes again, couldn’t risk ruining this thing between them. Couldn’t bear to never feel him again.

  He loves me. He’ll protect me. She shuddered.

  He loves me? Never in her life had she given anyone carte blanche trust like this. More signs he was as much a drug to her as she was to him. She’d learned, through circumstances that you had to take care of yourself. But here she was, surrendering power to him, hoping that he would be able to protect her. She still knew so little about him, so little about this bond they had.

  What would it be like to be smack dab in the midst of a coven of vampires, evil vampires? Tristan had said they were ‘bad guys’. Under normal circumstances this would be scary enough but to have to fake some sort of trance? Is that what she’d have to do? She didn’t think she was capable and if she couldn’t pull it off what would the consequences be?


  Tristan returned several hours later. He looked like a man on a mission. He climbed into bed, where she was sitting.

  “Hi.” He looked focused.

  “Hi. Any luck?” she asked. She’d been reading a book, well, trying to. She was having major trouble focusing.

  “Not yet. But from here on in anyone who you come into contact with needs to believe that you’re mesmerized. There’s a pack mentality and if someone is deemed to be weak, they’re taken out. I can’t be seen as weak. I won’t be. There are at least a few vampires who would love to have my position and an unlimited number of vampires who’d love to have you, if they knew about your blood. You need to appear to be totally under my thumb. You need to follow my lead and do what I say, no questions asked. Others who see you should not even notice you. If you behave the right way, they won’t. Okay?”

  “What do I have to do? What exactly?”

  “When you’re in the presence of others, just do what I say. Don’t hesitate. Don’t question anything. No matter what I ask you to do. You’ll sit at my side. You won’t look anyone else in the eye unless they speak to you. Then look, but blankly. Vacant, remember? You can’t react negatively, no matter what you hear and no matter what you see. No matter what I say or do. If you do, it could be bad; very bad. I’ll try to make things as simple as possible, to minimize risk. The boss won’t be there Friday night so it’s just colleagues you’ll have to see then. Saturday you’ll meet him briefly.”

  Panic rose in her, “I’m a terrible actress, Tristan. I’m like -- the worst poker player ever. Ever.”

  He put both hands reassuringly on her shoulders and gave a gentle squeeze, “You can do this. I’ll bring you out for just a little while Friday, I’m doing a masquerade party so that’ll hide your expressive eyes, mute the reactions a little. It’ll be loud and noisy. We’ll mingle and maybe have a dance or two and then you’ll be back up here.”

  She furrowed her brow and whispered, “Okay.”



  “I told you that there’s a change in me…”


  “I have to hide that when I’m with them. I may seem different to you. Sam said I don’t seem myself. Joe is acting suspicious. I need to try to hide the change in me.”

  The monster? The silence between them seemed to stretch. The flight or fight response was rising in her, it was hard to push back down, she’d had it as part of herself for so long.

  “Don’t,” he said.

  She felt like she was about to fall apart.

  “No.” His voice was wary.

  She looked at him defensively, “No what?”

  “I feel it. You wanna run.” She’d seen a lot in his eyes so far but never expected to see fear there and that’s what she now saw.

  She shook her head, “I won’t.” She reached out and touched his cheek
. He leaned into her touch.

  “I’ll protect you. I promise you that.” He looked serious, deadly serious. He grabbed her free hand and pulled her closer. She decided to believe him. She had to put her trust in this man that she’d just met less than 2 weeks ago, this man who had kept her after his friends kidnapped her and presented her bound and gagged to him as a gift. This man who had taken her body, her blood, her freedom…but who had now said he thought he loved her was going to keep her safe. Life sure took some unexpected turns.

  “I think maybe I shouldn’t feed,” he let go of her and started to pace, “I think maybe it’ll help me be more like…more like what they’re used to.”

  “Tristan…” she could see how conflicted he was.

  “I know. I’m going to try,” he leaned over and touched her face. He looked lost, sad.

  “Hold me tight?” he asked and pulled her down onto the bed. She wrapped her arms around him and he put his head on her chest.

  “Tighter,” he whispered.

  She kissed the top of his head and squeezed. She thought about the stories she’d heard so far, the ones where vampires went crazy because they couldn’t get the enchanted blood.

  What if he goes crazy?

  He lifted his head and looked her in the eye, “You’re shaking. Hey, stop. It’s okay. I’m strong. I’ll be fine. It’s just a few days. I was fine when you were in here and I didn’t feed from you for those few days. I’ll be okay. Sam went to fetch a pet. You’ll see how she acts. You’ll know what to do.”

  “What? No.”

  “It’s fine. She won’t remember.”

  Kyla’s stomach churned. Some poor girl was being abducted right now so that Kyla could learn how to act mesmerized? What else would she have to endure beyond mesmerizing?

  “What? You can’t just snatch people from their lives, pluck them out and steal them? I don’t…”


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