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Meet Clara Morgan (Clara Andrews Series - Book 3)

Page 6

by Lacey London

  If I could only remember where I put the cricket bat…

  Chapter 16

  As we all pile into a cab, I check my phone for the tenth time. Still nothing from Oliver. Where the hell is he? I hope he isn’t stuck in a Vegas hotel room with a tiger and Mike Tyson because we all know how that ends. I am debating calling him again, but I really don’t want to be the whiny wife before we are even married. I’m not ready to turn into my mother just yet. In fact, I don’t think that I will ever be ready to turn into my mother. What a scary thought that is.

  The plan is to go straight to the hotel and get them all checked in before meeting up with Oliver for dinner, that’s if Oliver ever answers his phone. I really don’t fancy sitting through a five course meal alone with this lot. With Janie being a carb free vegetarian, I dread to think what The Three D’s eating habits are. I don’t think that London is quite ready for the meat free, sugar free, no carb, no gluten, no dairy, zero calorie diet.

  Holding onto the hand rail for dear life, I try not to fall into Janie’s lap as the taxi driver races along the M25. Why cab drivers think that they are exempt from the highway code is beyond me. Luckily, I managed to squeeze into the back besides Janie, for an awful moment I thought I was going to have to go in the front with George. Not that it would have really mattered, after all he doesn’t even know me, remember?

  Trying not to wince as I am squashed against the window, I politely listen as the girls reel off an itinerary of things that they wish to do during their stay in London. With the bridesmaid dress shopping, Gina’s wedding and a night on the town, their schedule is pretty packed. Unfortunately, I think that drinks with Prince Harry and dinner with the Queen might just have to wait until next time.

  To be fair to Dixie and Dolly, they have been nothing but lovely to me. From complimenting my accent to suggesting different styles of wedding dresses, they have made it near impossible not to like them. Dallas on the other hand, is harder to work out. Snuggled up with George in the front of the cab she hasn’t said a single word to me. Apart from a thin smile at the airport she has failed to acknowledge me at all. Well, I suppose that two out of three isn’t a bad start.

  It’s a strange feeling that in just six weeks time these girls will be walking down the aisle with me. I guess I should make an effort to get to know them better. After all, we will all be family after the wedding. The thought of being legally tied to Janie makes my stomach churn, but at least she is in Texas 99.9% of the time. Emma at work had her mother in law living with her less than a week before she was signed off sick with depression. Maybe I had better count myself lucky that she resides across the pond. Crossing my legs to get comfortable, I remind myself to always be eternally grateful for those five thousand miles of water.

  As the cab comes to a sudden stop outside The Skyline hotel, everyone makes a dash to get out first. In typical Janie fashion, she leaps onto the pavement and begins barking orders at the driver. Not surprisingly, the girls immediately dig out their smart phones and begin taking Donald Duck selfies in front of the hotel entrance. Rolling my eyes, I try my best not to get caught in the background. Although the idea of photobombing Dolly’s pictures is very tempting, I really want these girls to like me.

  Glancing up at the elaborate, sleek hotel, I have to admit that it is very impressive. The minimalist chrome design gives a feel of ultimate luxury and the gathering of paparazzi across the street make you feel like a superstar. As Janie curses the extortionate London cab fares, Dixie, Dolly and Dallas grab their cases and practically run inside in a cackle of laughter. It is only when I turn around that I realise that George hasn’t gone with them. With Janie preoccupied with the cab driver, I wander over to where he is standing.

  ‘What the hell was all that about?’ I whisper, shooting him daggers. The words come out so quietly that I am surprised he even hears me. ‘Why did you act like you had never met me?’

  Running a hand through his hair, he shrugs his shoulders and lets out a small laugh. ‘What would you rather I said? I already know her? We used to date? She cheated on your son with me? Come on, I did you a favour.’

  Feeling my cheeks burn up, I look down at my feet and bite my lip. ‘It wasn’t like that and you know it.’

  ‘I do know it, but do you think they will? From what I’ve heard Janie already isn’t your biggest fan.’ He picks up his rucksack and starts to make his way inside. ‘Trust me, it’s for the best that they don’t know.’

  Grabbing onto his rucksack I tug him back. ‘Wait! What are we going to say to Oliver?’

  ‘Oliver and I are cool. It was you that he was mad at, not me. Anyway it was a long time ago.’

  A wave of guilt washes over me as I look at George. He does have a point. ‘So, you two have made up? I didn’t know.’

  ‘I haven’t spoken to him yet, but it will be fine.’ Nudging my shoulder playfully, he flashes me a cheeky wink which makes my stomach flip. ‘Trust me, that ship has sailed a long time ago. I’m happy now, really happy.’ He holds open the door and I step inside dubiously.

  Not knowing quite what to say, I watch as he strides confidently over to Dallas, discreetly checking out the cute receptionist as he goes. Shaking my head, I shove my hands into my back pockets. I guess that some things never change.

  Chapter 17

  Staring at my reflection in the restaurant window, I touch up my lipstick and try to steady my erratic breathing. After more outfit changes than I can care to remember, The Three D’s finally deemed themselves ready to face their public. Admittedly, they would have been ready in five minutes if I wouldn’t have talked them out of those hideous, strapless, backless mini dresses. For a moment I did wonder if I was being a prude, but let’s be honest here, no one wants to see nipples over dinner. It’s bad enough dealing with Janie’s horrific dress sense, I really don’t want to have to worry about being charged with public indecency as well.

  With the rest of the group suitably seated in the restaurant, I volunteered myself to go outside and wait for Oliver. He finally got in touch a couple of hours ago to say that he would meet us at The Golden Duck and ever since I have been a quivering mess. Leaning against the entrance I waft myself with a takeout menu. I can’t work out if the air has suddenly got warmer or if my impending panic attack is causing me to burn up, but I feel like I could pass out at any minute.

  A sudden gust of wind blows my hair onto my sticky lips, just as Oliver’s Audi swings into the car park. Desperately trying to compose myself, I slowly make my way over to his car.

  ‘Hey!’ Stepping out of the driver’s seat, Oliver immediately pulls me into a huge bear hug.

  I want to hit him and shout at him for disappearing for two days, but the minute he wraps his arms around me and I breathe in his musky scent, I feel my entire body melt. Mentally cursing my knees for being so easily led, I hold down my skirt from the strong wind.

  ‘Hi.’ I murmur, snuggling my nose in his neck. ‘Where the hell have you been?’

  ‘Well…’ He lets out a little laugh and scratches his ear guiltily. ‘We took the Eurostar to Paris and things got a little crazy.’ Cupping my face, he plants a soft kiss on my lips. ‘Marc sure knows how to party. I think we can safely say that he has waved goodbye to single life in style.’

  Dreading to think what that means, I twist a lock of hair around my finger and try to focus on the matter in hand. With just fifty yards separating him and George, I’m just going to have to say it.

  ‘So, your mum and the girls are inside. They seem lovely by the way.’ I offer him a smile and take a deep breath.

  ‘That’s great. Was their flight OK?’ Oliver locks the car and starts walking towards the restaurant.

  ‘Yes, the flight was fine but… umm… there’s something that I need to talk to you about before we go in.’

  He pauses for a second before turning to face me. ‘Aww man. They haven’t fallen out already have they? Jeez! I knew this would happen.’

  ‘No! No, it’s not
that.’ I bite my lip as my heart pounds in my chest. ‘It’s George.’

  Oliver frowns and folds his arms confused. ‘What about George?’

  My mouth suddenly feels inexplicably dry as I try to regain the use of my tongue. ‘He’s in there too.’ I study his face for a reaction, but he just stares at me blankly. ‘He and Dallas are kind of an item.’

  To my surprise, Oliver bursts into laughter. ‘What the hell are you talking about?’

  ‘I’m being serious! He is in there! George and Dallas are dating.’

  Suddenly looking a little worried he guides me back to the car. ‘Are you ill? I did think that your cheeks looked a little red. You might be dehydrated.’

  Pushing me into the passenger seat he slams the door shut and dives in. ‘Do you want me to take you home? You aren’t making much sense.’ He puts a concerned hand on my forehead and passes me a bottle of water.

  Taking a good gulp of the sparkling H20, I flick on the air conditioning. ‘Oliver, I swear I am not ill, but George really is here.’

  ‘OK…’ Oliver replies slowly, ‘…and what is he doing here, exactly?’

  ‘Apparently, he has been in America for a while now and recently he started dating Dallas. I mean, I knew that your mum and George were close from when he used to visit you in The States, but I didn’t know that he was with Dallas. Did you?’

  Oliver shakes his head with an expression that I can’t quite read so I carry on talking.

  ‘Anyway, thankfully he didn’t tell them what happened between us so we have kind of pretended that we don’t know each other. It seemed preferable to you know, the truth.’

  ‘This is insane.’

  ‘I know.’ Reaching for his hand, I entwine my fingers with his. ‘How do you feel?’

  Oliver rubs his brow and exhales loudly. ‘I don’t really know how I feel. How do you feel?’

  ‘Well, I suppose I am OK with it. Obviously I would prefer that she was with someone else, but it was a long time ago now.’

  Nodding his head, Oliver runs a hand through his hair and remains silent. It feels like we sit there for an eternity, but the radio clock informs me that it has only been three minutes. Eventually, he speaks.

  ‘If you’re OK with it, then I’m OK with it.’ Giving my thigh a quick squeeze, he opens the car door.

  ‘Really? Because I would completely understand if this is weird for you.’

  ‘Like you said, it was a real long time ago.’

  Is that it? Is that the reaction that I have been dreading all day? I have got to stop being so pessimistic! Lianna was right! I hate it when Lianna is right.

  I hop out of the car and we walk hand in hand towards The Golden Duck.

  ‘Which one is he dating again?’

  I sigh and take a deep breath. ‘I think that’s the least of our worries.’

  Chapter 18

  ‘Oliver!’ Dixie and Dolly jump out of their seats in a chorus of screams and squeals.

  I try not to laugh as they throw themselves into his open arms, almost knocking him over a bread trolley in the process. In all the commotion it is near impossible to get a word in, so I take a seat at the table and wait for them to put him down. Incidentally, this must also be Dallas’s train of thought as she simply wiggles her fingers in acknowledgement. Dropping my napkin onto my lap, I watch with bated breath as George rises from his seat.

  ‘Congratulations, Morgan.’ George smiles widely and holds out his hand. ‘I’m really happy for you both.’

  ‘Thanks buddy.’ Oliver stares at his hand for a moment before taking it and smiling back. ‘It’s good to see you.’

  I breathe a huge sigh of relief as the two sit down and immediately start talking about football like not a day has passed. I rub my eyes and try to focus on the scene in front of me. Is this really happening? Janie barks drink orders at the waiter as I stare dumbfounded at Oliver and George. Men really are a different species entirely. If they were women, the claws would be well and truly out right now.

  ‘Can I get a Cosmopolitan? Dolly pouts her ridiculously full lips at the waiter and slams her drinks menu shut.

  Dixie and Janie nod in agreement so I indicate that I will have the same.

  ‘I’ll just have a sparkling water.’ Dallas announces, pulling a nail file from her back pocket. ‘I’m not really in the mood for drinking.’

  Dixie raises her eyebrows and shoots her a quizzical look. ‘Sparkling water? You’re on vacation! Get a real drink!’

  Dallas smiles in response and takes George’s hand. ‘I’m honestly fine with the water.’

  ‘Are you on antibiotics are something?’ Dolly pulls a repulsed face and twirls a strand of hair around her finger. ‘Because I’m sure that one little drink won’t hurt.’

  ‘No!’ Dallas replies haughtily. ‘I’m just not drinking tonight.’

  ‘Are you sick?’ Janie squints her eyes and leans back in her seat. ‘What is it? Stomach? Bladder? Kidneys?’

  ‘Jesus Christ! Can you all just drop it?’ Dallas lets out an annoyed laugh and looks up at George for help.

  The entire table falls silent as we all wait for someone to address the elephant in the room. Thankfully, George speaks up first.

  ‘Let’s just tell them.’ Stroking her arm, he smiles broadly. ‘They’re going to find out at some point anyway. We can’t keep it a secret forever.’

  ‘Tell us what?’ Janie demands.


  ‘Are you?’

  ‘For the love of God. You lot are like vultures!’ Laughing, Dallas bangs her hand on the table. ‘It’s still early days so we didn’t wanna tell y’all just yet, but yes George and I are having a baby!’ She points to her stomach proudly.

  My jaw drops as our table erupts with noise and laughter. Could this day get any weirder? I look at Oliver who is staring at Dallas gob smacked.

  ‘Argh!’ Dolly yells. ‘No way!’



  ‘Forget the Cosmopolitans! Bring us some Champagne!’ Dixie hollers at the


  ‘Wait a minute!’ Janie holds up her hand to silence the crowd. ‘I hope you are gonna make an honest woman of her before this baby comes along. Cos I gotta tell ya, I won’t be too happy about any illegitimate children.’

  ‘Aunt Janie, you really don’t have to worry about that.’ Dallas reaches over the table and puts her hand on Janie’s arm. ‘George proposed the second that we found out. As soon as we get back to Texas, we are going to set the date.’

  As the table once again bursts into raucous applause, Oliver stands up and claps George on the back before wrapping his arms around Dallas. I can’t believe that I was so worried about this. I mean, what did I really think was going to happen? It just goes to show that over thinking really is the cause of most of our problems.

  I offer my congratulations to Dallas and do the obligatory hand on the non existing stomach manoeuvre. My God! If those stomach muscles are anything to go by then that baby is going to fire out. Feeling a little envious that my belly is bigger than a pregnant woman’s, I sit back and watch as the rest of the group rejoice happily. Hearing Oliver laugh, Janie weep and the girls chattering happily makes me feel so at ease. Considering that it was only an hour ago that I was sweating with worry about this very moment, things couldn’t have gone any better.

  The waiter appears at our table with a bottle of bubbles and I watch with greedy eyes as he pours out six frosty glasses. Handing a reluctant Dallas a glass of water, Oliver proposes a toast.

  ‘To Dallas and George. I wish you all the best.’

  As we raise our glasses, I feel like I could burst with pride. Not only is he drop dead gorgeous, he is humble and forgiving too. What a lucky girl I am.

  ‘And to you and Clara.’ George’s voice interrupts my thoughts. ‘May you have a lifetime of happiness together.’

  He catches my eye and I shoot him a grateful smile as a chorus of cheers echo around the tabl
e. It just goes to show that a real friendship can survive anything that life throws at it. As time goes by, we realise that it becomes less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.




  Subject: Re - Don’t worry… Be happy!

  You were right… as always…


  Chapter 19

  ‘I can’t hear you!’ Yelling at the top of my voice I try to block out the pounding music.


  bing my arm, Lianna drags me across the crowded dance floor and drops down into a booth at the back of the club. Considering that it is only a Thursday, the entire place is packed out. According to the teenage girl in the toilets, Thursdays at The Courtyard are the place to be. They also delighted in informing us that Saturdays are so last year.

  ‘I asked if you wanted another drink.’ Digging her lip gloss out of her incredibly small clutch bag, she makes a drunken attempt at touching up her pout.

  ‘I think that you may have had enough for now.’ Wiping a glittery smear from her chin I glance over to the dance floor.

  Even without a drop of alcohol, Gina is keeping up with The Three D’s no problem. For the past couple of hours they have been twerking away with the rest of Gina’s hens. Like a pack of electrified teenagers, they have been dancing like there is no tomorrow. Janie on the other hand has taken up residence at the bar and is flirting outrageously with the blatantly gay barman. A part of me wants to tell her that she would have more chance with Li, but I think that she is weirdly enjoying the challenge.

  In a mainly male nightclub, it’s not surprising that the white veil and learner plates have caused quite a stir. Every man in the building seems to be drawn to the feather boas and printed t-shirts and once they hear the American accents, well that’s just the icing on the cake. Talk about a sausage fest.


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