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Eyewitness News

Page 22

by Aiden Vaughan

  After Jason told his parents that Laura had just broken up with him, told him to get out of her house, and had thrown the locket that he had given her back in his face, they tried to console him. His mother tried to explain to Jason that breaking up is often the consequence of going steady.

  “You put all of your emotions and needs into a single relationship,” she said, “and when things don’t work out… Well you are beginning to feel the results! Sometimes things like this happen when you least expect them to, Jason! And now you are learning that there are often unseen consequences for your actions, even when they are the most noble in intent.

  “I know you are feeling very miserable and down right now, but you will survive. You still have your many friends and you have us! We love you no matter what happens with your girl friends!”

  Jason, who had been hanging his head low while listening to his mother, looked up and gave her a weak smile. “Thanks for trying to make me feel better, Mom, but I think I will just go to my room and collapse.” Jason then slowly climbed up the stairs to his room.

  Once inside his room, Jason plopped on his bed emotionally drained. All of the love and electricity that he felt when Laura and he were together was a very powerful influence on his well-being. Now that was all gone, lying on the ground and trampled on by fate. For a long while, Jason sat there feeling sorry for himself.

  Later Jason talked on his cell phone to Daniel about what had happened with Laura. Daniel asked Jason if he wanted him to come over and try to cheer him up. Jason declined. “I am in no mood for company right now, Daniel, and I am sure that I would be miserable to be around right now. But thanks for asking! I know I still have one true friend left!”

  For the rest of the evening Jason lay on the bed in his room depressed. He would doze off into a fitful sleep and then wake up again. The impact of what had just happened would then overwhelm him again. His whole body was filled with a sinking, empty feeling. It seemed like a part of his life had just died and he didn’t know how to deal with that yet.

  * * * * *

  A little after midnight Jason heard a popping sound on his bedroom window. He sat up in his bed to check it out. After a couple more popping sounds, he realized that someone was throwing rocks at his window. When he opened his window and looked out, there was Laura!

  “Jason! Come down to your front porch! I have to talk to you!” Laura called out to him in an intense whisper.

  Jason, who was only wearing a pair of underwear briefs, quickly put on a tee shirt and shorts. Barefoot, he snuck downstairs so as not to disturb his parents. When he opened the front door, there was Laura standing in the middle of his screened-in front porch. She was dressed in a light tank top, shorts and flip-flops. There were tears in her eyes and she was hanging her head down.

  “Jason,” Laura said in a tiny and shaky voice, “can you ever forgive me? I didn’t mean all of those nasty things I said to you! Ever since you left, I have been totally miserable! I feel like such a fool for breaking up with you because you had saved someone’s life and were late to my dinner party. You are the person I love the most in the world right now, and I rejected you for doing a good deed! I feel so stupid! Will you consider taking me back?” she continued, pausing. “Please?”

  “Laura!” Jason exclaimed. “Come to me!” The two came together in a passionate embrace. With his arms tightly around her, Jason continued, “I was absolutely miserable, too! It was like part of my life had ended!” They kissed each other for a long time. “Without your love, Laura, my life seemed totally empty!”

  They kissed again, and then moved over to the swinging couch. Soon the two lovers were lying on the couch, their arms and legs intertwined, slowly rocking back and forth.

  “Whatever our problems may be, I know we can work them out!” Jason said in a soft voice. “Our love is too strong and too deep to be set aside because of a bad day or one of us making a mistake! I truly believe that, Laura! Don’t you?”

  “I realize that now, Jason. I never want to let you go! I know we can work things out! I love the feel of you in my arms too much. I love to look into your beautiful blue eyes. I love to rub noses with you. I love you, Jason!”

  “And I love you, Laura!” Jason replied as he hugged her tightly. “Stay with me as long as you can!” Soon the beauty of their relationship was blossoming again in all of its glory.

  * * * * *

  Inside the house, Jason’s parents were awakened first by the sound of the rocks being thrown, and then went to check out the soft but intense sounds coming from their front porch. They peeked out through the little triangle window near the top of the door and saw Jason and Laura embracing and kissing.

  “It looks like our two young love birds have gotten back together!” Bill said with a smile to Edith.

  “I had a feeling that things weren’t really over between the two of them,” Edith answered. “There is just too much electricity between them right now!”

  “Should we call Dolores and let her know that Laura is over at our house? I don’t want her to feel that we aren’t being responsible parents!”

  “Bill, it is 12:45 in the morning! I think she knows where Laura has gone, if it is an issue.”

  “Things are looking pretty intense out there,” Bill countered.

  “When Jason told us that he and Laura were going steady, I had a long talk with him about the implications of what he was telling us, and that he had to take his responsibilities very seriously. He assured me that he intended to be very responsible and considerate, and that he would be careful about all things sexual. I believed him at the time, and I still feel that I can trust him to do the right thing!” Edith replied.

  “They truly seem to be in love with each other,” Bill went on. “I had a similar talk with Jason also. But they still are teenagers, Edith, although sometimes I feel that Jason is sixteen going on twenty-nine with the responsibilities that he has taken on.”

  “Jason is so intense and passionate about life,” Edith responded. “You are right that he has grown up way before you would normally expect a teenaged boy to mature. But look at what has happened to him in the past year and a half. Look what he did today, for that matter! Our Jason is one amazing kid!

  “So should we trust our son to do the right thing out there?” Edith continued. “Like your father did with us that summer when you and I were first seriously dating? After all it wasn’t that long ago that the two of us were the young lovers making out on the porch of Walter Hunter’s summer house!”

  “Edith, I had forgotten about that,” Bill said with a laugh. He took Edith’s arm and tucked it under his. “Let me escort you to our bedroom, Mrs. Hunter! I believe we have some fond reminiscing to do!”

  Chapter 30

  Rebuilding A Life

  (Saturday and Beyond)

  Dawn came to the Silicon Valley. Rays of pink then yellow sunlight began to penetrate the screened porch of the Hunter home. Jason and Laura had fallen asleep in each other’s arms, but woke up with the onset of the light. They agreed to spend the rest of the day together, not only to be with each other but also to try and work out better communication and understanding in their relationship. Jason told her that he needed to visit Dr. Cartwright and Jonathan at the clinic this morning to make sure that Jonathan was on the road to recovery and to arrange for whatever additional treatment Dr. Cartwright would recommend for Jonathan. Laura suggested that they meet for lunch and then spend a leisurely afternoon by the pool, swimming, relaxing together, and working things out. After a long passionate kiss, Laura left to drive home.

  Jason went inside and took a leisurely shower. After putting on clean clothes, he went down to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Jason was surprised to see his mother Edith up and in the kitchen. “Mom, you are up early today. I have fabulous news! Laura and I are back together again!”

  “I know, Jason. Your father and I peeked through the door triangle last night to see what the commotion on the front porch was all a
bout. We are happy for you!”

  “Thanks, Mom, for saying that and being so trusting of us!”

  “We had that discussion earlier about your responsibilities and obligations in your relationship with Laura. I really had a feeling that you two would probably get back together. I hope that you can work your differences out. Now how about some breakfast? I also had a feeling that you could use a big breakfast this morning!”

  Later that morning, Jason drove over to Dr. Cartwright’s clinic to check on Jonathan’s status. Dr. Cartwright had this report:

  “Although his physical injuries were not extensive from the beatings he received from Scott, and from being chained and tied up a lot, Jonathan still was exposed to injected doses of methamphetamines and was possibly on the verge of becoming addicted. I am recommending that Jonathan be checked into The New Horizons House, a private clinic that specializes in curing teenaged drug addiction for two weeks, to make sure that Jonathan’s body will be completely free of any drugs, and that mentally he would be prepared to resume a normal life. Jonathan has been placed in a very stressful situation for a number of months now. While he has bravely fought back against what was happening to him and his mother, he still has been exposed to a very addictive drug, and has had to live in a house where drugs were being used a lot. The cruel abuse that he received from Scott Brewster also needs to be addressed for his complete recovery. The New Horizons House has an excellent staff with doctors and counselors trained to work with at-risk teenagers. I think that this type of concentrated treatment would be a better solution for Jonathan than a series of extended counseling sessions with someone like Dr. Agoura.”

  “Will he be permitted to have visitors?” Jason asked.

  “He can have visitors after the first week. Until then he is under their extreme regimen and 24/7 observation.”

  “I don’t want Jonathan to feel abandoned. He has really had a tough time lately. We are his only support group right now!”

  “You have to follow their visitation rules, Jason, but there is nothing that says you can’t send him letters or greeting cards. I know that would help cheer him up. I am releasing Jonathan today to his guardian, Jeff Wilkinson. He will be able to spend the rest of the weekend at Jeff and Tim’s house until he goes into treatment on Monday.”

  Jason then went into the room where Jonathan had spent the night to say hello and see how he was doing. Already Jonathan looked a lot better, much more relaxed and definitely a lot happier in his demeanor. Jason asked him how he felt about what Dr. Cartwright was recommending for him.

  “I’m not thrilled about going away for a couple of weeks, but I realize that it is probably what I need to do. I am determined to be free of that drug, and I know I am going to need some help getting my life back together.”

  “Don’t worry about a thing. We are going to be with you all the way, Jonathan! Tomorrow we are all going to get together with you and have a little going away party for you. In no time at all you will be fully recovered and back with the band.”

  * * * * *

  Sunday afternoon an impromptu party for Jonathan was held at Tim’s house. All the band members were there with their girl friends. The highlight of the afternoon was when Tim told Jonathan, “Come with me! I have something I want to show you.” Tim then led Jonathan downstairs into the rehearsal studio. The room was dark. When Tim turned on the light, there on a chair was Jonathan’s saxophone case.

  “My instruments!” Jonathan cried out. “How did you get them back?”

  “Before your mom left with the clinic people,” Tim answered, “I had her give me the pawn shop ticket. Yesterday Dad and I went and got them back for you!”

  Jonathan was ecstatic with joy. “You guys are awesome! I am so lucky to have you for friends.” Jonathan then opened the case and took out his saxophone. Everything seemed to be in working order. “Come on, Tim, get the other guys! We have to play some music together before I go into that clinic. I need some music back in my life. Let’s jam!”

  Soon Daniel and the other band members were all down in the studio. The Second Chance All Stars were back together making music and having fun.

  * * * * *

  Monday morning Mr. Wilkinson, Tim, Daniel, Eric, and Jason went with Jonathan to the New Horizons clinic to be with Jonathan until he was checked in. That week, Jason organized a campaign among Jonathan’s friends and acquaintances to make sure that he was sent something every day. Every day several new cards arrived and Nick even sent a short idea for flute that Jonathan could practice on. (He had been allowed to bring along his flute during his stay at the clinic.) During the second week of Jonathan’s stay, he was permitted visitors for an hour each day and two hours on the weekends. Tim and the other band members, Jason, Laura, Diana, Teresa, Rebecca, and some of his other friends from school all took turns driving to the clinic and spending some time with Jonathan.

  During one of those visits, Jason asked to talk with Jonathan privately. They discussed his family situation. “You need another guardian,” Jason said. “Someone besides your mother to stay with you and make sure that your mother doesn’t have a relapse. If something does happen, there is an adult there to protect you and your interests and make sure Madeline is readmitted into a hospital.”

  “The only other relatives I have are my father, who abandoned me at the divorce and lives back east, my grandparents who live out in the San Joaquin Valley, and my aunt who lives in Los Angeles. But going to any of those places is not what I would like to do. My life is here in the Silicon Valley, what’s left of it anyway. I really want to play in Daniel’s band and finish my education here at Merriam High School. Quite honestly, I would rather live in a foster home than move away and be separated from my friends and the musical opportunities I have here! What about Mr. Wilkinson? Isn’t he already my temporary guardian?”

  “He is your temporary guardian, but once your mother is released from the Hope Clinic that would end. I really think that you need someone living right there with you in your house. We have arranged for you to live with the Wilkinsons until your mother’s release, but after that we don’t want to impose any more on them.

  “I’m sorry that you haven’t been getting much in the way of family support lately,” Jason went on, “but there must be some way to work things out. Jonathan, I want you to know that your friends will never abandon you in your time of need! I am continuing to put the resources of my foundation to work for you. That’s what it is for and you certainly are a deserving recipient after all you have had to endure. I am just sorry that we weren’t aware of things earlier so more could have been done to intervene sooner.”

  Tears began to form in Jonathan’s eyes as he answered, “You and my other friends have been so kind and supportive, I don’t know how to begin to thank you for all that you have done for me already! If it wasn’t for you guys I would be lying in some gutter somewhere, a useless drug addict begging for food and a fix!”

  “We would never let that happen to you!” Jason said emphatically. “You are much too valuable of a person to us! You have been terribly wronged by too many people and by some bad circumstances. Now it is time for your life to change for the better. Don’t worry about a thing. I want you to concentrate on getting cured from any drug addiction and getting your strength back again. My foundation will take care of getting back what is rightfully yours, and what is owed to you! Now that I know what your wishes are, I will work hard to help you accomplish your goals!”

  * * * * *

  That week Jason and Peter Williams, the foundation attorney, worked hard to come up with answers for Jonathan. Mr. Williams was able to locate Jonathan’s father, Edward Kowalski and discuss his lack of child support payments. Mr. Kowalski was quite apologetic about things, but said that at the time of their break-up and divorce, he had to get completely away from Madeline and her drug addiction. When Jonathan was unwilling to leave the Silicon Valley, he just packed up and left. It would have been complicated for Jonathan t
o go with him at that time anyway.

  “I didn’t forget Jonathan,” his father said. “But I knew that any money I sent for child support would be taken and used for Madeline’s drug habit, and I refused to support that any more. Instead, I put the money away into a savings account that I could transfer to Jonathan when he was older and could take care of himself. He could then use it for a college fund or living expenses.”

  Mr. Williams then explained to Edward Kowalski that Jonathan needed to have his child support money now, not later as a college fund. “Jonathan has had a tough life lately. He needs money for food, clothing and household expenses right now!” Mr. Kowalski then agreed to send an immediate check for expenses and to transfer the trust account to Jonathan’s direct control when he reached age 16.

  “I am thrilled to hear that Madeline is now in drug rehabilitation,” Edward continued. “Not only for Jonathan’s sake but to rescue herself from the horrible downward spiral her life was in.”

  Later that week, Mr. Williams also talked to Jonathan’s other relatives, his grandparents and his aunt. While his grandparents were not overjoyed by the idea, they were willing to have Jonathan live with them in their valley farmhouse until he was college age. Jonathan would have to participate in daily chores and help with the farm while he was living with them. When asked if there were any musical opportunities for Jonathan in their community or surrounding area, they replied that they thought there was a band at one of the high schools and that there was music at most of the church services on Sundays.

  Talking with Jonathan’s Aunt Eileen yielded a much more promising result. Eileen Behr had just received a layoff notice from her job, and was considering moving away from Los Angeles. She was thinking about going back to college to get better job skills. She was aware of Madeline’s problems and was pleased to hear that her sister was finally in rehabilitation. Eileen felt terrible that her nephew Jonathan had been through such a rough time in his childhood.


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