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Page 9

by Marilu Mann

  He laughed it off as a digestive issue but didn’t think Rain bought it. Still, it did serve to keep her quiet for the remainder of the trip. After securing Keme’s promise to see her home by ten he headed for the lodge. He needed to talk to Micah.

  “Well just bite me, Gareth!” Harmony threw the dishcloth at the sink, cursing when she missed. She bent to snatch it off the floor then froze. Tom’s scent nearly overwhelmed her. She sensed him just as she heard his footsteps. How the hell had he found her?

  She didn’t have time to think. He yanked her up by her hair. His breath hit her cheek in hot, harsh breaths. “Miss me?”

  With her back against the hard edge of the counter, she grabbed at the pain. Better that then the fear shriveling her spine. She took a deep breath then hissed out, “No.”

  “Well I’m sure I can give you reasons to miss me, love. I’ve missed you. I don’t know why you have to be so stupid. You didn’t think you could take what’s mine and leave did you?” He gave her head a shake as he smiled down at her.

  “Yours? I’m not yours and neither is Rain.” Her voice sounded guttural, almost harsh in her ears.

  With another shake, he laughed. Spittle sprayed on her cheek. “Growl at me? You would growl at me? I’m your mate, bitch. You come back to this place so now you think you’re better than me? You’re still one of the Denied. You’re nothing to them.”

  He suddenly released her. Her head ached where his hand had fisted. “Gotta run, love. I’ll see you and the kid later. You better pack. We’re moving. I know a great little place in Mexico.”

  She never saw it coming. His hand balled into a fist and connected with her jaw. Stars burst in front of her eyes as searing pain followed her down to the kitchen floor. She grabbed at a chair but missed. As dark overcame her, she saw his boots moving away.

  Gareth hunched his shoulders on the seemingly interminable drive to the lodge. He knew Micah wouldn’t mind the after-dinner call. He had an open-door policy for Pack members. But Gareth rarely asked for help—and never for anything of a personal nature. Still, this felt important enough to break that streak. He clenched his teeth then rapped on the door three times.

  “Why are you knocking at the front door, Gareth?” Micah’s tone was amused as he pulled him in. “We are in the den. Kids just went to bed.”

  He followed the big man back to the smaller, cozy den. He preferred it to the living room but the kitchen was his favorite spot. Why he hadn’t gone to that door he couldn’t say. In a way it didn’t feel formal enough.

  “Talk to me.” Micah waved a hand at a chair but he remained standing. Suddenly Gareth realized what he had to ask.

  “Alpha, I come to you with a request.”

  Micah’s face was a study in shock mixed with stunned amusement. “Why Gareth, if I did not know better I would say you were asking me to court my…”

  His voice trailed off. Gareth assumed it was in response to the deadly serious look on his own face. He nodded at Micah then continued.

  “Micah, you are my Alpha, head of our Pack. Because of that and out of a deep respect for you, I would ask your permission to court Willow and Pete’s niece Harmony Johnson.”

  He paused then gulped air like a drowning man. “Micah…I…she…I don’t know what this is but it’s something. And it’s big. I—”

  He snapped his mouth shut to end the stream of words as Micah shifted. He stood his ground as the tree of a man loomed over him. In a voice he rarely used with him Micah said, “Wolf, do you seek this woman because she brings you a ready-made family?”

  Red washed over his vision. His shoulders went from hunched to rigid as his hands fought to not curl into fists. His voice rang out on a sharp note.

  “No. Never.” He willed his wolf back even though rage made the beast itch under his skin. The shock of knowing he wanted to attack his Alpha was enough to drive his beast back down. He forced himself to look at Micah even though the act of looking his Alpha in the eye made Gareth’s fur crawl.

  “Micah, she-I-we kissed. Here. Then in my truck. Then in her bathroom. And,” he sucked in more air, “I want to do it again. A lot more again.”

  At that, Micah stopped looming. He sat down so hard he thumped. Olivia appeared in the doorway. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes. I will fill you in. Leave us please?” Micah smiled at his mate as she nodded then left. “Sometimes she actually does what I ask. Progress.”

  Gareth gave him a smile in return. If Micah was joking it wasn’t as bad as he thought. He felt his wolf retreat fully. He sat down opposite Micah. Leaning forward, he held his palms flat against his thighs. “No, it’s not because of Rain. And it’s not not because of her either. She’s a dammed good kid, Micah. Funny, smart and brave too. Asked me about my scars then didn’t back down when I growled her off. But it’s Harmony that gets me. She does something to my belly way deep down inside. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt this way about a female.”

  “Even that female you and your brother were forced to fight over?” The question was low but didn’t bring the pain it used to.

  “Yeah, even Brenda.” As he said her name for the first time in nearly eight years he felt free in a way he hadn’t since that battle with his brother. “Shit. This is bad, isn’t it?”

  Micah let his head fall back as he let loose with a full-bodied laugh. Even his hair seemed to shake with amusement. “Well, that depends on your definition of ‘bad’ does it not? Olivia would tell you that it is good but I am going to tell you it is both. Both because what you are feeling is a full-fledged mating bond from where I am sitting. And that is good because you deserve that happiness. Bad because that female is not fully free yet. She has a lot of emotional baggage to unpack. Can you wait for that?”

  He looked into his Alpha’s concerned brown eyes then away. He shook his head. “No, I can’t wait for her to go through that alone. And she doesn’t have to. I’ll be there with her. Micah, did you feel this way? I mean for Olivia?”

  Gareth knew it was a throwaway question the minute it left his mouth. He’d been there to see the hell Micah had gone through with his own mate. Was he ready to go through that if Harmony didn’t want him? What if she didn’t want him? Then what? It wasn’t as if a mating bond happened every day. Damn the woman. He hadn’t even told her how he felt. She’d just have to listen then, wouldn’t she?

  He didn’t register that he’d left his Alpha’s presence without even a handshake goodbye. His hand was on the door when he heard Olivia’s voice.

  “Gareth? Are you okay?”

  Her soft blue eyes peered at him over the reading glasses she wore when doing close-up work on her computer. She touched his shoulder. That touch had him turning into her for the Pack bond. Micah joined them as they just held on for a few minutes. The ringing of his cell phone interrupted.

  “Yeah? Wait, what? Slow down, pup. Slow down. Fuck. I’m on my way.” He looked at Micah and Olivia. “Rain says her mom collapsed. She needs me. I gotta go.”

  “I will go with you.” Micah’s voice brooked no argument. Giving his mate a swift hug, he motioned for Gareth to head for his truck. Stopping at the front door, Micah shook his head and looked back at Olivia. “Something is off. Please call Pete and have him meet us at the cabin.”

  “I will. Micah, please be careful.” Olivia held the door open for him as she gave him a swift kiss.

  Chapter Seven

  Gareth already had the motor running when his Alpha joined him in the cab of his truck. Micah didn’t say anything but he did reach up with his right hand for the grip over the door. Under other circumstances, that would have made Gareth slow down, but not tonight.

  He took the turn onto the highway with screeching tires and gunned his truck on the straight parts of the road, only slowing a tiny bit on the curves. He knew these roads like the back of his own hand and nothing would keep him from getting to Harmony and Rain as fast as possible. It might have been faster for them to go in furry form but they might nee
d the truck for something. The panic in the teen’s voice still rattled around in his head.

  Every light in the cabin was on, including the floodlight that lit up the miniscule backyard. Throwing the truck into park, he was out of the cabin and up on the porch before Micah even got his door shut.

  “Rain? Harmony?”

  “We’re in here.” He couldn’t stop the strong exhalation that left his lungs when he heard Harmony’s voice. His first sight of the two of them had his blood boiling. Rain sat at her mother’s feet, tears streaked down her face. Harmony sat at the kitchen table, one hand holding a bag of frozen peas to her cheek, the other holding her head up as though it weighed a ton. He tamped down his anger and fear as he approached them. Micah’s low growl behind him let him know his Alpha felt the same way he did about the scene in front of them.

  “Harmony? Rain said you’d collapsed. What happened?”

  “Tom’s fist happened.” She lifted her head and he felt his gut clench at the look on her face. She hadn’t cried, not a single tear track on her face. Fury, anger, helplessness, all of those emotions were there for him to sense, see, feel, but not sadness.

  “Your ex was here? On Pack land?” Micah’s voice rumbled out, the anger clear.

  “Yes, but I’m sure he’s long gone by now. He’ll be back though.” She sighed and dropped her hand to Rain’s head, stroking the girl’s hair. “He’s not going to hurt you, Rain. I would never let him hurt you again.”

  “He’s not going to hurt either of you. Ever again.” Gareth reached out, pulling Harmony out of her chair and pulling Rain to her feet. He hugged them both. “I won’t let him.”

  “The Pack will not allow it.” Micah’s arms circled them as well.

  “Your family won’t allow it either. Not this time. That bastard took you away from us once. He will not do it again.” Pete stepped into the circle to add his arms to comfort her and her daughter.

  Harmony had been able to keep it together until she heard her uncle’s voice added to the mix. At those words, knowing her uncle still called her family and that he didn’t hate her for leaving home, her well-constructed wall broke. She sobbed and felt all three men move in closer. Rain’s arms were around her waist, the girl’s head tight against her chest. Harmony gave herself up to the support she’d craved.

  Lifting her head a few minutes later, she met Gareth’s clear blue eye and took a deep breath. Micah and Pete stepped back and Rain loosened her hold slightly. Gareth was the first to speak and he hadn’t let go of either of them.

  “I’m staying here tonight. I’ll bunk down on the couch.”

  “I will make sure the house and grounds are secure. I will take a search crew out tonight. No one who would hurt his mate and child will find sanctuary on my Pack land.” Micah stroked a hand over Harmony’s hair then lifted Rain’s chin with a gentle hand. “We protect our own.”

  Pete cleared his throat. Harmony’s gaze went to the man she’d once been closer to than her own father. “I’ll send a patrol car out here tonight and make sure we’re keeping an eye on things. Any idea what he’s driving?”

  She shook her head before remembering the dark SUV and the certainty she’d felt that it had carried her ex. “Maybe a dark SUV? Black or a really dark blue? I never saw the license plate.”

  Micah and Pete left, both nodding. After giving her a long look, Gareth followed them. She heard the rumble of conversation continue as they went out onto the porch. In minutes Gareth returned. Rain’s breath hitched and she hugged her daughter again.

  “It’s okay, baby. It’s all going to be okay.”

  “Mom, tell me what’s really going on. Why did we come here? Why does Keme call his friends his Pack and what did Micah mean about the Pack not allowing something? Are the adults into that whole weird dog-reference thing too or is that just an Indian thing?”

  Taking a deep breath and knowing she couldn’t put this talk off any longer, she met Gareth’s eyes. At his brief nod she smiled at Rain. “Honey, let’s go sit down for a minute. We need to talk.”

  He led the way and busied himself building a fire in the fireplace. When he struck a match and the fire had caught to his satisfaction, he settled himself on the floor. Rain sat down on the couch and turned to face her. Harmony linked her hands together and cleared her throat.

  “Honey, you know how you’ve been having strange dreams and eating more and sleeping more? Well…”

  “Mom, I am not going through puberty again!” Rain rolled her eyes, a slight flush on her cheeks and an embarrassed glance at Gareth as well.

  “It’s not that, baby. Our family, well, some of our family have a…well…a hereditary condition.”

  “Am I dying?”

  “No! No, it’s not anything bad.” She scooted over, taking both of Rain’s hands. “You’re fine, baby. You’re healthy and you’re fine. Oh god, I’m making a mess of this.”

  Raking a hand through her hair, Harmony glanced at Gareth. He shook his head.

  “I can’t help you with this one. I’ve always known what I was. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know.”

  “Wait, Gareth, you’ve always known what you are? I don’t get it.” Rain shook her head then looked at her mom again. “What is this all about?”

  “Honey, you’re a shapeshifter and I think you’re close to your first Change. I had to bring you home, to someone who can help you because I can’t. I can’t Change and I think you’re going to and you’re going to need some guidance and some help.” She felt the words leaving her mouth, saw Rain’s face pale and the disbelief on her face then the fear. She must think her mother had lost her mind.

  “What? I’m a what?” Rain moved back, shaking her hands free of her mother’s grip. “Look! If you are trying to distract me from what Dad did to you, stop it. This is crazy. Shapeshifter? Like what? A werewolf? Please.”

  Rain gave a shaky laugh. She darted glances from her mother to Gareth and back again. Harmony’s heart ached. If only she’d told her child sooner. If only she’d been a better mom.

  “Rain, sweetheart, are you dreaming things that don’t make sense? What about your sense of smell? Do you know anyone else like that? Didn’t your skin itch at the last full moon? Honey, I know this is hard to hear. I should have told you sooner.” Harmony heard her own desperation. She prayed for her daughter to understand.

  “No way, Mom. No way.” Then something changed on Rain’s face. As if some puzzle piece had just fallen into place. “Okay, so prove it. Turn into a wolf.”

  Harmony winced. “I can’t, honey. Some of us never get the chance. We are…”

  She trailed off then looked at Gareth. He hadn’t moved from his place on the floor. He gave her a small smile that warmed her heart. Glancing back at Rain’s determined face, Harmony asked him.

  “Gareth? Would you show her, please? It’s the only way she’ll believe me.” Knowing she put him in an awkward position, she turned her gaze to him. “Please?”

  He studied both of them for a long moment then untied his shoes and removed his socks. He stood, turning his back on them and took off his shirt. As he loosened his jeans she glanced at her daughter. She didn’t really want to take her eyes off the visual feast in front of her but she had to make sure Rain wasn’t mistaking any of this and that her daughter saw the actual Change. Otherwise she wouldn’t believe them.

  She turned her head back just as he dropped his jeans and flowed into his wolf form. The brief glimpse of his gorgeous ass wasn’t lost on her but Rain had blushed when his hands had moved to his jeans. Harmony knew her daughter had avoided seeing that. But Rain’s gasp told her she’d seen him shift.

  She’d suspected he was the white wolf she’d seen before. His blond hair and blue eye leant themselves to that paler coloring. He turned toward them, his wolf form beautiful. He took a cautious step forward, his gaze focused on Rain.

  “Oh. My. God!” There was a sharp breath between each word then Rain was on her feet, pointing at Gareth wit
h one hand, the other flapping at her mother. Rain’s head swiveled back and forth. “Holy crap! Mom! Gareth just turned into a freaking wolf! He’s a wolf! Did you see that?”

  At the slight edge of hysteria in her daughter’s voice she reached out and took Rain’s hand. “Baby, that’s what I’m trying to tell you.”

  “Wait…Mom, can you do that? If you can do that why didn’t you do that and bite Dad?”

  Harmony gasped out a laugh. “Rain. I can’t. I can’t do that and neither could your father. But Aunt Willow, Uncle Pete, Gareth, Micah, probably your friend Keme and some of the other kids can. I’m Denied, Rain. That’s what we’re called, those of us who can’t shift. We’re Moon-Denied. Gareth is Moon-Called.”

  Gareth moved closer in his wolf form and leaned against Harmony’s leg. She reached down without really thinking about it and ran her hand through his thick coat. He made a sound deep in his throat and she knew he offered support, not censure.

  “So.” Rain seemed calmer now and sat down next to her mother but didn’t take her eyes off Gareth. “So, you think this is what’s going to happen to me? You think that even though you and Dad couldn’t do this I can?”

  “You’ve got all the signs, Rain. All the signs of someone about to go through their first Change.”

  “Does it hurt?” Rain directed her question to her mother and Harmony shrugged.

  “I don’t know, baby.”

  He shivered slightly and then Harmony’s hand was on his bare shoulder. He dragged his shirt over to cover his groin as he met Rain’s eyes. She knew the gesture was more for Rain’s sake than anything else. Normally shifters weren’t too concerned about nudity. “No. It doesn’t normally hurt but sometimes the first shift is a bit painful because your instinct is to fight it. It gets easier and sometimes it aches a bit but it doesn’t hurt for long or very much.”

  “Does it feel as if your skin is tingling and your bones itch? That’s what I feel when the Moon calls. It’s been so painful in the past that I learned to self-medicate during a full moon. It’s the only thing that stops me from screaming.” The words poured out of Harmony and then she shook her head. “Never mind.”


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