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dragon archives 04 - dance with a dragon

Page 13

by Linda K Hopkins

  “Let’s be on our way,” she said.

  Rupert led the way out of the tavern and along the hard-packed street. It was not far from there to the main city marketplace, and he led them deftly along the winding streets that led to the large square. There were many markets in the city, but this was the largest, where all manner of goods were sold from places both near and far. Before they had even reached the market, Anna’s senses were assailed by evocative sights and smells – the aroma of exotic spices from far-away lands, fruits from the sun-drenched south, cloth and furs, and mixed in between, hawkers selling pies and roasted chestnuts. Memories flooded Anna’s mind – Max buying chestnuts for her, holding the burning seeds in his bare hand; Max walking beside her, pausing while she delightedly examined goods she had only ever heard about; Max whispering in her ear to stay close as they pushed through the crowds.

  “Your Highness, whatever are you doing here?” The voice behind Anna made her spin around to look at Max bowing before the queen, stepping from her mind and into the street. A few people had paused and were looking at Max and Matilda in surprise.

  “Shh,” the queen hissed. “You can call me, uh, Mistress, uh, Ann.”

  Max glanced around, then turned back to the queen with a flourishing bow. “Darling Ann, you will always be queen of my heart, so I call you ‘Your Highness’.”

  There were a few laughs as people turned back to what they were doing. Matilda glanced around anxiously, then seeing that people were no longer paying them any mind, looked at Max suspiciously.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Why, the same as you,” he replied. “I’m browsing the market.”

  “You didn’t follow me on the king’s command?”

  “Follow you? No, Your, uh, Mistress Ann.” He held out an arm. “But why the disguise?”

  “I wish to see a play,” she replied, wrapping her arm around his.

  “Ah! And you do not wish people to know you are in the audience?”

  “Correct!” The queen smiled at him. “You are a smart one.”

  “I do my best,” he said. “May I escort you to this play?” Max glanced around, frowning slightly when he saw the prince leaning against a vendor’s table. His eyes rested on Anna for a moment before he turned back to the queen. “But I see you already have an escort.”

  “Yes, but I am happy to have another man in our company,” she said. “Rupert can be so dull.” The little party moved forward again, weaving through the narrow gaps between the market stalls. Rupert fell in beside Anna.

  “I heard you know our pretty new arrival,” he said. “What can you tell me about him?”

  Max was walking ahead of Anna, and she watched his back as he walked. She knew that there were ridges that ran along the length of his spine, where strong muscles would stretch and grow taut when his massive wings were spread wide; she knew he could breathe fire when he wished to, enough to burn an entire forest; she knew he was stronger than any human he had ever encountered, but did not use his strength unless provoked. She knew he was not actually human at all, but rather a large, monstrous beast.

  “It is wiser to have Max Brant as a friend than an enemy,” she said, dragging her attention back to Rupert.

  “Really?” Rupert laughed dryly. “Are you referring to his physical prowess? Because there is no-one at court who can best me with a sword, or in a hand-to-hand fight.”

  “Do not let Master Brant’s handsome looks and easy manner fool you,” she said. “He is more dangerous than you can imagine.”

  The prince stared at Max, his head cocked slightly as though sizing him up, then turned a speculative glance back at Anna. “How do you know this? Surely you haven’t actually seen him fight?”

  “No,” Anna replied. “But Master Brant is my sister’s kinsman. I have heard stories.”

  “I see.” Rupert looked at Max again. He was bending his head towards the queen with a laugh. Anna glanced around, and a table of gilded cages caught her eye. Within each cage were small, yellow birds, twittering furiously. She moved towards them with a smile.

  “They are so pretty!” she said. “Where do you suppose they come from?”

  Rupert shrugged. “I have no clue. I have no interest in birds, unless they can hunt. They might make a tasty morsel, though.”

  “You don’t eat them!” Anna said. “You keep them. Like a dog.”

  “Whatever for? A bird such as this has no use whatsoever.”

  Max had moved to stand behind Anna while she admired the birds. “It will sing prettily for a lady,” he said. She shivered slightly as he moved closer, standing next to her. “Those are canaries, and they come from islands off the coast of Africa.”

  Anna turned to Max with wide eyes. “Africa?” He nodded. She turned back to the birds and chirruped softly, smiling when the birds twittered back.

  “Anna!” Anna turned at the sound of her name to see Kathleen standing at a table of intricate lace. “Come look.”

  “I’m coming,” Anna said. She gave the canaries a last, lingering look, then moved away to look at the work that had caught her friend’s fancy.

  “Which one should I buy?” Kathleen said.

  “This one,” Anna said, pointing to a broad length with scalloped edges. She glanced back to where Max had been standing, but he had returned to the queen’s side. Anna turned back to watch Kathleen complete her purchase.

  Chapter 22

  Max stayed with the small group for the rest of the day. After an hour spent browsing the market, he led them to the cathedral steps, where mummers and performers displayed their talents for a few pennies. The queen laughed and clapped her hands when a tumbler rolled and twirled through the air, and gasped in fear when a man juggled knives, the sharp blades cutting dangerously through the air. Max stood next to Matilda, and he turned to look down at the queen with a smile when she gasped. Rupert stood next to Anna.

  “I don’t see what the fuss is about,” he said, his eyes on the juggler. “With a little practice I could do that.”

  Anna turned to look at him. “And if he was eating fire, would you say that too?”

  “Of course.” Anna raised her eyebrows dubiously as Rupert continued. “If a man like that can swallow flames, it would be an easy matter for one such as myself.”

  “Of course,” Anna said, turning her attention back to the performer. He had added a sixth knife to his act, and she glanced away when it looked as though a blade would slice right through his hand, not turning back until a sigh of relief ran through the crowd.

  It was not far from the cathedral to the open theater that had been erected near the banks of the river. It was close to the fish market, and as they walked along the river, Anna saw boats of all sizes pulled onto the marshy banks and secured with thick ropes wrapped around poles in the mud. The smell of rotting fish wafted over them, and Blanche was not the only who delicately covered her nose with the edge of her cloak.

  Rows of benches had been placed before the stage, already filled with people who were crammed together to squeeze as many in as possible. There were some empty gaps on the bench closest to the back, but Matilda shook her head in distaste when Max pointed them out.

  “I can only endure so much,” she said. “Find a seat for me and place it at the back, away from the crowds. And make sure you place it where I can see,” she added as Max strode off with a slight frown. He came back a few moments later rolling a barrel with his foot. From the smell, Anna guessed it had been used to store salted fish. As Max pulled the barrel upright, Matilda eyed it dubiously, then glanced around. It stood higher than the benches, and it was clear that if she wanted to remain unknown, her options were limited. Gingerly she took a seat on the weathered wooden lid, moving cautiously until she was well placed, then turned her attention to the stage. The actors were busy setting up their props, and all around them people were crowding in to see what was happening. A few moments later, Denton clapped his hands together, shouting over the noise to gain th
e crowd’s attention.

  “The show is about to begin,” he shouted. “It is entitled The Soldier and His Lady.” He paused and glanced at the audience, waiting as the noise quieted down. “Imagine, if you will, a soldier saying a fond farewell to his love within the walled gardens of her home. She is heartbroken, of course, at the thought of her lover leaving her side. But he must do his duty for his royal sovereign, and will head to distant lands to fight the barbarians who would threaten us.” Denton turned away from the audience, and shrugging a coat over his tunic, turned to the woman who had just walked onto the stage weeping copiously.

  The soldier, played by Denton, said his fond farewells, but his lover was distraught at the thought of his departure. Refusing to be left behind, she trailed after him, following the army as it marched from one battle to another. As the final battle neared, the soldier knew that the end was close. A passionate kiss was shared between the pair before he pulled away in an agony of emotion. “Farewell, my love,” he shouted, before plunging into a bloody and brutal battle against the wicked foe. Swords and spears plunged into him, but he remained on his feet, shouting his lover’s name. “Tilly! Tilly!” Anna glanced at the queen, amused to see her watching Denton fixedly. A final spear thrust went through the soldier’s heart, and he fell to the ground, the name still on his lips as he breathed his last. His heartbroken lover, watching from the sidelines of the battle, ran to his side, and grabbing the sword from his dead hands, wrapped her own around the hilt. Anna compressed her lips in an effort to contain a grin as the woman lifted the sword high above her head and plunged it into her heart. She fell down, still for a moment, as the crowd watched in silence, then lifting her head, declared to the audience, “I am dead,” before once more dropping her head to the ground, never to move again.

  A small snort escaped Anna, and she lifted a hand to her mouth with shamed amusement as the queen turned to glare at her. Another giggle escaped her, and she looked at the ground, biting her lip. She felt a movement beside her, and she glanced up to see Rupert looking at her, his eyebrows furrowed in disapproval.

  Anna shrugged helplessly. “It’s funny,” she said as another giggle found its way out. She clamped her lips together, but it was no use. The harder she tried, the more she laughed, until finally, hands over her mouth, she turned and pushed her way to the back of the crowd. She saw Max standing near the queen, his gaze fixed on the stage, but a grin was tugging at his lips, and she laughed even more. Finally, she reached a place beyond the crowds, and leaning against a wall, gave vent to her mirth. People walking by grinned at her infectious laughter, which only made her laugh more, until finally she turned her face to the wall, and biting her lip, brought herself under control.

  By the time she made her way back to the others, most of the crowds had dispersed. The queen was standing next to the stage, while Denton knelt before her. She was stroking his head as though he were an adoring puppy, while the others waited a few feet away. Max was looking on with an expression of distaste, but Rupert seemed to have lost all patience.

  “Stop making such a fool of yourself, Matilda,” he said. “You’ll have the city talking about your display if you continue like this.”

  “Nonsense!” she said, but she drew her hand away nonetheless. Denton reached up to grab it, but she took a step backwards. “I must be gone,” she said, “but we will meet again.”

  “Even a minute will be too long, my sweet Tilly,” he said with a sigh. His eyes were fixed on her, but a dry laugh from Rupert had him glancing at the company watching them. He rose to his feet with a flush. “Of course, my lady,” he said, before quickly stepping away and disappearing into the shadows.

  By the time the small entourage arrived back at the palace, more than three hours had disappeared. Max had accompanied the queen to the river, securing a ferry for her and her ladies before finally stepping away. He had watched as the small craft was pushed down the river, and Anna’s last sight of him was standing on the river bank, his arms folded over his chest as he stood against the lowering light of the day. Rupert had also taken leave of the little party, and it was just the women who stepped off the ferry as the ferryman pulled the boat towards the small landing below the palace lawns.

  As they walked towards the palace courtyard, a woman came hurrying out towards them, pausing in obvious surprise when she saw the queen amongst the party, decked out in simple clothes.

  “Your Majesty,” she said. “I came looking for you, but you were not in your chambers, nor were your ladies,” she said. “And,” she added, laying emphasis on the word, “your secretary did not know of any appointments that would take you from the palace today.”

  “Oh, hush, Mary,” said the queen. “We have just had the most marvelous adventure. You saw through my disguise, but only because you know me. The people on the streets had no idea they were traversing the roads with their sovereign queen.”

  “You went into the city, my lady? Dressed like that?”

  “Yes, Mary,” the queen said, impatience creeping into her tone.

  “But why?”

  “So I could travel incognito, of course.”

  “Oh.” Mary’s gaze lingered on the gown for a moment, her mouth tightening in distaste, before she looked up at the queen. “His Majesty, the king, has been looking for you.”

  “Then go and give the word I will be with him directly,” she said. “Oh, and Mary,” she added as the woman turned away, “not a word about my escapades. Understood?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “The entire court will know by nightfall,” Blanche said as she watched Mary walking away.

  “I know,” Matilda said. “I just hope I can explain to the king before he catches word in the wind.”

  Frank and Tobias were standing outside the door when Matilda and her ladies arrived at her apartments. They bowed as she entered the rooms, although Anna could see Frank eyeing the group suspiciously, his gaze pausing on her. He frowned for a moment, then turned away. The gown that Kathleen had discarded earlier had been spread out on the bed, and within a few minutes the queen had donned it and was sitting down for Blanche to do her hair. She was still brushing when a sound at the door had all the ladies turning around to see the king enter the room. Anna dropped into a curtsey as the king strode forward.

  “Matty, my dear, we have been searching the palace grounds for you,” he said. He was smiling, but beneath the friendliness, Anna could hear the note of irritation. “I was growing concerned that some disaster had befallen you.”

  “As you can see, my lord, I am quite safe and sound. My ladies and I went into the city.”

  Alfred frowned. “Why?”

  “I wanted to see a play.”

  “You can see plays anytime you wish to,” he said, turning away and pacing the room. “You do not need to sneak away to do so.”

  “I did not wish to be known,” she said.

  Alfred stopped his pacing and turned to face her. “You went to see Denton, didn’t you?”

  “I did.”

  “Good lord, Matty, could you be any more obvious?”

  “I traveled in disguise.”

  “In disguise? And you did not reveal yourself to Denton?” Matilda was silent. “Who saw you speak to him?” he asked.

  “Anyone watching the play.” She lifted her chin as she met his gaze. “But no one knew who I was. I could have been a fisherwoman for all they know.”

  “You are clearly no fisherwomen,” he retorted. “Whatever clothes you wore to disguise yourself, anyone with an iota of sense would have seen that you were a noblewoman, and they would have wondered why a noblewoman was traversing the city dressed in rags.” He paused. “Who traveled with you?”

  “Rupert. And when we encountered Master Brant in the city, he joined us, too.”

  “Rupert! I’m surprised he would go along with a plan such as this. It is unlike him to be so wanting in sense.” Alfred turned to look at the ladies, his gaze falling on Anna. “Along wit
h your other duties, you are expected to provide wisdom and counsel to your queen. You should have talked her out of this foolishness.”

  “Do not blame my ladies,” Matilda said, rising to her feet. “The blame is mine alone. And despite what you say, I do not believe anyone who saw me recognized me for who I am. I will not regret the actions of today.”

  Alfred nodded. “Well, clearly there is no point in saying more. But my dear, if the slightest whiff of scandal reaches my nose, you will regret it.” And with that he turned on his heel and walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

  Chapter 23

  The next days passed by quickly. Whatever private regrets the queen may have had, she kept them to herself. The king said no more about the affair, and since no other action was taken, his annoyance was soon forgotten. Matilda had enjoyed her adventure thoroughly, and talked often about how delighted she was with the city.

  “I will keep my red gown so we can go again,” the queen said, a pronouncement that made Anna’s heart sink. The king’s tolerance could only be pushed so far.

  Anna was sitting with Kathleen in the queen’s private parlor one afternoon a few days later when a soft knock was heard on the door, followed a moment later by Betsy coming into the room. In her hand she held a cage with rounded sides and a domed top. It stood about eighteen inches high, and perched inside were a pair of bright yellow canaries.

  “Excuse me, Mistress, but this was delivered for you,” Betsy said, looking at Anna.

  Anna rose to her feet. “For me? Who’s it from?”

  “There’s a note, Mistress.” Anna took the cage from Betsy’s hands and placed it on a nearby table. It was similar to the cages she had seen in the market a few days before, but more intricately wrought, with trailing vines and flowers covering the dome. The note was secured to the cage with a narrow ribbon, and Anna carefully untied it and removed the missive. ‘I hope you enjoy many hours of cheerful birdsong,’ it read.


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