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Season's Change: Summer: A Goddess Legacy Companion Novel (Goddess Legacy 1.5)

Page 2

by M. W. Muse

  We made it to her car and left without any other discussion about Don. And excluding Chloe's nonsense about him, today had been a nearly perfect birthday.

  Nearly, because my mom was still gone. I didn't think about her much, but holidays and birthdays always seemed to bring her to the forefront of my mind. Since I didn't have any memories of her, I thought about some of the stories Melissa had told me. Now, some of the generic stories didn't seem so inconsequential.

  When we arrived at my house, we walked toward the porch while I fumbled in my purse for my house key. Then I unlocked and opened the door, flipping on the living room light as I stepped in.


  The living room was full of people. Mostly friends, but some of Melissa's coworkers, too. Wow. A surprise birthday party. That was what was really on Chloe's mind. I wondered if she just brought up Don to distract me. Sneaky chick! My face burned and I knew I was blushing as I faced her.

  "You must be the one behind this! I can't believe it." My heart was pounding from the initial shock, but I was able to form a shaky smile on my face.

  "Guilty." She smirked.

  I scanned the room again, thrilled to see all the beaming faces, and then froze.

  There in the corner of the room stood the last person I expected to see.

  It was Don.

  Chapter 2

  I couldn't believe my eyes. Everyone seemed happy to be here for me, and the room was decorated perfectly. Streamers draped across the ceiling, balloons gathered in bunches throughout the room and a large, personalized sign hung on the far wall.

  Melissa had set up several tables with gifts and snacks. Two cakes sat on another table in the middle of the room. One was the chocolate cake that I assumed Melissa had made. The other looked like no ordinary cake, but was crafted into a shape of a beautifully wrapped present with a billowing bow atop it.

  This party had taken some planning. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes as I took in the grand scene. Melissa was at my side at once, and she threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

  "Happy birthday, Season. Are you surprised?"

  "Totally," I said, smiling at her while blinking in an effort to keep my tears from spilling over. "How long have you been planning this?"

  "A few weeks. Chloe called me; it was her idea," Melissa confessed. "I wanted to do something special, but she didn't think you'd just agree to a party."

  I glanced over at Chloe, again, and she smirked as she shrugged one shoulder. I slipped away from Melissa's embrace and hugged Chloe.

  "You plotted this," I accused, and several people in the room laughed. "I didn't plot. I just planned," she said angelically and smiled.

  "So the trip to the mall. The shoes. The make-up." The speech about Don, I added in my head. "Was to trip me up?"

  "Of course." She laughed.

  I let go of Chloe and made my way to the few people who were standing close by to thank them personally. Then made more rounds. As everyone got comfortable mingling with each other and I knew I wouldn't be missed or gawked at if I tried to have a private discussion, I turned toward Chloe. She was still talking to one of the other guests, but she excused herself and walked over to me when she saw me glancing at her.

  "What is it? You've got a weird look on your face." "Did you, er, invite everyone here?"

  "I invited some of our friends from school, but Melissa talked to the people in your neighborhood and at her office and invited them. Why?"

  "Oh, I'm just surprised to see some of these people."

  Chloe started to turn around to scan the room, and I grabbed her arm. "Don't."

  "What's with you?"

  "Act natural. Look around the room casually. I'll meet you at the buffet table." I couldn't even say his name out loud to tell her what I was thinking, who I'd seen..

  "Er, okay . . . um, are you going to explain this to me at the rendezvous point?" She chuckled.

  "Don't be a dork. Just stay cool."

  I left her side with a smile plastered on my face as I walked over to the closest group of people and joined in their conversation, slyly watching Chloe take in the room.

  Luckily, Don wasn't looking at her because her jaw hit the floor as soon as she saw him. She composed herself without getting caught and made her way to the buffet table. I politely excused myself and walked over, grabbing a plate to fill as I headed to where she stood.

  "I take it you didn't invite him?" I asked as I grabbed a pair of tongs. "Nope. But he obviously found out about the party from someone."

  "You said Melissa invited the neighbors. He probably heard about it from his grandma. Did you see who was standing next to him?"

  "Yep. Kim and Emma." "Uh-huh." I scowled.

  "Don't worry. They have boyfriends." "Like that matters . . . ."

  "Season, they don't know you like Don. He's the best-looking guy in school, or at least he was, before he graduated. They're probably just thrilled to see him here, enjoying the eye candy and all."

  "You know they have to be wondering what he is doing at my party." "Don't worry about it. I'll go figure out what's been said and make sure they

  understand his grandma is your neighbor. C'mon, we need to keep walking around, so it doesn't seem like I'm hogging your attention."

  We made our way to the intended group of people. Chloe threw on a quick smile, giving me a pointed look, reminding me I was supposed to be smiling, and then left my side.

  I chatted with the crowd until I saw Melissa walk over to Chloe, and they both headed for the cake.

  "It's time for Season to blow out her candles," Melissa announced as the crowd quieted down.

  All eyes turned toward me, so I quickly thanked the group I was talking to for coming tonight, hugged their necks, and ate the last of the chocolate-covered strawberries I'd retrieved from the buffet table before walking over to the cake table. Chloe took pictures of me while Melissa lit the seventeen candles on the chocolate cake. I grinned as I scanned the room, locking eyes with several of the guests. I saw Kim's forced smile and Emma's more natural one. I had to save Don's face for last because I knew when I saw him looking at me it'd be difficult to keep my composure.

  When I allowed myself to finally glance at him, his piercing blue eyes locked onto mine, and I saw nothing else but the bluest sky shielded by a cloud of lashes. He could have been nude for all I knew. His face lit up like we were long lost friends seeing each other for the first time in too many years. My heart pounded in my chest, and I forced myself to keep breathing regularly. I tried to feign a little shock, pretending this was the first time I saw him because I knew Kim and Emma were watching and didn't know what they thought about him being here.

  I was relieved when Melissa finished with the candles and turned to me, drawing my attention, and she started the crowd with the birthday song.

  I laughed appreciatively, and once they were finished singing—some shouting— the rendition, I bowed my head and held my hair away from the cake while I extinguished the candles with my shaky breath. Flashes blinded me while I rose upright, smiling, while the cameras finished clicking in my direction.

  Melissa handed me the first piece of cake, and Chloe grabbed a piece, following me over to a wall, away from most of the guests.

  "What did you find out from Kim and Emma?" I asked through my teeth and plastered smile.

  She turned her back to the crowd so that she could face me, shielding her expression from everyone.

  "Nothing we didn't already expect. He told them he found out from his grandma."

  "Do they suspect anything else?"

  "I don't think so. Is there anything else to suspect?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  I grabbed my tummy to still the butterflies attacking me. "No. Gosh, my stomach is in knots. Did you talk to him?"

  "Yes. He thanked me for taking the initiative on the surprise party and said I did a wonderful job. And, um, I know you don't want to hear this now, but maybe . . . it'll give you a little co

  "Ugh. What?" I looked away from her, irritated.

  "You assumed Don's grandma invited him, and he apparently confirmed that assumption to Kim and Emma."


  "And . . . I don't see his grandma here." My eyes shot to Chloe. "What?"

  "I searched the room, and I do admit there are some people I don't recognize from Melissa's office, but unless his grandma has grown about twenty years younger, she's not here. It looks like he heard about the party and came here alone."

  "Why would he do that?" I didn't mean to say that out loud, but when Chloe frowned at me, I realized I'd blurted it out.

  "Because he has the hots for you. You need to seriously suck it up and go speak to him before he leaves. You've already spoken to just about everyone else."

  "I haven't talked to Kim or Emma yet," I defended myself.

  "Because they've been talking to Don up until I walked over there. Look, don't worry about it. Just keep telling yourself he's just a friend, and that's all he'll ever be." She couldn't help but smirk at her own sarcasm as she spoke.

  Chloe stepped away to help Melissa while I walked over to Kim and Emma to visit with them first, shoving another bite of cake into my mouth for chocolate courage.

  "Hey girls. Thanks for coming tonight. I really appreciate it."

  "Oh, we wouldn't have missed this for the world," Emma said with a seemingly genuine smile on her face.

  "Yeah, Chloe asked us if we would come," Kim responded a little less enthusiastically. "Don't you think that dress is a little, um, snug on you?"

  "Where're Todd and Eli?" I asked, ignoring her snide comment.

  Todd was Kim's boyfriend. Typical jock. Good athlete, cocky as could be.

  Eli was Emma's boyfriend. He was more likable. He was also an athlete but was nicer to people than Todd was. He and Eli were pretty close, so I guessed it made sense they would date two girls who were already best friends.

  "They're out destroying the senior float," Kim said in a bored manner. "Some of the juniors didn't like that we lost, so they think it's payback time,"

  Emma said, sounding a little embarrassed.

  "Well, we're the seniors now. I guess we can get rid of that monstrosity if we want to," I teased, keeping the conversation light.

  Kim perked up and nodded, "I see Don Davis made it to your party." Uh-oh. "Yeah, his grandma lives next door."

  "That's what we heard," Emma said, trying to defuse Kim's intent.

  "Hey girlies. Whatcha talking about?" Chloe interrupted, coming to my rescue. "Oh, nothing. Just school. They told me about the juniors demolishing the senior

  float," I added with a wicked laugh, hoping to divert Kim from a conversation I knew she'd rather have.

  "I heard about that," Chloe responded, giggling and then turning to Kim and Emma. "Hey, why don't you come over here and look at this cake. The baker did a killer job on the fondant bow."

  Chloe got their attention away from me because Kim was all about Chloe, and Emma hung on every word Kim said. At least now, they were headed farther away from Don.

  He was by himself against a wall finishing his piece of cake. I took a deep breath, psyching myself up as I started walking in his direction, but then I saw that he was wearing a different shirt than he had earlier in the day. This shirt was green—a beautiful, emerald-green that matched my green dress. When I realized we were matching, I remembered how well he'd articulated his compliment this morning. I tried to tell myself it was just a coincidence to keep myself from shaking. It was already too late to keep my hands from sweating, assuming I could've even kept that from happening.

  As I approached him, his gaze flashed to me. I had to force myself to remain calm and keep my composure as I neared him.

  "Happy birthday." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder in a sideways hug. "Thanks, again." I smiled as I stepped out of his embrace.

  He took my empty plate with his plate and tossed them into the nearby trash. "You have a little icing on your lip," he said as he gently wiped it away with his

  index finger.

  I couldn't breathe. He touched my lips, and then to my utter disbelief, he took that same index finger and put it in his mouth to taste the icing.

  I laughed, unable to hide the nervous sound of it, and briefly glanced away from


  "Have you had a nice day today?" he asked as he stepped closer and took not

  one, but both my hands into both of his, holding them at our sides.

  "Er, yes. Chloe and I did some shopping after school." I didn't know what to say. The hugs I could try to get used to, but him touching my lips and holding my hands— these were a first in all our years of friendship.

  "How about the party? Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked, as if he was genuinely concerned about my mood. He cocked his head to the side, eyes opened wide.

  "Absolutely. This was a wonderful surprise." Maybe I was feeling brave. Maybe I just knew I needed to thank him for coming. Either way, I knew I was going to have to keep my composure as I continued, "I'm so happy that you came tonight. That, too, was a wonderful surprise."

  "I wouldn't want to be any other place. You're so radiant. Everyone has been commenting on how beautiful you are. You should see yourself; you're glowing."

  "Oh, it's just my party face." I shrugged, trying to lighten the conversation. "I'm actually horrified at all this attention. If I let my real emotions show, everyone will think I'm some ungrateful brat." I laughed.

  "I doubt that." He half-smiled at me.

  I continued to stare at him, not knowing what to say. Our hands were still joined, his grip felt so strong even though it was gentle.

  "Did your grandma not come tonight?" There, that was a good question.

  "No, tonight's her bunko night. I'll probably have to pick her up. It was her night to bring the wine, and she got an early start." Don chuckled.

  So she didn't show up because she had other plans. Not because he told her to stay away so he could come to my party and seduce me with his charm. And it would be so easy for him, what with his sincere personality, piercing eyes, delectable scent, muscular arms . . . Stop it!

  "Um, that sounds like fun." Great, now I babbled like an idiot. "I wouldn't know. I've never played."

  "Does she play often?" Why were we talking about his grandma? "Yeah, once a week." He nodded as he answered.

  "That's good. I mean, it's nice that she has a hobby." Oh, for the love of . . .

  He took in a deep breath and exhaled sharply. I assumed he wanted to steer this conversation away from his grandma just about as much as I did.

  "Can I ask you a question?"

  As long as it's a proposal. "Sure."

  "Please don't take offense. I mean no disrespect at all . . . ."

  Oh no! He'd figured out I was obsessed with him, and he was going to ask me to stay the hell away from him! "Go on."

  "Well, it seems like whenever I give you a compliment, you don't seem to believe me. I was wondering why that is?"

  "What?" Okay, so that wasn't exactly what I thought he was going to ask. My hands started trembling.

  "Do I make you uncomfortable?" he asked.

  "No, of course not." Get yourself together! "Um, I'm not one for compliments. I mean, I think it's just that I'm not used to getting compliments from anyone. It's not just you."

  "Okay. I was just concerned that I was making you uncomfortable. Sometimes, I say things without thinking them through, and I've noticed that . . . that . . . usually happens when I'm around you."

  "Oh." Huh? What was he trying to say?

  "Season, it's time to open your presents," I heard Chloe say as she walked toward


  Don twined his fingers with mine as Chloe approached. I watched her as she

  glanced at Don. She noticed my hands linked with his, and then she made eye contact with me, frowning slightly. I just couldn't believe this was happening! My fingers shook in Don's hands and Chloe stood
right beside us witnessing all this. I didn't even know how to begin to process it. It was obvious Chloe was formulating her own conclusions, and I was sure I was about to hear all about it.

  "Um, whenever you're ready," she modified.

  "I'm ready," I said in a slow, flat tone. It was an impulse response. I didn't want to leave. I could stand here and hold Don's hands until my fingers got numb. But this was a party, and I had too many people watching me. Besides, if I continued to stand here, I'd eventually pass out because my heart was racing so fast.

  Don slipped his hands away from mine while I was still looking at Chloe. I glanced back at him, and he was staring at her with a pleasant smile on his face as he put his hands in his pockets.

  "In case I don't get to see you again," I started to say to him, and he flashed his gaze back over to me, "thanks, again, for coming tonight."

  He had a strange expression on his face. Almost sad, even though he smiled and nodded at me. Abruptly, he put his arms around my waist, and I put my arms around his neck for what I assumed was a goodbye hug. He held me tightly, like he had in the morning, but for several seconds longer. Don turned his head so that his face was buried in my hair. If I wasn't in complete and total shock at how close he was to me, feeling his hot breath on my skin, I probably would've been squealing on the inside.

  "Happy birthday," he whispered.

  I couldn't help myself—I stroked the back of his neck, at the bottom of his hairline, with my slick palm as we pulled away from each other.

  "Thanks," I murmured.

  I walked off in a daze at Chloe's side. I sat at the table with a frozen smile on my face, hoping it looked genuine to everyone else as I was once again the center of attention.

  As I opened my gifts, I thanked everyone individually. Melissa gave me a beautiful red, silk dress. It was beautiful, and I couldn't wait to find an occasion to wear it. The biggest surprise gift was from Chloe because I just didn't see it coming. The trip to the mall this afternoon wasn't a complete ruse after all. The red shoes were for me, not her. She knew what Melissa had gotten me and figured she'd use that as a reason to buy me expensive shoes. Chloe and her accessories.


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