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Bella (A Sagatori Family Saga a Mafia Romance Book 3)

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by Kimberly Blalock

  “Isabella, we were brought together by chance on the most of unexpected nights, but you…” he cleared his throat, “…you took my life in a direction I never thought would be possible for me again. Until I met you, I had only ever loved one woman. I will honor you for all the days of your life. Anything you want or need is yours.”

  He’d said he loved me even if he hadn’t actually said, I love you, Bella. He was saying he loved me in his own way. And I knew right then and there I wasn’t going to run because I loved Jax, as well.


  I paced the small room, waiting while my heart pounded in my chest. Sweat beaded up on my brows and I pulled at my collar needing to breathe. The small room and the idea that I’d be marrying Bella in twenty minutes was choking the hell out of me. Not because I didn’t want to marry her but because I did. I wanted things with Bella I’d never wanted with anyone else ever. And the idea of her betraying me at some point was too much. I couldn’t control myself if she betrayed me, but I didn’t see it as if she’d betray me, but rather when she’d betray me. It was inevitable. She was too good for me, I knew that.

  She’d agreed to marry me today, and I’d agreed to try to give of myself. I could marry Bella all day long, that wasn’t the issue. It was allowing myself to be vulnerable with her. I’d never been vulnerable except with Rebecca, and she ended up in Casconi’s bed.

  “You okay, boss?” Mickie’s hand landed on my shoulder.

  I turned with narrowed eyes. “Do I look like something's wrong?”

  “No, boss, just checkin’.” He stepped away.

  “Ask that again and it’ll be the last fucking thing you ask me.”

  “Time to go,” Chase spoke.

  I sucked in a deep breath, wiped my brow one last time, and entered the cathedral. The famiglia gathered in their seats with laughter booming throughout the church. Weddings in the famiglia made everyone happy. I don’t know if it was legit or faked because after all, I was the boss, but I didn’t give a shit. As long as nothing ruined the day I was good with whatever.

  The Bratva had been quiet lately, but that usually only meant they were gearing up for something big. It was a matter of time before Orlov struck where it hurt most. My crew surrounded the church waiting in case today was the day. What better way to hurt us when we were all in one place? Orlov though, he was a tricky bastard. He liked to play games, get people paranoid and shit.

  My eyes scanned the large area waiting for something to go down. Men stood at every exit and surrounded the church. I knew they’d take care of anything that came up. Chase and Adam stood to my left and my parents’ sat in the front row.

  “I’m really happy for you, Jax, Isabella is a keeper.” Chase was the nicest of my brothers, and the one I’d trust around Bella.

  Adam smirked while he checked out his phone. He was the most selfish and dangerous. I didn’t trust him with Bella. I didn’t trust him with anything. But those thoughts and worry disappeared the moment the wedding march started to play and the cathedral doors opened.

  A beautiful woman faced the crowd. Clad in white silk that I had handmade and sent from Italy. I wanted everything to be perfect for her on this day. And the wedding gift that I had for her would top everything else. She would love it, I had no doubt about that. Her hair hung in beautiful chestnut brown waves around her shoulder. The dress had fit her curves like an hourglass. Her eyes focused on mine, and my vision narrowed on her seeing no one else. Thoughts of everything I’d worried about since the day I’d met Isabella washed away instantly. I drew in a deep breath blowing out every worry. I wanted to love her, I did love her. And she would be mine forever.

  I tucked Bella’s tiny hand into mine. I’d been searching for the truth before Bella, and there was a reason I found her. She saved me from myself that night. I’d planned on killing Casconi without permission from Anthony Sagatori, and the spark that ignited in the dark called me to another place. I’m grateful now that I hadn’t broke my vow because she’s here with me. Her bright eyes, soft hands, beautiful heart are my universe. She’s my beautiful.

  When the priest signaled me to start with my vows, my mouth went dry. I’d wanted to say things to Bella for a while, but today all of that would come out.

  “Isabella, we were brought together by chance on the most of unexpected nights, but you…” I cleared my throat, “…you took my life in a direction I never thought possible. Until I met you I had only ever loved one woman. I will honor you for all the days of your life. Anything you want or need is yours.”

  A tear fell from her beautiful eye as she spoke. “You’re the first one I think of when my eyes open, you’re the reason I’m here and I can’t…” she smiled, “…I don’t want to live without you. I found myself loving you without knowing if you would ever feel the same about me. I chanced a love with you. A love with someone that dominated me in a way no one ever had before. I thought I could walk away until this day. I know now, without any doubt in my heart, that I’ll never leave you. You’re everything that I want. I give myself to you, Jax Moretti.”

  “I don’t deserve you, Bella. I’ll love you until the day I die.” I pulled her into my arms and kissed Bella fearlessly.

  “You love me?” she whispered into my ear.

  I pulled her to face me as our guests waited patiently. “I’ve loved you since the first moment I laid eyes on you, princess.”

  “And now the prince has won her over. If you love me, don’t let me go, Jax.” She chewed on her bottom lip.

  “Never.” I’ll never let her go.

  Once the formalities were completed, I entangled my hand with Bella’s and walked us off of the altar. The guests wished us well and the cathedral doors were opened. The chaos the guests created made me nervous and desperate to get Bella into the car.

  “Bye.” Bella waved to the people most important in her life. The moment was slow motion. Her dark hair flying around her face. The sun shining brightly brought out her radiance, her dainty hand clutched into mine and the other held her bouquet. The women yelled, and Bella winked at me as she released her hand and tossed the flowers behind her.

  I smiled because she was smiling, she was happy in that moment. Her pure heart shined brighter than the sun ever had. I knew in that moment I had everything to lose now, and I couldn’t take any risks where she was concerned. I wouldn’t wait for Orlov to attack. I’d hunt him down and dispose of the situation.

  I ushered her into the car as I scanned the area. I needed to make a call to end the war I knew was coming before it took what mattered most from me. Bella smiled as she slid across the seat of the limo as I stepped inside. I couldn’t help but smile back at her.

  “Mickie, I need you to get a crew together. I need the inevitable taken care of before it visits my house.”

  “Consider it done.”

  I disconnected the call. There are times you don’t wait for the tornadoes to hit. I’d been waiting foolishly for the tide to come in. I knew the storm would come, but now…watching her, smelling her floral scent, feeling her hand inside of mine, completely in love with her… I couldn’t wait for something that would be inevitable. I’d start the war with one breath and end it with the next. Take no prisoners, a bloodbath that would come without a moment to spare.

  I turned my phone off once more, reached for Bella’s hand, and slid her onto my lap.

  “Did you mean what you said?” Her big brown eyes shined back at me.

  “I meant every word.” I traced my hand along the edges of her full lips. “Are you ready to take one day at a time towards forever with me?”

  A smile drew onto her face. “I am.” I pulled her into my body and kissed her, breathlessly, determined, honestly and irrevocably in love with her.

  Admitting it made the air easier to breathe. I wouldn’t have to hide from her any longer. I’d never hide again. She loves me, and I pray she never let’s go.

  I wrapped her in my arms needing every piece of her in my possession. Our ha
nds touched one another’s as we watched each other. I’d make love to my wife now. I’d claim every inch of her.

  “You’re only for me,” I breathed against her. “And I’m only for you.” I traced my hand along the edges of her dress. I needed to be inside of her so badly.

  “Yes.” Her head fell back relaxed.

  I swept her hair away and ran my tongue along her neckline. Our hands grabbed at each others desperate, each wanting the other.

  I slipped out of my jacket while Bella quickly unbuttoned my vest and shirt. Her dress wasn’t as easily removed so I opted for the easier of ways; I pulled the dress up grabbing for her flesh squeezing it into my hands. Our kisses became urgent, needy, unpredictable.

  I unbuttoned my tux pants pulling to get them out of my way. The desire that filled my blood for her was relentless. I sprang out and Bella’s hands immediately dropped to my dick. She caressed it. For the first time, she seemed completely and utterly willing to take me and to give herself without regret the moment it was done.

  She positioned herself over me, her arms wrapping around my neck as she slid my dick inside of her. A gush of air left her lungs as she seated herself fully over me. I was completely inside of her and the feeling was impeccably perfect. Warmth wrapped inside of velvet. I could smell her desire, her fragrance turning a deep floral scent. She rode me, at first, easy. My hands fisting through her hair until she began landing on me harder and harder. My balls tingled knowing that I could explode inside of her tight pussy at any moment. I wrapped my arms around her shoving hard inside. Our breaths were ragged and harsh.

  “Harder… Jax… Harder.”

  I shoved inside of her slapping flesh until we were so close she could no longer move. She came the same time I did. I didn’t stop moving inside of her, I couldn’t. I didn’t know how to let it stop. I was losing control with her. That moment was the closest I’d ever been with another woman. She owned me, and I’d never be the same.

  She lifted her head an inch from my face. Our breaths rapid. “Holy shit.” She kept a straight face for a moment before laughing uncontrollably.

  “What’s so funny?” She shook her head attempting to catch her breath. She snorted. “Breathe, Bella.” She snorted again. “Damn, was it that bad?”

  She shook her again grabbing for my chest. “No, no, no.”

  “Then what’s the matter?”

  She inhaled deeply, “God, Jax, I’ve never had better. That…” she dropped her head, “…Oh. My. God. That was mind blowing. I didn’t even know orgasms like that were freaking possible.”

  “I didn’t either.” I reached for her face bringing her closer so that I could taste her sweet lips.

  “Can you imagine what everyone will say when they see us?” She giggled. “Ah, who cares what they will say.” Her body fell against mine, exhausted. “You’re all I have now. You, Alessandra, Tony, Sal, and Emily. You’re all I have in this whole world.” I hugged her close as I gazed out of the limo window. “I miss him.”

  I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I know you do.”

  “Will it ever get easier?”

  I didn’t know. “Yes.”

  “I hope so, Jax, because the feeling of losing the only man that you’ve ever loved with all of your heart is terrible. But now...” She lifted her head. “I have you.” She inhaled deeply. “And I’m grateful.” I did the only thing I knew to do, I kissed her, hoping that she felt the love from the depths of my soul.

  Chapter 9


  Jax and I had officially been re-married for two weeks, and it had been pure bliss. I was in his bed, and he was in my heart. I didn’t feel the need to be insolent any longer. I gave myself over to Jax, and I did so willingly without question before or guilt afterward. I found that I could be myself with him. He was so much more gentle than he ever had been. I was his princess, and he was my prince. For a wedding present, he’d given me my father’s business to run. I couldn’t believe he trusted me enough to give that to me. He’d said I was the most business savvy woman he’d ever met, and he knew I could do the job. As soon as we decided it was time to go on with life outside of this bed I’d start running things, but for now, I liked being in Jax’s arms every minute of the day.

  We had been in this bedroom for nearly two weeks. He worked from the bed most of the time and if someone needed his attention he’d pop out and find his way back to me as soon as he could which was usually only a few hours later. That gave me enough time to shower and visit with Alessandra. I’d realized yesterday that my period was late. I had never been late before, but I was now. I hadn’t told Jax yet. I had a romantic dinner planned, and I’d tell him then. Alessandra bought a pregnancy test for me while she was out at the store yesterday, and I hid it in my drawer when Jax was in the shower.

  I’d never considered having a baby with Jax, but now… I couldn’t be more excited. The thought of a child that looked like him was the most beautiful thought. Our family would grow.


  A kiss to my ear woke me. “Good morning.” I smiled into Jax’s warmth.

  “Mmm.” I moaned while he continued to pepper my flesh with warm kisses.

  “I have to admit, I really like waking up with you.”

  “You make it sound so shameful,” he said jokingly.

  “Seriously, it’s nice.” I rolled onto my back. His body quickly hovered over mine. “I love you.”

  He watched me. “How much?”

  I pursed my lips and let my eyes wander for a moment. “This much.” I held my thumb and index finger just an inch apart.

  “God, you’re such a bad liar, you know that?” His head lowered and his lips caressed mine.

  Jax made love to me all morning, touching me, loving me. I couldn’t get enough of his amazing touch. My life a year ago was good when everything was in its place but this… here… now life is so much more than I ever could have hoped for.

  I rolled off of Jax after another orgasm attempting to catch my breath just before his phone rang. “Thank God that waited a few minutes, huh?” I laughed feeling his kisses on my nipple.

  “I’ll deal with it.” He rolled off of me to the edge of the bed. “Yeah?” Silence. “What time is it?” Jax fumbled for his watch. “Okay, Mickie, I’ll get there as soon as I can.”

  “You have to leave, it’s Saturday.” I pouted playfully.

  He leaned down onto the bed pressing a kiss to my lips. “I wasn’t going to tell you until later… but, I have a surprise for you. Be ready by four.” His white teeth shined through a brilliant smile.

  “A surprise? What should I wear?” I giggled. God, I was so happy.

  “Alessandra will have all of the info when the time is right. I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you.”

  “Wow, I’m really impressed that you went to all that trouble.”

  “Really? Why? Haven’t I spoiled you enough? Should I step up my game a bit?” He raised his brows.

  I shook my head. “No, you’re wonderful.”

  “Okay good, you had me worried.” He blew out a relieved, playful breath. “I have to go for a few hours, but I’ll be back soon.” He pressed a kiss to my lips once again.

  Jax dressed and left before I’d gotten out of bed. The clock read 11:04 am so I got up and showered.

  By the time I was appropriate to leave the suit, the clock read 12:30 pm. I hopped down the stairs and headed to find Alessandra somewhere in the house. “Alessandra?” I was nervous about taking the test and thought I’d relax from the idea with a hot cup of tea.

  Tony and Dominic were sitting at the dining room table playing cards and when they saw me the both stood. “Bella, you okay?”

  “I’m so much better than good.” I smiled as I continued on in search of Alessandra.

  I called her name a few more times when she peeked her head out of the laundry room carrying a large basket of clothing. “Isabella, is something the matter?” She seemed worried.

  I reached for the ba
sket lifting it from her grip. “Jax said that you had knowledge of what I was to dress in for my surprise later?” I eyed her inquisitively.

  She gave me a look that said she knew I was going to get this information from her. I wanted to laugh.

  “I’m not saying a word,” she said and pretended to zip her lips.

  “Oh, I knew you wouldn’t. Have you had a break today?”

  “I don’t take breaks. If I was an old woman I would need breaks.” She winked.

  “Of course, but I’d like you to sit for a while and have tea with me.”

  “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.”

  “No, of course not.” I poured two cups of hot tea. I’d found a comfort in tea that I hadn’t found with coffee, maybe it was that every time I drank it I was sharing the moment with Jax or Alessandra. A peace came over me.

  “You’re glowing.” She smiled

  “No, I’m not.” My cheeks heated.

  “You are, but you’re happy now and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

  I nodded. “I am happy, He’s… so. Ah, he’s so everything, Alessandra. I’ve never felt this way before.” Maybe I was glowing. Alessandra and I finished up our tea, and I washed out the cups in the sink. I always tried to help whenever I could. I didn’t like seeing her work so hard. “Alessandra, what was I supposed to wear tonight?” She didn’t answer. I finished drying the dishes then turned seeing Mickie. “Hey, is Jax back already?”

  “I’m supposed to take you to see the boss.” He clasped his hands in front of him.

  I looked down to my watch seeing it was only 2:00, and I wasn’t supposed to be ready till 4:00 pm. “Well—” I said and leaned against the counter, “—I wasn’t supposed to be ready to go until four.” Mickie seemed nervous, I reached for my phone that sat on the counter.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m calling my husband.”


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