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The Valkyrie and the Marine

Page 8

by J. J. Keller

  Kiara glanced at her friend as they walked from the shelter of the east pasture and into the dim glow of an evening sun. Skogul acted strange, so a little pestering would help ease Kiara’s pain. “Do you want to come with me to my humble abode?”

  Skogul produced a wide smile and winked. “Not until after you bathe.” Her tone held a bit of mirth.

  “So be it.” Mindlessly they followed the beaten path toward Kiara’s temporary dwelling. Loneliness created Harrison’s voice in her thoughts. The memories of their time together had kept her awake. Generally the exhaustion of the activity from combat practice and cleaning the thousands of horse stalls dragged her into Morpheus’ world. Not lately; nothing but Harrison and being reinstated occupied her mind.

  She longed for a bath in the hot springs and bucket full of lotion to soothe her hands, knees, and feet. Her breath caught. Mostly she yearned for the love she’d left on Earth.

  “Will my powers be restored tonight at the Einherjar celebration?” Kiara looked over her shoulder. “I assume that’s where you’ve been the last several days.”

  “Keep going upwind, please,” Skogul said. They were at the crossroads where she’d go to her cottage and Skogul would return to the palace.

  Kiara stopped at the point, hoping Skogul would say turn left, you can rejoin the squad. “Is tonight the night, Skogul?”

  Skogul tapped Kiara’s shoulder, but snapped her hand back and took a whiff. Her friend dragged her fingers across the side of her overcoat. “Not that easy, my dear. You pissed off the big guy, and he’ll take his time in reinstating you.”

  “Why are you talking that way?” Kiara frowned in disbelief. Had her friend picked up some slang language while on the last mission? “You sound like Harrison’s sister.”

  Skogul didn’t answer the question, instead strode in front of Kiara and walked backward. “You didn’t learn anything from the exile did you?”

  Kiara could have been punched in the stomach as much as her friend’s words hurt her. She closed her eyes for a moment to get control over her emotions. “Yes I did.” She stared directly into Skogul’s turquoise eyes. “I learned what it was like to be emotional, to love and to lose. Do you know how hard it was to leave Harrison?”

  “I thought he was just another Einherjar candidate?”

  Kiara plopped onto the hard ground. “When I saw him, at his home in Indiana, I thought Odin wanted me to get the lust out of my system. Multiple acts of sex didn’t send me back, so I thought it was the concept of how weak humans are, but the only thing I learned, Skogul—was that love has no boundaries. There is a rule about not falling in love with an Einherjar candidate for a reason.”

  Skogul smiled. “If I believed in love, what is that reason?”

  “It makes us susceptible.”

  “Ha, good thing Odin formed a committee headed by a hot strategist who doesn’t hesitate to guide our overlord in a certain direction. We’ll be less susceptible to many things. I was the one honored to escort this magnanimous dude to Asgard. I spent a few days with him and enjoyed being with the humans.” Skogul nudged Kiara’s side and laughed, her deep voice bouncing gleefully through the air. “The fresh, new wonder is in the arena.”

  Kiara shrugged, trying to slow her heart rate down; talking about Harrison always shattered her nerves and got her stomach twisting. Why was Skogul so excited about this new force? “Are they like the Einherjars, mere images ready to battle at a seconds notice?”

  “Listen up.” Her friend’s eyes narrowed and she braced her hands on her hips. She frown-smiled, a smile planted over a frown, something she did only when she was offended. “They have a higher rank than the Einherjars. Although they are not as honored as a Valkyrie, they do have special powers and will be invaluable to Odin’s army.”

  “Well, what wonders will occur next? First, the multi-faceted camo uniforms, which remind you I recommended, and now he’s formed a group to create strategies. I can’t wait to tell Odin what I think of his new plans. Maybe if I remind him it was my suggestion, he’ll completely reinstate me as a Valkyrie, First Squad.”

  “I know, right? Might want to bathe first, you smell…nasty.” Skogul held a finger under her nose.

  “Of all the Loki tricks, this is the last straw. Odin has been taking my suggestions and acting on them as I shoveled horse manure and slept on a farmer’s cot.” Kiara stood, straightened her pungent leather jerkin, and marched onward. “No, I’d rather smell like the dung he made me scoop for the past months as I tell him my thoughts.”

  Dust stirred as Skogul tugged Kiara into a halt. “No. Bathe first.” She made her eyebrows dance. “You won’t want to stink up the new Special Forces room.”

  The subtle hints clicked in. “No!” Kiara tugged on Skogul’s hand.

  Kiara dropped her friend-slash-messenger’s hand and ran as fast as her feet would allow, heart now beating in her fingertips and pounding in her ears.

  “Yes,” Skogul spouted, as proud as a parent bringing a new life into the world.

  Kiara’s breathing became labored, but she kept a pace Pegasus would celebrate. The Coliseum came into sight and her step faltered. Sunbeams made the stone columns glow and sparkle. How to enter? What if it wasn’t Harrison? Skogul was angry Kiara had chosen a human weapon-bearer over her shield-wielder best friend, so she could have been teasing her.

  Footsteps had marked a pass to a small curved door. She needed to know. As each foot struck the stone path, her heart pattered a similar beat. Hand on the latch, she flung the portal open.

  Her heart rattled behind her chest and her breathing was rushed and unsteady. His skin had the diamond dust glow as he turned to talk to another warrior. She needed affirmation. Snick, snick echoed through the room as the door clicked into place, bringing their attention to her and Skogul.

  Several chairs were occupied by men in various uniforms. Harrison looked up and their glances met. He sprang to a stand from behind a round table. Short hair exposed the slice across his forehead and hairline where a bullet had almost ended his life.

  Kiara inhaled deeply. His eyes were alive, brilliant in fact.

  Harrison smiled that quirky uplifting grin which made her stomach quiver. Her down-under started to swell and heat, preparing for the inevitable outcome. She would welcome him. Ocean and flowers filled her senses as he drew closer. Her weak body gave way and her knees bent.

  “Kiara,” Harrison whispered. The roughness of his voice made her heart pound against her chest. He jumped over a loose chair and a three-foot pile of spears to reach her. His strong arms caught her before she hit the floor.

  Her fingers went to his face, caressing, and outlining his lips. “Are you real?”

  Harrison’s blue eyes glimmered with humor and love. “As real as the stench emanating from your clothing.”

  Kiara’s Valentine spun her around, seizing her mouth with his.

  “Yes.” Nervous excitement rippled through her. His thoughts were clear. She could read his mind. Others? Yes, Skogul is celebrating the end of my dolthood. Commitment and marriage to her soul mate was what Odin wanted from her. He wanted her to be happy.

  “I didn’t ask you yet.”

  Strength flowed through her. Arms wrapped around Harrison’s neck she glanced at the stack of spears and called one forth. The wood pole flew to her arms. She pressed the smooth round surface against his back. Odin had indeed returned her powers. “Ask me.”

  “Now will you marry me?” His soft lips nuzzled her neck, leaving her breathless.

  “Say yes, Kiara,” Skogul urged.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you, Harrison Valentine Lombard.”

  A word about the author...

  jj Keller is a native Hoosier. A dreamer. A writer. A storyteller.

  She's married and has two sons. Traveling to exotic locations is something she can't do enough of (even if it's only in her mind) and puttering around in her herbal garden is one of her favorite pastimes.

  Multi-published in urban fa
ntasy, paranormal, romantic suspense, and thrillers, she loves the genres and is an avid reader.

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