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Dream Under the Hill (Oberon Book 8)

Page 32

by P. G. Forte

  As soon as Cole was clear of the kitchen, Nick turned to Scout. “Okay, what’s up?”

  Why is he asking, when he already knows? She raised her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

  Nick covered the platters with foil, then wiped his hands with a towel, before answering. “You’re hovering.”

  Scout tossed her head. “Don’t be silly. I don’t hover.”

  “No,” he agreed, “usually you don’t. So, again, what’s up?”

  She looked at him for a moment, gauging his mood, reading his intention, his thoughts, his mind. She shook her head and sighed. “You really don’t want to know.”

  Nick’s face was grim. “That’s what I thought.”

  “I know.”

  They stared at each other, the silence broken only by the ringing of the doorbell, far in the distance.

  “I wonder who that is?” Nick murmured. There was a hint of challenge in his voice. His eyes continued to probe hers.

  A bitter smile twisted Scout’s lips. She didn’t have to be psychic to guess it was probably Lucy. But, the fact was, she didn’t have to guess. She knew. And she didn’t have to answer correctly, either. She could lie. She could give him the answer she knew he wanted – anything, as long as it was wrong.

  But what good would that do? When had lies ever brought them anything but heartache and pain?

  She hadn’t asked for this... thing. This gift. This curse. She’d tried hard to ignore it, to deny it, to escape it. But it caught her anyway.

  So, maybe it was time she accepted it. Maybe it was time they both accepted it.

  She angled her chin and smiled at him sadly. “It’s Lucy. And you’re in luck. She’s brought tiramisu.”

  * * *

  Are you my father?

  Gregg stared at the email. It wasn’t often something caught him off guard, but this sure had. He opened the message and scanned through it quickly, feeling shocked, furious. It had been addressed to his Gilchrist account, and its purpose was clear. Some little grifter wannabe was attempting to get her hands on the Gilchrist fortune.

  Whoever she was, he’d put her in hell, before he let that happen. That money was his. His alone. He was the last of the Gilchrists, and he didn’t like sharing. In fact, if his baby brother hadn’t already been dead when he got out of prison, he might have had to pop Glenn, too.

  Glenn. Fuck. This is his doing, isn’t it? It has to be.

  Gregg checked the message once again. Of course. It had been addressed to G. Gilchrist. And G, in this case, obviously stood for Glenn. So, that was the plan then. Someone had seen the notice of Glenn’s death, read the details of his will, and decided to profit from it.

  “Glenn, you cock-sucking son of a bitch,” he grumbled addressing his brother’s ghost. “You’ve fucked things up for me too many times already. You’re not gonna get away with this, d’you hear me?”

  He’d taken enough shit from his brother over the years. Glenn had always been the good brother, the good son. The baby. The golden boy. Glory Gilchrist they used to call the little butt kisser, back when he was the star of his high school swim team, the kid all the girls creamed their pants for. But Glenn wasn’t as pure or as guiltless as everyone wanted to believe. Not by a long shot.

  Gregg knew that for a fact, having watched him make his first kill. He knew he should have given the little shit up right then, too, but doing so would have been more than a little awkward. And, at the time, he figured he didn’t need the aggravation. More fun to keep the secret, and blackmail Glenn-boy for the rest of his miserable life.

  However, if he’d known his too-smart-for-his-own-good brother would become a lawyer, or that he’d devote the next fifteen years to making sure Gregg never got out of prison, he would have changed his plans.

  But hindsight was a whoring bitch. And, in the end, Glenn was dead, and Gregg was back where he belonged. Back on top.

  Still, according to the terms of his mother’s and brother’s wills, if this little cunt could support her claim, she could take half of his estate away.

  Worse yet, in order to fight her, he’d have to come out in the open. He’d have to reveal his true identity. And that was not gonna happen.

  “Let’s see what you look like, bitch,” he murmured, flexing and tightening his fists as he waited for the printer to spit out the photo that had come attached to the email. Glenn’s daughter, huh? Oh, he hoped she was the spitting image of her old man. That would make it even more fun when he killed her.

  Gregg pulled the paper from the machine and studied it. He felt his frustration mount. She could be anyone, damn it. The picture told him nothing. He saw a pensive looking girl, with dark hair and blue eyes, holding a cat.

  And, aww, wasn’t that just too fucking precious?

  Maybe she’d tell him something when he had her face to face. He’d get her up close and personal; watch her face congest, watch her eyes widen in horror as he slowly choked the life out of her.

  Then he’d chop her into bite sized pieces and feed her to her cat.

  “Hey, what ya got there?” Cara’s voice came out of nowhere, shaking Gregg from his fantasy. “Omigod,” she murmured, as she snagged the photo away from him. “Gregg? Is this for real? You’re a daddy?”

  “No,” he answered shortly, reining in the urge to bitch-slap Cara. Sure, it would feel good to take out a little of his anger on her, but he had other plans for her today. He plucked the photo from her hand, and put it down on his desk. “It’s a mistake. She’s looking for someone else.”

  “Oh.” Cara gazed at him uncertainly, as if she were trying to decide whether to believe him. Her eyes flickered back and forth, from his face to the picture, to the monitor screen, and then back again. She bit her lip and smiled tentatively. “Well, don’t look so sad. You can pretend you’re my daddy, if you want,” she teased, swiveling his chair until he was facing away from the desk and then perching herself on his lap.

  Gregg wrapped his arms around her and smiled pleasantly. “Why would I want a slut like you for a daughter?”

  Cara’s whole face seemed to cave in. Her smile slid away and her eyes sheened with tears. “It was just a game.” She looked at him for a moment, pouting just a little, and then added, “I thought you were going to try and say nice things to me, for a change.”

  Gregg shook his head. “That was your idea, pet. I say what I feel like saying. If you don’t like it, you can always leave.”

  Cara’s gaze turned speculative. “Would you really let me?”

  Gregg smiled wider. “You know better than that, don’t you?” She didn’t seem inclined to answer, and Gregg didn’t push. She certainly should know the answer to that by now. And if she didn’t, well, it didn’t hurt to keep her guessing.

  They sat for a moment in companionable silence as he stroked her hair, admiring the color, and the way it caught the light spilling down from the ceiling. He pulled a lock from her head, smiling as she shrieked, and tried to jerk away from him; but his other arm was at her waist, and he held her to him.

  “What are you fussing about? Can’t I get a keepsake? Something to remember you by? You’re very selfish today, pet.”

  “What do you need a keepsake for?” she grumbled, as she rubbed her head. “I’m not going anywhere, am I? And why couldn’t you just take it from my hairbrush, huh? Why’d you need to rip it out of my head for? That hurt.”

  “It’s fresher this way,” he said, smiling as he slipped the hairs into his wallet. He put the wallet back in his pocket and studied her for a moment, debating in his mind the step he was about to take. He felt his smile fade a little as he considered the future. He hadn’t been entirely joking about wanting a keepsake. She’d been surprisingly fun, and she’d be difficult to replace. He’d miss her. But lessons had to be learned. Discipline had to be maintained. Just because the price of disobedience was high, that didn’t mean you didn’t have to pay it. He stroked her cheek, looked deep into her eyes and said, “I want you to do something for me

  Cara’s eyes narrowed. “Great. What do I have to do now?”

  “I want you to fuck Liam.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Wh-what did you say?” Cara stared at Gregg in dismay, resisting the urge to jerk herself out of his arms and run.

  “You heard me,” he said, still gazing at her a little too intently.

  Gregg’s surprises were seldom good, and this one... shit, this one looked about ready to take bad to a whole new level. Was this about yesterday? Could Gregg have found out about the kissing? “No.” She shook her head, face flushing as she thought about it. She plucked nervously at his shirt. “No, forget it. I, I’m not gonna... what’re you talking about, anyway, huh? Why would I wanna do something like that?”

  Gregg raised his eyes brows, as though her question surprised him. “Because I asked you to?”

  Cara chewed on her lip. She’d never claimed to be real smart, but she wasn’t so dumb she didn’t recognize a great gaping hole when it opened up in the ground right before her feet. She knew a trap when she saw one; and this was a big one. Huge. And, it had her name on it.

  She narrowed her eyes and demanded, “Why?”

  Gregg smiled. “Well, pet, for one thing, I’ve been thinking over what you said last week, and I’ve decided you were right. I have Lauren, after all. It’s not fair of me to expect you not to have someone on the side, as well.”

  Lauren? Shit, just the sound of her name had Cara crossing her arms over her chest and scowling. “I didn’t say I wanted to get with someone else, Gregg. I said I didn’t want you with her.”

  “Well, like I already told you, I don’t see that happening,” Gregg replied. “As a matter of fact, she’s on her way over right now. So, since I’m not going to need you for the rest of the day, I figure you might as well go and take care of this business with Liam.”

  Again? Oh, great. Cara rolled her eyes. “What do you mean business?” she demanded angrily. “And why Liam? Since when do you want me hitting it with someone else, anyway?”

  “Since I realized how unhappy he is. You’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately. Do you think he’s happy here?”

  Cara shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe. So what if he’s not? Lots of people aren’t happy. Why do I have to be the one to solve his problems?”

  “You’re the house mother, aren’t you?” He cocked his head to the side, and quirked an eyebrow at her questioningly. “Do you want to change your mind about that? I’m sure I could find someone else to do it, if you don’t want to. Lauren, for instance. I doubt she’d have a problem following orders.”

  No, probably she wouldn’t, Cara thought, sulking harder. The bitch.

  “It’s your job to make him feel welcome here. This is his home now. We’re his family. And, so far, I don’t think you’ve been doing a very good job with him. So, I’d like you to go and make it up to him.”


  Gregg shook his head. “No arguments, pet. Why should he have to go to some bakery to get his rocks off? Why aren’t his needs being met here?”

  “He said it was just a massage,” Cara insisted. “And besides... I, I don’t want to.” She curled into him wishing there was a way to change his mind, or, at least the subject. “Please, Gregg. I just want to be with you. Can’t you just send Lauren home and forget about Liam, and... just let me stay here? With you?”

  Gregg chuckled softly, as though her answer had pleased him. He cuddled her close and, for a moment, Cara let herself hope he might do as she asked. But instead, “I’m afraid I really have to insist,” he told her, as he eased her off his lap. “Besides, what’s the problem? I thought you’d be pleased with this idea. You are attracted to him, aren’t you?”

  “He’s okay,” Cara murmured reluctantly, hugging herself as she remembered what Liam had said, just yesterday, about needing to connect with a woman on a lot of levels, before he’d have sex with her. “But, what if... what if he doesn’t want me?”

  “You think he might not?” Gregg asked, sounding mildly curious.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s not like most other guys. He doesn’t just sleep with anyone.”

  “And how would you know that? Have you talked about it with him?”

  “Not exactly,” Cara answered cautiously. “Just sort of in general.”

  “Interesting.” Gregg’s gaze turned thoughtful. As he fell silent, Cara tried to regain her place on his lap, but he shook his head and pushed her away. “Well, you’ll just have to do the best you can. Maybe take one of those nightgowns you’re so fond of buying with you. Pick one you think he’d like.”

  That wouldn’t be hard, Cara thought. Liam seemed to like the one she’d worn last night well enough. But all the same, “I don’t want to do this,” she said, her voice little more than a whisper. She gazed at Gregg appealingly, hoping against hope that he’d change his mind. “Please.”

  “But you will, won’t you?” There was an edge of warning in his tone. “You’ll do what you’re told... right?”

  She nodded her head. “Yes.”

  “Good girl,” Gregg said, taking hold of her wrist and pulling her in for a quick kiss. “I’ll see you in the morning. Now, get going.”

  “M-m-morning?” She stared at him, appalled. It was little more than mid-afternoon right now. How long did he expect her to stay with Liam, anyway?

  Gregg raised his eyebrows. “Oh, didn’t I tell you? Lauren’s spending the night here with me. I’m sure you’ll be comfortable enough in Liam’s room. Take your toothbrush with you. And anything else you might need for tomorrow, too, while you’re at it.”

  “You’re kicking me out?” She glanced around the room as a wave of pure panic washed over her. She’d never liked this place, but it was familiar. She’d grown used to it over the last few months. It was all the home she had.

  What if Liam didn’t want her either? Where would she go? What would she do? What would become of her?

  “Kicking you out?” Gregg’s eyebrows rose again. A small smile touched his lips. “Not if you do as you’re told.”

  “What did I do wrong?” she whispered, unable to keep the fear from leaking into her voice. “Why are you punishing me like this?”

  He cocked his head to the side. “Is that how you see it? As a punishment?”

  She nodded.

  Gregg’s eyes gleamed. “It’s only just for one night, you know,” he said softly. “It’s not like I’m going to let you to make a habit of it.”

  “One night? You promise? You’ll let me come back after that?”

  “One night. No more.”

  Cara sighed in relief. One night. That wasn’t so bad. And, at least it was Liam, not one of the other guys, so she might even enjoy it. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

  “Good.” Gregg turned back to his desk. “Now, run along, I have work to do.”

  He continued to work as Cara got her things together – clothes, books, anything she might need for the next day – taking as much time as she dared with the task, still hoping it was only a test. Finally, she could delay no longer. “Good night,” she whispered from the doorway. But if Gregg heard, he didn’t answer. His eyes remained focused on the computer screen, as though he’d forgotten her very existence.

  Cara slipped out of the room and closed the door quietly behind her. She paused for a moment in the hallway, with her back against the door, trying to plan her next move. Trying to fight down the panic, which was welling up inside her again; the fear of being left behind, shut out—thrown out—that was never very far from the surface, anyway.

  Under different circumstances, it wouldn’t be so bad. She could think of a lot of things worse than getting with Liam. But somehow…she just didn’t think it would be as easy as Gregg thought it would be.

  Liam was the first guy in a while who she liked, and who seemed to like her, but who wasn’t trying to get her into bed. Her usual plan, in that kind of situation, had been to come on strong—like she had with
Seth. She’d gotten in his face and stayed there. She told him just what she wanted from him, just what she was willing to give in exchange. And, one way or another, she’d made damn sure he noticed her.

  Yeah, and just look how well that worked out...

  She pushed the thought of Seth away. She was over him now, so what did it matter? She didn’t even need him anymore… Liam was every bit as good a tutor as Seth. Maybe better. He’d been sweet and playful and amazingly patient. She was going to hate like hell if this ended all that.

  But what could she do? If she didn’t follow orders, Gregg might change his mind and not take her back. Hell, he might change his mind, anyway.

  If Liam didn’t want her… she might find herself alone. Rejected. Out on the street.

  Abandoned, yet again.

  * * *

  Gregg smiled to himself as the door closed behind Cara. Her reluctance had been something of a surprise. He really thought she’d jump at the chance to screw Liam, just as he expected the young prick would be delighted to have her, as well.

  A momentary tension tightened his chest to the point of discomfort as he thought about that, but he shrugged it away. He’d never been particularly fond of sharing his toys, and that was one aspect of today’s game that he still found less than pleasant. But, it would be worth it. He was looking forward to reclaiming Cara after her night with Liam, of bringing her to heel while Liam looked on and did nothing.

  He’d been looking forward to watching the two of them pine for each other, as well – after he’d forbidden them any further contact. But, this... this might be even better. He loved surprises, and he couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

  That pleasure would have to wait until tomorrow, however. Because, in the meantime, he had other fish to fry.

  * * *

  A quietness seemed to settle over TLV as Sunday afternoon drew to a close, and Liam was grateful for it. The quiet made it easier for him to slip down to the basement unnoticed, and gave him the time he needed to check out the tunnel Cara had told him about.


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