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Dream Under the Hill (Oberon Book 8)

Page 40

by P. G. Forte

  “I know,” Liam nodded agreement. “I’m very sorry about that. It won’t happen again.”

  “You also coerced Cara into breaking the rules,” Gregg continued inexorably. “What was it you hoped to accomplish? Why was it so important that you leave? You had to realize the risk you were taking… for both of you.”

  Liam’s mouth tightened. For just an instant, as he shifted position in his chair, an angry frown creased his brow, his eyes flashed, his fists clenched, and Gregg could almost hear his teeth grinding together. But then a penitential expression settled over his features. “Please don’t blame Cara for this. It’s not her fault.” The words were spoken quietly enough, but there was something in his tone…was that supposed to be a warning?

  Gregg felt his interest peak. “So you said.” Cara had reported on Liam’s refusal to share his bed with her. She seemed convinced of his lack of interest. But, still, his affection for her seemed clear in his efforts to protect her. “You also mentioned something about having a girlfriend?”

  Liam nodded. “Yes. I mean, no. Not a girlfriend, exactly.” He shrugged. “She’s just a friend. A woman I’ve been seeing socially. Something came up and I... I needed to see her last night, that’s all. To speak with her. In person.”

  “I see.” Gregg studied the young man suspiciously. Was he making this up? Saying the first thing that came to mind, anything he thought Gregg wanted to hear? Or, was it possible the idiot had been trying to do the honorable thing last night – breaking things off with his friend, before committing himself to an affair with Cara?

  Such a valiant display of chivalry was as hard to believe in as it was misplaced. On the other hand, it was right in line with Liam’s Good Samaritan turn the night before. The burns and cuts on his face and hand, his singed hair and clothes, all attested to the close call he’d had.

  Did Liam imagine himself Cara’s champion? Could he really believe that Gregg would allow him take the girl away, and keep her for himself? If that were so, he was sadly mistaken and due for a rude awakening. Exactly what Gregg had planned for this evening’s entertainment.

  But what could the girl have possibly said last night, to give Liam such a ridiculous idea? And what kind of fool did the two of them take him for, thinking they could hide their feelings for each other from him? Gregg could have laughed out loud at the absurdity of it all, at the sheer stupidity shown by the couple, if he weren’t still so furious with them both.

  For a moment, he was almost tempted to revert to his earlier plan – to beat Cara and chain her in the attic. To allow the others – everyone but Liam – limited access to her, as an incentive to loyalty or a reward for good behavior.

  It might still come to that. In a week, maybe less, Lauren would be recovered; the drugs he’d given her would have worked their way through her system by then, and she’d be clean. At that point, she’d be free to go, and the bed upstairs would be empty. It seemed a shame to let it stay that way.

  It amused him to think of all the effort Cara had put in today going to such a cause. It was so classically ironic, like hiring someone to dig their own grave. But on the other hand, nothing was set in stone. He might very well find an alternate use for the attic.

  And, in the meantime, he had another, equally amusing game to play.

  * * *

  Cara watched impatiently as Lauren glanced around the attic, taking in every detail of the room that had been prepared for her. She fidgeted while she waited, tugging at her skirt which was too tight, too short and riding up her ass again—just like she told Gregg it always did. She was curious about Lauren’s reaction to her temporary home. She was half expecting her to voice complaints or questions, but she said nothing, just reached out a tentative hand to touch the metal bed frame.

  A shiver ran down Cara’s spine, she crossed her arms and hugged herself tight. There was something so hesitant, almost frightened in Lauren’s gesture.

  Is she thinking what I first thought, when I saw it?

  That the bars looked like they belonged on a jail cell.

  That it was too easy to imagine herself lying there, handcuffed, helpless…

  No. Stop thinking that way. It’s not going to happen.

  Shuddering, Cara tore her gaze away from the bed. She yanked on her skirt again, and looked around. She was pleased with her work, and with good reason. The attic had seemed large and drafty when she’d first come up here, and she couldn’t imagine how anyone would be able to sleep in such a place. She’d used a length of clothesline and some spare blankets to rope off a section between the stairs and the old brick chimney as a bedroom, arranging things so that one window was set within the makeshift walls to provide light and a sense of freedom.

  The window was shuttered now, against the night air. But, a small lamp on the bedside table cast a warm glow over the furnishings, while, on the other side of the blankets, the rest of the attic loomed dark and forbidding all around them.

  It was cozy here, Cara decided, feeling proud and just a little wistful. Though she’d never admit it, she found it a whole lot cozier than Gregg’s room. In fact, she’d be tempted to trade places with Lauren. To move up here herself, and leave Lauren to deal with Gregg. But, that would mean having to give up the perks of being house mom, as well.

  Besides, she couldn’t do that anyway. There weren’t a lot of options open to her, and this was not one of them. Gregg had made that crystal clear this afternoon. Her position in the house was dependant on her following the rules, on not screwing up. And on keeping him happy.

  That meant doing what he asked, when he asked, without question or complaint. It meant wearing the clothes he liked to see her in, serving his meals, fixing him snacks, sleeping in his bed. Remembering who was boss.

  And anything else he thought it meant.

  She hadn’t much liked the arrangement he described, with all the new ground rules it entailed. But that was something else he’d made real clear: She’d like the alternatives a whole lot less.

  * * *

  The room was too warm, and Liam was starting to sweat. The evening was neither cool nor damp, and the fire that blazed in the fireplace was hardly necessary. The dancing lights, the crackling flames, the smell of woodsmoke, all recalled the previous night, the accident, his brush with death, too clearly for comfort.

  He shifted position, not an easy task in the deep leather armchair, hoping to hide his growing anxiety from Gregg’s scrutiny. The room was mostly dark, but a single pin spot set in the ceiling high above them gleamed on Gregg’s bald head, and gave his pale eyes the look of glowing embers. It probably illuminated him, as well, Liam thought; making it doubly difficult to hide his discomfort.

  As Gregg’s questions continued, the tension coiled deep in Liam’s gut made it hard to stay focused, hard even to draw breath. Relief swept through him as he heard the bedroom door open behind him. Cara’s arrival was as welcome as a cool summer breeze.

  He turned to smile at her. But, if the haunted look in her eyes was anything to go by, she seemed a lot less happy to see him than he was to see her.

  “Sorry. I- I didn’t realize you were still busy,” she stammered as she turned back to the door. “I’ll come back later.”

  Gregg held out a hand. “No. Come here.” His words were an order. They stopped her in her tracks and turned her around. The cruel curve of his smile as he gazed at the girl, set Liam’s nerves on edge. There was a been here, done this feel to the moment, he realized with a sinking sense of déja` vu, and he was sure nothing good was going to come of it.

  * * *

  Cara smelled a set-up the minute she walked through the door. Maybe they hadn’t been waiting for her, maybe they hadn’t even been talking about her, but both Gregg and Liam were looking awfully happy to see her, all of a sudden. A little too happy, given their shitty-assed attitudes toward her earlier in the evening.

  As she made her way across the room toward the two men, her heart was tripping all over itself. They continued
to stare at her, and though the room was warm, she found herself shivering. She shot an angry look at Liam, silently cursing him for her reaction. Damn you. This is all your fault.

  It was his fault – for suggesting that she must be cold. There was no other reason for the phantom draft she felt swirling around her legs, raising goose bumps on her skin, puckering her nipples.

  She came to a stop beside Gregg’s chair, careful to remain just out of reach. “What d’you want, Gregg?” she asked, blinking innocently, pretending not to notice the tension in the atmosphere, or the hand he’d extended toward her. Maybe he’d ask for something simple, like a refill on his drink, or a neck rub.

  “Not much of anything, actually,” he said, as he lunged for her, grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her down on top of him. “Just you.”

  Caught unbalanced and unprepared, she stumbled forward and half fell across his lap, his laughter rang in her ears. She was struggling to sit up, pushing the hair out of her face, when his words sank in. He didn’t want much. He wanted her. She’d studied enough Algebra to be able to do the math on that one. Sometimes AB equaled CD. She felt her cheeks start to burn. So, she was nothing much now? Nice, Gregg. Thanks.

  She frowned and shoved his hands away. She would have pushed herself out of his lap entirely, if Gregg hadn’t wrapped an arm around her middle just then, dragging her upright, stealing her breath as he pulled her close. Suddenly, her back was pressed against his chest, her legs were riding his knee, and when his foot bounced and his pants leg rubbed against her naked butt, she found she couldn’t get her breath back. Her heart was pounding. He jiggled his leg a few more times as she tugged uselessly at her skirt and frowned harder. She’d bet anything Liam was getting an eyeful right now, thanks to Gregg’s suggestion that she not wear panties tonight. Suggestion? Yeah, right. Like he’d given her any choice in the matter.

  She shot another furious glare at Liam. Just as she suspected, his eyes appeared riveted on Gregg’s hand where it lay splayed low across her abdomen, spreading heat. She felt her muscles clench. Gregg was inches away from copping a feel, and they all knew it. If he spider-walked his fingers just a little further south, he’d reach the hem of her skirt, and who knew what he’d get it into his head to do at that point? He’d been acting crazier than usual today and, come to think of it, that was Liam’s fault, too.

  “C’mon, Gregg, don’t,” she pleaded breathlessly. “Let me go.”

  “Shhh.” He used his other hand to brush the hair behind her ear, and softly bit her neck. “Relax.”

  Relax? She snorted in disbelief. Yeah, that’s so gonna happen. “I don’t think so.”

  “Quiet,” Gregg murmured, his lips still pressed against her throat. “Liam was just telling me about last night. Go on, Liam.”

  “Maybe you want to do this later?” Liam suggested, his voice dry, his tone verging on annoyed.

  Yeah, no shit, Cara thought, still struggling to breathe, trying hard not to think about her naked pussy staring him in the face. Later had her vote. Much later. Or, better yet, how about never?

  Gregg shook his head. “No, we’ll do it now. Tell me about your girlfriend.”

  Liam sighed. “I told you, already, she’s not a girlfriend. I don’t even know why I said that earlier. She’s just someone I know. A friend.”

  Just a friend? Cara stared at Liam in disbelief. It was bad enough when she thought he was being faithful to some other girl; that he wouldn’t do more than kiss her because he had someone else that he was thinking about. Someone important. Someone he cared about. But, now? After all the trouble he put her through, he didn’t even have the excuse of being in love with the bitch? Well, that was great. That must mean she meant nothing to him, too. Less than nothing, even.

  “Tell me anyway,” Gregg said, as he let go of her hair. His hand dropped to her leg and his fingers fastened around her bare thigh like some kind of mutant starfish. “I want to hear all about her.”

  And, oh, hell no, Cara thought. She was not gonna sit here and listen to Liam as he talked about his friend – about her eyes, or her smile, or her laugh, or her tits, or whatever else this one had that made her so damn special. She’d done that with Seth. She’d done it with Gregg. She’d done it with entirely too many guys over the years. Enough was enough. She was about to say so, too; she was about to push Gregg’s hand off her leg, as well, when his other hand unexpectedly stole home.

  She gasped in surprise as his fingers slid low enough to cup her through the thin fabric of her skirt. She saw Liam stiffen. He half rose from his seat, his face flushed, his hands clutching the arms of his chair. For just a moment, she thought he was going to make a grab for her, too.

  “You’re too tense,” Gregg said, ignoring them both as he centered her on his lap, sliding both of his legs beneath her. “Now. Isn’t that better?”

  Better? Cara blinked in surprise. But, actually... it was. True, her legs were spread wider than before, and she could feel his cock nudging her butt from behind, but there was nothing wedged between her legs anymore, nothing pressing on her clit except his hand as it covered her mound. And, it was covering her, come to think of it. Which meant that Liam couldn’t look at her anymore. That, all by itself, was a huge improvement. “Yeah, it is better.”

  A low laugh rumbled out of Gregg’s chest. Liam sank back in his chair, his eyes dark.

  “A lot better?” Gregg asked playfully.

  Cara shook her head. She wouldn’t go that far. “Just a little.”

  “What would it take to make it more?”

  “I don’t know.” She had a few ideas, but she didn’t trust him to take her suggestions.

  “Think,” Gregg ordered.

  Cara shrugged. Losing the audience would be a good first step. She could feel Liam’s eyes on her, still. They were burning holes in her chest now, and she didn’t even have to look to know her nipples were probably showing through her T shirt again.

  Perfect. She knew what he probably thought was causing that reaction. Guys always thought everything was about them, didn’t they?

  Like they should talk. At least she had an excuse. But, if cold and nervous ever made guys hard, it was the first she was hearing of it. She let her gaze drop to Liam’s crotch and bit back a smirk. That bulge in his pants, for instance, it was a good match for the one pressing into her back. And considering she was the only girl in the room, they could both–

  Oh, fuck, no. Her eyes grew wide, her cheeks flamed, even hotter than before, as a shuddery little gasp escaped her. Oh, no, no, no. That couldn’t be what they were thinking, could it? Or what they were talking about when she came in? Although, come to think of it, Liam had mentioned threesomes, at some point, hadn’t he? But surely he’d been kidding about that?

  “Come on,” Gregg prompted. His breath warm against her neck made her shiver. “Tell me what you’re thinking. What would make it better?”

  “N-n-nothing,” she stammered, breathless again. She’d done a lot of stuff with a lot of guys. More than any of her friends had done, actually; which is why they weren’t her friends anymore. But she’d never done anything like that. And she didn’t want to start now, either. But, if she mentioned it to Gregg – even to say she didn’t want to... oh, shit. She closed her eyes and started to pray. Don’t go there, please don’t go there, please…

  Gregg laughed again, softly, his fingers flexing and straightening on her; like a cat sharpening its claws. “Nothing? Are you sure about that, pet?”

  She shivered harder. “Yes. Please.”

  “So, this is good?” he asked wrapping an arm across her chest, snuggling her closer, banding her to him. “Tell me.”

  Good? She nodded. Sure, it was great. It was super… not! But, actually, with her chest covered by his arm, she didn’t feel quite as naked as before. In fact, she felt almost safe. Keeping her eyes closed, she turned her head and buried her face against his chest. “Yes,” she murmured into his neck. “Yes, it’s good.”

Chapter Twenty Four

  Good? Better? Liam stared at Cara in disbelief. Was she joking? Was he hearing things? But, no, even though acknowledging the truth was as hard as an unchecked blow from a metal ball bat, there was no denying that she meant what she said. In the last few minutes there’d been an obvious shift in her emotions.

  She’d looked tense and unhappy practically from the moment she walked into the room. He’d felt her tension spike when Gregg first touched her. And it spiked again, even higher, when he grabbed her crotch. But now?

  Now, she had settled into Gregg’s embrace, eyes closed, cheeks flushed, head tucked sweetly beneath his chin. Liam shook his head, disgusted with the whole damn scene. Yep, now, was a whole ‘nuther story, wasn’t it? And he probably should be figuring out some way to put a stop to it, but instead, he couldn’t even manage to make himself stop looking.

  Gregg’s arm was tight across Cara’s chest, pressing against her breasts, pushing them upward. They curved above the scoop neck of her T shirt; twin swells that crested higher with every breath she took, seeming to beg Liam for his touch, for his tongue. He felt himself start to shake. He was losing control. Maybe it was the vibrations in the room that were getting to him. Maybe it was something in the smoke, or something Gregg was doing, but, just like last time, he could feel his mind start to bend.

  He couldn’t do this. There was no way he could sit here and not watch. No way he could watch and not get caught up in his own needs. He didn’t want to think about her like this, didn’t want to see her like this. Not now. Not here. Not while it was someone else’s arms around her, someone else who was holding her, touching her. “I should come back later,” he said again, half rising from his seat.

  “No, you should tell me about your friend,” Gregg corrected in a pleasant voice, as the hand he had wedged between Cara’s thighs dipped lower. “Sit down, Liam.”


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