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Dream Under the Hill (Oberon Book 8)

Page 55

by P. G. Forte

  “I mean it, Adam,” she called over Ryan’s shoulder, as he carried her from the room. “I want it all to stop. Everything. Right the fuck now.”

  * * *

  The gate was standing open when Liam arrived back at the mansion later that afternoon, and there was an unfamiliar truck in the driveway. He glanced at it uneasily. The sign on the truck’s door proclaimed it to be the property of Cavanaugh’s Nursery, but that meant nothing to him. It wasn’t until he caught sight of Cara standing beside the vehicle, apparently deep in conversation with a young guy who was only slightly more familiar looking than the truck itself, that he finally breathed a deep sigh of relief. Thank God, she’s okay.

  His first thought when he’d seen the open gate was that something had happened. And maybe something had, but as long as it hadn’t affected Cara, that was all that mattered. Well, almost all. Even though she had her back to him, Liam could tell by the tense set of her shoulders and the way she was standing, with her arms wrapped protectively around her middle, that she wasn’t too happy.

  He studied the pair as he casually pulled past them to park his car in front of the truck. “Where do I know you from?” he muttered as he eyed the stranger suspiciously. A memory teased at the edges of his brain, but wouldn’t come clear. Whatever it was, it sure didn’t leave him with a good feeling about the kid. Neither did the scowl on the young man’s face, for that matter, or the fact that he appeared to be scolding Cara about something. No wonder she wasn’t happy.

  Who the hell was this guy, anyway?

  Liam was out of his car and headed back toward the two before his elusive memory snapped into focus. Oh, crap. He remembered now where he’d seen this kid. It was last December, back when the mutilated animals had first begun turning up in the parks. Nick’s teenaged cousin had been wanted for questioning, and it was just Liam’s luck to be assigned the task of picking the kid up at school and bringing him down to the station – and hadn’t Nick reamed his ass about his handling of that situation!

  Nick’s cousin. Seth. Just perfect.

  Liam ground his teeth in annoyance. So much for keeping a low profile. Was it too much to hope that the kid wouldn’t recognize him? Seth turned and his eyes grew narrow; the frown on his face morphed into a look of apprehension. Apparently it was.

  Before Liam could think of anything to say to put the kid at ease, Seth shifted slightly and Liam got his first look at Cara’s face. His jaw dropped and every other thought went out the window. “What the fuck happened to you?”

  She reddened and dropped her gaze. “I fell down the stairs.”

  “Bullshit. Someone hit you.” Enraged, he turned on Seth. “You?”

  A sneer curled Seth’s lips. “Oh, yeah, you would think something like that, wouldn’t you? I don’t hit girls.”

  “No one hit me,” Cara insisted.

  Seth’s eyes flashed at that, and he turned on her. Judging by the disgusted look on his face, he wasn’t buying that story either. “You know, I don’t get you at all, Cara. What the fuck is your deal, anyway?”

  Cara blinked up at him disingenuously. “Who says I have a deal?” But her naive expression and clueless tone didn’t match the pain that flared in her eyes. It was so raw, it hurt Liam to see it.

  “When don’t you?” Seth asked. “I mean, why are you even here? There’s gotta be some angle you’re working.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Cara murmured as she hugged herself tighter.

  Liam felt his temper start to fray. Obviously, she’d been through enough today. She sure didn’t need anyone yelling at her, even if she was lying. “All right, that’s enough now. Back off, kid,” he advised the younger man.

  Seth threw his hands up. “That’s it. Fuck this shit,” he muttered, turning to go. “I’m done. I’m outta here.”

  “What?” Cara’s eyes widened in dismay. She grabbed at his sleeve. “No. Seth, wait. Don’t go yet!”

  “Cut it out, Cara.” Seth shrugged off her hand and pulled the truck’s door open. “I told you what I think. Now quit trying to change my mind.” Then he turned back to look at her. “And next time you get any more bright ideas? Don’t call me.”

  “What was that all about?” Liam asked as they watched Seth’s truck pull out of the drive.

  Cara shook her head. “Nothing,” she said, but Liam knew better. A feeling close to despair was welling up inside her, triggering a response that Liam knew to be irrational, but which he still could not repress.

  “How long have you been love with him, anyway?” He blurted the question reflexively, as anger and jealousy twisted his guts into knots. Why anger, he wondered. It was clear that even someone like Seth was a far better choice for her than Gregg. He was closer to her age, for one thing, and less likely to be a psychopath. And, why jealousy? She wasn’t his in the first place.

  She turned her head to stare at him. “What are you talking about? I’m not... ”

  He returned her stare, saying nothing. Waiting.

  Cara shrugged. “Okay, so, maybe I used to be, but... ”

  “You still are.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t talk crazy. That’s over.”

  “That’s not the way it looks to me.” It wasn’t the way it felt, either. Her pain was so strong Liam had to struggle to draw breath. Or maybe it was his own pain he was feeling? But no, that would be even more crazy.

  Cara frowned at him. “Why are you doing this? And where’s my remote?”

  Without a word, Liam pulled the gate control out of his pocket and handed it to her.

  “Thanks,” she said as she took it and pointed it toward the gate. The gate shuddered to life and began its slow, inexorable swing shut. Cara turned away and headed toward the house.

  “So what was Seth doing out here?” Liam asked as he fell into step beside her, doing his best to ignore the final clang of the gate as it closed. No matter how many times he heard it, he could still never get used to that sound.

  Cara shrugged. “Why does anyone come here? He wanted to see Gregg, of course.”

  That’s another lie, Liam thought, grinding his teeth together to keep from calling her on it. “See him about what?”

  “I dunno. Why ask me?”

  Liam studied what he could see of her expression for a moment and then asked, “Does this have anything to do with your bright idea?”

  “What bright idea?” Cara’s frown deepened. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Seth said if you got any more of them, you shouldn’t call him. So what–”

  “Did you find me a psychic yet?” Cara asked.

  “No. And don’t change the subject. I want to know–”

  “Liam! I need one.”

  “Well, too bad. You’ll have to think of something else, because–”

  “What?” She stopped walking and turned to face him, her eyes burning. “What do you mean, think of something else? You said you’d help me find one.”

  Jeez, her face was a mess. Just looking at the various cuts and bruises that marked her, it was all Liam could do to keep from wincing. During the drive back out here today, he’d convinced himself that he could hold things together for a few more days, that he could keep her safe long enough to let him find the answers he was seeking. But now he knew he’d been lying to himself. He couldn’t keep anyone safe. He had to get her away from here. Now.

  “Look, why don’t you just bring your friend out here?” Cara asked. “Okay? Just call her up. See if she’s got time today. It would be so simple.”

  “Yeah, that’ll happen.” Liam’s eyes narrowed. He’d always gotten the impression that Cara liked being the only female around here. What had happened to change that? “Sorry, Caramel. No can do.”

  “But, why not, Liam? Why can’t you just–”

  “Because I can’t, all right?” Images of Lauren’s face rose in Liam’s mind. He saw her haunted eyes again, heard the edge of hysteria in her voice. “Because I won’t be r
esponsible for anyone else getting involved with Gregg. Or for anyone else getting hurt. Particularly not someone I consider a friend.”

  Cara’s eyes grew wide. “What? But you, you–”

  “I said no, Cara.”

  “Unhhh!” With an angry cry, she wheeled around, storming toward the house, practically leaping up the stairs that led into the house. The door slammed shut behind her.

  Liam watched her go, his chest tightening to the point where he felt as though someone had taken a club to his ribs. If she’d fallen down the stairs this morning, wouldn’t she have been just a little bit sore? Too sore to be running anywhere like that, surely. He’d known that to be the case, but somehow, seeing the lie made so obvious, infuriated him all the more.

  * * *

  “Why don’t you cut the crap and tell me what happened to your face?” he demanded as he tracked her into the kitchen. She was breathing hard, hugging herself again and staring into space as though pondering what her next move should be.

  She turned and frowned at him, her expression cold. “I told you. I fell.”

  “No, you didn’t. Now, quit lying. I want the real story.”

  “Yeah? Well, I was there, so I’d think I’d know if that was the real story, or not.”

  “Is that a fact? C’mere, sunshine,” Liam said as he grabbed hold of her arm. She yelped in protest, but he ignored it and dragged her out of the kitchen, through the butler’s pantry, back into the dining room and over to the mirror that was hanging above the buffet. “I want to show you something.”

  “Now, look there,” he instructed turning her face toward the glass.

  She did. Briefly. Then her gaze slid away. “I know how it looks, okay? I don’t need to–”

  “No, you don’t know.” He lifted her chin again. “If you did then maybe you’d understand why no one believes you when you say you fell down the stairs.” Their eyes met in the mirror, he smiled at her grimly. “Now watch, and let me show you what I see.”

  Gently, using the tip of one finger, he touched her face. The scrape on the underside of her nose. The bruise beneath it, just above her lip. The tiny rip at the corner of her mouth. The slight swelling on the edge of her jaw. Four marks. Evenly spaced. In a diagonal line.

  “Do you see those?” he asked.

  Cara nodded, barely breathing, her gaze fixed on his finger.

  “Good.” Still watching her watch him, Liam made a fist. He brought it slowly to her face and positioned it just so, the knuckles lining up almost perfectly with the injured places...

  Cara gasped. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at her own reflection. Liam knew the exact moment when awareness hit her, when the sight of the girl in the mirror, a man’s fist planted square in her face, struck home. A shudder wracked her whole body. He took hold of her shoulders and turned her toward him, holding her close.

  “Shh,” he murmured, “it’s okay. Just tell me what happened.” She was crying so hard he didn’t know if she could even hear him and it suddenly occurred to him that they were in far too public a place to be having this conversation. He pulled her back into the pantry and closed the door.

  “Talk to me,” he said softly, stroking her hair. “Tell me who did this to you. Who hurt you, Cara? What happened?”

  “Oh, Liam.” She blinked at him tearfully. “Why weren’t you here? You said you’d be back. You told me he wouldn’t be angry. But, but–”

  Liam sighed. Gregg. Of course. Why had he even bothered asking?

  “But, you were wrong. And, and... why weren’t you here when I told him? You said you would be. Why–”

  “Oh, Jesus,” Liam said, groaning in horror. He gathered her back against him. Sharp blades of guilt, remorse, pain slashed at his heart again and again. “Cara, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  He pulled away again to look at her. Her bruised lips trembled as she gazed back at him, her eyes filled with tears, with sorrow, and maybe just a tinge of reproach. Before he had any idea what he was doing, he was slanting his head, lowering his face to hers and kissing her. Gently at first, just like he’d touched her face, wanting only to sooth, to heal, to comfort her. But then, when the tip of her tongue slipped out to taste him, when the feel and the smell and the flavor of her exploded in his brain, when he felt her cuddle closer against him, he lost all control. With his lips and his arms he laid claim to her, molding her body to his, kissing her harder, forgetting everything else in the heat of the moment except for the vicious need to possess her, at once and forever.

  It was Cara who broke off the kiss, drawing away from him after what could have been a minute, or several hours, Liam no longer knew which. “Wow,” she breathed, her voice shaky with surprise. “Wh-what was th-that?”

  Liam groaned. “Oh, fuck. That was nothing, okay? Forget it. It never happened. That was just me being insane.”

  Cara’s eyebrows rose. A small smile flickered across her lips. “Ohhh-kay, well, next time you’re feeling insane, you know where to find me.”

  Liam eased her away from him. “No. Forget that, too. There’s not going to be a next time. And just as long as I don’t find you here, that’s good. That’s all I want. That’s more than enough to make me happy.”

  Cara’s smile dissolved. “What?”

  “I want you out of here. You have to leave. Now.”


  “Yes, leave. It’s much too dangerous for you to stay here.”

  Cara’s eyes narrowed. “Let’s see if I’ve got this straight. You want me to piss Gregg off even more than I’ve already done, give up all of this – everything he’s given me – and, and do what, Liam? Go off somewhere with you?”

  “No, not with me.” Liam stared at her in surprise. “We’ve been through this before, haven’t we? I can’t be with you. And what do you mean all of this? Everything he’s given you? Are you joking? Do you like getting hit?”

  Cara shrugged. “I just want to know what I’m being offered in exchange, that’s all. And, so far, it doesn’t sound like much.”

  That guarded, speculative look was in her eyes again. She stared at him questioningly, he stared back, open mouthed. “Cara–”

  “Well, what?” she asked, arms crossed, chin angled. “I need to know what I’m getting myself into, don’t I? I mean, what’s your deal? I know you’re not just trying to fuck me, Liam, because you think I’m a Twinkie, and you’re not into that. I guess you do want to kiss me. But, that’s only when you’re insane, apparently. Then you give me all this crap about how I’m in love with Seth, like it’s any of your business, and anyway, I told you, I’m not. And besides, it’s just…so…so…stupid for you to think something like that in the first place.”

  At the mention of Seth, Liam felt his stomach churn. This time, however, he recognized the emotion for what it was. “Come on, Cara,” he sighed. “I know you like him. And it’s okay, really. You can admit it.”

  “Oh, I can huh? That’s good to know. Thanks. Anyhow, why’d you have to chase him away like that, huh? I was trying to talk to him about something.”

  “I know.” Liam nodded. “I’m sorry if I acted like a jerk. I don’t really have anything against him, I guess, but... Well, look, you can’t blame me for feeling a little bit jealous, you know? I’m only human.”

  “What did you say?” A smile glimmered over Cara’s face. She shot him a look of surprise laced with disbelief. “You– you’re jealous?”

  Liam frowned. It was nice to see her smiling again but, just like always, it messed with his mind and made him want to act all crazy. And he’d already gone crazy enough for one night. He ducked his head feeling awkward, feeling all of about twelve years old. “Come on, Cara, stop it. You knew that.”

  “No, not really,” she uttered faintly, shaking her head, staring as if she’d never seen him before.

  “Well, maybe you weren’t paying attention. Besides, that’s really not important, right now, is it? I don’t want to see you get hurt. Lauren’s still in the hospital
and it looks like she’ll be in there for a while. She’s in really bad shape and–”

  “What? Lauren?” Cara’s look turned to one of disgust. “Oh, God, Liam, you’re not gonna start talking about her now, are you?”

  She turned away then, giving him her back. He had to fight the urge to take hold of her shoulders and spin her around to face him.

  “Look,” he said, “we don’t have the time right now to argue about this. I’m worried about you.”

  “Well, don’t be.” Her voice sounded dull and subdued once again. “I’m fine. I’m better than fine. I’m freakin’ Schaherazade.”

  “You’re what?”

  She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Schaherazade. You know, like in the story? That’s what Gregg says, anyway. He called me that this morning.”

  “What?” Liam felt like he was ready to lose his mind. He spun her around so fast she had to grab onto him for balance to keep from falling. “When did he say this?”

  “I just told you. This morning. He was bitching about how he needed a psychic, and I knew you weren’t gonna get him one, even though you’d promised. So I told him about some of the stuff I’d seen Seth do, and he let me call him, instead.”

  “And you’ve just…been hanging around here all day, after that? After he hits you and– God damn it, could he make it any more plain? He’s gonna kill you!”

  Cara looked at him pityingly. “No, he’s not. Don’t you know how the story goes? Schaherazade’s really smart and she does what she has to do to keep the king happy, and then one night when he’s sleeping she chops his head off, or something, and gets away.”

  Is that how she thought this was going to go down? Liam gulped for breath. “No, dummy, that’s not Schaherazade. That’s, that’s, hell, I don’t know what that is. It sounds like... like Judith and Holofernes, or something.”

  Cara’s brow puckered up. “It sounds like who?”

  “Never mind. You’re leaving. Now.”

  He took hold of her arm, but she wrenched herself away. “Stop it, Liam. I don’t have to do what you say, you know. In fact, I-I’m sick of people telling me what to do. I’m the boss of me. Not you. Not Gregg. Not anyone.”


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