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Akasha 4 - Earth

Page 29

by Terra Harmony

  Shawn leaned back against the bloodied tabletop. "I don't expect they will. But they'll sap her strength." Shawn ran his pinky through the thick, red liquid. When he pulled away, it held on like a stubborn leach. He dipped it back down, making small swirls. He laughed again.

  "What?" Micah asked.

  "I was just thinking, she had used wind when she ran from me on Galapagos. She even erupted the volcano. Now here I am, using wind and fire to keep her from getting to me."

  "I thought you wanted her." Micah finally opened his eyes – the world swayed in front of him.

  Shawn wiped his finger on his jeans. "I would've taken her – or the baby. Or found my own Gaia. Just not yet."

  "When, then?"

  Shawn started pacing. "Is this some sort of distraction technique? Twenty questions so she can sneak up behind me?" Shawn glanced around, then up at the monoliths. His crew stood guard at the top of the cliffs, and throughout the rest of the stadium.

  Now it was Micah's turn for a crooked smile. "You'll know when she's here. She doesn't need to sneak up on you."

  Shawn took out his knife again, spinning it in his hand while he paced. "I have nuclear facilities going up – several around the world, in protected places."

  "Utah is protected?"

  Shawn shrugged. "Mountain ranges on both sides to shield an explosion. I have more in each of the Arctics. I'd use a Gaia to power them."

  "Just one Gaia?"

  Shawn paused at the edge of the platform, looking down at the steps carved out of stone. "Well, okay. Maybe I would've taken her and the baby. And found ways to strengthen my own Akasha. But they would've been separated; safe. They would've been kept in check."

  "When has Kaitlyn ever been kept in check? Besides, what do you know about babies?"

  Shawn bowed his head. "I would've made a good father. I still might. Maybe just as good as you, maybe not."

  "Somehow, I don't think we'll ever get to find out." He grimaced. The pain was being replaced by numb. That wasn't good.

  Laughter echoed through the amphitheater once again.

  "Stop laughing," Micah said through his teeth.

  "That wasn't me." Shawn's eyes were wide, staring down the rocky steps toward the stage.

  Micah followed his gaze. A lone figure stood in the middle.

  Chapter 67

  Elementals of all Four Persuasion

  My landing on the stage was soft. I looked around; awed by the scene before me. I was at the bottom of a bowl, looking up at hundreds of rows carved out the rock. At the rim of the bowl, two cliffs towered even higher to my left and my right.

  The Amphitheatre hummed with energy, and so did my veins – but I had never felt as small as I did right then.

  It's not about me; it never has been. I laughed.

  I focused on the people surrounding me. Elementals of all four persuasions. I honed in on their signals and they glowed blue, gold, red, and brown – though they didn't know it. They lit up the otherwise dark amphitheater, splashing color against the reddish rock.

  Then they began to call their elements, one by one. Magic swirled in the bowl, heightening my senses. There were Airs on top of the cliffs with their hang gliders. Fires stood at the rim of the bowl, ready behind large barrels tipped on their sides. Earths and Waters dotted the rows all the way up.

  I know this, I thought. Oh yeah - Donkey Kong.

  I was going to expend the rest of my energy just trying to get to Shawn, and I'd still have the big-ass gorilla to fight in the end. I eyed the dozens of Elementals. They eyed me right back. I shook my head. Nope – I'm done running the gauntlet.

  I sent energy up into the sky, past the thick clouds above us. Infusing cold moisture into the atmosphere, ice crystals formed. As the crystals fell, they punched a donut-shaped hole in the cloud cover. Moonlight shot through the temporary hole. There was a collective gasp around the amphitheater as all heads turned skyward.

  "It's a UFO!" someone shouted. He, along with several others near him, went for the nearest exit.

  That was easy.

  "No, wait! It's just a crazy weather thing – skypunch!" It was an Air spouting off, chasing down those trying to leave. I hit him with a blast of his own element. He went sprawling into one of many trees that lined the bottoms of the cliffs.

  Movement above caught my eye. Hang gliders were taking flight. None of the Airs seemed fooled by my display.

  Maybe something a little flashier for them, I thought. The skypunch hole closed, blocking out the moonlight once again. Clouds rolled at the disturbance. I infused more moisture into the atmosphere and charged the clouds with electrical energy. Next, I used opposite-charged energy to create a conductive path. Bolts of electricity shot down, aiming for the hang gliders and those left on top of the cliffs.

  As lightning plagued the Amphitheatre, I ascended the stairs. I used air when I could, giving me an extra push. I used earth for small ramps and springs, sending me up and over Elementals. I zigzagged, my silhouette giving my location away only occasionally with each flash of lightning.

  I remembered Vayu, using a combination of wind, energy, and his own breath to create a spell. I copied it, speaking low, "Run…Akasha is coming." Air carried my words away, and they echoed throughout the Amphitheatre.

  More than halfway up, I paused behind one of the trees, surveying my progress. Red Rocks was in chaos. Lightning and snow rained down. Some Elementals held their ears, blocking out thunder and the sound of falling rock. Either that or the sound of my voice; I was not sure which they found to be worse. An unfortunate few didn't avoid the crumbling cliffs. Several more decided to leave. I followed the path of their retreat up the stairs and focused on the Elementals still standing at the top. Mostly Fires. Hot heads with something to prove. Dragon came to mind. In the end, it hadn't taken much to finish him off. Of course, I was fresh out of filing cabinets.

  I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. Sending out energy, I lit the barrels on fire. The Elementals behind them stumbled back in surprise. Someone went down the line, cursing and kicking the barrels down the stairs, adding to the chaos. Those still left in the concert venue got out of the way, fast. They continued to go, fleeing the area. For them, friendly fire was the last straw. I just hoped they would find cover fast enough, and far enough away.

  As the last barrel made it to the bottom, shattering against the stage, I climbed my tree. I perched myself as high as I could, watching a driverless glider nose dive toward me. Rough bark scraped my back.

  Micah proposed the handfasting ceremony to me in a tree.

  The thought came out of nowhere.

  Focus, Kaitlyn.

  Three quick steps along a sturdy branch, and I leaped, grabbing hold of the glider's control bar. I didn't need to pull myself all the way up. A short burst of air sent me to the upper terrace. It was a large, flat area constructed with alternating slabs of concrete and stone. I landed on the railing separating the terrace from the stepped seating area.

  One quick bend at the knees to balance myself, and I looked over at Shawn, and Micah sprawled out behind him.

  Chapter 68

  Two Peas in a Pod

  "That.." Shawn cleared his throat, getting rid of the squeak that wanted to come out. He spoke up, loud enough to be heard over the heightening wind. "That was a good show."

  The figure on the railing bowed. He walked a full semi-circle around her, leaving a wide berth. "Is that really our Kaitlyn? The Princess?" He squinted, taking in her tattoos. The image of a woman with short hair working in the camp's gardens flashed in his mind – and another of the same woman chopping wood outside his headquarters. "You've been…right next to me for a while now." Shawn squeezed his Athame. If his palms sweated any more, he would lose his grip on it. "And here I was, searching out way too far for you."

  He walked back, standing to the side of Micah. She had yet to take her eyes off Shawn. He was counting on the gruesome display of Micah's crimson life-force throwing her off her
game. Whether it be pure anger or a frightened little girl; Shawn could feed on either reaction. Shawn glanced over at Micah, ensuring he was still even there.

  Eyes locked on Shawn, Kaitlyn jumped down from the railing. Without thinking, Shawn took a step back. Kaitlyn raised one eyebrow. The sound of quick, retreating footsteps made him glance over his shoulder. The rest of the Elementals were gone. It was just the three of them left under the stars, surrounded by rock. When he turned back, Kaitlyn was directly in front of him.

  She glanced at his wrapped hands. "What have you been up to, Shawn?"

  He lifted them, palms up, staring at them like he was lost in thought. She stepped toward him and began unwrapping one hand.

  Shawn was too shocked to move. He even held the Athame in his other hand. Was she not scared; not even a little bit?

  Once his palm was exposed, her fingertips hovered over the burn marks. "What have you done with the Shades?" she whispered.

  He moved quickly, grasping her fingers. He squeezed, and turning her palm over. "Same as you," he said. "Only with…"

  "The Chalice," Micah coughed out.

  Shawn looked at him, then back to Kaitlyn. Her wide, brown eyes bore into him.

  "You released them, safely?" she asked.

  "What else do you think I would've done with Sarah?" He narrowed his eyes. "And you – they must have been male Shades, right? Did you release them safely?" His tone was mocking.

  "What else do you think I would've done with Cato?"

  Shawn's eyes bulged. "Cato? He was there?" Shawn squeezed her fingers tighter, trying to intimidate.

  "He is still. I need him for something else, maybe." She finally looked at Micah.

  Shawn needed to gain the upper hand. He turned her wrist, following the words tattooed around it, reading aloud, "I am the hero of this story." He smirked. "Yeah, right."

  Chapter 69


  "I can't believe you let Sarah go," I said, changing the subject.

  What did he have to gain from it?

  "Akasha," Micah chimed in.

  Shawn tensed.

  "Well?" I asked, a smirk twisting my mouth. "Do you have it?"

  I felt him draw energy in, still holding my hand. I twisted, leaning back to bring my leg up. I kicked him in the chest. Our bond broken, we both went stumbling back.

  When I steadied myself against the railing, he was still pulling energy together. Earth, fire, air and water, twisting and weaving the elements until they intertwined. It was shaky, with gusts escaping in large chunks that we both had to dodge. Finally, a light shined out from the middle. Flickering but definitely there. It grew to encompass the whole of the elements, right above his palm. My hand squeezed the cold railing, and a chill ran up my spine, stopping to pulsate at Shawn's mark on my shoulder.

  Akasha's light danced across his scarred palm, making it look as if the exposed flesh slithered. It hit the dirt in his fingernails and threw strange shadows across his face. His arm muscles flexed, and sweat beaded his brow with the effort. The smirk on my face disappeared.

  He wielded the power of Akasha; the power of a Gaia. Weak as it was, it was there. I knew only too well what more practice could bring.

  Using the falling snow, I weaved together moisture in the form of an arrow, using air to shoot it straight at Akasha. The balance of elements thrown off, Akasha shattered around us and fizzled away into the night.

  Shawn shook out his arm, then rewrapped his hand. He looked at me.

  "What?" I asked.

  He smiled. "You're nervous."

  I tried to maintain a calm face, but my chin lifted slightly and the effort gave me away. His smile grew wider.

  Chapter 70

  A Toy

  "Now you've done it." Micah said from his tabletop. His head lolled to the side to watch Kaitlyn seethe. Her fists were clenched, teeth gritted.

  "Done what?" Shawn asked. His eyes darted between Micah and Kaitlyn.

  Pause for dramatic effect, thought Micah. 1…2…3… "You've pissed her off."

  Shawn turned his head fully to Micah now, eyes wide. It gave Kaitlyn the chance she needed, and she took it. Air shot into Shawn's chest. He flew back, cracking his head and back against a small, square, stone hut. Temporarily dazed, Shawn sunk to the ground. A sign on the door, 'Family Restroom,' fell on Shawn.

  He craned his neck up, fearing more falling rock. Instead he found Kaitlyn, squatting on top of the hut. She lobbed two fireballs in the air. They arched up, almost as high as the cliffs. Then she pushed Shawn with air again, out onto the open plaza. Making adjustments for his location, the fireballs began their descent.

  Micah craned his neck to watch. It made his head swim, but this wasn't something he was willing to miss. The balls whistled and crackled as they came down. Shawn looked up with enough time to duck, covering his head. They hit his back. Gaseous flames splayed across his body then rolled to the concrete.

  Kaitlyn was on the plaza, walking toward Shawn. She stopped, giving him a chance to put out the flames on his jacket.

  "Now if you were a true Gaia," she said, pulling snowflakes together with energy. "You could do this." The moisture transformed into a sloshing sphere of water.

  Shawn spared a hopeful glance.

  "But, you're not. So…" Kaitlyn let the element fall. It splashed across the ground at her feet.

  Shawn gave up at batting at the flames. He took off his jacket and tossed it aside.

  "And since I am a Gaia…I'll just keep doing this." Kaitlyn threw out each hand, pitching more fireballs at Shawn.

  They brushed his loose shirt. He whipped it off, over his head, attempting to throw it at Kaitlyn – and missed. Another well-aimed fireball licked at his bare bicep. The skin turned bright red.

  "Aww." Kaitlyn pursed her lips. "Want me to get some mud for it?"

  Shawn heard the hills rumble behind him. "No…don't!"

  Kaitlyn concentrated on pulling loose dirt toward her and Shawn.

  Micah's eyes widened. "Watch out!"

  Before the dirt reached the dueling couple, Shawn tackled Kaitlyn. They rolled across the concrete and stone. Dirt sprayed across them.

  Shawn ended up on top. He smiled. "I've been here before."

  Micah's veins coursed with adrenaline. He pushed himself up; pain squeezed in on his head. He threw his legs over the side of the table and slid off.

  Kaitlyn wriggled one knee in between her and Shawn. She bucked and kicked out. Shawn flew off, heals over head. He rolled.

  They both got to their feet at the same time, while Micah fell to his knees.

  Kaitlyn glanced at Micah. The distraction cost her. Shawn weaved energy, trying for Akasha, but not getting it together. The result was a wobbly, uncontrolled mass of various elements. He pushed it out, sending it toward Kaitlyn.

  It hit her in the chest, throwing her back. When she stood, she was laughing. "You're losing, Shawn."

  "You’re the one that just got off the ground."

  "No – I mean you’re losing Akasha." Kaitlyn charged.

  Shawn desperately attempted to call the elements again. They came in short bursts, mostly dissipating before he could weave them together.

  Kaitlyn reached him, shouldering him in the midsection. They both rolled. Now Kaitlyn was on top. She wailed on his face. Punch after punch, his blood sprayed across her knuckles. She kept his arms pinned with her knees. When he no longer tried to dodge her strikes, she got up.

  Shawn pushed himself off the ground, spitting blood. He glanced at the fire tornados, which were closer now, and then at the mountains, continuing to crumble under avalanche after avalanche. "Not all the Elementals have run off screaming."

  Kaitlyn cocked her head. "No. I didn't have time to meet everyone in person."

  Shawn stood up all the way, taking a deep breath. He tried Akasha once again. It never came.

  Kaitlyn answered with her own magic, weaving a ball of Akasha, and shooting it straight toward Shawn. The charged ener
gy slowed then stopped, midair. It was Shawn's tunnel – his only natural magic, and it was strong. Akasha remained suspended as Shawn squeezed the channel closed on his end.

  Little by little, it began to move back toward Kaitlyn. Micah, still on his knees, forced himself forward.

  "I still have this." Smiled Shawn, his face growing puffy.

  Kaitlyn moved her lips. As words rode out on her breath, she mixed them with a tiny puff of wind. One wavelength and the magic floated by Shawn's ear. He shivered visibly. When the magic floated past Micah he heard, "Then you have nothing."

  Moments later, Kaitlyn shoved another burst of energy toward Shawn. The tunnel pulsated out once, then again. It burst, spraying Akasha up and out. Shawn was thrown, landing hard on his back. Some of the spray hit Micah's bare skin. It felt like chemical burns.

  Shawn stood. "I'll find her…you bitch! I'll finish you if I have to and then I'll find her. You can't hide a Gaia."

  Kaitlyn went still. "What would you do with her?"

  Shawn paced, limping across the plaza and rubbing his arm. Bruises blossomed across his body. "I'll find her and…and…I'll raise her. As a daughter. She'll be loved…and protected. And I can teach her."

  "She has all those things now," Kaitlyn's voice cracked.

  "I would die for her, Kaitlyn." Shawn squared his shoulders.

  "Why wait?" Micah stood behind Shawn, a piece of rock lifted over his head. When Shawn turned in surprise, the rock came down. Shawn crumpled to the floor. Micah followed seconds later.

  Kaitlyn rushed to Micah, kneeling down by his side.

  "Why do you keep toying with him?" Micah asked, exhausted and shaky. "Just finish him off."

  Beside them, Shawn groaned. His arms twitched but his eyes were shut tight.

  "Because," said Kaitlyn, glancing at Shawn. "He's toyed with me plenty."


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