Just A Daddy's Girl

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Just A Daddy's Girl Page 7

by Ashleigh Smith

  We partied till early in the morning, most of our lot fell asleep on all the blankets and towels that people bought, and some went home. There are about 20 of us still either half awake or fully awake then the other 15 are sound asleep. Someone must have got pictures of this night because there were just too many funny moments. It was about half five in the morning now so I thought it would be best if me and Zeke and Lee went up to my house. The fire was already out so there was no need to wait around.

  We all linked up and walked on to my house, I felt a bit like the film cross roads the one with Britney spears in, the only difference being is that there is only 2 girls and 1 boys instead of 3 girls but anyway we do our own thing. When we got up to the house Zeke went into the spare room while Leanne came with me to my bedroom. Soon as our heads hit the pillow we were zoned out. Graduation day is a day that I would never forget, it’s a shame my Dad couldn’t have spent a bit longer with me.


  “Were ready” I shouted from the other side of the door. Tonight was the night, our official moment in time where we will never forget this night. This night will be remembered and spoke about for many years to come, all the laughs and jokes that were pulled during the school days didn’t matter, its all about tonight.

  It’s the night of our prom and what do you expect every girl to be doing right about now? Getting ready of course; me and Leanne have been getting ready since 1pm. The time now is 7pm, and believe it or not we still aren’t ready. I mean it’s not our fault we’re girls of course, were aloud to be fashionably late.

  Zeke was mine and Leanne’s prom date; we have always wanted to go together so we did. We will have moments when we will dance with other people but we will arrive and leave with one another. Zeke was dressed up smart in his tuxedo; he had his lapel decorated with a blue rose and a pink rose, each to match mine Leanne’s dress. Leanne’s dress was a light shade of pink; it was just a little above the knee and was fitted at the top as it was strapless. She had a black shawl to go over the top; this all went well with her new heels. My dress was a baby blue colour, it was almost the same as Leanne’s as mine is the same length and is strapless to but mine is a different style. Mine is fitted from the waist up letting the rest fall and flow. But I decided to customize my dress so I added black glitter to the bottom to make the colour darker and glittery, not to mention it goes very well with my lace heels as they are black to. Leanne and I wanted at least one item the same so we bought the same shawl. I must say we do look pretty good. My hair was down and wavy and when pulled to the front reached my hips. Leanne is a goddess; she has long blonde hair which is what every girl practically dreams of. She’s like Barbie, she is just gorgeous.

  “Ready?” I said looking over to Leanne. “Ready” she replied. We stood side by side and took a good look at ourselves in the mirror. We look absolutely stunning, I’m not a vain person but we did look beautiful. “I will never forget this moment Sami” Leanne said. She looked at me through the mirror, I knew what she meant. The excitement was just taking over. This is it, the last thing we will do that will be worth remembering. It was time. “Neither will I, friends for life” “Forever till we die, it’s just you and me” “And me and you, S and L” “L and S”. Me and Leanne made that up when we first met, even then we knew our friendship was a rare one. We have never had a fight with one another and doubt that we ever will. I turned and gave Leanne a hug; I made sure I was careful not to ruin her make up and hair. I let go of her and looked her in the eyes. “Let’s get this party started” “Now you’re talking, let’s kick it” we both burst out laughing. “You’re such a lady” I said between my chuckles. I grabbed my purse and double checked I had every thing, I didn’t want to keep Zeke waiting any longer. “I can’t wait to see the look on Zeke’s face” “Neither can I” I gave her a wink and checked my outfit one last time. We walked over to my door and took a deep breath and nodded at one another.

  I opened the door wide open so we could both walk out at the same time. All I saw was Zeke’s jaw drop. When he saw us emerge from the room his eyes were fixed on us. He just looked us up and down and finally whistled. Me and Leanne just giggled. “You girls look absolutely stunning”. Leanne and I just looked at each other and said “Why thank you”. We thought we could try and talk in our very posh voices. We don’t know how long we will be able to keep it up for but who cares.

  We would be going to the prom in our own private limo that Zeke’s parents rented out for us, he was pulling out all the stops to make this night special. “Let’s get a few photos of you lot, go on get together” Dad said shooing us in the direction he wanted. Before we had time to protest he said “Say PROM”. “Prom” we all said adding the biggest smiles we could after. “Right Sami step out for a sec angel I wanna get a photo of Leanne and Zeke” “Okay cool” I replied. “Right now you get with Zeke. Say Party” “Party” me and Zeke said. That picture of us was a really cute picture. Dad kept on snapping loads of shots of us, we felt a bit like we were on the red carpet with all the paparazzi. We had to go and soon or we will be very late for our own prom. “Dad we have to go now” “Alright you lot have a great night, don’t get too drunk and just remember to have a good night” “Thanks Cole” said Zeke. “Good lad, take good care of my girls” “You know I will sir”. “Leanne you look beautiful love, have a great night and ill see you later tonight” “Thanks step-Daddy”. My Dad started too walk towards me when Zeke and Leanne were heading for the door. “You look beautiful princess, you are a sight for sore eyes you know that”. I looked up at him, and said “Thank you Daddy”. I didn’t care about my make up or hair I just wanted to wrap my arms around my Dad’s neck and give him the tightest hug I could. “I’m going to miss you angel” he said. “Dad I’m only going prom, ill be back in a couple of hours” I laugh at his strange comment. “I know angel, but ill still miss you” he replied. He gave me a squeeze before releasing me. “Right, now go before you’re even more late”. I nodded and headed for the door. When I reached the door I turned back and looked at my Dad “Thanks Dad” I meant it, it weren’t just for helping make my day special, I was saying thank you for everything he has done for me, I mean he has taken care of me for the last 5 years on his own and he looked after me the 13 years I was living with my mum but even then he might as well of done it on his own. I shut the door behind me and made my way to the limo. Zeke and Leanne were already inside and waiting for me. “Lets get this started” we all started laughing and got the limo driver to crank up the radio, we were having our own little party in the back. There was a bottle of champagne which Zeke’s parent bought for us to drink on the way. Zeke was a gentleman and poured me and Leanne a glass before pouring himself one. “Cheers to us” Zeke said while raising his glass. “Cheers”. We were just laughing and joking the whole way, its going to be a new experience seeing all the people we hardly know all in one room. It’s going to be epic. The car journey from mine to the hall wasn’t long I’d say it was about 15 minuets maximum.

  We arrived at the hall and waited for the driver to come and open the door, I really did feel like I was in a fairy tale. The theme to our prom was ‘Dress to impress’ so the prom committee said they wanted to go all out this year so we could have a red carpet and everything, so I really couldn’t wait to see how it all turned out. When the door was opened the lights were just burning bright, you could see all the decorations outside, all the multi-coloured flowers that were on each pole. I was very impressed, when we stepped out of the limo there was a red carpet that was rolled out, it felt so Hollywood. We walked up the carpet on either side of Zeke. It felt like we were famous as the photography class had set out all their cameras to record who walked on the carpet and some cameras to take pictures for our year book. I actually envy them, they have an eye for great shots, I had Hannah-Jo take my pictures for my 18th birthday, and she is just amazing. She’s also on the committee so I can’t wait to see what Ideas she put towards th
is evening. We finally reached the doubles doors where we had door men to open and close the doors, the prom committee weren’t lying when they said ‘Dress to impress’ I mean look at me, I haven’t even got inside yet and the butterflies in my stomach are already kicking up a huge fuss.1, 2, 3. The doors were opened and the rays of light were all over the place, the spotlight was put directly on us as soon as we entered. I glanced over to Leanne and gave her my OMG face. I was impressed. There were 3 glass chandeliers that were glistening when the lights shone on them. There were black and white tables to make it seem so Hollywood but the centre pieces were all different, you had flowers in every colour. There were little pouches in every space and the chairs had ribbon on the back of the chairs. I felt like I was in a fairytale looking at this. I felt like I was in a room full of princesses, all the girls look remarkable. Their hair styles were different and I never thought some of these people would have that taste. You obviously got the girls with the puffed out super white and pink dresses but you also got the girls with the mini fitted dresses but every one wore there dress brilliantly and made it work with their own unique style.

  We started to make our way down the stairs but still admiring the scene in front of us as we walked down. It was funny how we were getting a few stares from people as we did, they were mean glares but they all looked surprised. Well I would be looking at us too I mean we make Zeke look like a ladies man with us both on his arm. I think what makes me look unique is my long black hair and green eyes, and Leanne is Leanne because of her long bleach blonde hair and brown eyes. We ignored the stares from some and carried on to find out table to place our bags down, I was planning on going straight to the dance floor after whether or not Leanne and Zeke were coming too. The DJ was Sky and Robbie’s older brother; he was brilliant on the decks. He had songs that were very up beat, it was just what I needed to get me into the mood. I found our seats; we were at the table that was dead centre. We had Sky and her date Dominic, Robbie with his date Caroline, Sydney with her date Ben and we also had Rhys; Rhys didn’t have a date, he wanted to go alone so that this way he could dance with everyone. I guess that was a good thing for me and Leanne, that way we could share Zeke and Rhys. Rhys was already seated at the table; he had been placed next to me. I was going to let Leanne have Zeke for a while; I was in the mood for some dancing and I think they just wanted to sit for a while. “Hey Rhys, you wanna come dance with me?” I said holding out my hand. “Yeh, sure” he put his drink down and took my hand. I led us over to the centre of the dance floor and began to dance. We came on the dance floor when it was near enough the end of the song so we stopped and waited for the next one. “Right were going to slow it down for the couples now, so all you guys out there grab your girl and DANCE”. He started to play Luther Vandross—here and now, it’s a very romantic song but I guess it’s a great song for the couples in our school. “I haven’t done this type of dance in a while so if I mess up don’t laugh okay” I said to Rhys as I took a step closer to him. “Just follow my lead okay” he placed his hand around my waist pulling me closer and took my hand in his. Before I knew it we were dancing around the floor. I looked down and my feet a few times to see if I was doing it right but Rhys always lifted up my face so I couldn’t. “Just let yourself feel the music and feel my movements. You’re getting the hang of it so don’t worry, it’s only me” he said after I looked down again. Two more slow songs played after that one and by the end of the last slow song I was a pro when dancing in couples.

  Me and Rhys headed back to our table and saw that every one was in their seats. Dinner was getting ready to be served so Rhys and I took our seats and joined into the conversation. The topic was what we all want to do when we leave here. I still haven’t decided what I wanted to do but it was interesting to hear what everyone else wanted to be. As dinner was being served, the conversation continued and we was just about to hear what Leanne has decided to be. We haven’t had this conversation recently so I was interested to see what she has decided to do. “Well I finally figured out what I wanted to do. I thought long and hard about going to work with my mum at her business and I think it would be great for me as I can bring something new to her company you know, I can make it better and add our new generations input. I like the designing part and she said I can be head of designs, she even said after a year of working with her and learning the ropes the company’s mine. She said she wants to do something different, and I have always wanted to run my own company so I think this is a great opportunity”. I was glad with her decision but what did she plan on doing if it didn’t work out the way she planned. I mean not everything goes the way we want and we always need to think of the worst as well as the good so we will be prepared for anything that get’s in the way, I didn’t want to bring it up as it might put a downer on the evening. The next person to speak after Leanne was Zeke. Zeke was telling us how he wanted to be a life guard along the coast of LA; he is a really good swimmer so that would be the perfect job for him. He will also get to be in the water most of the time not to mention he can get well paid as well. It got round to my turn in the conversation. We had all finished our dinner and were waiting for desert, the food was cooked beautifully, there was so much flavour it was so tasty. To be honest I didn’t have anything to say to them but I began to answer their question. “Honestly, guys I have no idea what I want to do or even be, I want to go in the direction of singing and try and make something for myself but there is that doubt that I might not make it and my time would be wasted” I just shrugged my shoulders and looked at everyone. “Sami you’re the most talented singer I know, of course you will make it” Sky said. “Yeah and remember that time when you sang for my sweet 16, everyone loved you especially the song you wrote for me” Sydney cut in. “Yeah but you guys are my friends I mean what if the other people out there don’t like my songs”. “Sami go for it, we all believe in you, and you know your Dad will be so proud of you, he’s been telling you to do this all along”. That was true, my Dad has always helped me with my singing and told me I should go for it, I need to get that confidence though. I’m not a shy person but I sometimes worry too much about what people think. My Dad has always believed I can go far and that’s true I have always wanted to make my Dad proud so I think I might go for it; just for him. “Alright I might give it a go” I said. We all spoke after that, so we just spoke about random things.

  We finished our dessert and so we waited till our stomachs settled as I didn’t fancy dancing and then being sick later on. This next part of the evening would be to address prom king and queen and prince and princess. It would be nice to see someone else get prom queen rather than the expected prom queen Eliza Howard, you always get the drastic plastics in our school and she is definitely head cow. I usually stay clear of her because one of these days I’m going to give her a peace of my mind, they way she talks to people and how she treats them is just so wrong on many levels; she needs to be told about herself and soon. There is no way she will be able to survive in a work environment if she carry’s on talking to people like they’re dirt on her Prada shoe’s.

  It was now my turn to have Zeke for the rest of the evening, I just hope that he can keep up with me when we dance. I have just got use to dancing with Rhys so Zeke’s probably going to confuse me. It turns out that a slow song wasn’t going to be played until the king and queen of Wildwood high was announced. We all decided to dance together for the rest of the songs. The DJ was rocking out LMFAO, Far East Movement, Conor Maynard and many more that have been played on VIVA. The prom was so lively and I loved how everywhere I looked someone had a smile on their face.

  It came to that moment of the evening where the king and queen and prince and princess had to be announced. The DJ cut the music and handed the mic to the head teacher of our school. “Hey, guys how you all enjoying the night so far?” she asked us all. “Amazing… Wicked… Brilliant… The best night ever” various people shouted in response. “Right lets get this over
and done with, can I have the following nominated Kings come up to the stage please. Oscar Reynolds, Lucus Grant, Zeke West and Rhys Deans please make your way up. “Well done guys” I said as they began to make their way up to the stage. “Also for the nominated prom queens none other than Eliza Howard, Sky Taylor, Sami Myers and lastly Leanne Smith, girls please make your way up to the stage”. Well that was a shock, soon as I heard my name being mentioned I froze, that was really unexpected. I would be happy if anyone of us won if it meant that Eliza didn’t get named prom queen, we’d never hear the end of it if she won.


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