Just A Daddy's Girl

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Just A Daddy's Girl Page 8

by Ashleigh Smith

  Once we all got up on stage and were in our lines, we were waiting for Miss to carry on. “Let’s begin with the prom king” she took the envelope from the deputy and began to open it. When she held up the mic to speak she stuttered as if she read something that was out of the ordinary. “Well class of 2012 it would seem this is the first time there has been a tie in over 50years, there will be no prince of Wildwood as we have two kings, give it up for Rhys Deans and Zeke West” all you heard was the school give a big cheer as Zeke and Rhys are the top football players at Wildwood. The boys were crowned and given their staffs and were told to wait for their queen and princess to be announced. “Next let’s announce the prom queen and princess. And our queen is… well this is not expected at all, it would seem all you kids have managed to give the votes so accurately that we haven’t got any prince or princesses we have only got two kings and have now got two queen so give it up for your new prom queens Sami Myers and Leanne Smith, girls come and get your crowns” me and Leanne just looked at one another like what the hell just happened, the look on Zeke’s and Rhys face was priceless as they probably thought they would of got stuck with Eliza and Sky, they wouldn’t of minded Sky but it’s Eliza they are probably most worried about. Leanne and I made our way to get our crowns we all had to stand with one another with couples for our photo, this photo would be at the front of the year book, so Zeke and Rhys decided to be gentlemen and not do any manly poses all the other jocks encouraged them to do.

  The DJ began to play a slow song for us to dance to as it is traditional for the king and queen, well in this case kings and queens to take the floor and dance the first dance. For this dance I said I would go with Rhys, I didn’t feel like falling on my arse in this song so I thought it would best if I danced with Rhys.

  We began to do the waltz, it was actually very romantic and I could see Zeke and Leanne having a laugh while doing so. “Well this was very unexpected” Rhys said. “Ha-Ha yeah it was but I think the best bit was seeing the look on Eliza’s face, she was gutted when she found out it wasn’t her” “Yeah that’s true, but I think its funny how you and Leanne are never separated, I guess it just shows how close you two are and how much people think you two are special, I mean people must of planned to votes for you two cause the vote were bang on”. “I know I was very surprised but then again they must of liked you and Zeke as you two became king too” me and Rhys just carried on talking and dancing till the end of the song. One another song began and more people joined in, me and Leanne switched partners so we could share both experience with our kings.

  Well I can’t wait to get home to my Dad and tell him me and Leanne became Queens. I’m intrigued to see what he was up to the whole evening. He was probably doing his work. But this night has defiantly been something to remember.

  The Day

  Wow today’s Friday 25th May and it has been exactly a week since we all left school. We have had the two most important events happen in a teenager’s life; we have graduated and partied at our prom. Those events are now gone and we have finally entered adult hood. Ha-ha who am I kidding, I haven’t entered adult hood I mean have you seen how immature I am around my friends. Nah I won’t fully become an adult in the head till I’m at least 30,if that. So all these events have been done and are now out the way so what is left for us teenagers to do? I have decided it was about time I went and got all the photos developed from prom and graduation as I was planning on doing a little something for Zeke and Leanne. Fair enough we are already getting a year book but I want them to have a scrap book with all our memories in. I am going to include all the pictures from when we were getting ready, the ones from the after graduation party. After I go get that done I’m going to come back and chill with my Dad, after all it is Friday. I have noticed Dad’s getting better; well let’s just say he is making an effort when waking up in the morning. We don’t walk anymore as I always say I can’t be bothered but the truth is I am bothered but I know he doesn’t really feel up to walking so we end up just going and chilling on the beach.

  When I got up this morning I already found Dad downstairs in the garage doing a few bits. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad he’s up and doing things but the way he has been acting lately I’m just worried that’s he’s going to over do it, he has all this energy its like he doesn’t know where to put it. He still isn’t getting much sleep and you can tell with the bags under his eyes, its kind of weird because I know he has been using my nivea face crème, its said to keep your face feeling young. I find it kind of funny and I was thinking about asking why he is using it but I don’t want to deprive him of his manliness. Before I went to go see Dad I thought it would be best if I got ready that way I could say a quick hello and a quick goodbye. I would be home quicker that way. I had a quick shower and put on some jeans and my black super dry top, and just grabbed a hoodie of the back of the door. I packed my bag and made sure I had all the things I needed, the camera and other photos were there and I just remembered I had to get the money. Good job I check or that would be embarrassing. I took one last look around my room before leaving just to make sure I didn’t forget anything else, once I was sure I didn’t leave anything out I made my way down to the garage. As I went through the living room I could see there was a plate in the sink which is a good sign to show my Dad has eaten. “Hey Dad” I said as I got in to the garage. He had his back to the door I came in and I couldn’t help but notice how thin he was looking. He looked like the man from skellig; you could really see his shoulder blades practically sticking out of the back of his t-shirt. It wasn’t a pretty sight to see. “Hey princess, did you sleep okay?” he said tuning to face me. “Yeah I slept fine thank you, what about you how was your sleep?” “It was very therapeutic, I been getting a few good nights so that’s good.” “Yeah I am glad to hear your sleeping well, I was starting to get worried about you” I said. “Nah princess I am fine just I get so tired with work and everything but I’m a grown man I can handle a little pressure, and you off out?” he said pointing to my bag. Oh yeah I’m just going to pop into town and get them collage books done, remember the ones I was talking to you about a few days ago?”. “Oh yes I remember now, that’s a nice thing your doing for Zeke and Leanne I’m sure they will love and appreciate them”. He gave me a smile and turned his attention back to what he was doing before. “Thanks Dad, I won’t be long hopefully it will be done in less than an hour and half, depends on whether the pictures sorted themselves out but I wont be back late tonight anyway its Friday” “Really, I completely forgot” he said in his sarcastic voice. “Ha-ha very funny old man” “Oh we’re back to old man now, alright we will see” he did his manly chuckle along with his impression with an old man. Look what I started. “Right Dad I’m going to go see you soon” I said after he finished making a fool of himself. “Okay angel, see you later on” he was still giggling, the fool; he gave me a hug before I left and headed for my car.

  The shop I was heading to is called snapshot, it’s about a 15 minute drive depending on whether there is traffic it could be about a 25 minute drive. There was no traffic on the roads so I managed to get there in just less than 15 minutes. The only thing that bugged me was being able to get parked outside, there would be days when you would have to park half a block down from snapshot and some where you could park directly outside. Unfortunately today is not one of my days I had to drive round and see if any of the near by shops had any free parking spaces. I managed to find somewhere to park on around the corner, I suppose it wasn’t too bad, I would say it was a 2 minute walk and thank god it was nice out. I got out of the car and made my way to the shop. When I got there I could see a few customers but I would say it was full.

  “Hey Sami” Christian said as soon as he spotted me. “Hey Christian, you busy?” I asked him. “Never when you’re around Hun, what can I do for you?” he winked and went back to being all professional. Christian is Zeke’s older brother although you would never guess they were br
others as Zeke has blond hair and Christian has brown hair and plus their eye colours are completely different. Christian has always kept an eye out for us, he is only a year older but he still acts like he is about 5 years older. Trust me you do not want to be there when he goes all ‘you should learn to responsible’ and all that you feel like your parents are giving lecture as though you have gone out and pulled an all nighter, honestly the guy should be a bloody preacher! “Well I was wondering if you could help me put some photos together and set them out into almost like a year book sort of thing.” I asked him as I made my way over to his counter. “Yeah sure come round and let’s get started”. He smiled. “You’re a legend Christian” I said as I made my way under the counter so I could be on the same side as him. “I know I am” “Wow could your head get any bigger” “Yes, yes it can” he smirked, wow what I would give to wipe it from his face. I let out a little evil giggle to show I was thinking about it, Christian caught on and laughed as well. He knew full well I would do it too.

  Once Christian and I were ready, I fiddled around in my bag to find the memory stick with all the photos. I found it after virtually emptying everything out of my bag I don’t know why I didn’t think to get it out ready before I came in to the shop. Oh well what’s done is done. I handed Christian the memory stick so he could do his thing.

  Christian had my files open and on screen in no time, this would be quicker than I thought it would be. “Right so all we need to do really is choose you a layout for all the photos then just place them on the pages you want of course and edit them if needed, sound good?” Christian said. “Sounds great” I answered. “By the way you cannot repeat or tell Zeke or Leanne about this okay!” I said with my serious face. “Okay I promise” Christian started laughing after he knew I couldn’t keep a serious face for long, it just weren’t me. He nudged me to get me to start laughing but for once I managed not to laugh, I just let him look like a fool which was funnier to me. If you didn’t know Christian or Zeke like I did you would of never of guessed that they are brothers because they look nothing alike. Christian is your typical tall, brown haired guy with brown eyes and a body to die for, where as Zeke well he might as well be Barbie’s Ken; he has bright blue eyes and bleach blond hair, medium height and of course has a body to die for. They just look so different from one another but yet it’s their personality’s are just too much the same, their humour and sensitivity are the same, they act and respond in the same way. They’re the same but different.

  I decided which style I wanted the layout to be after Christian showed me about 50 different layouts. It was a simple yet creative one which I thought would be perfect for the three of us. I started to select the pictures I wanted to be in the album which took a while considering I had over 400 pictures of us on my memory stick. I must of picked about 150 photos before I thought about the time, I told Dad I would be no longer than an hour and a half, I thought I would call to tell him that I am still at snapshot with Christian. “One sec Christian I’m just going to quickly call my Dad to let him know I’ll be a bit longer” “Okay Hun”. I got up from my seat and stood at the other end of the counter.

  I called Dad and waited for him to pick up the phone, after a few rings he picked up. “Hello?” Dad said. “Hey Dad, it’s Sami” “hey princess, you okay?” “Yeah, yeah I’m fine; I was just calling to say that I’m going to be here for a while longer. Its taking a little bit longer than I thought it would, but Christians helping me so it will be done in no time” “That’s fine angel, anyways our time don’t start till 5:30 so I’ll just see you then, but Sami on your way back can you do me a favour a pick up a few bits for me?” “Yeah sure”. Dad and I spoke for couple of minutes longer before we said our goodbyes and hung up. I also told my Dad it would be nice for a change if he picked the film to watch, I mean I am always choosing, it couldn’t hurt to let him choose one for a change. I took my seat next to Christian so we could continue picking the photos. “Is your Dad okay?” Christian said turning to face me. “Yeah he’s fine, he just to make sure I’m back by 5:30” “Wow your still doing that Friday thing, I thought you would have stopped it by now” Christian questioned. “Nah, why would you want to break a tradition, I mean he’s the only family I have and why am I going to give up on my Friday time with my Dad to go spend it out at parties when the parties will be there many more Fridays and my Dad might not. Its all about prioritising things. I don’t need parties but I need my Dad sort of thing.” “Well said”.

  After about an hour or so of sorting and deleting the pictures, we were finally finished. I just had to double check that all the right photos were there and that they were all in the right place. I must say it did all look very good and with Christians help it looked even better, he helped with all the editing and adding all the text. “It looks great Christian, thanks” I gave him a quick squeeze to say my thank you. “Welcome Sami” he squeezed me back. “Comes to £30” “perfect, 2 seconds” I picked up my bag and tried to find my purse, I brought £50 with me so that was enough to pay for the albums along with the other stuff Dad wanted. I handed Christian the money and gave him an extra £5 as a tip for all his help but of course Christian is being Christian was refusing to take my money, I wasn’t about to beg him to take my money in front of people. What a guy. “They will be printed and in the post by tomorrow, I put it on fast delivery for you” he winked. “You make me feel so special” I giggled and pulled my angel face. I got all my stuff together and gave Christian a hug goodbye. I made my way to the door and shouted thanks before I left. It was about 4:15 when I left that would give me plenty of time to go to the shop and get my Dads things and be back before 5:30, I was proud of myself the day has gone to plan so far apart from taking longer at snapshot.

  I got home at about 5 something like that but I was home before 5:30 which was good, even though I may have only been about half hour early but still. I took everything I had to my room and just dumped it on my bed apart from my Dad’s bag of course, I placed it on the floor by the door so I wouldn’t forget it when I walked out of my room. Dad must have been in the garage when I got in as he weren’t in the living room when I came in. I got changed out of my clothes and put on my doss about clothes seeing as I was about to spend the whole evening with my Dad. I found my Hollister tracksuit bottoms and one of my old sallies’s t-shirt and just found a zip-up hoodie to keep me warm. I wondered what film my Dad has decided for us to watch, it’s probably going to be one of his action films like Thor, or the Green Lantern or even the Avengers. Oh well I did give him the choice to choose so ill just have to lump it for one night and besides I have been choosing for the last 5 years so one Friday out of like 250 don’t matter. I found my slippers and grabbed the bag from in-front of the door and headed out of my room and into the kitchen. I placed the bag on the side and got my self a drink. I wondered what would be for dinner; I had a look in the freezer and saw 2 domino oven pizza’s and some chicken wings, which would be perfect for a Friday night dinner. I would just put it in a bit later after I checked with Dad. It was about 5:30 now and I was ready and so was my Dad, he came in while I was in the kitchen.

  “Dad, I decided were having pizza and chicken wings” I gave him a big cheesy grin as I decided what we would be eating, “Well you can’t have the film and choose the food” I said again as he rolled his eyes in a sarcastic way. “Yeah, yeah angel, anyway do you want to know what film were going to be watching?” he said giving me his ‘I have a secret’ face. “Yeah I want to know, what film we watching?” I asked. “Do you really want to know?” he was doing this to annoy me again. “Well duh” I laughed. “Well here’s a clue, remember the very first film we watched when we first had our Friday night?” I had to think back to the first film, I mean come on I might have a good memory but I can’t really remember a film from 5 years ago of the top of my head. I just shrugged my shoulders and looked at him. “Angel think, it was one of your favourite films” he said. I thought about
my top childhood films, and then it hit me. Wow I must have really forgotten, I mean he was right that film was my favourite childhood film, how can I forget? “I remember now, Stanley’s magic garden, Why this film?” I asked. “Why not?” he replied shrugging his shoulders now. He had a point, I have nothing against it. I got up and went to my room to search for the film. I remembered where I put it from the last time we watched it, Dad bought it for me on DVD the day after we watched it, and he said he didn’t want to have to buy it on film flex so he bought it for me on DVD. Bare in mind I have only used the DVD once before. I feel kind of bad for my film I mean I used to watch it all the time and now here I am just thinking about all the times I would get excited when I saw the beginning. I was actually glad my Dad chose this film; it reminds me of the first night, a day where I found my safe place and the day me and Dad decided on Sami and Cole Fridays. I went back through to the living room and handed the DVD to my Dad. “Am I your slave?” “Yes Dad you are” I laughed. “Only joking, you stay put ill do it” I took the DVD back from my Dad and started to fiddle around with the DVD player and the lead cables, I forgot to put all the cables back after I plugged in the WII. It didn’t take long before it was all set up and the film begun with the trailers. I got up and got comfortable, the plan was that we would watch this, then put dinner in the oven so its cooking while we do our usually thing on the decking. I needed to talk to Dad about what I wanted to do and be, I mean who would be better to talk to about this sort of stuff. He’s a very respectable business man so he’s perfect. I got comfortable next to my Dad before pressing play on the DVD.


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