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Maia and Rylan

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by Allyson James


  An Ellora’s Cave Publication, September 2005

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

  1056 Home Ave.

  Akron, OH 44310

  ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-4199-0302-0

  Other available formats (no ISBNs are assigned): Adobe (PDF), Rocketbook (RB), Mobipocket (PRC) & HTML


  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

  Edited by Heather Osborn.

  Cover art by Syneca.


  The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. Maia and Rylan has been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (Erotic), and X (X-treme).

  S- ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

  E- rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as

  “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

  X- treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Unlike E-rated titles, stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.



  Allyson James

  Allyson James

  Chapter One

  DNAmo compound

  Twenty years ago

  Rylan snaked his hand through Maia’s black hair and she opened her lips for his kiss.

  His forbidden kiss, which made it sweeter.

  She traced the sculpted muscles of his bare shoulders and back. Her fingers caught on the black chain on his left biceps, which indicated what he was.

  Maia wore a similar chain, hers more delicate.

  His skin was hot. Shareem temperatures rose when they were aroused, higher than that of a normal human’s. Her own body temperature shot up to meet his.

  Rylan skimmed his hand across her sarong, loosening the fabric. Yes.

  This was forbidden. Maia was a prototype, the only female Shareem ever made. She was off-limits to the male Shareem. To everyone. Many experiments were yet to be made on Maia.

  Rylan had long ago found secret ways into Maia’s chambers. When they were children, he’d crept in to bring her presents of the candies and toys she was not allowed to play with.

  As adolescents, he’d taught her about kissing.

  As adults, he was teaching her all about deep pleasure.

  “Want to play a game?” he murmured against her mouth.


  Rylan played the best games. He was a level two Shareem, which meant he specialized in games and wicked fun.

  “Pretend that you love me.”


  Maia and Rylan

  “I do love you,” Maia said.

  Rylan smiled his devastating smile that began in one corner then spread across his face. A wicked light entered his eyes.

  A Shareem male, fully aroused, was a beautiful sight. His irises widened, filling his eyes with pure, dark blue. His skin had gone flame-hot under her fingertips, and shone with perspiration. He still wore his loincloth, which hugged his hips, but she felt his huge cock behind it, erect and wanting.

  His light brown hair, streaked from the sun, was scraped back from his face and fastened in a tail, caught once at his nape and again halfway down his back.

  Maia loved his hair. She loved his smile, and his eyes and his lovely, long cock.

  Well, everything about him.

  She belonged to Rylan, in her mind. He never let the other Shareem, especially Rio, with his black hair and sinful smiles, touch her.

  She and Rylan never fucked fully, because DNAmo wanted Maia to remain a virgin until they began experiments. But Rylan showed her that they could have all kinds of pleasure other than vaginal penetration.

  “What’s the game?” she asked, interested.

  The lights were low in her bedroom, the mikes muted, so no one who happened to be monitoring her could see or hear. They would assume her asleep. Rylan had learned long ago how to diddle the computers to give them privacy.

  “I brought a strap,” he whispered into her ear.

  Her Shareem temperature jumped another few degrees. “Punishment?”

  “Well, I don’t know.” Rylan sat up, his eyes sparkling like they always did when he began his games. “You’re too sweet, Maia. I don’t think I can punish you.”

  She got to her knees, her black hair brushing her bare back, sensual against her warming skin.

  “I can be bad,” she said fervently. “I can be very bad.”


  Allyson James

  Rylan was a genius with the short piece of leather. He could make it sting, but not hurt, pain and pleasure mixed until she burst into a glorious climax.

  She loved it when he played full Dom, but he did not always. Sometimes he teased her, brushing the whip over her skin, then putting it away and leaving her. She’d scream in frustration, and hear his answering laugh fade through the passageways behind the walls.

  The man knew how to make her want him.

  As if he needed to try.

  He removed the thin strap from the bag he’d brought with him and traced her cheek with the leather. “You can never be bad. You don’t have it in you.”

  “Yes, really, I can be.” She thought a moment, trying to come up with something.

  Her breasts ached, and her thighs were wet with cream. If he teased her and walked away tonight, she’d die. He hadn’t been able to visit her in weeks. She’d missed him desperately.

  “I kissed Rio,” she said in a rush.

  His face stilled, and the spark left his eyes. “What?”

  “I kissed Rio. I couldn’t help it.” She shrugged. “He’s Rio.”

  She was lying, though she had seen Rio yesterday, and he’d brushed his fingers over her lips. His Shareem pheromones had drifted over her, making her hormones dance in response.

  Rio was a level three Shareem, which meant a full Dom. He wore black leather that matched his waist-length black hair, and his blue eyes were always—watchful. Like if a lady wasn’t careful, she’d end up in a dark passageway with her hands in manacles, pleading with him to release her.

  Or to fuck her. Or both.

  In any case, Maia had smiled and walked away from him. She belonged to Rylan.

  “Rio,” Rylan repeated.


  Maia and Rylan

  She nodded. Rylan’s eyes flashed—with jealousy? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Rylan felt about her the way she wanted him to?

  But Shareem had been genetically programmed not to feel strong emotion. Not love or hate, rage, depression or joy. They existed in a neutral state, friendly, happy and content.

  Well, that was the theory. In truth, Maia loved Rylan to distraction. She’d never admit that to anyone, though.

  Rylan’s eyes narrowed. “I told you not to go near Rio.”

  She shrugged, like she never listened to what he said.

  “That’s gonna
cost you,” he growled. “Stand up.”

  Maia unfolded her legs and scrambled off the bed. With deft fingers, Rylan finished loosening the sarong and stripped it from her.

  She stood, naked, in front of him, loving the way his gaze roved her body. The stark hunger in his eyes made her happy. Her skin prickled, and a dark wanting coiled in her belly.

  Rylan got off the bed.

  He towered over her, eight inches over six feet. He’d been bred for incredible handsomeness, meant to adorn a highborn lady’s drawing room, as well as pleasure her in the bedroom.

  She was shorter than he, genetically altered so that smaller men would not be intimidated by her.

  She intimidated them anyway. No one had liked the way the female Shareem had turned out, which was why she was the only one.

  The female researchers liked to list her shortcomings. The male researchers stuttered and dropped things when she came near them.

  Rylan always called her beautiful. And mine.

  “Bend over the bed,” he ordered.


  Allyson James

  The amusement had gone from his tone. Maia shivered in excitement and fear. She knew Rylan would never hurt her, but he was Shareem, and Shareem sometimes lost that edge of control.

  That was why women craved them. Shareem were expert lovers, but they also carried a hint of danger.

  Maia put her palms on the bedcovers and bent at the waist. Her hips stood up over the edge of the bed.

  Sometimes he prepared her, drawing the smooth lash over her bare back and down her thighs. Sometimes he pushed it between her legs, massaging her clit, pressing it against her opening.

  Today, the leather came down abruptly, slap, on her rear. She gasped.

  “There,” he said. “How does that feel?”

  “It feels good,” she whispered.

  He whipped her again. “It feels good, what?”

  “Um.” Sometimes he told her to call him my lord, or whatever was appropriate to the game they were playing, but he didn’t always tell her in advance what he wanted.

  “Um,” she said again. “Rylan.”

  Over her shoulder she saw him ease his loincloth from his hips, saw his cock spring heavily forward. She devoured it with her gaze, stiff and erect and oh-so long.

  I want it in me. Please, please, please let the gods make him fuck me before he can stop himself.

  “Who do you belong to, Maia?”

  “You,” she said hoarsely.

  “That’s right. Rylan.” Slap. “Not Rio.” Slap. Slap.

  “No.” Her mind darkened, his jealousy so turning her on that she would come before he even touched her.

  “Say it!”


  Maia and Rylan

  “Rylan,” she babbled, her body aching for climax. “Not Rio. Never Rio.”

  “That’s better.” The lash fell on her buttocks, stinging and raw. “Remember it.”

  “I will.” She started to come, her body jerking while wild feelings poured over her.

  She lost coherence. “I love you, Rylan. I love you, I love you.”

  She felt a final slap, slap, slap and then she screamed.

  Her climax took her hard. She welcomed it, falling onto the bed, her own hands finding her warm slit.

  Tears of release poured from her eyes. Rylan lifted her in his arms and sat on the bed, his mouth on her skin, his tongue sculpting her face, licking away her tears.

  “Rylan,” she gasped. “Please, this time, fuck me.”

  He shook his head. His skin burned, and his cock, engorged and erect, nudged at her buttocks. She wanted it inside her so bad. She wanted to squeeze it into her, to hold him, all of him.

  She’d never be complete until she did.

  “Please. ”

  “No, sweetheart.” His voice was ragged. He wanted it as much as she did, but as always, he held himself in rigid control. “I can’t have you. Not that way.”

  Her tears came thick and fast. “But I want you. I want you so much.”

  “I want you, too.” He drew her against him. “I want you so damn bad it’s killing me. But I don’t want them to punish you for what I do. I don’t want them to make it so I can never see you again.”

  She nodded against his shoulder, knowing he was right. That did not make the pain any less.

  He moved her fingers out of the way and pressed his own into her slit, massaging her mound with the heel of his hand. She arched against him, loving the sensation, loving the feel of his hard arm around her back.


  Allyson James

  A sense of being protected surrounded her. Rylan always took care of her, no matter that he was even forbidden to see her.

  He stroked her, fingers working magic, until she came again. She shuddered with need and release, knowing that his fingers inside her were all she could have.

  Rylan lay her down on the bed and draped himself next to her. His long, hard, naked body seemed to enclose and shield her.

  “Maia,” he said. He ran languid fingers through her hair. “You know that DNAmo is collapsing. The government finally banned the work on Shareem, and will shut the company down.”

  Maia peered up at him. She’d heard the whispers, but had not known what to believe.

  “I don’t know what they’ll do with us,” Rylan went on, “but you and I are getting out. No matter what.”

  Hope leapt in her heart. “Where would we go?”

  “There’s a place on the other side of the sand sea, where they make the singing spheres. It’s a long way away.”

  “So far?” Maia knew the geography of Bor Narga and about the singing spheres—

  balls of delicate glass made from cave crystals that produced lovely music.

  That is, she knew all about them from books and digitals, but she’d never set foot outside the DNAmo compound or ever seen a real singing sphere. “How would we get there?”

  “You leave that to me. When it’s time, I’ll come and fetch you.” He kissed her forehead. “And then, we’ll always be together.”

  Always be together. She closed her eyes. His Shareem touch soothed her, and she felt relaxed now, heavy and languid.


  Maia and Rylan

  Rylan had always been good to her, since the day when she’d been ten and he eleven, and he’d brought her a handful of jelly buttons. She hadn’t known what they were, and he’d had to show her how to eat them.

  From that day to this, Rylan had been her comfort. Life at DNAmo was bearable because she had Rylan’s visits to look forward to. She trusted him. She loved him.

  To be with him always sounded like pure paradise.

  His lips burned her skin, his body fever-hot. Dangerously hot.

  “You need release,” she said, skimming her hand to his arousal.

  His cock leapt in her palm. “You could say that.”

  Shareem had to release their sexual pressure or burn up inside. Rio claimed he knew five hundred ways to find that release, with or without a partner. He’d grin when he said it.

  Maia knew what Rylan liked best. She kissed the hollow between his pectorals, then his hard abdomen, then the tight curls above his penis.

  He groaned. She smiled, liking teasing him as much as he teased her. She drew her tongue down the length of his cock, then fitted her mouth over it.

  She loved the taste of him. Better than jelly buttons. Maybe she could place the jelly candies on various parts of his body and eat them off him.

  She shivered. Next time. She’d smuggle some from the food halls and hide them, and then when he came in… She giggled in her throat.

  He grasped her long hair and lifted his hips, gently fucking her mouth. “Maia.”

  She sucked harder, getting down to the business of pleasuring him. He’d taught her how to run her tongue around his tip, how to lick her way down the sides of his cock, how to tease his balls with her tongue and lips.

  She liked the way his balls felt, tight and hot
, his hair prickling her tongue.

  Today she licked even lower, behind his balls, in the space between them and his anal star.


  Allyson James

  She would ask him to teach her how to take him in her ass. It wouldn’t be the same as what she wanted, but at least he’d be inside her.

  Once, briefly, he’d put his mouth to her asshole and started tongue-fucking her.

  She’d nearly gone insane. The thought of his whole cock pushing into her, filling her, made her crazed with need.

  She dipped her own tongue once to his anus, then raised her head again and plunged her mouth over his cock.

  He bucked into her, saying her name over and over. Then he came.

  Hot, salty goodness shot into her. She sucked, drawing it all into her mouth before she swallowed him down, like he’d taught her.

  Then he was lifting her again, pulling her to snuggle against him on the bed. He kissed her while he pressed his hard thigh against her opening.

  She rocked against him languorously. She thought about herself and him, alone in the high desert canyons, in a house just for them. Together.

  They would learn how to craft singing spheres and he’d finally take her completely.

  They’d always be together.



  Maia and Rylan

  Chapter Two

  Twenty years later

  Dr. Laas stuck the marking stylus through the sloppy bun she’d dragged her hair into and looked back at the handsome Shareem through the console.

  Damn, she and DNAmo had done some fine work. Shareem aged slowly, about a month for every year a human aged, so Rylan looked little different than he had the day DNAmo had shut down.

  He wore a thin white tunic that bared his arms and the chain on his biceps. His body was beautiful, and so was his face. Bred for perfection.

  Except his eyes had changed. They were haunted, not sparkling and wicked as they used to be.


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