Royal Chronicles of Denmark, Books 1 & 2

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Royal Chronicles of Denmark, Books 1 & 2 Page 38

by Kiki Leach

  I wrapped my arms around myself and dropped my shoulders.

  “Perhaps you’re right. All things are meant to happen for a reason. Just as this child is now --”

  “Stop saying that.”

  “Is it not true?” he asked. “Is it not?”

  “I am not with child, my God!”

  “Were you? Were you ever pregnant with Norvack’s child?”

  “What does it matter to you either way?”

  “It doesn’t. But perhaps it would matter to your husband.”

  I turned to stare up at him. He was so close to me, I could see his beating heart.

  “You wouldn’t dare inform him of any of this! It isn’t your place!”

  “Then you were pregnant at one time?”

  “This isn’,” I told him through clinched teeth.

  “I believe it is. I am here to protect and serve the future King of Denmark. As his future queen, you are to service him as such, and I am not certain you have kept in code with your wifely duties. Or, have you?”

  He placed his fingers on the rim of my bodice and attempted to move them across my breasts. I reached up to strike him across the face and he took hold of my wrist, stopping me. He smirked and then chuckled to himself as I tried to back away.

  “Of one thing I am certain, Princess. You are quite the faithful one.”

  I snatched my wrist from his strong grip and backed into a wall. I had never felt such an intense anger and hatred for someone before, not even him, until this very moment.

  “You are an utmost bastard. I don’t wish to speak with you any longer.”

  I moved past him, but he grabbed my hand again.

  “I’m not finished yet, Cinderella.” He tried to pull me closer, but I stood strong this time.

  “Release me or I shall indeed slice you from your head straight down to your --”

  I looked at his pants. He laughed and immediately released my hand.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said.

  “Drop dead. If Esme were to learn of any of this --”

  “Would she care?” He reached for his jaw, massaging it, and lifted his shoulders. “I’m having fun with her.”

  “Playing her for a complete fool is fun for you, just as continuing to treat me as a common whore is fun for you as well.”

  “I am not treating you in the manner of a whore nor am I playing this girl for anything, Cinder. Certainly not that of a fool. Does she seem foolish to you?” He went back to the table and picked around for more bread. “We enjoy one another’s company, we are having a nice time together.”

  “Nice times which lead her to believe that you shall marry her.” I tilted my head. “What of your current wife and the King of England?”

  He made a face and gulped. “What of them?”

  “Was the story told of their affair for certain or a ruse?”

  “The latter… in part.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “My wife performing sexual favors for the king was used as my excuse for leaving England and for the ultimate betrayal of my country due to the personal betrayal of me. It began as a fable so that my leaving would appear justified, in some manner at least. I never imagined it were in fact true until the day I left.”

  “You saw them together?”

  He nodded. “Wrapped in complete ecstasy.” He winced. “They never even knew I was there.”

  “So your reason for betraying the King of England… Is in fact your reason for betraying the King of England.”

  “And to think, he managed to come up with such a grand idea all on his own. Or perhaps my wife was in fact sucking his cock at the time.”

  I gagged. “Could you ever be more crass?”

  “Well, I can certainly try.”

  “I’d prefer not,” I stated. He reached for more bread as I watched his odd demeanor. “Why did you truly save Norvack that night in battle? If I am to assume that your betrayal of England was only recent because of this ‘thing’ between he and your wife, and not as deep-seated or extensive as the king and Belarus for my husband, why save his life when you could have easily killed him on that night?”

  “For you, as I stated.”

  “You owed me nothing as you had no idea of my feelings for Norvack then. You weren’t even certain when you came to the palace just yesterday. I didn’t believe those words in the garden and I certainly do not believe them now.”

  “They are true, my unfair princess.” He tossed a piece of fruit into his mouth and headed for the exit. “If you will excuse me--”

  “Don’t take Esmeralda for granted. She’s not much older than I was when you came for me. But unlike me, she expects more of you. Something you are so fiercely against giving to her or any woman in or outside of court.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Respect, John.”

  He thought for a moment and then nodded. “My lady.”

  He completely ignored an annoyed Brigita as she waited silently in the doorway. Once he was out of sight, she headed straight for me.

  “Mistress,” she said. “Are you alright? Had I known he wished for your company yet again --”

  “I’m fine,” I answered. “Quite alright.”

  “What did you discuss?”

  I placed my fingers to my lips and knit my brows. “Hmm? Oh, political matters.”

  She scrunched her face and pulled back. “Truly?”

  “Yes. And now I need to know if the queen is still in her chambers?”

  “As far as I am aware, yes.”

  “Good. I need to speak with her regarding such political matters immediately. Where is Norvack?”

  “Speaking with his father in the library.”

  “Alright. When he’s finished, inform him that I shall meet with him later. Now, I must see his mother.”

  I raced through the palace as if my gown had been set afire, making my way to Eliza as quickly as I could. I knocked only once on the frame of her door before she asked me to enter. When she saw my face, she sneered and turned away.

  “You sounded quite different from the other side.”

  “I was aware that if you knew it was me, you would not have been so eager to allow me inside.”

  She grunted and balled her fists. “I am in no mood for more of your drivel, Cinderella.”

  I slapped my arms against my sides and looked to the tiered ceiling. “You have absolutely no idea what I am to ask or request of you!”

  “I am most certain it will never be pleasant as nothing is with you.”

  “Hmm. You sound more like me than myself.” I stepped closer to her and realized she hadn’t appeared as ill as was claimed. Her skin was pale as always, but clear and fresh looking. Her eyes seemed normal, cold as always, not bloodshot or as strained as I had been told by her handmaiden. “You look as healthy as Norvack’s stallion!”

  “Looks can be deceiving.”

  “So I have managed to learn.” I went over to the curtains, pulling each one back and allowing sunshine to blaze across the room. She tossed her arm over her eyes to block out the sun and groaned. “I spoke with John this morning.”

  “Did you?” she asked, unenthused.

  “Yes. And, I fear he has ulterior motives for being here. Motives which do not include destroying Norvack for England or Belarus.”

  “Oh?” She sat up a little and breathed out, seemingly exhausted but her interest had been peaked. “And what did he say to make you believe or wonder such a thing?”

  “He informed me this morning in the gardens that though he was indeed brought here to destroy Norvack, he will not attempt to steal his throne.”

  “He informed you of this, why?”

  I looked to the corner. “I’m not certain --”

  “You are.”

  “It doesn’t matter his reasons for informing me. The fact remains that he did and appeared sincere in doing so.”

  “And you don’t believe his words?”

  “I n
ever said that.”

  “Then what are you saying, Cinderella?”

  “I am saying that as he is claiming to truly fight in favor of your son against Belarus and the King of England, he seems to have his own plans to destroy both and seemingly siding with Norvack may in fact accomplish that.”

  “If he is not here to harm Norvack, I don’t understand what may be the issue. Unless you fear he isn’t being honest.” She leaned forward a little. “Are you not certain of his intentions?”

  “Are you in hearing it?” I lay back on the window sill. “He doesn’t wish for me to inform Norvack of this. He believes the prince may not believe my sudden change of heart regarding his motivations. I agreed that Norvack would not be pleased--”

  “You informed him of John’s initial intentions?”

  “Yes! You were never implicated and thus your head shall remain squarely upon your neck.”

  “My appreciation knows no bounds,” she said sarcastically. “Aside from my son fearing the worst, why else would John wish for you to keep quiet? If he is in fact choosing to fight for Norvack against England and my husband…”

  “I haven’t the faintest idea, which is why I’m certain he is either lying or has a plan to destroy not only the kings, but Norvack as well, in his own way. Perhaps his informing me of the opposite was to toss me off his scent.” I raised a hand and waved my finger. “Either way, I can’t believe a single word that comes from his mouth. He informed me that the initial idea of the king and his wife was in fact a ruse -- an excuse to leave the country and his army in favor of joining the enemy, until it wasn’t.”

  “Oh dear.”

  “My thoughts exactly. And…”


  “Indeed. He also informed me that he is the one who shot at Norvack’s horse on the night of battle, forcing him to the ground.”

  She nearly leapt from bed, but managed to prevent herself from doing so. “He almost killed my son!” She hollered so loud it rattled the walls of her chambers.

  “I am quite aware of that, Eliza. He claimed in doing so that he had wished to save him, for me. However, he knew nothing of my feelings for your son at the time. And if he were in fact aware of Norvack’s desires to marry me, then he must have been aware at one point or another that the prince had blackmailed me into a wedding.”

  She reached over for a goblet of water and took a long sip.

  “He and Norvack have only known one another in passing,” she stated. “How would he have become aware of such information at any point?”

  “He’s quite the intelligent man, I’m certain he would have figured it out. He’s aware the prince referred to me as his ‘favorite girl’. I don’t trust him. I don’t believe that he will ever resort to remaining the prince’s second in command, and I fear that he may in fact destroy us all the longer we allow him to creep around the palace.”

  She placed her hands in front of her and looked across the room, thinking. Then she sunk down a little and arched a brow. “What are you suggesting, Cinderella?”

  “I am suggesting that we rid this man from the palace ourselves before anymore damage can be done.”

  The Makeshift Plan

  “Are you suggesting we murder this man?” asked the queen.

  “No!” I stood up and away from the sill and sat down next to her on the bed. “I am not suggesting we murder anyone! I am only suggesting that we rid him of the palace!”

  “What other way is there to rid a man, Cinderella? Perhaps a sword straight into his heart would do the trick!”

  She quickly removed her blankets and crawled out the other side of the bed. She began to pace the room and grabbed her throbbing skull.

  I crossed my leg one over the other and placed my hands in my lap.

  “I would first like to mention that my intentions toward Willem were never those of murder. At least, not on that night. A sword through his heart was the only way, as I had no other means for defending myself.”

  “Shouting ‘HELP!’ was out of the realm of possibility?”

  “Yes! As I was trespassing on the grounds of the estate! You’re just as aware that I am, that had I been seen by anyone else on the premises, I would have been tossed in jail or slaughtered. Or worse, made Willem’s personal slave.”

  “Thus killing him was the answer.” She rattled her head.

  I got up and went over to her. “I regret what all of this has caused for you and Norvack, but I will never apologize for ridding the world of that monster or any like him.”

  “I never wish for you to apologize for that,” she snapped. She fiddled with her hands and exhaled harshly. “What do you suggest we do?”

  “I’m not certain at the moment. Perhaps if Esme were to in fact become pregnant --”

  “Even he would not abandon the palace for that reason alone -- not if he is as determined as you claim to destroy us all.”

  “Not all. Only your husband. And the king of England.” I paused. “And possibly Norvack -- of which I am not certain.”

  “You were certain enough to inform me of it.”

  “As a precaution.” I pressed my fingers against my cheek and thought for a moment. “Perhaps at the banquet tonight I can whisper something into his ear, something to put the fear of God into his soul.”

  “Or, perhaps you could inform Norvack that he wishes to bed you and he’ll take care of it.” She sounded completely nonchalant. The words didn’t seem to faze her even a little as she took a sip of water from the goblet sitting at the center of her dressing table.

  “I don’t wish to lie.”

  “It is somewhat of the truth, is it not?”

  I leaned back and turned my head. “Even if it were, it is of no matter to me. I came to inform you of this hoping that I would find an ally, not more unfounded accusations.”

  “I am not accusing you of a single thing, Cinderella. I am quite aware of the feelings you have for my son. Norvack on the other hand may fear whatever feelings you may have for John.”

  “Of which there are none.”

  “Yes, you have made that quite clear in alluding to wanting him dead.”

  “I… Never mind.” I folded my arms. “We must think of something if we wish to save our respective husbands from this man.”

  She lifted her shoulders and made a face. “What if, as you suggested, Esme should indeed find herself with child?”

  “You yourself just refuted the idea as it would not be enough to rid him of the palace. Not to mention, the more I think of it, he would only ask her to terminate the pregnancy and she would quickly oblige to keep him at her side forever and always.” I placed a hand against my throat and breathed out. “Perhaps a liquid in his drink, something to put him to sleep. Then, have Norvack’s men carry him from the palace and --”

  “And what, Cinderella? Once he awoke, this would be the first place he returned --”

  “I am quite aware, Eliza, please allow me to finish a complete thought.” I huffed. “Yes, he would return. However, ridding him of the palace gives us plenty of time to inform the king of his true intentions. Your husband has not left the man’s side since he arrived. If he were to learn the truth from us in his absence --”

  “Who is to say that Belarus would believe either one of us? Certainly not you, and he would believe Norvack was who thought of this entire plan to rid the palace of John due to jealousy, and we shall all find our heads on spikes!”

  “Not if we explain otherwise! And not inform Norvack of a single thing prior to ridding John of this place! You may not care if the king dies at the hands of this man, but I will not sit by and watch my husband be destroyed by a man who once took pleasure in nearly destroying me!”

  I turned from her and headed for the door, but she grabbed my wrist hard and spun me back around to face her.

  “I wish for the safety of my husband as you do yours, Cinder. But my husband is not nor will he ever be as trusting of me as Norvack is of you, and if we destroy this man --”
r />   “We will not destroy him, Eliza! Not completely, not at first. I only wish to remove him for the time being, to explain to the king why he was truly here.” I released myself from her grip and moved away. “There must be something in his room, something he came with to prove that he is not as innocent as he claims.”

  “What could he have come with?”

  I shrugged. “God only knows, but if his intentions are true, then he had to bring something -- a sort of evidence to prove his guilt.”

  “Unless he was too clever not to, which is why it may be difficult to prove to the king. He shall not believe us, Cinder, no matter if we place John beneath the palace or cart him back to England.”

  “Oh ye of such little faith,” I replied. “Your son told me that once.”

  “I indeed have little faith, very little.”

  “You must trust that your husband will believe the truth from you, Eliza. It’s all he has.”

  She waited for a moment and breathed out. Then she looked aside and appeared to waiver in her thoughts.

  “How do you suppose we ‘put him to sleep’ as you say?” she finally asked.

  I smiled a little, relieved. “You all will be drinking. It can’t be too difficult to give him a goblet filled with wine and --”

  “Quite difficult unless the goblet is specifically marked for his lips only, Cinder.”

  I sighed and thought for a moment.

  “Alright,” I said, placing my arms behind me. “Alright. He’d never distrust something from Esme. He is certain she is wrapped so tightly around his finger that she would never betray him.”

  “And she wouldn’t.”

  “She wouldn’t, knowingly. If we all gather up specific goblets of wine to serve to our respective significant others, neither would think a single thing of the notion. Belarus and John would believe it expected. Norvack would perhaps be curious, but not enough to speak on it until we were alone. I shall casually hand a goblet to him, yours to the king, and Esme to John. John’s goblet shall be placed in a specific area on the serving tray, preferably alone and toward the back to reduce confusion. You and I must grab our goblets first, and you will subtly inform Esme to do the same.”


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