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Royal Chronicles of Denmark, Books 1 & 2

Page 46

by Kiki Leach

  My arms rested on his shoulders, but he removed and lowered them to my sides and yanked on my gown. It drooped a little down front, and he smiled against my lips as he felt my nipples harden even more against his chest. Almost immediately, he dropped his face and dove between my breasts, tenderly suckling each one. I lifted my hands to the base of his neck, my fingers gradually circling his skin, and dropped my head back to the ceiling, panting as his savored me. He raised the gown to his liking around my waist while still suckling my breasts, and moved his hand between my thighs. I felt my body jerk in reaction as his fingers crept toward my sweetest spot and he snickered.


  As he slipped one finger inside of me, I dropped my head forward to kiss him, deeply. I slid one hand down his arm, removing his hand from between my legs and moved over to his ear.

  “Come inside me,” I said. He leaned away from me and looked into my eyes; his shined as bright as the sun.

  He stood up to face me and smiled wide. I did the same and then he clutched either side of my gown and slid it down my body. He took in every inch of my flesh as he watched it fall to the floor.

  “My God,” he muttered, his tone almost astonished. “My God, you’re beautiful. More perfect now than ever before.” He frowned. “I never believed it possible, my favorite.”

  I stepped out of my gown and walked closer.

  He continued looking down at me as I lay my hand on his chest. I curled my fingers around the small hairs and he immediately began removing his tunic. As it dropped to the floor, I slid my fingers down to the rim of his riding pants, and then looked up at him again. His eyes were closed, but there was a hint of satisfaction on his lips. I stood to my toes, resting my lips just an inch from his and whispered.

  “Thank you.”

  The smile was more obvious then, and he opened his eyes, lifted me from the floor and carried me to the bed.

  I felt warm as he lay on top of me. I exhaled in happiness and he suckled my throat. I dug my fingers into his skin, stroking his back and his cock twitched against my inner thigh. I giggled and slid my hands down his back and to his arse.

  “Come inside me,” I said again.

  We knew it wasn’t going to solve our ongoing issues. In fact, it contributed to the majority of them. But if I could never help myself with anyone, if there were ever anyone in my entire life I could never stay away from, it was Norvack.

  I lay in his arms after we had finished making love. His skin was sweaty and tasted of salt.

  We spoke for a bit of Brigita, of my fears in regard to his feelings for her, whatever they were. He caressed my face, sliding his hand down to my throat; his fingers made small circles at the opening of my breasts. As I slowly breathed in and out, he arched a brow and looked back into my eyes.

  “Do you believe that I could ever desire another woman the way I have always desired you? Touch her, taste her…?” He paused and leaned in close. I exhaled between my lips and he licked his own and smiled. “Kissed her. You are my one true love, Cinderella,” he said. “No matter the circumstances at any given moment, you are indeed the woman I have dreamed of since I was a boy. The one I always wished to be my wife and rule at my side.”

  “I don’t doubt that you love me, I never have. But you’ve…” I took a deep breath. “You excluded me when you learned I carried John’s child, even if only for a moment. You shut me down and have opened your heart to someone else.”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “Yes. And it didn’t begin only recently. It is something I noticed but ignored for quite sometime. You have opened up to Brigita in ways I only wished you had opened up to me. I once saw a side of you that no one else was allowed to see, and now she has too. She has seen that side of you. She has seen the vulnerability you possess. And she comforts you. I can never forget that I saw her touch your face, and you looked at her in a way that you have never looked at me. Perhaps it wasn’t love,” I said. “It was something deeper, I believe.”

  “It wasn’t love.”

  “Do you have feelings for her?”

  “I could never, Cinder.”

  “You could.”

  “Just as you could have had feelings for John. But didn’t.” He took my hand in both of his and raised it to his lips. “I have loved you forever.”

  I smiled. “I remember you saying that once before and how my heart had filled with so much joy. But then I remember that there were others before me.”

  “Never love. Regarding the others, I haven’t been that man in a long time. Not since I was sure I could have you.”

  “So every other woman prior to me was … ?”

  “Company. A warm body to keep me from freezing to death on a cold winter’s night. But I’ve never made love to any woman but you.”

  “And what is Brigita?” I asked, my voice rattling.

  “What is John?” he retorted.

  “Your purported right hand.”

  “And she is a servant,” he answered. “Your handmaiden.”

  “A woman who has seen you in a way that John has never, and will never see me.”

  “She doesn’t see me, Cinder. She sees a man of authority. A man who could feed her family or put them all out on the street.” His thumb glided over my lips. “You are my wife. My life, always. You see me for the man I wish I could be, and for the man that I am. You see me for my fails and weaknesses. For my strengths and capabilities. Just as I see you as the woman, brave, strong. Beautiful. No one will ever look at you or love you as I do, no one else ever could.”

  He bent down and pressed his lips against my heart. And then he inhaled deeply, exhaling between his lips, his warm breath on my skin, making me shiver. He slid his fingers beneath my chin and lifted my face a little. My lips parted and he exhaled, and as I tasted the scent of his breath, I whimpered. I blinked slowly and swallowed hard, looking straight at his lips. His tongue circled around the edges and all I could think was how much I wished to taste them for the rest of my life.

  We made love once more and faced one another, our legs entwined. Norvack slipped his hand inside mine, smiling wide. I reached up with my other hand, stroking a drop of sweat from his brow, and tasting it. I swirled my tongue around my thumb and he moved my hand down to kiss my lips. He lightly pressed his tongue against mine and I moaned, aroused all over again.

  “This will never solve much of our issues,” I mumbled between his lips. “Only the physical.”

  “It solves much more than we anticipated for tonight.” He pulled back and smiled again, still holding my hand in his. “Tonight was for you and me, Cinder girl. My favorite girl.”

  The Apparition

  The next morning as Norvack went for a ride with the king and his court, I found myself summoned to the queen’s chambers.

  I peeked my head inside before entering, and she nodded.

  It appeared she was knitting something, a gown of some sort, though small as it was. I closed the door and folded my arms as I moved toward her.

  “You disappeared and never returned.”

  “My apologies,” I said. “Norvack and I were in need of time alone.”

  “I see.” She nodded. “Are you still with child?”


  “Wonderful.” She held up the tiny gown and beamed. “For when she’s born.”

  “He or she. And that isn’t a certainty,” I snapped. “It never was. And yet you go about --”

  “I go about as if this child will come to fruition, unlike the others. This is your time, Cinder. It is the time for you and my son. May he never learn of the past --”

  “I believe it is far, far too late for that.”

  I clasped my hands together and she made a curious face.

  “Far, far too late for what, exactly?” she asked.

  “Norvack is aware of my past miscarriages.”

  “You informed him last night?”

  “John informed him. Norvack saw us together and desired to speak with hi
m. From what he told me later, an argument occurred which resulted in this.”

  “How did my son react?”

  “He was angry, understandably. But then he wished to go about creating more children.”

  “To which you must have informed him of the child you are carrying now.”

  I arched a brow and slightly shook my head.

  She dropped back in her chair and tossed her knitting needles aside.

  “My God, Cinderella!” She stood up fast and went across the room in a fury. “My son is still unaware?”

  “Yes, and it must remain as such.”

  “I don’t understand why! If Norvack is now aware of the miscarriages --”

  “With no thanks to John Devereux.”

  “His informing Norvack was quite a terrible thing to do, that is for certain. However, he is now aware, no matter the circumstances prior. Why have you not informed him of this current pregnancy?”

  “Because I could very well lose this child as I have the others. Imagine how he would feel in realizing that I had miscarried all three of his potential heirs.”

  She rattled her head. “And he suspects nothing?”

  “No. If I were to discontinue intimacy, he would assume at anytime that I may have miscarried.”

  “And if you do, what then? You’ll have no choice but to inform him.”

  “It’s possible I may. If it comes to that.”

  She pulled back and scowled. “You plan to never say a word of it,” she said. “You plan to continue on as things are, continuing to make love to him, even if it pains you.”

  I looked toward the window and dropped my head. “Sometimes the worst of love is pain.”

  “Cinder.” She came toward me and grabbed my wrist, turning me a little to face her. “I never expected words of that nature to come from someone like you.”

  “They wouldn’t. But I fear…” I flared my nostrils as my emotions overcame me. I sniffed and rubbed the tip of my nose. “I fear I may have lost myself. I may have lost myself in doing all I could do to never lose my husband.”

  “Is this in regard to Brigita?”

  “Norvack informed you of it?”

  “No. She came to me this morning in a panic, fearing that you would force her back to the slums. She never desired your husband. Nor he, her. It has always been you, Cinderella.”

  “I know,” I said. “Deep down, I know that I am the only woman for Norvack as I know for certain that he is the only man for me. I know that John used her to the best of his ability to play upon my deepest fears, and I gave into each of them. Speaking to her as I did…”

  “She claims to never blame you for it.”

  “I wouldn’t blame her if she did. I never should have allowed John to manipulate me in such a manner, all in the name of making me feel the same pain he did on the night he was poisoned. I must say, I was almost there. Had I seen them together in rapture instead of an intense embrace…” I gulped, remembering.

  She placed a hand at my back and smiled softly. “But you saw nothing that would disprove his love for you.”

  I looked to her and grinned, but still felt a bit uneasy. Whether it was the baby or my insecurities, I wasn’t certain.

  I pat my face a little to decrease the possible flushing in my cheeks and moved away from her.

  “Was I only summoned to admire the gown?” I asked.

  She moved her head about. “One of my handmaidens informed me that you have been spending time at Willem’s grave. She saw you last night rushing out into the darkness, seeking what appeared to be solace at his tombstone.”

  I guffawed. “Solace at Willem’s tombstone? Preposterous.”

  “Why were you there, Cinderella?”

  I gently lifted and lowered my shoulders. “I needed answers. I needed…” I stopped. “I needed to understand a few things.”

  “Things that could only be explained by a dead man?”

  “No.” I leaned back on the window and crossed my arms. “When the king learned of Willem’s death, why no public funeral? Nor burial? Why did he choose to mourn in silence, yet seek such public vengeance for his murderer? He chose to inform the entire country of his own deceit in favor of someone coming forward with information. And yet he chose to keep so many things hidden. Why?”

  She glanced downward, her expression solemn.

  “Did you ever see Willem’s body in the chapel?” I asked.


  “Before or after the king was with him?”

  “Before.” She grew suspicious. “Why are you asking such questions, Cinderella?”

  “I’m curious, really.” I sighed.


  “I find it odd that the king never took time to publicly mourn his son.”

  “You never saw him prior to the square,” she said.

  “Did you?”

  She made a face. “Excuse me?”

  “Did you see him?” I asked. “Truly see him?”

  She shifted in her gown and smirked a little. “What is this in regard to?”

  I waited a moment and then shook my head. “Nothing --”

  “What are you hiding?”

  “Why are you so certain of my deception?”

  “Have I no reason to be? It certainly isn’t as if you have deceived us all before.”

  I moved around her and headed for the door.

  “Cinderella!” she hollered. I stopped and turned to look directly into her eyes. “Why are you so concerned with Willem’s grave? His death?”

  “Press your hands together Eliza, and pray to God that you’ll never have to find out.”

  Once I left her chambers, I immediately headed straight for the Sheriff. As I entered, he held up a goblet.



  He nodded. “Brown spirits.”

  “No spirits. I don’t drink.”

  “A former vagrant who has never pleasured --”

  “Please don’t continue on,” I groaned.

  He continued pouring the liquor into his goblet and bellowed. Then he took a sip and went over to his chair and table. I frowned when I saw a chess set sitting in the center.

  I pointed. “Where did that come from?”

  “The library,” he said confidently.

  “Are you joking?” I began to panic and traipsed the room, holding my stomach with one hand and my head with the other. “When did you retrieve this?”

  He waited for a long time before answering if only to annoy me even further. And then a sly grin crossed his lips. “I retrieved it long before I disappeared.”

  I glowered. “You mean you stole it.”

  “It was a gift.”

  “From yourself to yourself, I take it?”

  “Something of that nature.” He winked. “There is no need to worry, Princess.”

  “When you say that, it’s all I can manage to do.”

  He took another sip of his drink and began moving chess pieces around the board. Then he offered his hand to me.

  “A game?”

  “No, thank you, I am in no mood for a game at this moment.”

  He moved another piece across the board and caressed his beard. “Why did you wish to see me?”

  “I spoke with the queen.”

  “Ah. And?”

  “And…” I paused. “One of her maidens saw me at Willem’s grave. And she began asking questions, and then I began asking questions surrounding his death and now she’s rightfully suspicious of me.”

  He grit his teeth, aggravated. “As would anyone,” he mumbled.

  “But I couldn’t bring myself to fill her mind with ideas that he may be alive,” I continued. “I almost did. I so desperately wanted to. However I knew the very idea of it would crush her, as she would fear Norvack’s chances of taking Belarus’ place on the throne will be no longer. And she would perhaps believe I was going mad and may request for an evaluation from the physician. I couldn’t very well state that a soft ground and mov
ing tombstone, when it has been snowing nonstop since last night, have led me to believe a man that I saw die before my very eyes, may in fact have been brought by to life by a king who is certain I killed his son, and has wished me dead since the moment I stepped into his palace and took his other son as my husband.”

  “You believe the king still suspects you of murder?”

  “He may feign otherwise, but I will never stop believing it. It only intensified on the night you planted that seed into his mind. The night you disappeared. It has only grown overtime.”

  “Have you mentioned a word of it to Norvack?”

  “Certainly not. He too would be certain I had officially gone mad. I can’t tell anyone of this, because the very idea of it is still too preposterous for even me to believe as well!”

  “But you’re beginning to wonder.”

  “I’m beginning to wonder, but it doesn’t mean I believe it to be so. I still find the very notion of it impossible.”

  “It’s no more possible than Norvack winning a war against England. Then again…” He moved another piece, and took one off the board. “Then again, you must be aware that he never won that war. Not officially.”

  I scoffed. “You’re no better than the king.”

  “In what manner?”

  “Belarus has yet to credit Norvack for his men winning against a much larger army and you’re doing the same as we speak.”

  “He has yet to credit him as his men never won that war. Simply and truly put, Norvack never won. His men never won. Belarus won that war. The king of England won that war. But Norvack?” He shook his head.

  “I don’t believe you,” I spat. “You’d say anything to --”

  “I have nothing to gain in informing you of this, Cinderella, and everything to lose. This isn’t a theory. This is a known fact amongst the hierarchy. Well, perhaps not the Prince of Denmark or his men. You see, Belarus made a deal with the King of England prior to the war taking place. Sacrifice the weakest of his English army to proclaim Norvack as the victor, in the hopes of exploring and exploiting his failings post battle. Driving him mad before driving him to his grave.”


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