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The Playboy Next Door

Page 7

by Christina Tetreault

  It also brought up memories of Zack. He loved cream soda too. More than once, they’d flipped a coin over who got to drink the last can in the apartment, and more often than not, he won.

  That thought of Zack soon brought his unexpected invitation that afternoon to mind. Did he want to get back together, or had he truly just wanted to have coffee because they were friends? Friends did have coffee and dinner together. Often on a Saturday afternoon, she would meet Kelsey or Ella for lunch. She knew Striker would sometimes get together with Mack or Sean for a beer at Masterson’s, and she’d seen Jessie have a coffee with Sean at the cafe.

  Yep, Zack’s request that afternoon could be innocent enough. Her gut told her otherwise. If he truly wanted to meet up as friends, why had he waited this long? Nine months had passed since he ended their decade long relationship, more than enough time to ask her for coffee or anything else.

  She raised and lowered the tab on the soda can with her fingernail. If they didn’t work together and share so many of the same friends, avoiding him would be much easier. It wasn’t uncommon for her to stop in the deli downstairs during the day and pass by him as he headed out with his lunch. Although not too often, they did sometimes find themselves in the same meetings at work. She didn’t even want to consider the times when he stopped by her parents’ house to pick up Pop for one of their fishing trips or to just say hello.

  Cutting him out her life completely looked impossible. The tab on the soda can snapped off and she tossed it on the table. Maybe today had been a one-time event. Perhaps another nine months would go by before she had any kind of lengthy conversation with him again. She’d be okay with that.

  “That was perfect. I’ve craved Sushi all week,” Tony said as he deposited his dish in the dishwasher. He’d arrived twenty minutes earlier starving, and they’d immediately sat down for dinner. “You didn’t eat much tonight. Are you feeling okay?” Tony removed her dish from the table as well.

  At the office, her ex-boyfriend was a neat freak. Everything in his cubicle had its place, and if someone put something back where it didn’t belong, he went a little crazy. When they lived together though, he’d been the exact opposite. Before moving in with Zack, she’d thought nobody could be a worse slob than her brother. Zack proved her wrong. Not only did the guy not know how to get his clothes from the floor to the laundry hamper, he never took his dirty dishes off the table, forget about getting them into the dishwasher. She doubted Zack knew what the thing looked like.

  Tony didn’t suffer from a similar problem, or at least he didn’t when he visited her. He always helped clear the table, and if they had a snack while they watched television, he made sure to take his dishes out of the living room. If he did that here, she guessed he did it at his home too.

  “Just a little distracted. I had an odd day.” Cat wandered into the other room.

  “Did something happen at work?”

  “You could say that. I had a strange conversation with Zack after lunch.”

  Tony sat down next to her and moved his fingertips up and down her neck. “What did he want?”

  “First, he asked me to a family gathering this weekend. His aunt and uncle are up and they used to live next door to my parents. Then he asked me for coffee or dinner. He said he wants to catch up.”

  “What did you tell him?” Tony’s fingers stopped moving.

  “No.” The heat his caress had created started to disappear.


  “But it’s weird. Since we broke up, he’s never asked me for coffee or anything. We pass each other often at work and stuff, but we don’t really have conversations. Why did he ask me today?” She leaned into Tony. “Maybe I’m overthinking it. Friends get together all the time.”

  “He didn’t ask you out just because he wants to catch up.”

  Cat pulled away at the annoyance she heard in his voice. “You could be wrong. I’ve seen Jessie and Sean have coffee. And I know you get together with your friends sometimes after work.” She probably shouldn’t bait him, because it appeared as though Zack’s invitation didn’t sit well with him. At the same time, this was at least the second time Tony had shown jealousy where she was concerned. Considering the fact her own emotions toward this fling had changed, she wouldn’t be upset if Tony’s had as well.

  He’s a good guy who wouldn’t betray his friends. Sneaking around with a friend’s sister doesn’t seem like something he’d do unless she meant a lot to him. Why would he risk his friendship when he could date someone he met at a bar? That’s what he’s always done. Jessie’s words from the day at the fair came back to her. She hadn’t thought of them again until now.

  “Sean and Jessie getting together is different. He thinks of Jessie as a sister. He always has.” The muscle in Tony’s cheek twitched. “Zack asked you out because he wants you back, not because he just wants to catch up.”

  Perhaps she’d baited him enough tonight. “He can want me back, but that won’t change anything. I don’t want him back.” She waited for Tony to put an arm around her or go back to caressing her neck. He didn’t do either.

  “Are you sure?”

  She turned so she could see him better. “Of course. Why would you ask me that?” She’d never hinted to any one, let alone Tony, that she wanted Zack back in her life.

  “Everyone assumed you two would get married. You were together for so long. Your family loves him. He even still spends time with your father. Plus, he strikes me as the kids and minivan type.”

  She’d thought that about Zack too, but not anymore. “I’m not looking for that now. Right now, I’m just enjoying life like you.” Afraid of what his next response might be, she kissed him before he said anything.

  With her tongue, she traced his lips and then tugged on his bottom lip until he opened his mouth. Cat wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him against her.

  She kissed him until her need for air won out before she released his mouth.

  “I’m glad.” He kissed her neck, sending warmth once again through her body. “I don’t—” Tony cleared his throat. “I don’t think he deserves you back after what he did.”

  She’d had friends say something similar, yet she didn’t think that was what Tony had started to say.

  “You’re not the first person to say that. It doesn’t matter anyway, because I don’t want to be with him. I think I stayed with him for so long more out of habit than anything else.” Before that moment, she’d never shared that thought with anyone. “And because my parents expected us to get married. Every other time I go over there, they hint at how we should work things out.”

  Tony ran his fingers through her hair, something he often did when they sat together on the couch. “Parents love setting plans for us and then insisting we follow them.”

  She’d never heard him use that particular tone of voice. Both Joseph Bates and his wife appeared to be supportive parents. Perhaps they weren’t as supportive as she’d assumed.

  “I’m tired. Do you mind if we just stay in tonight, maybe make some popcorn and watch a movie?” he said, changing the subject.

  Cat almost sighed. Every so often, Tony gave her a peek at his innermost emotions. For a moment there, she thought he was about to do that now, but she’d been wrong.

  “Find us a movie, I’ll get the popcorn.”

  A building in the movie exploded, reminding Tony of his blood pressure when Cat dropped the news about her ex-boyfriend, not that the news should have bothered him in the least. She could do whatever she wanted with whomever she wanted. If she wanted to spend time with Zack, that was fine. He and Cat hadn’t made any kind of commitment to each other. They were both free to see other people. Just because he hadn’t since that night at O’Leary’s Pub didn’t mean he wouldn’t in the future. Who knew who he might be having dinner with three months from now. The same held true for Cat.

  Even with the reminder, the little green-eyed monster remained in the back of his head, urging him to seek Zack out
and tell him to stay away from her. At the same time, the little monster wanted to demand she avoid her ex-boyfriend both in and out of work.

  He fought to shove the urges away. Doing either of those things would create way too many headaches. Not only would it expose their secret, it would give Cat the impression he planned to stick around, which was something he didn’t plan to do.

  Soon, he was sure, he’d get bored with her and be ready to move on. Just because the time hadn’t come yet, didn’t mean anything. He had no intentions of changing his ways for Cat or any other woman. He’d gone down that path once, and it had nearly destroyed him. No matter what, he never planned to make himself that vulnerable again.

  “Are you still awake?”

  The reassuring weight of her head on his shoulder disappeared. “Of course, why?” He looked away from the television and met her hazel eyes. Contentment like he hadn’t experienced in years stole his breath for a moment, and the jealousy monster telling him to confront Zack screamed out again.

  “I asked if you wanted anything from the kitchen. I’m getting myself another soda.”

  “Sorry, I got wrapped up in the movie. Sure, whatever you’re having is fine.”

  She kissed his check and started to stand. The tiny gesture sent an arrow straight to his heart.

  “Cat, I––” The word love formed on his tongue, but he swallowed it back. He didn’t love her. He liked her a lot. More than he should.

  She sat back down and waited. “Do you want something else?”

  “Yeah, but I’m not sure what. Why don’t you stay here, and I’ll go get the drinks and find a snack for myself.”

  She gave him an odd look, but once again made herself comfortable on the couch. “Okay. I grabbed some more of those peanut butter cookies you like. They’re in the cupboard near the sink if you want them.”

  Of course she had picked up the cookies he liked. She always made sure some of his favorites were around. When was the last time a woman did that for him? Aside from Isabella, he couldn’t think of anyone.

  He walked into the kitchen and a light bulb went off in his head. He enjoyed spending time with Cat because she made an effort to make him happy and didn’t expect anything in return. That was something no other women did for him. It wasn’t love that kept him hanging around. It was simply the fact she made him happy. Everyone wanted to be happy. And Cat wasn’t looking for love or to get married. She’d told him that herself. He remembered her exact words. I’m not looking for that now. Right now, I’m just enjoying life like you.

  Nothing had changed between them. In a few months, they’d part as friends and go on with their lives.

  “Do you want anything besides a soda?” Tony grabbed the peanut butter cookies from the cupboard.


  Relieved that he’d unraveled the mystery behind his feelings for Cat, he carried two cans of cream soda and the cookies into the other room as her cell phone rang.

  She picked up the phone as he sat back down next to her.


  Tony started on a cookie while he waited. If it was a friend, she’d keep the conversation short. She always did when they were together. If it turned out to be her mom or dad, she’d promise to call them back later.

  “Zack? Sorry, I didn’t recognize the number.”

  The little green-eyed monster he’d driven away moments earlier returned bigger than before.

  “Is something wrong?” Cat glanced at him and shook her head.

  Zack said something, and Tony wished he could hear the whole conversation.

  “I’m busy right now, but tell everyone I said hello.”

  Again, Zack spoke, and this time, Cat rolled her eyes.

  “I really need to go. Maybe I’ll see you at work on Monday. Have fun tonight.”

  Tony popped the rest of his cookie in his mouth before he said something he’d regret and waited for her to explain why her ex-boyfriend was once again calling her.

  “Sorry about that.” She put the phone down and leaned against him again. Without another word, she reached for the remote.

  What her ex wanted wasn’t any of his business. If Sean or Richard called, would he want her asking all kinds of questions?

  Then again, neither of his friends were trying to get him in bed with them either.

  “What did he want?” He just couldn’t keep his mouth shut tonight.

  “Zack ran into some of our friends at Masterson’s and wanted to know if I wanted to join them for drinks.” She put her hand over his.

  “Do you all get together like that a lot?” Somehow, he already knew the answer to the question.

  “No. We haven’t all hung out together since last fall. Ryan and Jude are more Zack’s friends than mine. I get along with their girlfriends, but I wouldn’t call them friends.”

  He doubted the little get-together tonight had been an unplanned thing.

  “He said Kelsey is there too, but I see her all the time. She won’t miss me tonight.” She stole a cookie from his plate. “Ready to put the movie back on?”

  “In a minute.” Letting the green-eyed monster have its way, he kissed her, his lips marking Cat as his.

  Even as his teased her lips apart, intent on wiping Zack from her thoughts, his own mind screamed he was a liar. He could tell himself all day that he was with Cat only because she made him happy and the sex was fantastic, but that didn’t make it true. And he knew it.


  Cat took Tony’s outstretched hand and walked alongside him toward her apartment. “That show was hilarious. I can’t believe their television series got canceled.”

  That evening they’d enjoyed dinner in Boston before going to a comedy show at the Wilbur Theatre on Tremont Street.

  “I read they wanted to devote more time to their Vegas show, and the network didn’t like that.” Tony held open the door for her when they reached the top step.

  “If they ever come back to town, I’ll have to take Kelsey and Ella to see them. Maybe Jessie too. They’d love it.” She tried to keep her disappointment from seeping into her words as she headed up the stairs toward the third floor.

  It was impossible though. She’d dreaded this night ever since Striker asked if he could stay with her, and now it was here. While Tony assured her they’d still find a way to be together until her brother moved out, she realized their time together from here on out would be limited. And unless she wanted to drop the news on Striker about her and Tony’s relationship, she’d have to make the best of it.

  Now, like a few days earlier, she wondered if they shouldn’t just tell her brother. They were all adults. Plus, since the wedding, Striker had been spending time with her friend Ella. If she didn’t get mad about that, then really Striker had nothing to be upset about either. Well, except the fact that she and Tony had been lying to him for months now.

  Perhaps if they told Striker, they could leave that little bit of information out. They could tell her brother they’d started dating a few weeks ago around the same time Striker started dating Ella.

  She tried to picture how such a conversation would go. Unfortunately, no matter how she started it in her head, it ended with Striker arguing with her and punching Tony in the face.

  “Are you still helping Sean tomorrow?” Cat unlocked her apartment door and switched on a light.

  “I told him I’d be over sometime after breakfast.” Tony pulled her close and kissed her neck. “I want to make sure I have enough time with you before your brother gets here.”

  Hope pushed away the disappointment. “I doubt my brother will be here all that early tomorrow. He and Mack have to move almost all of his stuff into the storage container and then load what he plans to bring here into his truck.”

  She took off her jacket and hung it on the coat tree in the corner.

  “As much as I’d love to spend the whole day with you, I promised Sean.”

  When Tony’s hands slipped under sweater, a slight chill went acro
ss her skin and she jumped. “Wow, your hands are like ice cubes. Are you cold?” She’d grabbed a jacket before they left that afternoon, but Tony had gone around all day without one. “Do you want something hot to drink? Or I can turn on the heat.” She’d avoided turning the heat on yet. She wasn’t ready to admit the end of fall was quickly approaching.

  “Freezing, but I bet you can think of better ways to warm me up.”

  That she could.

  She undid the top two buttons of her sweater. “I read sharing body heat is the quickest way to warm up.”

  “I’ve heard that too.”

  Cat pulled her sweater off and let it fall to the floor, quite aware his eyes followed her every move.

  “If this is going to work, we need to get rid of this.” She pulled his shirt free from his waistband and then worked each button free. Tony didn’t try to stop her or help her. She’d noticed that sometimes he liked to be in complete control, and other times, like now, he preferred it when she was.

  She’d quickly realized she liked being in control.

  Grabbing his hands, she placed them on the tops of her breasts and then slid them down toward the front clasp of her bra. Together they undid the clip and let the material fall to the floor near her sweater. She captured his wrists and moved his hands on her breasts, not sure which she enjoyed more, the desire building inside her or the expression on his face.

  “Feeling a little warmer now?” She let go of his wrists and pulled down her skirt, thankful she’d worn a long one today, so she’d been able to skip the pantyhose underneath.

  His hands left her breasts and moved down her sides until they rested on her waist. “A little, but I think we can do better.” As he kissed her, he lifted her up at the same time.

  Her bare thighs landed on the kitchen table, but she didn’t care. So far, they’d made love in almost every room in her apartment. Why not add the kitchen to the list as well. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she moved herself closer to the edge of the table.

  He released her mouth, kissing his way down her neck toward her breasts. “I don’t think we’re hot enough yet. What do you think?”


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